Monday, October 11, 2010

Gossip medicinal value of flowers

 Flowers not only pleasing, landscaping, cultivate character, some also have medicinal value, Xinshou pick to the Therapy of health. Now collected 60 kinds of flowers and plants with medicinal value, the following summary description:

Peony: There Kao, wood peony, Luoyang flowers, Guyu flowers, grasses and other deer, is a deciduous shrub, is a peony Ranunculaceae spp. To scrape off the thick roots with a glass skin, half-day drying in the sun is its soft, out of the root xylem of exposure within 2 to 3 days to become valuable medicine The drug has diarrhea volt fire, scattered bleeding, stop vomiting, Chufan heat, remove pain, swelling, treatment of appendicitis, amenorrhea, nasal bleeding, high blood pressure effect.

azaleas: also known as Azalea,UGGs, is a long green or semi-evergreen shrub, is a Ericaceae Rhododendron. Roots, leaves, flowers can be medicine, there is blood circulation to regulate menstruation, swelling and bleeding of the effect. Topical treatment of scabies can be spent, carbuncle boil, etc.; root can also treat internal injuries, rheumatism and other evidence.

bloom: also known as wax wood, yellow, plum, Xiangmei, etc., is a deciduous shrub, is a case of the Prince meko bloom. Chinese herbal medicines is important to spend with detoxification, Jieshu fluid effect. With the students spend clear oil obtained

Rose: gardening shrubs or vines of the largest varieties of wood, is a rose is a rose family. Flowers, leaves, roots can be medicine, with blood circulation, detoxification, swelling effect.

Lagerstroemia: also known as itch tree, the Hundred Days of red, full house, is a deciduous shrub or small tree is a Melaleuca genus Lagerstroemia vegetable families. Roots and bark used as medicine, there is heat and dampness, toxic swelling, cooling effect of blood circulation, treat Houbi, blood stagnation, amenorrhea, skin prurigo; branch to treat pertussis.

Hibiscus: also known as hibiscus flowers, is a deciduous shrub or small tree is a Malvaceae Hibiscus. Roots, leaves, flowers can be medicine, there are cooling blood to stop bleeding, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, and diarrhea and other effects; external use can be swelling, pus, detoxification, pain relief, treat malignant sore; treatment of snake bites and burns can , burns and so on.

Spring Flowers: also known as Spring Festival, gold belt, is a deciduous shrub, is a case of sweet clover Spring Branch. Flowers, branches, leaves can be used as medicine, there are detoxification, swelling, heat effect.

Bauhinia: full bar called the red, Wu Sang, is a deciduous tree, but is usually cultivated in the bush, is a genus Bauhinia hematoxylin families. Bark, flowers and stalk can be medicine, there are detoxification, eliminate toxic heat, eliminate pain, swelling, blood stasis, promoting blood circulation of the effect, is the surgical treatment of trauma to the drug. The poisonous seeds, crushed flood damage can be cured to kill pests.

Pomegranate: also known as pomegranate, red if, Tse Liu, Shan force leaves, pomegranate, etc. If it is a small deciduous tree is a pomegranate pomegranate families are. Testa rich pomegranate fruit juice, sweet and sour, you eat. The skin, being rooted and de-worming, convergence and the effect of diarrhea, attending roundworms, tapeworms, Jiuxie Jiu Li embolism. Broken skin swelling can be deposited drug.

honeysuckle: also known as honeysuckle, gold and silver cane, rattan and other ducks, the wood climbing evergreen shrub, is Caprifoliaceae Lonicera. Honeysuckle is a refreshing medicine, its flowers, leaves, stems can be medicine, there is heat and detoxifying, thirst quencher fluid,UGG boots, scattered wind relieving diarrhea and anti-inflammatory effect, is Yinqiaojiedu one of the main drug pills. Honeysuckle treatment of colds and children with measles have a good effect. Flowers, leaves and stems fresh goods or dry goods to services on behalf of brewing tea, after drinking Qushu eyesight.

Magnolia: Magnolia is also called, is an evergreen tree is a magnolia Magnolia. Magnolia grandiflora leaves used as medicine to treat high blood pressure.

Magnolia: known as Magnolia, wooden pen, magnolia, is a deciduous large shrub, is a magnolia Magnolia. Bud, the bark can be used as medicine, there is pain, Tongqiao, cold, clear effect of the brain; bud can be used to treat sinusitis.

Nandina domestica: called Tianzhu, south, Lam Tin bamboo, is an evergreen shrub erect bunch, is a genus Nandina domestica Berberidaceae. Stems, leaves and fruit can be medicine, bitter cold, to fever and cough, gluten active, anti-inflammatory detoxification.

