Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A The human population is more noble practice

 God is Buddha, who was originally, need to go into it? Great human initiates not go to heaven for personal bliss, but the road to return to the origin of the universe and realize the harmony of the universe. Whether in the 21st century to achieve human unity in practice, Earth Store Bodhisattva not answer. Many aspects about the time he did not respond. He said the time had to be fixed, and can not be changed, which is substandard road.

Commentary: Personal practice is everything in the universe do not change the world and society a small practice, but practice is the world's people Datong world and everything in the universe is a significant impact on social change great practice! Financial state of the NPC and the level of practice of retribution is much higher than the individual small practice much faster! As individuals or as groups, as the local or the world, like the Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, as the speed of it and into the road and the state benefited both enhance the relationship and distinction.

human unity, the result of practice is to move heaven paradise earth, to achieve a Pure Land paradise! Rather than the individual die to heaven paradise. Pure Land paradise comes, the human suffering of illness and death no longer worry about retribution, and six realms of reincarnation, the human population will live forever as advanced life embrace of the universe ... ... the possibility of human large initiates the 21st century, depending on the Earth how quickly the awakening of human enlightenment. Of course, need the cooperation of nature Huitianzhili.

82, Tibetan Tantric speaking, the Buddha's body of law to make void, all over the realm, also known as the great day of the Tathagata, adjoin Lushena, alias universe. Buddha is the Buddha report itself, this argument right? Communication with the Buddha's body of law is to communicate with the universe, this correct?

A: all right! Just different names.

commentary: the majority of believers only know that the magnificent temple of the Buddha statues reported the body, thinking that is the reality of the Buddha's true body. Obviously, this is the wrong perception. Do not you know there are three Buddha (Dharmakaya, reported the body, the embodiment). The truth of the Buddha are empty formless Dharmakaya body. No phase of reality, but empty body of law! The empty world is the Buddha's Dharma Body. Dharmakaya of the Buddha is no body Kongshen, and believers can not understand, have to come up with a specific identity as people like to think that that is the real body. So they all kneel before the statues of Buddha blessing the request and the request to do so, just do not understand the mind and seeking enlightenment. This is the number of Buddhist believers and the sad ignorance of ignorance! We often talk about the high energy universe with communication is the communication with the Dharmakaya of the Buddha, the Buddha's body of law and communication, everyone can become a Buddha energy transmitters of information! Can be a large area for a variety of diseases the Therapy! One day science and technology can be used as widely applied to various fields for the cosmic harmony of the people for the benefit of service! This is the Buddhist scriptures often speak of the Buddha and the Buddhist Bodhisattva according to the magical effect of big users! Daewoo empty field of energy and information is infinite inexhaustible! Far better than their own point of years of practice that merit energy. Unfortunately, the tragedy is so far a number of Buddhist believers Master and not many people can understand and communicate Dharmakaya Buddha, the reason the road! Representation only in their own efforts. So they merit the energy accumulated over the years is extremely limited, Sohu and Netease, can not even adjust their disease, how to talk to Purdue beings, Turn Undead? The irony is that they do not communicate with the universe empty - Obsessed with the threat of intimidation to control not immortal believers, the believers will only be allowed to burn incense and recite prayers or released, not to communicate with the energy of the universe of information ... well ... just their own Buddha reborn in paradise on the line. This guide will educate the majority of believers who mistake the small alley of small practice! Will lead to the wrong person Dharma Boulevard blind religious refining of the unique path! Now is the majority of believers enlightenment awakening time! Sincerely hope that the Buddhist community here Master faithful out minor repairs as soon as refining the small alley and blind religious refining a private path, the financial people as soon as possible to the man and the universe void of energy information (Dharmakaya Buddha) the Buddha-day road communication in practice! There is a Buddha-day road leading mortgage like a natural road-type power law:

Buddha Day Boulevard of natural power, energy information over the void.

really wide communication applications, Chi Hong Purdue economic common people.

83, the current number of Master and disciple of the Buddha Dharma can speak truth hype, clearly and logically, why very few people were sent to the spot Magical Dayong Dharma? How was issued as soon as the magical effect of Buddhism Dayong the benefit of mankind?

