Sunday, October 24, 2010

1967, Arendt published in the

 Truth and Politics [1] This article has been translated into Chinese income In fact, in the [2] to the 1964 speech and later published in German in the complete. However, the speech discussed in universities, academic and political relationship between the characters more and more focus on some. Vision for the author As a result, these two works is the only directly involved in her discussion of political and universities, academic relations article. Flash hidden within the many articles of

the beginning of the speech, Arendt said: Everyone knows that in the political world, the real was ruined, where hypocrisy has become a profession, or the actual exposure in the public, when it appeared dangerous. position in the country, recognized by the demise of the world is real. than body shape creates a space for all the proper or improper for the interests of both sides of the struggle of such a space. to ancient Greece:

review this traditional pioneering stage, we recall Plato founded the Academy. He has realized the need for a non-interference in politics for the city to chase after the real place. His hope is: the last of the institution, dominated city politics, which became a base for political decisions. Clearly, this ideal end did not materialize. Academic institutions, whether public or private, are subordinate to political decisions, the result is the real into the academic world, often under threat from the political side. [5]

Arendt, college and the original production function is to discern what is real, and to maintain this historical tradition. The emergence of the University only a few hundred years of history,UGG shoes, human beings feel the need for such a body of modern universities have emerged much earlier ideal. Still, discern truth, to defend She said that truths about the discovery and dissemination are Occupation: philosopher (requires solitude  solitude), scientists and artists (with isolated  solation), historians and judges (requires impartial  impartiality), the fact witness, reporter (requires a separate  independence). Arendt referred to these types of vocational training or career itself conducted at the university. Suffered because of political pressure and constraints, . The answer is: [8]

Here we should pay special attention are: Plato's utopian ideal - to his college to dominate city politics, that is, his . This view was established after the realistic vision of political interference and domination. In fact, published an article entitled In this article, also, she previously unpublished manuscript of an important point out clearly expressed: the Western political tradition, in the opinion of a variety of complex life in the pursuit of truth, the public and individual philosophers when the opposition between. Philosophers should be described in philosophical truth of the world from the expression of political views (cave) to pull out of their political expression and freedom of expression itself is essentially a conflict. First, the character is not good, is in force under the lifestyle led to a tendency. [9] [10] the college to maintain the philosopher (Lonely  solitude), to stay away from political realities. This view also runs through the She said that Socrates was executed, Plato makes the desperate city-state political system, and even proposed to allow the philosophers to rule the city. However, Arendt believes that a critical time, that Heidegger in the field of pure metaphysics have a significant contribution, however, the political reality of a foot to fall into the morass of Nazi politics. American Political Science Association in 1954, should be invited to the speech made by Hannah Arendt, Speech, Arendt pointed out, went through two World War, involving a variety of political problems in the field of human phenomenon caused by political science philosophy attention. However, she considered only by virtue of philosophical wisdom of the wise or the wise can not answer these challenges the political sphere. New world of philosophical thought emerged, but the nature and history of different areas of speculative philosophy. , De Geer depiction of human existence, any real or the real thing, have been in the public domain would appear inevitable 'chat' in the overwhelming power of the invasion, which forces all aspects of daily life, pre- any future decisions or cancel the meaning or meaningless things. For Heidegger, in addition to withdrawal and return to the lonely through the state from outside, there is no possible escape from the everyday world of the common 'non-trivial to understand 'the way out. the kind of loneliness, has been since Parmenides and Plato, philosophers have used to fight the political sphere. Seoul: Fox Because of this reason, Arendt still do not think he is a philosopher, said he was just a political science scholar.

Arendt also pointed out: Because sometimes the political side of the truth of certain facts would be interested. College, vocational education, especially in the field of natural science research to obtain the pure people more than the expected accomplishments, so here very early research in the field proved that true national and social effect. [14] Although the denial of Nazi Germany that year the general doctrine of natural science, the physics is also divided into the semi-rational [15] Although the Nazis as conditions do not hold any bias is the basic characteristics of scientific inquiry, . [17] Therefore,
Arendt stressed, but more broadly to the human issues for the study of historical science, in the spirit of science is not the case. There is no column, these subjects are dealing with matters relating to human beings, so their results can not be all of the various groups of social and political interests of the common need to survive under the necessity of the constraints. If history is a scholar of political interests to buy, they will give up the duties should have been guarding the true, or the They not only betray the concept of responsibility to bear, in fact, they have been betrayed no choice but should take the political mandate. Their political views and interests of the mission is to distinguish between the debate of clear truth, and in this struggle to defend the truth. Even if politics is only accepted by the university the necessary knowledge, although it certainly is politicians compulsory service for politicians, because it views the formation of political bias and the choice of the two are independent of each other, so, as a university in a discipline, must maintain an independent spirit. [19]

I introduced to Chinese readers,UGG bailey button, published in Germany in 1997 Shetler compiled the History research scientists,UGG boots, is to expose the Nazi era and post-war and even today the German university how many first-class historian , the year after the war also find ways for their outrageous behavior as [20]

