Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Area in the north of the water crisis

 To North China as the most important, followed by Northwest. Cutting is important, open source is fundamental. Depend on forests and reforestation project is open source key. However, little attention has long been the issue of open source, the concept of fuzzy,UGGs, operating freely, resulting in self-harm, serious waste of resources, an urgent need for theoretical and conceptual innovation, behavioral norms.

forests to conserve water, to form the essence of the problem is exposed, including dew and fog, dew, fog, dew to the main.

traditional concept of First, the concept of no water in this generation (not only the Han Yang); Second, the forest needs to consume large amounts of water, rainfall will decrease. The concept of the total amount of water from the point of view, there is no forest than the forest. This erroneous theory of the open source people on the water action and cause water damage to forests and forest development disorder phenomenon.

most parts of the earth, especially in foggy forests, Lu is the prevalence of long-term, sustained phenomenon. International scholars have observed about 30 ~ 900mm of exposed forest volume, even more than the total precipitation in some areas. I observe, is located in the arid frontier of China, Shanxi Pangquangou Nature Reserve,UGG boots, the annual precipitation is only 820mm, this quantity can not meet the needs of forest growth, but the scope of content in the 114km2 raise the 090 million to 1.2 billion tonnes of water (flow) that dew formation in the 900mm or so. Shaanxi Changqing National Nature Reserve, an area of 280.55km2, reached in Lu 1410.8mm, equivalent to 2 times the precipitation. China's

dew condensation of water on land, the general process of precipitation is just a special form of condensation. The average global land precipitation is 740mm, I infer that the formation of the global amount of land exposed at least 600mm or more, to meet the current ecological conditions to maintain.

can be asserted that the essence of water conservation forest dew, it is not caused by people on the planet an important water source of great importance, for the purposes of arid areas and even more important than precipitation in water.

able to generate through the dew in the development of forest area (none Lin Shaolin area),Discount UGG boots, can produce dew and development of forest (forest cultivation and protection) strategies, can effectively solve the water crisis.

It can be seen, can produce dew conservation of forests, should be rich in depth (the maximum leaf area index) and the canopy level, there is enough land surface (area), the tree has plenty of surface area (needle type) ; should be at a certain altitude of ups and downs; can cause high humidity, frequent fog; whether rain or not, have a steady flow of water out.

canopy, and a considerable area, with a certain altitude and undulating forests, can cause local cold environment to move to adjacent areas or direct the hot air rises, cooling to the dew point temperature, dew formation, and multi-level intercept. Transpiration of forests can maintain high humidity, dew produced continuously. Increase the local humidity, which in turn increase the local rainfall within the further maintenance of humidity. The only exercise of high humidity and stable circulation system to ensure the continued production of water.

forest-rich water level is a key interception. Complete forest generally have 5 to 7 layers,UGG boots cheap, the leaf area index of 16 or more can usually be achieved, which is equivalent to 30 times more surface area exposed to the air moist. Formed in the process of natural selection coniferous tree-like, its surface area can reach 40 times the surface area and turbulence with a significant role, blocking water effect is very spectacular. Intercepted by the forest full of water not only for their own needs, and ensure the stability of the origin. Lowland forest trees and forest do not have many features, very little generation of dew is water forest.

Pangquangou is typical of semi-arid areas of water conservation forest, the dew appears at risk of 100%, at sustained periods ranging from 6 to 24 hours, the average daily production of 20 million tons of water. According to the author measured the ridge under extreme conditions, fog, dew, the Ministry of staggering proportions, single trees, trees (pine, diameter 22 cm) to 36.0 liters per hour dew interception.

properly evaluate the role of forests and tree planting in China has many great discussions, some people think that planting trees is good, was that bad, has been inconclusive. Forests and trees to be sure is a huge water system, and only under certain conditions, that dew production, will conserve water.

water crisis in northern China to form the root causes of the increase is not entirely water, the fundamental problem is poor forest conservation forest destruction and lead to increased water consumption. Because of the nature of water conservation forests hold is unclear, blind afforestation and deforestation a serious problem in our country, exacerbating the water crisis.

