Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chengdu optimistic bargain hunting home buyers will Baotuan room, group purchase special room - where the flow blog - focus ...

 Showings of Chengdu people together, buy to buy a house has become a local rise gradually another way to buy a house. Experts believe that this kind of pushing into the form of purchase, and require developers to provide certain concessions in terms of buyers and sellers is a win-win situation. > early next year to five-year-old Zhang is about aunt who lives in Nanchong, Sichuan, Chengdu, in Sichuan Province because of his son work in Chengdu, so is planning to buy a house to his son. The son of colleagues, she participated in a bargain-hunting by the Chengdu buy home showings will be organized activities. How many are able to get concessions, it is difficult under a specific standard, because not the same as real estate and other commodities, which are scarce. according to the circumstances of each sale to the concession negotiations. bargain-hunting home buyers will market is very depressed, but the house as the necessities of life, always there is still a large number of rigid demand. currently buy from other cities now, there are many groups, indicating that desire to buy on the market are still many buyers, buy real estate market will be the future a trend. <> people, is a matter of considerable difficulty, the rapid development of modern social networks, so that everything is possible, the interactivity of the network right to make this unity possible. we can network a wide audience to release information, More information can be obtained more effectively and make timely feedback. network information transfer, there is no time, restricted area, which is a barrier-free communication. <> Some people think that, faced with disputes and problems, share rooms are like a mess, scattered financial resources, knowledge, energy, ... ... they can only be doomed to vulnerable groups. In order to reverse this passive situation, United bargain, the United signed a contract to protect their legitimate rights and interests. participate in a group purchase of a lot of reasons: lower prices, better terms, better service and more. <> clear break in the current property market dark button variety, real estate planning situation of excess packaging, and developers in the form of price negotiations to buy a good house price.
money: <> with organized manner with a large reduction of purchasing and selling orders, the developer will save the cost of sales, direct profit sharing, consumers can enjoy the preferential price, after none other. <> saving: <> industry will real estate development companies, so that consumers be assured that clearly and simply buy their own house. <> peace of mind: <> by Customers buy a house, not only the greatest degree of cost savings in money and time, and consumers in the purchase and service process is a relatively active occupied the position to have higher security, to enjoy better service. At the same time, quality or service in the event of disputes, the lawyers and the media buy journalists assistance with legal rights and public opinion in the form of the problem in a more resolved in favor of consumers. In addition, because group purchase, you can also buy through the forum-type mesh network in the online membership through the purchase, exchange purchase information and shopping experience, gain interest in life,UGG bailey button, improve quality of life. simply provide a platform for buyers group can produce, so buyers have a common intention to unite buyers and developers to negotiate. negotiation buy real estate network by specific organizations. < ;> Potential Travel! <> <> our services <> → policy advice: the difficult problems in the real estate, procedures, policies and regulations to provide authoritative answers. <> → line legal rights : in the purchase process if they are related to real estate development, trading, mortgage advice and other laws and regulations, non-litigation and litigation related legal affairs, you can get professional solicitors free legal advice. <> → Free Information Customization: For information on membership in the online customized, timely information to meet the membership requirements or other E-mail sent to members. <> → Free Trade release personal information include: Buying a new house, selling second-hand housing Purchase, rental, Qiuzu other. <> → Real Estate Information: Get the real estate industry policies, knowledge and information. <> → financial and credit: to provide agency institution, new houses, second-hand housing loans and other related information. <> → lawyer to help you purchase: real estate development through various channels, trade and housing sales, lease, mortgage and other agency business. <> → lawyers sign the agreement on behalf of the discount. <> → Real Estate Transactions price discounts. <> → home improvement, building materials offer discounts (recommended home improvement company and building an excellent business). <> → 免费 purchase Advisor: According to the personal circumstances of members, the purchase by a professional consultant advice, guide the development of best purchase program. <> → system should be enjoyed by members of other benefits. <> → all the tracking service related activities. <> contact us <> 24-hour hotline buy; QQ: 309258003
link: <> buy buy Kanjia 25 strokes <> 1, do not clearly revealed the favorable impression of the property; <> 2, the seller has informed the Chinese and other property and is ready to pay the deposit ; <> 3, this seller has Chinese and other property and paid deposit, but also enjoy this property, compensation is a bit cheaper then can not return the deposit paid; <> 4, to tell each other to buy property But we have to wait to buy existing properties for sale, so ask the seller to offer the payment methods; <> 5, and continuously look for the shortcomings of the property, to lower prices; <> 6,cheap UGG boots, to tell each other that they are satisfactory, but family, husband or wife has other ideas, I hope a bit cheaper, or you can talk; <> 7, to tell each other to prepare a one-time payment, to the best price; <> 8, with some cash, and said Buy as long as the price of the right; <> 9, it Tanbu Lai, left leg, so that the seller has a strong fear of losing your desire to purchase the customer; <> 10, with the price of other properties are compared requires further reduction; <for more favorable terms of payment; 13, tells the other side can not pay the property management fee is too expensive, requiring it to send the property management fees; <> 14, to tell each other a limited budget the price can only be specified; <> 15, tell each other their cash piled up in the stock market or other business, want to buy but can offer payment terms or prices; <> 16, to tell each other that the housing fund is a gift, do not want to go out and buy to so much money; <> 17, to tell each other from a friend known to many concessions demanded the same treatment; <> 18, he did not tell each other through a proxy, transactions directly with the developers should be able to avoid commission to require a little more expensive; 19, and negotiations, sales staff to become good friends; <> 20, a sales representative to find a number of different, to test the lowest price; <> 21, requiring the developer to the rough housing The price agreed before the decoration required; <> 22, a more times before the election unit, the price on a good, ask for the same price to buy a better unit; <> 23, to tell each other mainly want to use as rental property to buy, own out of the country did not have time to do leasing, leasing arrangements and whether the requirements of decoration,Bailey UGG boots, furniture, electrical appliances; <> 24, there will be a lot of friends tell each other to follow their own to buy, as long as to the best prices, can bring more buyers to; <> 25, the delay time for negotiations, Manman Mo,UGG boots clearance, the initiative in their own hands every time a cheaper price. <> of course , not every buy a house have to be made over these tactics, it is best to deal with people according to your usual style, choose one or several ways. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A reference ivan upright situation in China Chinese soldiers respect

