Sunday, October 17, 2010

A layer of dark green bushes of dark smoke bud bud

 All make the trip anyway, like a letter, the words written in dense bush palm.

shrub leaf bud in the hand grip heart, breaking off breaking off is also not open until the spring actually arrives.

spring with the world of communication, writing is green. In the willow, where dip-write branches, delicate natural water floating fog, otherwise, her green are not deep enough.

In this letter, there are illustrations - when waking up letter written in the land when the wrist has been sore to readily painted.

illustrations tree flowers.

apricot flowers held high in the head, this is the best festival of gratitude is also Shen Zhi-day worship.

days before eyes open in the spring may be overlooking the lower bound, then quickly lifted apricot flowers, a spring can not put down. Spring saw the apricot, it will come as some, such as bees and butterflies all around from.

At this time, people believe that heaven and earth are so honest.

When the bush when they write, this spring will be moved to tears, tears are crosses into the rain, the wet shrubs stationery, writing Yin dye, the whole letter is green into one.

spring never did see the bush so the letter, she comforted myself: next year could see.

ant that it awakened the spring - Fun Da in the footsteps of ants under the grass stuck his head see, the moment, the same grass as the forest around the nest.

the wind began blowing from the south, back north to the cold. The North Heng Fa Chuen also have a river running gestures and sound. South wind on the wall, turn and go, flapping in the face was like water blowing, face and nostrils filled with the smell of grass.


a child, the most envious cloud, that it traveled to many places to enjoy the rivers and mountains views. At that time, that only the Air Force to fly, most people sit tractor has been very good.

often I see the clouds and peaks confrontation, is completely intentional, I think of Chairman Mao's words, The clouds are often at a distance, but also a strange thing when I was young. Asked adults: Let ye no clouds it? Adult hum and haw, simply do not care about it. I read after the provincial maps, that is the central distribution of clouds, a place many have fixed. Obviously, my childhood that a planned economy that is characteristic of thinking within the system. I see the clouds, is in the field. So to the envy of outsiders, they looked up to see a large cloud of flowers, how to enjoy.

Later, go to Huangshan, see the foot of the valley from the lingering clouds over, really want to jump. They are there clouds is a lot better than I was home. When the wave swept through the clouds after the children, look at mountains, look old and hard. The cloud, even a leaf does not take away, silent emptiness.

childhood, I think the cloud is divided into different families. They constantly move to catch a car, with children and animals - a good natural place to go. How to Treat the earth's population clouds it? People may be too small, and they can not see. Later, I stood on the roof waving a red flag against the clouds, and believe it has been moved.

I love to sing a song: Is particularly relevant against the days of singing, but upturned neck singing, not enough gas a little bit old to swallow saliva. I have been against the clouds to this song many times, the same as the gift.

sun gold sun, the rain scene

really valuable. In bright sunlight, rain squandered ground, like a lot of people standing on the roof of gold shed.

the children hurry to go home after school, take an umbrella, in this wonderful light rain in the twisted little ass away.

reminds me of a song lyrics: This book is a look I was a kid, went so far as I remember.

rain awakened memory. The house stood

EAGLES Let Yi Feier painting in France on the rain many comics, the so-called rain is God in heaven twisted sheets of water, God's little angel dream the urine. Sun Rain about the latter, as it soon stopped. Even the angels, nor too much urine. The angel of God, when the urine, has forgotten pulled over clouds cover the sun.

West, or eight o'clock

Yang Hu was like a pure stream ditch the air, visible pieces of stone pieces. So clean water, let alone drink, and enter the blood vessels but also peace of mind.

waterside sitting on the stone giant, such as Turtle, Nongyin enveloped, Shino silent. Readily pick a stone thrown in water, a group of tadpoles straight escape.

Cijing fascinating. Fang Xiangfei tadpoles swim in one individual, southeast, north or west, there must be a call number of tadpoles: the West! Terms with the pilot, called However, the slogan of tadpole some simple stones into the water only, the slogan has been sounded, or how they will be an arrow in the same direction Tuoxian out? This scene is very beautiful, like a galloping horse tail tadpoles that straightened. You can imagine this is the group of whales charge.

insects transmit information the way they always mystery. For example, we believe that the degree of ant hard to listen to reason, in fact, it's just a void vector. It is stored with the lower jaw, receive and impart similar information, the following tree.

view ants go, it will be stopped two or three steps, such as interviews with their peers; clap his back, like the Chinese women's volleyball team hit a good shot, but in reality the information exchange of the jaw.