A: There are some claims to enlightenment out more about the heart of the argument are the deeper the more mysterious, more out of Buddhism intention. Thinks clearly and logically, in fact all from the road. So not much argument on the spot who can produce the miracle of Buddha's Magical Dayong. Spot on the believers have a big impact physical and mental. Practitioner practice is not only the pursuit of legal things, and forget the true cultivation refining and the universe are believed to real communication. We can not send the spot were the root cause of Buddhism Magical Dayong is not with the universe

Comments: This is the Buddhist community for many years (and the religious world) between the prevalence of the fundamental questions! Buddhism is also a common problem to go off road. Buddhism is to transcend self-illusion of communication and networking who woo one of the universe of natural Dafa, also the regulation of the unity of a harmonious universe is the fundamental law of life! This method has the five elements beyond the Three Realms phase exists, is entirely from the holographic universe, the origin of a unified road system of imperial power, harmonious force, harmony power! Is everywhere, nothing does not have, the holographic omnipotent omniscient infinite with supernatural powers all magic! Whether with or without faith and practice practice, as long as can do million edge down, quiet people who empty, nature can communicate infinitely Daewoo believed to regulate the imbalance to the harmony of all things beings, but also the magic of the resulting immediate effect. Practice for many years even if the practice has not produced a life-long Buddhist Magical Dayong effect, it is clearly out of practice direction on the issue! Only know the phase reported in the Buddha who has applied gold decoration and bow down, forget the Buddha's body of law that no phase of the transcendent with the omnipotent power! Obviously, this is not only lost the watermelon, caught sesame seeds, but also forgetting by the end of the blind religious mixing! Is not the end not only harvest their own can not save themselves, even their own little mental and physical illness can not do anything, but also alone make even the Purdue beings, salvation for the souls of the faithful?

If the Buddhist priests and believers to communicate with the Buddha's body of law void, they were sent to the magical mystery of the magic effect of Dayong more fans will wake up in the pedestrian! Will also inspire more people to consciously step into Buddhist practice Avenue. We can say that Buddhism and Buddhist promote the status will not appear on the unsatisfactory situation now ... ...

84, Buddhist people love to spread gossip in private, saying that his master is a Buddha in a Buddha reincarnation, how to identify the authenticity of

A: no need to identify, because you itself! If someone claiming to be the reincarnation of a Buddha, apparently stolen title, is not enlightenment performance.

Comments: Very good answer! Beings are not the awakening of the Buddha, not to mention who is practice to become a Buddha? Deify himself the reincarnation of Buddha himself, enlightenment itself is not Ming's performance. Evil cults in the world power of all evil ways are in the deification of leaders brag about! Claimed to be the largest Buddha in the universe sacred, it just exposed their ignorance of the nature of ignorance and greed arrogance. Unfortunately, many believers Sadly, the phase of the persistent pursuit of high and low names, just strayed into their trap and become victims of any of them at the mercy of slavery!

Buddha is the ancient name of a convenient master educate people in the world, representing the world's heart. If you were made through the practice compassion, you are merciful Bodhisattva, if you were made a wise heart, then you are the incarnation of Manjusri. Can say that the incarnation of Buddha thousands and thousands can be in all things and all kinds of life reflected. You do not have a concrete Buddha image as a man, but as the amount of human effort and the heart of the power cosmic void luck! Buddha Life is affiliated with all things, it needs, so we in itself ... ...

85, Buddhist practitioner who dream of hope Buddha blessing, after the Buddha's divine blessing what sense? How to get the blessing of the Buddha?

A: This is not confident of their performance. Their originally! Just empty your mind of the blessings to you naturally.