Magnolia: Magnolia is also called, should be Chunhua, Met, is a deciduous tree is a magnolia Magnolia. Buds and bark can be used as medicine, treatment for nasal congestion caused by colds unreasonable embolism.

Osmanthus: also known as rock Gui, sweet clover, Osmanthus, paniculata, is a case of sweet clover sweet clover families. Flowers can be used as medicine, there is phlegm, cough, fluid, only the role of a toothache.

Gardenias: also known as Gardenia, gardenia, yellow sticks, Gardenia, White toad flower, is an evergreen shrub or small tree, is a Rubiaceae Gardenia spp. Roots, leaves and fruit can be medicine, bitter cold, a heat purging fire, cooling blood to stop bleeding, toxic anti-inflammatory effect.

Jasmine: Jasmine is also called, is an evergreen shrub, is suaveolens families jasmines. Leaves can be heat of the table, treatment of exogenous fever, abdominal pain and sore; root toxic, has analgesic, anesthetic effect.

Camellia: also known as mantras, camellia, resistance to cold winter, is an evergreen shrub or tree is Theaceae Camellia. Flowers can be medicine, bitter cold, micro-Xin non-toxic, there is heat Yang Xin, Convergence of bleeding effect, to treat vomiting, cough, nasal bleeding, women, vaginal bleeding, burns and psoriasis embolism.

Rose: also known as wandering flowers, is a deciduous shrub, is a rose is a rose family. Dried flowers can be used as medicine, there is qi, Jieyu, Rougan, Xingpi role; bud and root rational gas, blood circulation effect; fruit contains large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin C is an important raw material extraction.

Plum: also known as Chun-mei, dried plum, is a deciduous tree is Prunus Rosaceae. Raw fruit can be thirst, and can be processed into food products (such as plum, Chen Pi Mei) and medicinal (Hume); buds can be used as medicine, there are appetizers San Yu, Sheng Jin, sedative, expectorant, detoxification effect.

Chrysanthemum: also known as yellow, Day flowers, Chrysanthemum, is the perennial sub-shrub, is a genus of Compositae. The roots, leaves, flowers, stems can be used as medicine. Changyin chrysanthemum wine can eyesight a pure heart, lowering blood pressure. Petal sweet, you can make soup. There Huang medicinal Chrysanthemum (for scattered wind heat), parthenolide (for Pinggan eyesight), Chrysanthemum (for detoxification, lowering blood pressure).

Narcissus: also known as daffodils, day garlic, elegant garlic, calendula, silver sets, is a perennial grass, is Amaryllidaceae Narcissus genus. The bulbs contain alkaloids, medicine can treat mumps, carbuncle furuncle boil drugs early, painful swelling of embolism.

Gladiolus: also known as Ten-like Kam, gladiolus, gladiolus, flat bamboo lotus, is a perennial, is a genus Gladiolus Iris families. Yellow Mountain in search of Chinese medicine have made from the extract of gladiolus bulbs, attending traumatic swelling and pain, mumps, carbuncle sore and so on.

Lotus: also known as Lin, Fu Qu, Water Lotus, Han Shao, grass is a perennial plant, is a water lily lotus is. Seeds (lotus seeds), roots (lotus),Discount UGG boots, section (multiple intersecting), Ye (lotus leaf), petiole (Hedi), flowers and seeds of the germ (lotus) 0 can be used as medicine. Dried flowers used as medicine to stop bleeding and blood circulation, expelling wind and eliminate dampness, falling damage has therapeutic vomiting, falling down blood clots, heart stomach, vomiting effect; seeds bitter cold, into the heart and kidney two classics, can remove heat, chronic dysentery; lotus medicine with thirst, sober up, stop bleeding, the effect of stasis; Oujie convergence can stop bleeding, attending hemoptysis, hematemesis, blood in the stool, vaginal bleeding embolism; Hedi tocolysis can and stomach, and can treat diarrhea.

poppy: also known as Li Chunhua, butterfly garden in spring, race peony, Jinbei flowers, is a biennial erect herb, is a poppy opium poppy genus. Poppy medicine called

Mirabilis: also known as carmine flowers, Ye Fan Flower, tide to flowers, grass and jasmine, night waited, the official pink flowers, champion flower, bath flower. Is a perennial, is a genus Mirabilis Mirabilis families. Its roots can be used as medicine, there is dampness diuretic, blood detoxification; leaves can cure sore. Lotus Support

half: also known as asparagus peony, pine needles peonies, sunflowers, grass and azalea, Yang L., is the annual succulent, prostrate herb up raw or false, is a Division purslane purslane spp. The whole plant can be used as medicine, treating colds, burns, burns and so on. Basella

: also known as vine rouge, rouge beans, vine vegetables, soft ginger son, purple-red dye sub, Malabar Spinach is a twining annual herb, is a genus Basella Basella families. Whole plant used as medicine to heat and cooling blood, can be used as laxatives; topical treatment of sore.