Sparrow Street

towering snow fell on the coals, like the hillside full of magpies.

passing day, coal pile, after the snow did not expect it so beautiful.

fluffy snow to lie on the coal body, to prevent them re-dark; and black will be exposed in the snow less than a point to prove that he is still coal, can not lie to someone else eyes.

big snow, coal pile has disappeared, the white, who also could not guess the inside is coal. Xue Ting, the sparrows in the above lightly dance, held the Winter Games.

sparrow love knot team, they do not find it a pleasure to fly, not fly high, like a frightened rat unprovoked, Comparative Study and Integration. But the most significant snow sparrow's happy, chilly air, they spread their wings, the normally hidden in the feathers, dull bulk of the net; shining under the eaves of the ice, they think more good things than usual.

sparrow although sloppy, not like on the ground there are too many dirty things. After the snow, making snow sparrows that everything clean, diligent than the community Baojie Gong also.

happy things sparrow is one of the coal pile mechanical Bureau backyard gone, replaced by snow. Unexpectedly, coal pile was removed overnight, everything becomes clean. Meanwhile, the open-air market has been not to sell those fish, fruit and bacon pie, and no loose garbage after the city. Sparrow believes that the market should only sell two things: rice and goldfish. Goldfish down the ice in colorful aluminum cone. After a while, people thought it had been frozen to death, the goldfish tail and shook it. In the warm days, the sparrows every day disappointed: market are increased, fish and cake as much as usual; snow in the sun's questioning, a little hand over it to hide everything - the color tiles Kindergarten , backyard, an empty paint bucket Bauhinia cards, old automobile tires, and it is the edge of the dead rat. Sparrow did not think they are still here, even the location did not move. Who has moved them back?

Later, sparrows were found beneath the coal in the snow. Coal was washed sparkling snow, dirty sparrow's claws. Sparrows that coal intended to do so, flew to the tree.

the tree sparrow is rare to see miles of streets the mud and snow crash, can not help but grieve, how to do this street after it? And this does not care who, in the mud on the rush to come and go. They really can endure, and the sparrow thought.


shed roof, the green slopes of asbestos. When the sun shines across the floor, Ceiling of the snow ridge, the green to start a little bit exposed. No snow in the shadows of silence, while the wet tile, wanton in the sun bright. Melting water, shady eaves in the form of a row of ice.

horn antelope hung upside down like ice. It is the same as the screws, lap lap. Such a good ice, sparkling, really a pity. I feel as if there should be less than five minutes, children waved bamboo came, splinters, broken ice, sounds nice, such as Zhong Qing general.

always can not see something. A weeping willow lake, if not tourists, or on people who looked straight ahead through the lake and Liu have pity; Moonlight apricot trees, a woman without touching, as if the flower is also a waste. More such examples. A man rush to drink shabu, sounded Tanghan, do you think his friends are you talking about, or even hate his friends, why not come to the right to drink? Squander so much heat, sweat and did not say the words to say. People love to mind involve unrelated things, such as web bugs to be stuck for no reason. I saw the ice melting. It is afternoon, the sun gradually according to their body. Children are not holding Sheng and Wu Guang child cries a large bamboo pole to kill over. Now they are learning in the classroom lessons are tasteless. After school,cheap UGG boots, no shadow of ice the whole world is another good thing die a natural death.


train window is a window of the art multi-volume album. Bank South, have ink dripping Mi landscape; go in Saibei, is King's holding a Daoke thin out prints.

each trip, significant pieces of the window as the frame of the painting. Sometimes does not ignore the so-called hurry. Occasionally think of it, but yo heart of a return.

train I'm driving in the mountains of the arms, twilight gradually blue. This time line plays, from where to where is now forgotten. Months on the island, the mountain was a solitary stroke projector small courtyard. With the stone base of the wall in the night is clear, Tsuchiya lights on. That kerosene lamps, glow in the white cardboard cover on the window frames orange glitter. At that time the train uphill, but slowly around the turn of this small farm house, and I therefore look very calm. Yard stakes tied to the two animals, watching from the body, like a donkey a horse. Horse can be white, in the moonlight, too, such as melting, as motionless, like jade, it has been used to want to walk the sound of the train.

few days ago, when I remembered this small courtyard, the courtyard would like to see things further. There is no great strides in the goose, the Brothers of the bluestone? Recall that the introduction of the window, especially in the orange, the lamp has a young peasant woman sewing the clothes. Maybe after a while, the host went out of the room to, cough, add material to the animals. This should be a very leisurely mountain life, but also very bitter. This is still no electricity in the secluded village. I vaguely remember that hay thatch house, backyard trees are not high in trees.

recent home mothering, sleep is not real, look out the window. Before moving in Tun Teng did not float, the sky is no doubt Hongxia ten thousand, as ten thousand silk shop in the sky, wait for the sun coming heels. I found the first wake up is a piece of poplar, silhouette overprint on the horizon, robust straight, like sentinels waiting for review, also holding hands to worship as believers. In winter, try to poplar leaves, very clean and the branches, like Tieji, lean fresh and solemn.