Commentary: It's no wonder many Buddhist devotees are eager to get the Buddha's divine blessing, because they usually rarely communicate with the Buddha, the level of state practice has been slow, naturally want to be the external force help. But they do not understand the blessing of external force can be met without resort opportunity! As long as you balance mind,UGG boots clearance, body and mind harmony, and with the conditions of communication with the Buddha, and get some spiritual nature is the natural thing. Can not achieve the purpose of any pursuit.

get the divine blessing of the Buddha, or the high-energy communication with Daewoo, the magic will have an immediate effect. There will be significant changes in physiological and psychological aspects. Which I have profound experience in this area. It was the late 80s when the practitioner 100 yao night meditation, suddenly communication, and he is I do not know how, have lost for only the very heart and soul to the infinite pleasure and joy. Comfortable that the whole body and soul good feelings are infinitely never experienced before. Is completely natural from the heart out of, extremely happy wonderful! Sang a young age could not help singing Opera favorite, From that moment, I truly understand what is bliss ... ...

automate the opening of the heart and soul and the Western Paradise of information sensing and absorbed by the universe, infuriating the body of law embodied in the universe, the Buddha and the Buddha's blessing feelings, I will never forget! Can say it is a wonderful and magical night, I can not use language to describe the true feelings at the time. I can not describe the second tender heart of an extremely beautiful flowers open mind, why the sudden overnight on the surrounding environment had a significant personnel changes and love showing off? Why always wanted to see the car pull to push one came forward to help? Why do people always see filled with a happy smile?

was that happy, that beautiful, that mercy, that love, that calm, that meet, and that joy, that joy, totally worth yao Tang Paradise! It can be said to enjoy the true bliss die prematurely, but this church! To my nostalgia and regret is the fact that only two or three tender feelings of bliss time to fade, slowly returning to normal ... ...

I think the world by force of each practitioner's feelings will not be blessing the same is also different. But one thing is certain, that is, the profound physical and psychological feelings and changes. If you do not change, only the magic of the process s real phenomenon, then it's no real blessing. Each external practitioners are looking forward to the blessing, but not the sincerity and the big wide cross beings willing heart, Buddha bless you what to use? So I realized that the one be the greatest secret of blessing is to make a big wish - Purdue Three Realms big wish all sentient beings! Otherwise, the information energy of the sacred Buddha is not blessing you, the Universe will not choose you ... ...

86, ancestors of today's internal heat rise, future generations can receive the ancestors of the information? For example, Fu Xi, the Yellow Emperor, Nvwo, Matsu, the Eight Immortals and so on, they do exist in the universe? They sublimate it? How do they exist in the form?

A: This is superficial, a show is ridiculous. Of course, descendants of the ancestors as an expression of remembrance, but it should not be advocated.

all the ancient sages, and their information exists in the universe, the origin of the road. They are an aura, but they all return to the origin of the Universe Boulevard. And our ignorance, still on earth to continue acting. Their information and the existence of classical enlightenment can only help us solve some problems on the road know, can not help us do something to pursue his selfish desires. They are an aura, no specific image of the origin of the universe has long been sublimated. Many people see the image in a trance, mostly during their lifetime residual information or personal metamorphosis of the soul, not their real existence.

Comments: ancestral spirits to worship heaven and earth is an ancient ancestors passed down approach of traditional beliefs and promote the ancient culture of China Everbright, China Everbright mainly promote the core essence of ancient culture - Confucianism, Buddhism and the purification of body and mind three practice repair? tiller quiet bite pregnant panties cut ┐ ê letter sent offering insults to climb real peach sheath Tomb health?

ancient traditional culture to replay the glory for the benefit of mankind, must be transmitted with the practical methods all further innovation! If the rigid retro, apparently it was in the back! Human hair growth can not be intact as is the return to past times, but to the constantly updated based on the original innovation and purification sublimation! Can also say that the Buddhist Dharma talk in the magical effect of big users can man-day high-tech innovation and popularity of the development and application! Yu communication network that is people automatically draw energy information Daewoo (Dharmakaya Buddha), for illnesses and health and longevity, and clear your heart the wisdom of development and the creation of a new civilization of mankind! The times, the ancient culture to constantly update the content in order to meet the needs of human development progress. If we still cling to the old classic doctrine and hold, is still where the old classic Yaotouhuangnao memorization is not the traditional content of ancient culture promote the true Everbright. Everbright is not worthy of carrying forward the mystery of the ancient culture of the external form, but the fundamental change of its profound meaning - practice cultivation and purification of body and mind into the realm of Heaven.

