Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12 Constellation perfect match, matching, and unworthy of ordinary pair

 1) a perfect match on the match for the four first see the sun and Venus sign: Male lion + female archer fire as the most powerful pair, full understanding, mutual trust second: Male Female Capricorn + Taurus as the firmest pair of soil, fine Water always flows, financial stability, third: Male + Female Cancer crab water as the most sticky day match, possessive, Chen Jian, the situation than the fourth: Male Female twin water bottle + match the wind as the most intelligent, tricks and more innovative The most current
telepathic couple combinations (refer to the Sun, Venus, rising sign) first: Male Female Scorpio Pisces + Evaluation: Who can escape the other hand second: Male lion + female archer rating: A The third calls for strong clown: Male Female Aquarius + Libra rating: each other understand each other
bit constellation of characters are considered to be: married mad as Taurus, glamorous as the days, the tomboy as a Scorpio, innocent girl is mad lion, regardless of rank married men in this group Taurus + Capricorn solid stability, and stress stability, Taurus Capricorn can be everything to go to complete the glamorous men Gemini men Gemini Libra + Libra female guest star, they are public relations talent, temperament and close to the tomboy Super Scorpio + Cancer stick a pair of men, giant Scorpio arbitrary crab can arrange everything for naive girl male lion + female lion extravagance lovely Aries winning, be willing to service men and sheep may be the first to concede defeat
Fuchangfusui combination of reference constellation constellation the sun and Venus) first: male lion + Female Libra: The Golden Lions combined male and assertive self-esteem, can not be questioned; women seeking to rely on the tower cranes to honor her husband second: Male + female virgin Taurus: Taurus Silver combination of the main wall, the virgin main, the division of labor, each support the third: Male Female Scorpio + Cancer: copper wall composite Male Female Cancer Scorpio can obey, female Cancer duty 2) General portfolio will ignore all the A: heart care, external uninhibited If marriage is not a love, would definitely be derailed.
second: observation through, bold self-confidence, regret things; and Capricorn is when we decide to go with you will want nothing of the people.
third: life thoroughly enjoyed themselves, but to no regrets, What is fear of the What constellation is the most foolish of men and women combined the parents? often forgets, the size of the situation constantly. first: Father Aries and Sagittarius Aries's father, mother hurt the child but the way the rough, treated like they treat children Like a large doll. The broad-brush Sagittarius born mother, always forgetful, leg to stand on.
second: Libra, Aquarius female parent and child pain Libra father, sometimes to no big or little, the point of over-indulgence. Aquarius Type mother is cool mom, she hates chores, I feel everyone is the independent, she would feel that a child is the care, but you should learn to grow up independently. If your parents is such a match, then their as a friend now.
third: the Father, and Pisces Gemini Gemini's father, mother love with the nature of development everywhere, always a bunch of friends around him. The mother is a Pisces love animals, where her husband love, the Pisces child as a mother would love crystallization in general care, but if her husband's love, if not love, Pisces is not only the mother may not take care of themselves, but also the obstacles that a child is love. tigress and Bitter Men's Constellation portfolio (refer to the Sun and Venus sign) first: last straw Kingdom by the Sea's Scorpio Girls husband and wife sign combinations (see the Sun and Venus sign) first: care resources, you lost my pick of the There is no sense that the body, so the old and new resources will be too critical of the Department, as long as the worthy use of good, not because this thing is not new and do not give up, and the two signs are good with money, it is accounting more people.
second: complement each other, no one omission of the The Virgo save places are in a small place, so if you can mix the two together again, so the large and small places can be saved to, and spared.
third: close co-operation, a return to the The The two will have a common hatred of the heart, the other party to the design and will definitely get justice, but also with interest.
easy combination of the resurgence of the constellation (see the Sun and Venus sign) Some people never go back after breaking up Some people have easy and old love again later, we see those signs from the sign combination of the resurgence of love easily? No. 1: Cancer Scorpio Male + Female: looks tough but soft heart Scorpio man in love often assumed a high profile, but only in Cancer with the position of women. This combination often break up couples found each other only after their own good,cheap UGG boots, especially the men only know how to cherish Cancer, Scorpio gentle. The Cancer female has is willing to wait in exchange for rebel heart, so easy to forge a rapprochement between them.
No. 2: Cancer, Pisces Male + Female: Cancer Male or will even take in the collection after breaking up thing of the past, met inherently heavy machine dreams feel Pisces woman, both personality is very energy cooperation. but also to wait until after transit sails are the most suitable for them to find each other man.
No. 3: Two Male + female lion fish: Pisces men tend to abuse some of the character, like the tube by others, but their gentle and often angered the other unhappy, but the lion is easy in any situation though women are in control of the party, but they often did after breaking his regret should not only took the liberty of each other. This combination will want to start to make up for the last time because the fight has been so high recombination rate.
