Thursday, October 21, 2010

11, the dream of frog

 According to a dry well on the North shortage,

bottom of a frog has been frozen,

ice and snow cover on him,

the moment before his death he was to sleep.

he dreamed of legend in the south,

in the whisper of a kingfisher in the greenwood,

background is infinitely vast blue sky,

all the wind and the sun was bright and dazzling.

Comment: poems from Heinrich Heine masterpiece First, plunging into the poem, he did not make people feel ugly, disgusting, just makes people feel pity, tragedy and shock, which in poetry is extremely rare; Secondly, the use of multiple sharp contrast: will freeze to death Whisper of the kingfisher and carefree toad, and the southern sun on the North shortage, bottom, and trees, frozen snow cover and warm dry well narrow the vast green forest of light, strongly against the frog and the environment, integrated with Kingfisher and the environment one (Kingfisher activities in the same color green forest, while the main body did not lose consciousness of freedom), the reality of the situation and the legend of the Yangtze River, the moment of death and eternal dreams, etc., all of these comparison are collected in a short span of eight rows in. Read full poem, toad and a symbol of what has been important Kingfisher, apart from shock, invariably strikes on the respect and admiration of an idealist.

12, in heaven I want to wear a red dress


beautiful spring outside the sun shining on the grass

-year-old Mary hold in bad

clamoring to go outside to play

mother had agreed to

helpless weak physically weak body

congenital heart disease

consumed all her strength

Mary put on a red dress

fly like a bird

mother sitting under the window Mary can not stay together

red dress, green grass

very conspicuous, and more beautiful

mother at any time to see

where Mary went to

that one afternoon, a red dress

to fly around in the grass

cry while her mother Mary

cry while her mother Mary


Soon thereafter, the disease Mom would take away the life

and this genetic disease

also started against Little Mary

Mary is still playing on the grass

buried chest to help pacemaker

only, no one

in the window shouting her name

ran a few steps to tired

will stop for breath Mary

just fun No matter how tired would not rest

strong spirit of God to the children

did not give her the appropriate physical

Mary does not know what death is

only know that she will soon die

She was about to catch up

drill into the grass yellow butterfly Mary angry stomp straight

chase around to the grass over there and

walk slowly, do not worry

acute bad back

is the home of the old aunt


Mary Mary

still playing in the garden

wearing a red dress

running in green grass She finally tired

lie down to rest

her heart

increasingly unable to jump Mary is going to die

Mary did not cry She looked at Aunt

said something before he died

take off my red dress

wearing it in heaven, Mom

Mary can be instantly recognizable

Comment: This is the first narrative poem is very moving. Whereas the sense come from? Mainly from the dye-free innocence of life. We all have a life time, 无知者无畏, not fear death because they do not understand, only travel when it is eventually becoming elders go back out, is the family to enjoy the blessings of a prosperous place. Little Mary, the mother away, we also have died, but look at adults with the most common fear of death, do not welcome do not resist, go with the flow, this attitude is the adult weight has been lost but hope to come by. Read poetry and appreciate the other arts, there is a replacement of the existence of the subconscious, we have Mary as his replacement, re-experiencing the familiar naive appeal for us. We are the theater people, but also acting, know that although the helpless innocent fantasy, but at the Queen Mary is the most appropriate. The strong appeal of this view of life in Wordsworth Second, from a sincere love of mother and daughter. Third, from the nursery rhyme-like narrative style, not something carved, and content complement each other.

14, after my death

death occupied the Quartet,

Where can I be buried?

by the corner of your heart,

let me sleep there.

by Heart grassy grave,

let it barren in the fleeting.

way, if you do poor road,

let my soul fly.

Comment: Since ancient times, East and West by the chant death to be buried together with the other expressions of deep love poems and more men, such as the Butterfly butterfly legend, the poetry in the Yin Hong, This short poems are unique, do not attack the previous practice, break new ground. Hero to be buried where the dust is not the world, but in their heart, another poem of Two lines from the sentence a question, sentence is quite strange, Death's cold, it seems that only the family, the warmth of love to overcome, so the hero to Solely by means of a corner of the mind but not all minds, the more people feel Five or six in two rows, the hero of the borrowed Seven, eight two lines, it is sad, after his death, except that occasionally the owner thought his heart, but also no one remembers him. Condensed heavy verses, writing done on the Homecoming, the world and the earthly and human well-being of the infinite emotion.

15, I have to fake I would like to put in a

prosthetic hand,

good to shake hands with people to meet,bailey UGG boots,

use it to listen to a report clapping,

election solemnly raised their hands.

two real hand, I want for themselves,

right hand used to write poetry night,

left to beat their thin bones,

touch the body of young love.