87, for the same problem, say with you (Earth Store Bodhisattva) communication, why not the same as the result of answer? Embodiment of your true identity and what is the difference? How to communicate with you?

A: The state of each person's practice is different from the foundation of fate is different in different cultural level, the depth of communication and information in varying degrees, so the answer to the question for the same result is not the same. External presentation is not unique, but essentially the same, but based on different angles. My body is a real aura. The incarnation is the ever-changing, there is no fixed image. Purdue would like to communicate with me as long as living beings place on the line big vow.

Comment: Many of today's information claimed to be from the Earth Store Bodhisattva, but because each of the practice realm and cultural qualities of the differences between them on the same question the answer is different, who Who is not? Not generalize. It depends on the angle from which it is to speak. Are based on the road speaking origin, but also based on the specific phenomenon of speaking, but also based on Buddhist scriptures say, more in terms of their own subconscious illusion. We want to see the harmony, that their respective advantages and disadvantages. We have to understand each person's subconscious mind itself is a super master of illusion! As long as you move it a little thought, the subconscious will automatically send a series of significant information, is Buddha's or your own? Sometimes you simply can not understand. Because the Buddha's message also manifested through the subconscious, not to mention your wonderful heart itself is the Buddha out, how to tell it? Debate is not know kung fu! Are the heart of the role of consciousness. None were true soul is the natural state.

88, gives some witch ghosts treatment, there are varying degrees of effectiveness, why?

A: Because some of the souls of witches usually have to feed, animal or plant beings, the information possessed by the witch itself is negative. Some of the dead and the evil witch destined to be dependent, you can temporarily from hell by the fruit. So to give the search function using the evil spirits disease treatment. If the patient is negative information may interfere with disease, naturally Stealing from Thieves, fire with fire, of course,UGG bailey button, depends on who is the function of high. Use of negative information on treatment of patients with witches and the role I will play hurt (because people live is a yang, yang main raw, overcast the main die. So yin yang living dead), will increase the witch's karma, after the death of Jin 18 layers of hell. This is mainly because they use the evil spirits of the function of his lifetime earnings to lie, which also interfere with the patient's karma karma, karma so heavy.

Comment: people living in the sun room has its own karma retribution, while the evil spirit possessed by the souls of negative information to medical treatment for patients, many of which are contrary to natural law of causality, is the destruction of the life principle of interference principles, laws of the universe is not permitted by law, it's like the world has committed a crime should be the same way the judiciary. But you have to find people in private to avoid dealing with the judiciary, of course, is a violation of state law is to be punished. So many that there are some diseases can be cured or can not rule the disease. Can not rule that those so-called karma retribution disease. You are forced to give his rule, his karma will find you the information, find you more information about the karma, if you could not pay, had to accept the results reported to hell after death. It is an old saying: to repay. God Han society that witches were often the final outcome of treatment is often hell to accept karma punishment.

89, witch will Turn Undead it?

A: No! Witch is not dead because of the merit salvation hell magic, Earth Store Bodhisattva is also not allowed.

90, who formulated the law of causality?

A: is the universe. The birth of the universe to the existence of a causality.

91, how to transcend the law of causality is not retribution?

A: The practice no practice into ecstasy I can go beyond the vacuum wonderland.