4 Name: Tiancheng Nan + Scorpio Woman: Scorpio woman of extraordinary determination emotion, it tends to break up the impulse to say, but often at the receiving Tiancheng Nan party, breaking up Ye Hao, complex matter whether ambiguous also, so he often makes women feel Scorpio they still have a chance, is the combination of easy parallels in the nature of the constellation.
No. 5: Aquarius Male + Virgo Female: Aquarius man love a bit like a friend of the original, plus the two constellations of men and women are breaking up also willing to be friends with each other after the people who found each other if the two reunion are getting better, but are still feeling the composite of a great opportunity to talk about love 8 constellation combination of files (for both the sun and reference in) the first one: twists of fate in and may they soon divorced, but the story will continue to develop, a few may find some time they both got married again, there are still possible from the 2nd marriage, but in the course of the two injuries range may be extended and a mug of innocent men, women Oh!
No. 2: bad movie trailer shed the the point where, in fact, a good sign when the soil as very, very good, but revenge, they also let you never forget, especially when the Taurus woman in revenge must stop me and die, and will approach Capricorn is dilatory, and the longer delay, each would get ugly.
No. 3: Rock Hard feelings than the Pisces women and comparison is dead, and Virgo men insist on marrying her situation, the worst combination of this group is in fact very like each other, share each other, but they are wavering, not to mention the two are so, in particular, a virgin male most like to play a very sad tragedy is very sad, because this is the Virgin's Lover man shaped by the image you want, because in fact he will not have any impact.
No. 4: do not eat human fireworks of the the open, especially when they know each other when there is no result, nothing can do something, you can try, so that the outcome is doomed to break up, it can be romantic to the reality that regardless of the non-worldly air.
No. 5: making his tears of the the feeling traumatized, so if you integrate into their environment, they will be very feeling, because they were born is to write, it can be said, so the story has to have the development of feelings can be maintained. twelve constellations of the butcher with Sheep constellation combinations (see the Sun and Venus) with the first one butcher Aquarius Aries Aries Sheep are impulsive consumer, and Aquarius is very convincing, apart from those who make Aries excited but also feel very worthy
butcher with the first two Gemini Gemini Leo Sheep will follow Leo analysis clearly and logically, and as long as Gemini is willing to, death can be said to survive the first three Leo
Although the butcher Leo with Libra Sheep people are all in the eyes of the shopping frenzy, but not brilliant Libra more so, and even the direction of his shop, including the size of household goods
No. 4 Sheep Capricorn and Pisces Capricorn butcher Butcher Block Sheep recommended to change the image of Pisces, a change of style, so you can post some of the highlights in their own style ...
butcher 5th Taurus Taurus with Cancer Sheep people speak the words of Cancer people have strangely persuasive, they are all belong to the family hopes to improve the relationship of economic Sign up to the constellations in the combination of the first test: the appearance loyalty, inner wavering servants, while the Virgo and he likes to compare, so if Scorpio found naturally dispute the two men in full swing, as suspicious Scorpio overweight will look suspicious to fight from time to time.
second: impatient self, strong devotion to the However, if the problem comes after marriage, because Aries will shift the focus will be the cause of marital stability, but Sagittarius will feel the nature of marriage is still playing, you can stay away, but will give Sagittarius Aries invisible pressure of work, so it also kicked off a small argument can not be without.
third: the nature of stability, moderate warmth of the men and women, because the Cancer that is the most important operating a home, if home is not operating well, anything not to talk, while Aquarius is also very great importance to marriage, though, will not give up, but justice will not miss the opportunities, the dispute will never stop, they will have strong communication in my life. a combination of love, wanted to live together in the constellation (the Sun and the problem they refer to) the first: shepherd male + female sheep Cancer men thought stability, hard work is the key cause, Cancer, women also want to settle down early in second place: Virgin M + Pisces women do not want to lose the other third: Taurus + Scorpio female interest in men caused by not stop the divorce fight in full swing combination of the top three couples (see the Sun and Venus sign) first: Pisces husband VS wife Cancer constellation Pisces and Cancer are both very sensitive, are also very insecure, two people are together in the end will find each other to the trapped, but these signs are of a marriage which will recognize the constellation Pisces is picked and chose, Cancer is a cock marry, marry a dog as a dog, so in recognition of the child and there circumstances, would not even consider divorce.
second: Libra husband VS wife Taurus Libra and Taurus are in charge of belonging to Venus, so the divorce thing for them is a very serious matter, but they The reason is noisy, because the two of them are totally opposite personality type,bailey UGG boots, Taurus will be very good hope that the two people run their own home, but a lot of friends outside, Libra is, he thinks life is a very important success things, for the aloof Taurus wife, she felt that her husband would be taken away, and very strong husband to treat scales, Libra, but did not dare complain about how even psychological.
third: Mu Block husband VS wife sheep Aries Gemini boys usually do not attach importance to the feelings of the other half, and where the capacity of girls under the Gemini long-neglected people, and therefore with each other all day long to justify aggressive, first-hand from start to finish to be inserted, Challenge Aries man of patience, but Aries is a constellation of trouble, so this is always the discussion of divorce, but not always from a combination of marriage.