Dianthus: Luoyang known flower, is not strong perennial perennial herb, is Caryophyllaceae Dianthus. The ground the whole plant can be used as medicine, there is heat, diuretic, Poxue, pass through the efficacy of oral treatment of leaching Lek astringent pain, hematuria and heat pain, difficulty in urination, women, amenorrhea; topical treatment of eczema is itchy, sore and so steeped.

Kochia scoparia: Levin called broom, broom, is the annual erect herb, is a genus Chenopodiaceae Kochia scoparia. Whole plant, seeds can be used as medicine, to clear heat, diuretic.

geese to red: also known as the old boy, young at heart, is the annual herb, is Amaranthaceae Amaranthus. The whole plant can be used as medicine with detoxification, relieving heat, the effect of eyesight; seeds to treat eye diseases.

Amaranth: is the annual grass, is a case of Amaranthaceae in seeds. The flowers used as medicine to clear damp heat, Convergence, bleeding; the seeds (seeds of name) medicine, has Liver, eyesight, blood pressure effect.

amaranth: also known as a fireball flower, Millennium Red, is the annual herb, is a case of Amaranthaceae amaranth. The inflorescence medicine can expectorant, cough, asthma, eyesight.

yellow hollyhock: also known as okra, Mu Kwai, is the annual herb, is a case of Malvaceae Okra. The whole plant may be medicine, there is the effect of heat and cooling blood, smashed flower after topical treatment of boils.

hollyhock: also known as ten feet of red, Dragon Boat Festival Jin, cooked season to spend, ten perennial herb, is a Malvaceae Althaea spp. Whole plant used as medicine for heat and cooling blood, diuretic constipation, swelling detoxification, attending poured urine pain, edema, ulcer, water burns.

Wallflower: also known as yellow violet, Wall flowers, a two-year or perennial herb, is a cruciferous Wallflower is. Flowers can be medicine, there is diarrhea pass through effect.

mimosa: also known as grass known shame, shy grass, upright or trailing perennial herb, an orchid genus mimosa. Whole plant medicine, can soothe the nerves calm, Sanyu pain, bleeding convergence. Mimosa a small drug, indication neurasthenia, insomnia, etc.; the fresh chopped topical drug to treat swollen sore herpes zoster; amount of hot water to cook Liquor and bruises can be treated outside the wash.

Impatiens: also known as henna, buttercup, pink shirt, impatient, Speranskia grass, is the annual herb, branches and grass jelly is a genus Impatiens. The seed is called impatient, called Speranskia stem grass, is commonly used in herbal folk. Topical pounded fresh leaves to treat boils swelling, pain, poisonous insect bites; dried decoction taken orally to treat bruises, cholestasis swelling, pain, pain of rheumatism, amenorrhea; fresh flowers rubbing treatment Liriodendron wind; impatient chewed hold in mouth Kennedy slowly swallow of a soft swelling, treatment of bone stuck.

periwinkle: also known as day grass, Hill alum, is a perennial herb or semi-erect of shrubs, flowers, head of an oleander is. The whole plant with vinblastine, pharmaceutical to treat high blood pressure, acute leukemia, lymphoid tumors.

Moonlight Flower: also known as days of eggplant children, Moon, is a large herbaceous vine winding, is a Convolvulaceae flower moon. Whole plant and seeds can be medicinal, the whole plant to treat snake bites; seed treatment of bruises, fractures.

morning glory: the flower is also called cows, cows lobed leaves, morning glory, asagao is twining annual herb, is a case of Convolvulaceae cows. The seeds of the bitter cold of a small drug, to treat nephritis, edema, cirrhosis, parasitic abdominal pain, diarrhea can be hot and humid, Lee toilet.

Niao Dill: Dill is also called the pinna Niao, Niao Luosong around the dragon flowers, swimming dragon grass, Jinping wind is weak winding annual herb, dill is an Convolvulaceae Niao. The whole plant can be used as medicine, can heat swelling, attending neurasthenia, cold and fever, carbuncle sores and other drugs.