commentary: the law of causality is accompanied by the emergence of life and everything in the universe naturally occurring. Life can be said that everything in the universe of scientific principles and rules of survival, is not in the world will as an objective law, is living life in the universe of life, of all things must follow the laws of nature. If you want the more the more it, break the shackles of its constraints, it must be unified into the source of all things in life and the innate - the vacuum of the realm of magic. It was one of absolute harmony were the only non-existence. According to Buddhist records, in the past there was a mage named Jin Bifeng is said to practice beyond the realm of life and death. On several occasions the impermanence kid Suoming Underworld Wang Zhiming Feng capture bear his soul to hell retribution of karma, meditation practice martial arts because of his very soul from the body of free travel in the void, so the devil his soul Zhuobu Zhu also make no difference to the hell, it was very anxious. Next to the Earth God look like devil anxious, Bianxiang kid said, you go to hit him the crystal bowl, he will come out. Then it struck kid his favorite crystal bowl, is empty bowl game Jin Bifeng hear sound, not help the mind of a dynamic, soul instantly fall into the body. Two kid locked with a chain Jin Bifeng pleased to say that this time can put you to catch it! See you where to run? Jin Bifeng knew fooled, but also regret one million Yuan has been put, only the beloved crystal bowl often extremely anxious. Is linked to such a shred of heart, which leads to caught. So he said to the devil, that is, the crystal bowl practice ruined my career, which led me to hell to bear fruit, I hate this crystal bowl it! Please allow me to drop it, okay? Two kid's repeated request not stand Jin Bifeng, temporary solutions will allow him to throw a chain crystal bowl. Jin Bifeng pick up the crystal bowl over his head, bite severely heart said, apologies, and worried about this point I can not take it. Fell to the ground to force said. Just at that time, fast, Jin Bifeng heart empty at this time, so no trace of care, instant relief Dayton into the sky. Two little devil see exquisite crystal bowl was smashed, and my heart is feeling pity. To be two feet and then lock Jin Bifeng when the ghost, but not his soul body. Erupted in the two little devils can be very anxious, call around to find a sudden burst of laughter came the air, and to give thirsty one: Jin Bifeng catch me.

this story tell us? Jin Bifeng OBE has been built to integrate into the void, beyond the life and death, retribution, King of Hell I did not get his way out ... ... On the contrary, even there your heart a little bit of care, or pursue, will be that little bit of care and the pursuit of traction The fall cycle. Thus speaking, who have decided to manufacturing. Cause and effect can not be beyond the manufacturing cycle ... ...

92, what is the meaning of life on earth?

A: Yes, the game world to experience the feelings of pleasure in life. Confusion simply because of ignorance can not only fall into the game get out and face value. Why they made so much under the bad karma karma, reincarnation can not extricate themselves falling into one. And even social unrest, endless war, disasters continue to ... ...

Comment: How the Meaning of life worth? Because different standpoint, the different world views of life, the significance of the goal is different. What is the true meaning of life? Originally based on the truth about life, that is, to the game world! Ming's fairy who is enlightened to the game world, and experience all kinds of pleasures of life, and experience all sorts of human feelings, through a variety of life experience, experience to experience ... ... where all things, and have a forgot forget, do not then take it to heart. Mentality of the game world of the gods what a free and easy? If each of us, clinging to this game free and easy attitude to the world of work and life learning, then this is a wonderful life? Now it is full of illness and death, suffering endless cycle of life because the truth of the universe and life on the confusion caused by ignorance! So get rid of suffering from the fundamental source of life, we must first understand the universe and life the truth of enlightened truth upside down from jumping out of a dream in life to god's attitude to the game of life, true happiness is the real life.

93, earnestly Buddha enlightenment to the present, why the human thinking and behavior farther away from the Dharma Boulevard?

A: The Chinese people are Buddhist minority, while the real people who understand the true meaning of Buddhism is less. Mofa time to run human derailed due Boulevard, for a long time though to really deep person identified, reversed in the dream world, had made a total industry growing, expanding avarice of human morality original natural erosion was almost finishes No deposit! Conscience and the conscience of people have become less and less. Were made, of human industry full of contradictions of this struggle for chaos and sin of the world, is bound to be great natural law of cause and effect of punishment! Frequent natural disasters is not just coming, it is also a contest between good and evil forces of the moral thinking of the war! Today mankind has fallen strife, confusion, learning of the crisis to disaster insensitive to ordinary ... ...

Commentary: today's world, the voice of justice and truth on behalf of Boulevard increasingly weak, Dance Macabre performing the human desire for the pursuit of greed expressed most vividly, one third of wood! Let myriad things people do not do a people, ghosts are not ghosts! Leave no doubt the bright road to walk in the dark on the trail with no hope. Trek in the dark as hell. Can be said that almost the entire human being selfish, greedy desire to move was a crazy series! Lovely old planet has thus become riddled with problems, more and more harsh living environment, and even drinking water is usually a crisis ... ... the end of mankind far? Pathetic and sad how many people are still without awakening, the power is still there for the money for the struggle for fame or fortune to the imminent death of more than ... ... still do not know, the sight of coffins tears, this is the biggest of today's global human ignorance and sorrow!