3) do not deserve combination: Love is not sustainable constellation combinations (see the Sun and Venus) Section 1: love each other and expecting different basically the difference is poles apart, so the Cancer female find each other when the heart is uncertain and they will want to break up soon, unless the Gemini man is already of marriageable age, and marry her, it is another matter. < br> No. 2: No errors to the , and want them to be innocent girl, you can let him, let him protection, although the Scorpio girls like men strongman, but more often said to each other, so that Leo boys feel very bored and want to quickly break up. < br> Section 3: one-man show is very bad singing But Virgo boys really want to talk about love like love, then it will hard to create a romantic, but Aquarians are always the audience did not much like the reaction, breaking up time is to see when the elasticity of male virgins tired.
No. 4: Why the endless noisy The girls are very strict control of that kind, of course, can not stand all day long did not see a trace of the man, so doubts about each other in a state wants to regulate each other, so will their hands full of noisy.
Chapter 5: just to hurt each other with pride, Alone together, all want to touch a woman when the conflict came naturally, not to mention one will speak out, while the other is more and more injuries will be bored in my heart, so naturally durable, so if you want to get along or together away from the relatively more better.
least sign combinations for the top three when the lover (the Sun and Venus are taken into account) the first one with the Aquarius female Aquarius male, Aquarius has its own set of logic, he suddenly near or far fits and starts, many of their emotions, men with the bottle if the bottle so that other people feel women do not know love even more clues, they might both have to buy a house together, but also shown by such friends, or a set of five or six years engaged, but marriage also put off indefinitely, so long lover will be lost when the urge to get married, but because of the last to leave a bunch of hard to clean up the mess, had to reluctantly continue together. No. 2 boys and girls with the Gemini Capricorn, Capricorn man is very intelligent, Gemini is easy to girls will be attracted to this part of Capricorn male and female Gemini is known for changing, but in fact her heart is very traditional,UGG boots, Capricorn, in contrast, he appears to look very traditional, in fact, very trendy thinking, so that the two first met each other have found their other half, but after further along, it was found the other heart is simply not had the want it, so love the process they will consider themselves to be the other deception. No. 3 Leo boys with the Cancer girl, Leo boys are man's man, and Cancer of the girls are woman in the woman, the two constellations are people who feel emotionally very focused, very prone to injury, two people fit together like a match made in heaven, if two people directly into the hall to nothing serious, but also the middle When the lover, the problem came, they love in the period, Cancer men and women will begin to suppress the Lions big man style, and in the love of two people begin to stabilize after the male lion will be a little discharge on the outside about it, he thinks his girlfriend will understand that he means these are just a social, but it will thus Female Cancer suspicious, so the combination of hot romance constellation should be short, early into the hall, so the two sides advantage will play in marriage. love the most short-lived combination of the top three couples constellation (see the Sun and Venus) first: Capricorn Aries and Capricorn Aries VS minds are clear, it is fast will be pragmatic to face their future, they may quickly fall into love, or it may quickly realize that the two men to do so may be used to discord and ideas ..... not so, the two sides will soon break up a rational decision is made. second: VS Gemini Gemini Pisces is silly in love, Pisces is in the emotional intelligent than the Gemini, the Gemini in a relationship is usually hard, so if the conditions are Gemini There may be a good flash, if the condition is not good Gemini will continue to work to stay. third: VS Virgo Virgo Sagittarius Sagittarius with all that attractive to each other, enjoy each other body are a trait, Virgo Sagittarius appreciate the knowledgeable, lively and cheerful, and Sagittarius Virgo is also very much appreciate the discard to accept defeat, but two people do not have intercourse for a long time it was clear the two sides is not the same people, belong to Sagittarius careless Virgo sensitive and wordy, so soon they will be rational to draw a full stop in my entire life is also a constellation of emotional bonds between men and women ranked the top three combinations (see the Sun and Venus) first VS Virgo Virgo Sagittarius Block changes are with the constellation Sagittarius, changes need to rely on to maintain emotional, or else can be said of these two constellations are born guilty of red, together will be ups and downs, no way of knowing each other was thinking. second Aquarius VS beginning with the Taurus Taurus Aquarius will be attracted because of very strong together, but together, often followed by the other party will feel a big change with their own imagination, the two sign that the surface of a strange, strange one is the bones, two are too different people, two geeks touch with is a very risky business. third VS Cancer Cancer with Libra constellation Libra is basically these two are like the feeling of love, and very willing to work with the other half of a married couple, but they have a good start, but did not must have good results, because both sides are very considerate of each other in many trivia on each other are too concerned about each other, the passage of time is easy to feel too much pressure on each other want to run away.

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