I need to do a hip model

sent to Beijing Normal University poetry class that swelling of the liver,

gave Shen Haobo, Li Hongqi,

special to give to the ladies

- Yue Wu Ang and flowers,

(children want their mother has done)

I mean non-elegant gift

helpless they are interested in only the lower body.

best to leave the right side of the chest in the heart of a security,

use it to deal with fleeting love,

to work with it, use it to make a living,

use it to conduct a just war.

really left, it is the love of peace,

enjoy the tranquility of the night lamp,

Falling out of the window to ring in the autumn,

distant people, may you have peace of mind. Stages of

I want my fake plans.

the initial stage of leave:

I have to wear a false face,

install a denture, Enhancing falsetto,

in this ridiculous on the big stage,

jump a mask dance, sing a masque.

intermediate stage of leave:

parent I want to worship a false or false mother,

then sought power,

fake counterfeit wine fraud,

fake, navigate the false passage.

advanced stage of leave:

I want to advocate a higher hypothesis,

creates the illusion of

leave the name of the people and justice,

line autocrat and evil of the real,

fake credit idiotic ignorance,

slaves under the guise of freedom,

such as do not believe my lies,

I swear to pull down my eyeball

- cut, it is a fake eye!

God, I am a what kind of person?

a shed real person.

around me what kind of people?

a false false people have forgotten their own.

This is a kind of world?

pretends really true to a false world.

Comment: Look subject to a kind of Although the rampant fakes can not yell so loud I would dare to fake, so people can not help but want to see go: What the poet really want to make the holiday? Read full poem, etc., can not help but refreshing, simple and powerful language of militancy, spicy amused. The Poetry progressive layers, gradually in-depth content, reached a high level of awareness of the Poetry Section from Heine, also from the cloud of the poet Heinrich Heine as a teacher abroad, to some extent, this poem has deep obtaining the power of observation, and indeed a rare good poetry,

16, the dream of the old wooden bridge - old-new writing

dream, I stepped on another piece of the old wooden bridge,

river's two sides, maple has red,

thick red maples, shade windows Zhu Qi households

sitting under the window waiting for me Gillian.

dream, Gillian sent me another piece of the old wooden bridge over,

Itabashi thin on the cream, salt foot foot foot was light,

back to people distant, waving silently mouths,

Aria Gillian left me standing under.

Comment: The subtitle of this poem called the old-new writing is the use of archaic poetry try to reproduce the works of Poetry, poetry, give full play to the advantages of the vernacular Chinese, more successful. Reflected in: 1, there is not inferior to poetry's beauty. Analyse the first and second two sentences of ze. Dream (flat), I (ze) tread (flat) piece (flat) Old board (ze) Bridge (flat), river (level) of the cross (ze), Maple (ze) has (EOC) Red a (ze, read rising tone). China in Poetry from the absorption of nutrients, one of ze white, not San Lianping, ze of the rhyme; or the word meal, or words meal, Dunjiao flexible, not rigid archaic Metrical quatrains Dunjiao faults; first section, could not have a thimble marks the use of techniques to strengthen the Finals of euphemism, smooth; natural rhythm to help create a poetic mood. 2, the scenery picturesque and bright colors. Select Maple Section, rendering Autumn, and the joy of seeing light match. Section II of the mood like strong narrative, the plot is more complete, color and more abundant. Like a fine watercolor.

17, six-round knowledge of the singing

stars in the sky, I can see

as far as his childhood dream

as sweet as mother's memory

weak as the shining light as the ideal

the sea in the distance, I could hear

noise as loud as the life instincts boiling

as quiet as the deepest loneliness no wave

is human ebb and flow of people crying song

hundred miles away from the Yangtze River, I could smell

Setsurei tip is the source of innocence of a child-like

Yangtze River surface waves is already stale

the same as life never stops, blindly move forward

tears on his face, I can taste fine

an act of love that golden tears of joy,

as the inevitable outcome of a string of rather sad,

turned into freedom and solitude, after dropping two crutches.

lumbar ribs in the body, I can tangible

next one I am willing to pumping

ask God to turn it into love my woman

homogeneous no guess, a lifetime experience

heart is burning, I realized that

where the beasts are not the stigma of

left countless generations of ancestors and moral imperative

gods and demons also said the sound of silence

Comment: Buddhism by the sixth consciousness is said, by seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch, awareness, were written to see the stars, hear the tide, smell the Yangtze River, tasting tears, touch the ribs, Mind and sense of feeling. Poetry There are two prominent characteristics: First, the content is more complex, but there is a complete structure to accommodate. Feeling of childhood away, sincere motherly love, the ideal weak, difficult to overcome instinct, blind life, perfect love and marriage rare, the interdependence of good and evil, etc. These elements, if not will look very messy, showing the importance of the structure of poetry. Second, writing techniques, but also six general knowledge (synesthesia). For example, section I, the poet gave three stars in the sky feeling,UGG shoes, think of his childhood dreams, like the distant stars; think of his mother, the stars seem sweet; think of the ideal, the stars become dim.

