Sunday, December 12, 2010

Block is the month of the lunar constellation

 Block is the month of the lunar constellation, that is, this month brings a lifetime of fortune after a strong sun in the Star Palace, and the conscious mind is very clear that this is due to the advent of the Palace of Mercury. In particular, Saturn in the pendulum, the seat of the heart are particularly pleasant, with half of Mercury in this house and return to positive line, Mars, Venus also house communications, and enhance the flow of intellectual and communication ability of students and all kinds of network so that was very moving enrichment.
fortune 3 stars
Block this month with a large fortune Wang, also supported the movement, slow downward trend was looking to live in this house of stars is very strong, trine Mars Venus, Pluto is also the joint produce good effects.
have partners: the heat can enhance the sense of communication, easy to maintain partnerships, entry into force of the stabilizing effect of Pluto.
single: a rare jump in the state, will know a lot of new friends, which also improve aspects of machine operation.
investment banking operation 2 stars
Although the overall good fortune, however, does not promote financial Wang degree, I do not know why all kinds of stars at the same time to leave the house on the financial support of , Block wealth suddenly greatly reduced. income, of course not to satisfaction, but it is difficult to avoid the cost of the project. investment in the financial markets fall out with fortune, Jupiter, Uranus retrograde left the relevant house, the original expectations were dashed, a great The contrast makes the feel very helpless.

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