Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Zodiac dark side

 Constellation dark side - most of the Aries Aries
always like running around, but only in fleeting. Once they have completely collapsed after the light involved. They never said that important, even if others did not receive. Never trust them or rely on them; they are always in the air pressure of the first guy. Aries love dominate the weak, but also by the wisdom of any form of threat. Aries has oversized ego, they do not consider other people only consider their own . whitewash them under the mask, is a lot of beating around the bush, anxiety and indecision. Aries do not hesitate to make any Ding control to ensure that no one else. Never let them be in charge of the company: they are excellent and boast king bully bullies.
constellation dark side - Taurus and Taurus
beauty and smart all in one, until they are twenty years old that year, they are rigid in the overnight,UGGs, become bitter, stubborn and dull. greatest asset is the stubborn Taurus, constipation, emptiness, and verbal diarrhea, Taurus will always be very cheap to buy. they are dealing with everything becomes their all, especially other people's money. Taurus definitely not a writer or an actor; they is a first-class servants, slaves, and prostitutes baker.
constellation dark side - Gemini
Geminis too fast, they gave themselves is coming to stay in kindergarten forgot to go. They profound wisdom have to be aware of through the microscope. Gemini neither masculine nor feminine, the most successful among them are neutral people. Gemini hope soon to get all the things, when the need to send the time to send patient They always sat in the last row. Gemini to the much less have to, they never tell the truth and not from any sense of irony in the head. but they'd criticize others, first-class masters. not be allowed to become a psychiatrist Gemini or funeral director, they undermine the confidence of the master.
constellation dark side - Cancer Cancer
always crawl, unless they are floating on top of the heap of money. their understanding of and sympathy with the organization Jiaxian into a net,UGG boots, the people living life firmly network. not to expect to reach any goal Cancer. They love to hear other people's troubles, but do not shut up when to tell, or they would take advantage of your breathing moment, forever dumping of grievances to you. They will not trouble you any way want to. He will never forget who owes him nothing. They are the ideal young porters and workers. sent them is the cheapest way to keep them a reward.
constellation dark side - Leo Leo
need a special part of their round the clock channel, known to two seconds to reach their ambitions, just to achieve this goal, they will in May enough. no clique like a lion in a pot to be bored a fart sound. The lion likes to go wandering around; their strife along the way the more intelligent people in to Yuejue air. any more than they hate the Lions beautiful people. All the Lions have only have what they want, and not be assigned after all costs and results. must not be any authority for the Lions, they will feel a responsibility to the abuse of this authority. even though they only bean-like point large brains, and no sense of beauty, they are very good at inflated.
constellation dark side -
Virgo Virgo is logical that, but they are doing is for everybody into confusion. Virgin Block everything in a perfect future, hence they will laugh and Jiping crucify them at this time all the persons or things. Virgo is a continuous transformation of the state of waiting; This is want to change clothes five times a day they are the reason. If the Earth's temperature continues to rise, Virgo should be sent to the tropics, so that not only allows them to thaw, you can also cool the way the equatorial region. Virgo must not be allowed to drive or pilot, Unless you want to get a big hole in the ground. They would be a great astrologer, but it is a bad accountant to determine their function does not exist completely.
constellation dark side - Libra Libra is another
kindergarten in the figure. They also indulge in the clay, clip, and needle and thread in, unless they are ready to meet such needs, or they will hit the ceiling. Libra nothing is said, but each time finished, they put the originally that's all forgot. Libra admitting any mistakes, but confused blame on to everyone around them. as early as possible so the best use of money to send them away. Libra is the perfect queen and first-class patients.
Constellation dark side - Scorpio Scorpio
indulge in manipulative, they manipulate their children, their love, their friends, their acquaintances, who all met with him and any one unfortunate man to realize his . Scorpio will tell you that your criticism of other people. they think is their duty to provoke feelings. Scorpio is the telephone; they turned around the moment you reveal your secrets to, but you have not finished in the same time, They laid the idea to tell which one. They distort everything. Scorpio forget what happened in the past, but other than humiliation. They hate you and others than with his parents. Scorpio must not be allowed to teach others: they are king of first-class picking up trash.
constellation dark side -
Sagittarius Sagittarius horoscope where is the missing corner of the Strip, there is a hole, the presence of this constellation is purely spiritual in order to gather twelve number system. Sagittarius to the lack of all, they imitate everything. must not rely on Sagittarius to answer questions, work, or a joke. Sagittarius extremely high that their hearts, they want to get all the things to ensure that the illusion can be sustained. If Let Sagittarius to open the bus, when they allow the car to turn, they will automatically think that was his invention of the bus. Do not count on Sagittarius to do something, they will pull you back. They are excellent idiot and schizophrenia patients.
dark side sign - Capricorn Capricorn
so simple as the dead. They just want to own, control and prevent everyone they know. Capricorn always ranged between on and off, they pretending to want to win more dynamic ownership and control over the time, is in the open state; when they stood silently chewing at him from the abuse of all time, is in the off state. Capricorn for money or drugs is wavering between the on and off. They like not to be used by others, and enjoy the need to reject any form. Capricorn will not indulge in anything, they cool by vigorous. can not let Capricorn When the police; they are first-class prisoners.
constellation dark side - Aquarius Aquarius
totally unrealistic and very moronic. you can only expect them to lie, careless, and could not help make the same mistake. If so self-righteous because Aquarius is the reincarnation of the Messiah and the arrogant and self-esteem, these are forgivable flaws. Aquarius knows everything, but do not want anything. They put everything into a non- specific subject
constellation dark side - Pisces Pisces
fall in love anytime, anywhere. They will be hooked once they know nothing about. they never do the most easy going; any decision will cause their delusion. Pisces is very clever, but not a Pisces learn to use their own wisdom. they fall in love only one reason, and that is when they fall out and the lovers, you can enjoy the misery move around, then they have an excuse seduce the opposite sex of their first encounter as compensation. must not allow Pisces to the priesthood; they will be excellent nurses, call girl, Midnight Cowboy and judges

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