Sunday, December 26, 2010

Street basketball point guard skills

 On the point guard play, tactics with:
2 points and 3 points: the issues most people, it was said that point guard should be 2 points, it was said shooting guard should be 3 points. I think:
should be 2 combined with the 3 points, 3 points-based, supplemented by 2 points (according to the official capacity of the set of characters) shooting guard, the two most common means of attack into the
, 3 points and in the cast. start with 3 points how to improve the hit rate? addition to neutral outside shot, it seems only buy clothes and buy technology
to, the following to say is 2 points, in the case sealed by the other side of the ball of Friends reached our hands, in addition to 3 points outside the 2 points is not to try it, to give opponents a surprise attack, disrupt the defense of others right
others: ability to value low, but does not mean to do, but less use only, back to the appropriate Bubu blue plate, in blue when no one should defend the basket (a lower probability), there can not be less that the net smash, this suggest you practice a lot of basic shooting guard
So to play, the following tips to talk about some common, I hope you can help improve the technology
do shoot the ball r false move (tap d look) r fool people jump to the left or right to run a few r Step r vote 3 points, scoring
false move made shooting the ball r (tap d look) r not fool people jumped up but useless w r defensive line break to within 2 points (speed out of) r in the cast, Score
shooting the ball r fake (tap d look) r not fool people, but people jump up 3 points with the wr direct investment, scoring (to master a great chance to be covered, but can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to score, the proposed transfer ball)
2-point line in the face of the ball r r converse Baskets Baskets running running (speed out of) r in the cast, the score (very useful to deal with striker)
a skill worthy of that, cover (w), basically no one really saw the point guard will be used, in fact, create opportunities for this skill is useful
reproduced ~

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