94, the current existence of the Buddhist community the most serious problems?

A: Yes, steal a catchy title! Superficial keen to do, fight war of believers to support, fight fame and fortune ... ... what it says, lacks refining true cultivation real,Discount UGG boots, real Everbright Avenue of Buddhism Developing ... ...

release does not talk about killing, while ignoring how After killing the cover of enlightenment.

small number of people posing as Master, master, monk deceive the faithful, there is no real practice of the virtues and magic of supernatural powers, nor does it benefit the majority of believers enlightenment awakening ... ...

there comparisons between the wind to see who made the largest temple, who made the most magnificent statues, incense who flourished even more vigorously ... ... This is the essence of Buddhism is not only substandard, but also practice the wrong direction ... ...

Comment: did not intend to inter-related issues within the Buddhist, I do not know why in turn raised the question between the mouth by Xiao Zheng, the views of the Earth Store Bodhisattva transfer out. I think this is also a Buddhist in today's well-intentioned criticism and a warning! At the same time is more important is to clarify the past, the majority of the faithful in the wrong direction? The Who made the temple dedicated wide who practice strength and power of retribution for the largest Telford reported. The soul of the human spirit will fall on the practice of dedication for the material wealth. Sublimation of the spiritual purification of the temple of glory and fall tourism revenue increase. Will understand the truth of the universe and life by the truth of enlightenment degenerated into rich incense, blessed by the Buddha realized the pursuit of their own greed ... ... Obviously this is a distortion of the Dharma Road and Xiang read! Can not but raise a timely manner ... ...

, of course, in order to promote tourism development and the needs of Buddhism, the temple is a statue made essential, and it is justifiable to do. What things can be overdone, or cart before the horse upside down, then into the room to question it! The fundamental Buddhist cultivation of the mind should always be put first! Not a substitute for any form of external repair heart ... ...

95, today's Buddhist believers and the public has a lot about human catastrophe? Training thumb real tender beef shoulder blade veranda ┐ lying pseudo-tarsal fishy fan Ke Lan bond edge of your samples thirsty Nao Hui flag uniform baking Chi flood-mail the word squeeze ⑸ CD mode?

A: not reliable, only for reference. Natural disaster has occurred, but will be more serious ... ...

commentary: the last century,Bailey UGG boots, that a major disaster in 1999, says that although the world of rumors, but the fact ill-founded, of which the key of the year in which the error is not fixed, but in which one continuous period. If during the new and old world turn to more objective. This is true! Frequent natural disasters of today coming destruction of the natural ecological environment of human karma, but also human laws violate the laws of nature is bound to suffer the retribution! It can be said without the slightest bit superstitious, as many scientific prediction also confirmed this point. Especially from the beginning in July 2006, 50 years, once in 100 years, droughts and frequent floods and tropical storm landfall typhoon also increased ... ... these are all kinds of disasters occurring in succession, including the plague pandemic, who to determine the severity of them? So many rumors in society is for reference only, not believed and fear, or into an atmosphere of fear ... ... but in reality, into a fear accounted for very few, and most are indifferent or do not believe, persisted in its own . Monsters hit you, eat, drink to enjoy the money is really ... ...

96, practice practice to become more significant in the period of natural disaster, what should I do? Or imposed ideas?