Forest was able to conserve water because of its different environments in which to collect dew water and precipitation is greater than their own consumption. Green Forest Plantation and position older than the trees was low, (less) with the conditions of dew collected in order to consume the main objective of rainfall, rainfall does not meet the consumption in the case must be irrigated to ensure survival. When forests are destroyed to a certain extent, such as the pad surface reduced, levels, and reduced conservation function will be completely lost, into consumption of forest.

concept must distinguish between forest and water conservation forest. If a forest area in addition to their normal growth and development, the water can flow continuously, can be identified as water conservation forest, the need to promote the growth of development; a forest if the normal growth and development of their own, but Liu Buchu water, can be identified subject to water conservation forest, the need to promote their conversion to conservation forest; to develop water conservation forests in place, and the development of forest, water seriously, to crack down and restore the conservation forest; afforestation in areas not suitable for afforestation and construction of shelter, In addition to the necessary things, should be limited.

constrained by the atmospheric circulation, precipitation in a region is relatively stable, in addition to artificial rainfall measures, the environment through afforestation is to increase the creation of intercepting water dew inevitable way. Regional development in the forest can produce dew, dew and development of the forest can produce, should become the global water crisis and even the basic principles of planting area.

area in north China's water crisis, followed by Northwest. Second terrace of the start area with water conservation forest to create the ideal environment. Status of water resources, China's current forest management plan should be

Including the Mountains, Yanshan Mountains, Yinshan Mountains east of Taihang Mountains, Luliang mountains, Qinling and Liupanshan mountains. These mountains have a good fog conditions, most of the 1000 ~ 2000 m above sea level, there is an area of forest conservation forest, is to solve water shortage in northern China lies.

Taihang Mountains in North China Plain water is the source of the river without water face the reality of the North China Plain, where should become the primary focus of water conservation forest to create areas; is the capital city of Beijing Yanshan water source, water conservation forest to create can significantly improve the situation of water resources in Beijing; Liupanshan at the edge of semi-arid regions, has unparalleled ecological strategic position, Luliangshan semi-arid areas of China aquatic environment of the outpost. Fen River in Shanxi Province have

, Sanggan, Hutuohe, Qing Zhang, Zhuozhang, such as import Qinhe North China Plain, the territory of the Taihang Mountains, Luliangshan other famous mountains, moderate elevation, mountainous areas large, resulting in exposed conditions are suitable, the water crisis in North China, the key to solve the problem, should become the focus of the construction of water conservation forest areas.

based on the new concept of water conservation forest, select the appropriate implementation of orogenic regional project to create a forest, water conservation and to achieve the goal of regulating the regional climate. And the Mu Us Desert in north China Ziwuling arid and semi-arid region boundaries, the elevation is generally 1200 to 1600 meters. In the Mu Us Desert and Ziwuling line, through engineering measures, point-like to create a fifty-six altitude of 2000 ~ 2800 meters, the scale of the 300 ~ 500km2 artificial mountain, creating dew formation conditions of the development of artificial forest, water conservation, increase in the Loess Plateau Water resources to improve the regional atmospheric humidity, thereby increasing precipitation east of Northwest and North China, it is possible to fundamentally solve the drought and water shortage in north China. At the same time can effectively increase the area of cultivated land, increase food and ecological security.

Forest Water is the essence of dew (dew + fog, dew), the use of dew, forest and altitude of internal relations, starting in the second terrace areas and water conservation forest hinterland of scientific development, limiting forest (consumption water, forest) of the blind development, and further resolved to relieve more severe in northern China's water crisis. Meanwhile, the development of water conservation forest of fixed CO2, slow global warming, dust suppression, reduce environmental pollution and promote economic development in many aspects useful. Recommended that further demonstration, research and development strategy.

(of cash crops for the Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Research Fellow)

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