17, pear open season

sky is the elegant home of white clouds

clouds like a pear in the open

aircraft wings, bird wings

will eventually fall to the ground tired of flying open

to drizzling March lingering

rain open the season March pear

who dream the same sob like spring rain

them open the pear, and turns and thousands of Results

know, pear and open place

silent spring winding my dreams

pear I stood beside the white sister

silent spring of her face wet

dream east shore of the spring water flow

west is the same as my sister Pear

pear as open as the clouds in a dream

and I dream to sleep in the clouds

Comment: This is an exploration of poetry, but retains the shape of classical poetry straighten, rhyme and beautiful features. Pear is the parting of the flowers, the expression of injury in addition to the theme of separation, the other intent is less clear. The focus of poems exploring poetic language of music functions. The author believes that some of lyric poetry is to express emotions, to express the intangible emotional accuracy is as successful, but some feelings and thoughts of people, is hazy, vague, and how to use poetry to convey that emotion? Music can not be sure that each note for what is the use of the poem each word, the word can be seen as a piece in the notes, but the whole poem, is a song. The meaning of music is not really referring to. Loop back and forth through the language, the harmonious and charming rhyme, fresh and beautiful images, to convey only know the effect, I wonder if the idea really means.

18, isolated island

it is an island in the sea

ancient call to listen to the waves of noise

thousand years with fluffy white clouds

One day a stray birds flying

island stepping stones fall

island gave the sweetest most beautiful fresh food

the only guests this damn

designate the island flew away

smooth feathers no longer see it

no longer hear the gentle tweet it

watched it into the blue sky island

the back of it is shrinking in the narrow

days old at the time when shortage of land Countless years have passed

stray migratory bird

never been to island

ancient waves still churn

thousand years in the fluttering cloud

Comment: post-Symbolist poetry of is a modernist poetry? In fact, the modern variety of writing skills in a vast sea of traditional Chinese poetry are to find. This poem, with Bi, Xing broad enough. The poem is about a bird, lost in the fall on an island on the sea, by the help of island and left, and left the island forever remembered. The story is The poem is a great analogy, metaphor has been isolated and all migratory birds, the whole metaphor of a poem or love, or a metaphor gone youth, or the metaphor lost ideal, and so on, the reader insights. Opening and the end of the description of clouds and waves, described the island solitude of their environment, there Hing flavor. Abandon the whole complexity of the poem, only picking the blue sky and white clouds, the sea and the waves in the background, to expand the island and the story of migratory birds, creating a completely poetic space,UGG bailey button, giving aesthetic pleasure.

19, forget-me-

secluded meadow, corners of the evening,

purple flowers in full bloom one after another,

love Oh, you must remember,

forget their names called me.

blue sky, white Galaxy

shining gold stars one by one,

love Oh, you do have to remember,

they are opened in heaven do not forget me.

dawn broke, more than my sorrow,

I shed tears glistening dolphin,

love Oh, since you have to remember,

they are open in the heart do not forget me.

Comment: Do not forget my poems have been written about numerous perianth, because of its small, you can see and exotic name, and a favorite poet. Verses were written the evening, night, dawn of the three lovers live scene, the expression Break up soon, probably the last night, from dusk to both sweet together, there are concerns about parting, section I forget where I am a flower, opened to the floor. Section II into the night, the night sky scenery, especially in the night before departure time, in the lover's eyes flashing strange glory. The sky is blue, the Galaxy is white, the stars are golden, about the romantic lovers heart is in the sky of the surf. But in such a romantic moment, still did not forget to Section III, is the dawn, the time to say goodbye, not like last night described the scene as the romantic, has become a desolate. Language lovers crazy again, ask always remember the tears of farewell, this section Do not forget me is tears, opened in the heart. Verses ingenious, progressive layers, paint a portrait of accurate structural symmetry, rhyme harmony, has been quite the norm.

20, memory

wind then suddenly stop

rain was blinding as silk

Except for the deep as sea It was pouring rain

bright eyes It was pouring rain

bright eyes

Except for the deep as sea

rain was blinding as silk

wind then suddenly stop

Comment: In general, eight-line palindrome poetry is more appropriate for the performance of sentimental lingering emotions, Dai's First, the performance of an unrequited love for the psychological activities, rhyme ababbaba. This poem is different from wearing a poetry performance is a special feeling of a moment, rhyme is aabbbbaa. One poem, twenty-two describe the particularity of this moment, the wind suddenly still, rain and blinding as silk, a move a static form strange contrast. In fact, this is just the psychological feeling of lyric character, and this moment may not really exist. What causes the feeling of dislocation character, hallucinations? Third, forty-two have suggested that turned out to be caused by a pair of eyes, a pair of bright eyes rain shower,Bailey UGG boots, a pair of eyes as deep as the sea. As for the hero to bring joy or sorrow eyes, has no way of knowing. Poem ends here, section II palindrome, did not give us the answer. Verses smooth and natural, fresh and meaningful, not a verse to bring resistance palindrome Shibuya, which is quite rare.

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