Salvia: also known as Western red, the red walls, red firecrackers, is a perennial herb or sub-shrubs, is a Lamiaceae Salvia. The whole plant can be used as medicine, sweet nature, has cooling effect of swelling.

ornamental peppers: a shrub cultivated annual, Solanaceae Capsicum genus. The whole plant can be medicinal, roots and warm, sweet; leaves and warm, bitter taste; fruit and warm, Weixin. To relieving rheumatism and cold, sparse muscle active, insecticidal itching.

peony: also known as the left, greed Last spring, no bone flowers, Yu Yung, is a perennial grass roots meat, Ranunculaceae genus Paeonia. Its root used as medicine for

break the bowl flower: also known as wild cotton, Hubei, Anemone, is a perennial, is Ranunculaceae Anemone. The roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine. Whole plant smashed into the pit can kill maggots, larvae; stems, leaves stubborn psoriasis treatment; root to treat dysentery, acute and chronic enteritis, worms and so on.

pagoda flowers: also known as blue-vanilla, PO Ronghua, mountain mint, Ma L., Caryopteris, is a deciduous shrub, is Verbenaceae Caryopteris spp. Whole plant or root used as medicine to treat whooping cough, bronchitis, gastroenteritis and so on.

Dahlia: also known as Dahlia, dahlia, passion fruit, is a perennial herb, Asteraceae Dahlia is a genus. The root contains Roots used as medicine to heat disinfection, swelling. Qu spent thousands

: also known as water willow sticks, water willow, lotus leaf, water Zhi Jin, the whole plant can be used as medicine, treating enteritis, dysentery, blood in the stool; external use to treat traumatic bleeding.

Ophiopogon: also known as Big Ophiopogon, soil Ophiopogon japonicus, fish Tsai grass, wheat Asp, is a perennial evergreen herb, is a genus Lilium Kemai winter. The whole plant can be used as medicine, disability allowance attending fever, irritability, thirst, throat, tuberculosis, coughing up blood and so on.

auspicious grass: the grass is also called the jade Guanyin grass, Matsuhisa grass is a perennial evergreen herb, is a genus Lilium Kogi Cheung. The whole plant can be used as medicine, to lungs and cough, chills, bone, treatment of cough and hemoptysis of tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis. Surgery for injuries, fractures.

evergreen: also known as Pak car, not winter withered grass, iron pole, is a perennial evergreen herb, an evergreen lily family. The roots used as medicine, the name Apply on affected area can be smashed roots.

Adiantum: also known as wire grass, beauty powder, is a perennial, is a maidenhair fern is a maidenhair fern families. The whole plant can be used as medicine, with heat and detoxifying, diuretic effect swelling, attending a cold, fever, cough, hemoptysis, hepatitis, nephritis; topical treat boils, burns, burns and so on.

cycads: also known as cycads, Fissidens banana, banana refuge, is an evergreen palm-like tree is a cycad kossou iron is. Its leaves to treat coughs oral Jianshui; seed micro-toxic, edible medicine can also have pass through cough, diarrhea treatment effect.

Saw Palmetto: also known as fan palm, palms, Kwai Bamboo is an evergreen tree is a palm Livistona spp. Fruit can be used as medicine to treat cancer, leukemia, asthma; leaves can treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Fuso: also known as Buddha mulberry, hibiscus, hibiscus and peony, red fruit, a shrub or small tree is a Malvaceae Hibiscus. The roots, leaves,cheap UGG boots, flowers can be used as medicine, can heat diuretic, detoxifying swelling, pain, gangrene treatment swollen cheek.

arrests bone: also known as Tiger thorn, cat thorn, thorn star anise, the birds are not places, is an evergreen shrub or small tree is Aquifoliaceae Ilex. Roots, branches, leaves, children can be medicine. Ye have Ziyinqingre role; child has the role of liver and kidney, and diarrhea; root pain can Qufeng detoxification. Fresh root and soil can be treated Achyranthes Tong Jian and services Meteors; leaves burning outside the rub ash or decoction to treat vitiligo.

Wolfberry: also known as wolfberry, is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, is a Solanaceae Lycium spp. Fruit picked can Aogao (ie, wolfberry extract) and soak ; Chaojiao dried root bark of research for the thin noodles coated with sesame oil, after adjusting for pain treatment of boils.

Aloe: also known as onion, grass aloe, Long Point, is a perennial herb, Liliaceae Aloe. Flowers, leaves, roots can be medicine, roots, flowers sweet and light, cool, toxic, can heat dampness; leaves can be heat diarrhea, insecticide, bitter cold, attending infantile malnutrition disease, constipation and other heat Results disease.

cactus: a multi-pulp, fleshy plants, is a cactus, there are 2,000 kinds of more than 140. Bulbs have medicinal value, can heat swelling, internal governance Hyperactivity cough, dysentery, mumps, gastric ulcer; external treatment mumps, burns, burns and so on. 2009-3-29 I'm sorry, because you released the album in the NetEase illegal information, account blocked. Others can not be blocked during the visit to your album.

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