This is the landscape seen in the window, usually, people have no chance, unless the travel.

easy reach of the vast

maybe I have a weird concept that appears only in the evening rays of the sun, and the Western Hills is my home. I have not seen the glow, and ten years in Shenyang, has not seen the sunset, perhaps there is no sun, heavy pollution and the floor I live too short.

sunset is part of my childhood. In the evening, I and partners come and go in the smoke and mother who's call is not the sound of Norwegian children behind,UGG boots clearance, sitting in hydrological station in the Choi Ha, such as mountains, such as the military forces of the array, flowery land, such as the ten thousand silk drying, such as in gold melting furnace, the ever-changing weather, magnificent clarity. We hears is silence,UGGs, watching the sunset to the blue and gray annihilation. It is said that the sunset is not annihilation, in the United States is still bright. In the United States so bad, how can a sunset it? Said this has been the face of large tuft of white children, and we swear no one informant, he did not count. And he will play the glass ball,Discount UGG boots, must not play depends.

Xia, preferably in the top view, as I was in Ulan sheep Rostock brigade when it was pulled. Mounted on top of the mountains, so golden, such as the demise of the old sunset, covered with glory slowly covered the retreat. I tuck the face of the Western Paradise, and observe. Downhill every time the sun, the clouds are very complicated to pull to send a courtesy, the layout of the scene, as in the sea above. In view of the mountain Xia, chest times involute, in easy reach of the vast, everything is up to you, and even drip.

At this point I discovered the most wonderful sight in the sky, the world is not to see things. The end result of silent mountains and vegetation, which can not match the changing light and clouds. The environment there Zen, Buddhism says The sky had nothing, but we surprised to find spectacular. Therefore, there is a wonderful air of a non-None. But these words to the topic.

Yesterday I saw the sunset, over the grass in City Square, where buildings give way to dodge, exposing a piece of the sky Kuang Yuan, Xia pedestrians to see the dance. I had to accompany her daughter back from the second through street makeup. My children say, you see. She looked at a glance, complex buried cycling, probably still thinking about curriculum.

the sound of water flowing nicely, through the pebbles from the brook, and even drill into the water through the throat and stomach human voice sound good. After running, such as weak Wo thirsty, drinking water on his back, I heard What is it? On the water hit the intestines or throat, like contraction, as the Pistons?

summer running, I am about to drink 1,246 ml of water, which spilled some into a sweat. End of the exercise, the human skin as the funnel. Drank water, staring at his chest you see, every hair on a spring eyes are emitted each other defected, large drops of sweat into the next, also abducted some salt in my body. Back to eat a salted duck eggs have become.

drank water, I imagine the mystery of the water inside the body travel through the stomach, emptying the small intestine into the bloodstream. I patted the thigh, arms, and say hello to those of water: to? Have to. One of the most active in water, has run into the tiny blood vessels, the body's surface, the so-called skin.

I drink the water, Longjing tea, cola, disguised as soda apple color taste, as well as mineral water, tap water. Their blood flowing, if the stethoscope on the pulse, and the hearing is the sound of water, pound, and with the water sound similar.

sounds of water, the water is shouting and poetry. Flow time, a little bit of repression, injustice, turn to be sound. If within three miles away to listen to the cry of a waterfall, into a low and guttural cries of shortness, like the strings of the cello department. The sound of dripping water, is the child's unique language, clear and innocent, like reading the same text. Eaves drip is a bit long-winded woman, long and the lack of precise meaning. But the wind in the rain, like a whip and ink freehand, a man's voice, heard in the night especially steep cut.

winter in the north, the river bed under the ice will be heard the sound of water, such as laughter, can not help but want to lie on the ice looking for a while. Guizhou black water under the ice, white mist floating Yang, sheltered ridge black fish. If the human ear's hearing range and then expand the number, but also hear the water flowing in the voice of the tree in the pot of soil penetration of the sound: flapping in the wind, crashed, as in the Dragon Palace in the same.

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