Arendt that: the knowledge of university education is Political elements of the balanced approach into the academic space itself has a political significance. Because the political side but also with non-neutral for the adjustment of the real interests, that is, for justice services. Research university is involved from the usual sense of the areas close to politics. For example, the opinion polls would have to find out the question: how people create, manipulate public opinion? Various interest groups to hinder the people know the truth, but also public opinion survey can also be trained experts in manipulating public opinion, when the University has decided should be a regular state, the principle of social interest groups when, soon betrayed academic and scientific work itself. University determined that if the target is no doubt equivalent to suicide. Moreover, when scholars such social engineering services for large corporate interests, then, first of all to master the necessary powers to stifle the freedom and independence of universities would bring them benefits. There is also a problem of killing the technology acquisition, research stifle technical problems, however, exist for their own situation is very dangerous, because the technology is really successors killed, then there is not necessary for the University of the. [21], for example, from 1933 to 1938, nearly two thousand first-rate scholars to leave Germany, Austria, University of the flow of allies. German universities in 1937, students in the natural sciences than in 1932 reduced by one third, not only damaged the German scientific and technological development, but also hindered the upgrading of weapons of its own implementation of the plan. [22] Again, before the Cultural Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in China attached She called: Bo in the operating time, no matter where the situation can be seen that the 'separation of workers and production', where the phenomenon has also occurred. In this research, the researchers must rely on the state of equipment and labor to get equipment ... ... Even if the impartiality of the academic and research institutions are also vulnerable to Jibei these The authority of real research, various interests have been inevitable in the struggle to clarify the truth and facts exist. However, since the loss of their monopoly of this authority. The constraints for the interests of [25]

Arendt always believed that to find out the facts than the statement of advice (view) important. Constrained by the interests of research institutions, the danger is from the manipulation of Not only from political control and pressure groups, but also money, material inducements. She called: When the interview said: Arendt taught at the university Independent academic thought of her independent personality from:

she does not belong to any group does not belong to any group, entirely her own. Only you can master himself. Moreover, the complete independence, for many writers, will feel a bad thing. And she must not join them. She had to think really to exist, but must be some new things to think about the kind of writer. She denied the kind of intellectual self-rocking, breathing independence exists, - this independence does not feel empty because of the lack of attribution, can attack the general replied: the courage to continue to expose the kind of independence. [27]

Arendt in Benjamin as a Jew, in Germany, the University can only become a docent, and eventually become a Although he lived in poverty, but refused to ideology, economic interests behind the temptation of the mainstream literary world not only offended the George School (Stefan George) in that group, nor from the Frankfurt School of Social Science Research Institute's tame Benjamin wrote sympathetically as she living in poverty, regardless of the level of royalties, resulting in an excellent presentation from seclusion in the [28] in the , marginalization of the consequences of walking in the forefront of the times, one of the reasons is because the Jewish problem for them, obviously it is absolutely important. This can work from their expression of despair in the proven, because the contradiction between self-attribution of identity, as well as on the traditional Western Europe as a whole (including Marxist) has also created a reasonable doubt (some people put their attention to Marxism , but the revised Marxism, such as members of the Frankfurt School). Critical not only social, political situation, but also thinking ideas, the whole question of the political field. [29] This assessment also applies to her own fear.

Arendt described the university as this concept, so, here by the way, Arendt vigilance of Zionism. But does not oppose the establishment of the Hebrew University, not only because Arendt ethnic minorities in the field of education proposed the cultural particularity of the concept of protection, [30] also implies the universality of human culture her ethnic cultural traditions and individual special of post-conflict positions: I hope that part of European culture - the Jewish national culture can continue. [31]

I saw the University side of people snatching frenzy treatise, written thousands of words have completed the above, facing the


1, , ed., Political Theory and Social Change. New York: Atherton Press, 1967, pp.3-37.

2,1964 radio stations in West Germany's Sueddeutsche 11 of their academic speech Lianbo be edited as: Die Politische Verantwortungder Nichtpolitiker, (R. Piper & Co. Verlag, Munchen 1964,), then stay in West Germany when Arendt's speech, >
3, with note 2, ss.159-160.

4, with note 2, s.161.

5, the same note 2, ss.161-162.

6, Arendt
8, the same note 5.

9, with the note on page 6,320.

10, Arendt 1954 lectures at the University of Notre Dame's speech >
11, with note 10.

12, with note 2, s.164. Also, see Dana R. Villa, Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt (Princeton University Press, 1999), 引文 cited in the Japanese version of people 々 の times, can be found Chuan-chiu, 15, Samuel Barber, > 17, more see Haier Brown's ss.161-162.

19, with note 2,Discount UGG boots, ss.162-163.

20, Shetler Code in > 23, with note 2, ss.164.

24, see Edward Hills series, -118 pages.

25, with note 2, ss.174-175.

26, with note 25.

27, cited in Arendt and so on, The Eichmann: Ethics in Modern Dilemma / Blue Hill, Lee Hoi Yan Letters royalties have caused delays in her indignation.

29, with note 13,231 pages.

30, can be found Chuan-chiu, 2004, II, 76-98 pages.

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