A: The practice meditation practice, just the moment! Do not fall into the fear of coming disaster, a disaster if the name of the phase out of the concept of the secular is not an ordinary mortal to it! Then you come to dominate by the disaster, but not a disaster to dominate you. As a result, you can transform the world. Your ability to practice but not so great. So to just practice, wait and see. Venting to the heart, to forget all thoughts, do not move as one. If you really can do, the whole world is yours, you can dominate the world. Nothing really mind when you thing when you go beyond the disaster, so what's the disaster? The so-called bad karma thoughts disaster is caused by people imbalance illusion. Empty heart, empty of natural disasters, natural disaster, a large heart jump. This is the Bodhisattva Universal Door in the phrase The world is because there are too many greedy desires! To Zhantiandoude change the world, results are more reform in this world worse, and even result in a serious situation now disaster everywhere. It is also presumptuous man, ask for the tragic end.

and Liu is that the transmission power to save people to save the common people. To apply for disaster ahead of the arrival of the ideas, which can promote the great people of the world ahead of the arrival of fellow practitioners.

Comment: Xiao Zheng's answer is based on sources beyond the three realms of the universe in terms of the five elements. If the practitioners of the five elements beyond the three realms, the natural laws of natural law no longer subject to restrictions, which in turn can change the laws of the laws of nature for human services. If your mind into a disaster, then you must be a disaster for the constraints and abuse. Conversely, if you are thinking beyond the disaster, disaster control and abuse to do anything for you. So, really wonderful out, such as, if not fixed, it will produce incredible magic effect. This said, speaking for ordinary people is incredible secular party Night Tan die prematurely. About this tender, maybe not many people will believe. Road from the road because of human time violation so long ago.

Liu spoken to a major disaster to put ideas ahead of the arrival of more people is not understood. Ordinary people that the secular is difficult to eliminate the idea put misfortunes Caidui ah! Do you not know the extent of today's human numb, to the sight of coffins has been a serious point of tears, if not fatal disaster impact, the human remains its own way, would not consciously give up on the natural environment of the pollution damage, it will not calm down to the serious reflect on their various laws as contrary to natural law, which accumulated in the long-term drag on many disaster sufficient to destroy the entire humanity! So long as short-term pain pain, all the better to leave some destruction. Long as someone who had a tumor, it is slowly growing increasingly conservative treatment of a serious cut in advance and, ultimately, save the life or death? Obviously it is best to cut off early, conservative treatment is the worst delay. Liu's answer is best practice to avoid the worst of the death of all human destruction.

idea few people today can not stop the disaster, only to delay some time back. How the consequences of delay? If the Earth humans do not wake in the near future, do not change the way the survival of mankind and dig the earth's resources, destroying the environment activities, true or how long, human beings have all finished! All finished so much better to let some disaster occurred early, in order to awaken humanity. In fact, becoming increasingly severe natural disasters, not just the causes of ecological imbalance, as well as to keep the universe, the Earth emits a strong wave, keep the inevitable effect of the adjustment process. In this regard, humans have a clear understanding. After a major disaster will be tested after the baptism of human enlightenment awakening of conscience, would consciously abandon the past natural ecological environment, pollution, destruction of evil deeds, people will naturally melt together in the light of the Road, Datong practice! Thus ended the old man for thousands of years germinal model, opening up a new civilization of mankind! This is the dream of mankind has long been the realization of one world.

on the global natural disasters caused by global climate refugees will more and more? The recent

the article, Roy international policy research organization in Australia Institute recently published a research report. The report said: can bear the critical point, into a situation to feel insecure. crack is closely related to global warming, this crack may lead to accelerated sea level rise.

for China, if the sea level rise of 1 meter, Shanghai will have 1 / 3 of the area would be submerged. At that time, a large number of people in low-lying areas along the coast within the withdrawal, the result is not only food and water increasingly scarce, will bring a lot of migration of population caused by the political and social unrest.

leave if for high temperatures increase, our public facilities to meet the future challenges of hot weather?

If the low-lying country from the large number of refugees around the Bay, we are able to receive and make them get settled?

if temperatures continue to rise, has become a furnace in the city, whether people can only rely on air conditioning life?

if the sea level rise, Shanghai and other coastal cities were swallowed up, how can we ensure the smooth migration of human life and their future?

if our homes covered by the flood, we fled to where?

can say that the article in several if not impossible, is likely to occur at any time! If it happens, we created all generations, especially those made in reform and opening up all the achievements will be in vain! Yes ah!

A: Wrong. Yes ah!

Namo Amitabha! Southern Earth Store Bodhisattva no big wish!

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