 Of charity, a reference to upright respect the present China Chinese soldiers upright

a Chinese soldier

respect the present China is now in China, few people telling the truth, the truth, because the Chinese do not want to listen to the truth, the truth.

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corrupt autocratic officials, at the mercy of the judiciary, the nominal quality, loss of function of the monitoring,

tampering with the history of preaching,UGG boots cheap, confuse the media, do nothing democratic nada soul,

mechanically the introduction of mere copycat imitation, there is no strong-minded governance, ineffective proud to please,

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among them are: People's Liberation Army Air Force Colonel Military Observer Dai Xu;

professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, an economist Lang;

Professor, Zhejiang University Zheng Qiang;  Major General People's Liberation Army National Defense University professor Zhang Zhaozhong;
 the future, there will be more, more! Let us listen to their speech, we empty the mind to wash

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Can not be lost again. The most realistic outcome

 To my boyfriend to leave you on the seventh day (National Chiao Tung University BBS, a lovelorn girl has no intention of moving under a million people to write the real post)

I went to the four test yesterday, so it happens, and you in the same examination room, you change a new hair style, looks very agile, or a pair of Nike shoes, I'll buy you, when I said The shoes are really ugly, you say I did not look.

we separated two groups of five rows, my English has always been bad, you is not good, finished the first four, you say that we two together to learn English, I said good, sentence If not achieved before.

an assignment after I walked in towards the door, to leave you closer. We regard what, no exchanges. Go out into two directions, I saw your roommate, and he habitually called wife, I smiled, and then he said, ah, sorry ah, forget. I said nothing.

guy next to you I hear your name shouted saying, hurry up, go back to fighting. This examination should not have come to TM. You say, I C, I do not know a word.

then every time you feel bad, it will send text messages and I said, a wife, I would back the word. This has been your excuse, I know that each time you say, just want their quiet, so I will not bother you.

speaking, you should be bored with me, when you play DOTA I always call you, I see you flustered state I became busy, give you the window to shake, to give you a call . Your tone a little impatient, I am with you causing trouble. Then listen to you coax me, wife still does not work What I was wrong, good. I can be happy, just still crying, the next second laughed.

I know you always come to the Post Bar, I am nothing to look at what you made another post, what words say. You are, and game-related, I actually hate DOTA this particular game, I think that is Causing loss of lives of a group of monsters, I hate it, takes up our time. I hate you and your teammates every day, the gang agreed what a good time, day and night to play the game. Then I am a training and preparation, wife, sleep early, I went to the battle.

This is your hobby, I understand. I love to see something you like bored female site, play some very mentally Lianliankan something.

our time together, you said to me, you give up a lot of time playing games, teammates blame you. I was pleasant to the ear or in your tone out of the blame, you blame me always love to mount you, you say boys like freedom. What you want is you need me there, I do not need me, I immediately disappear.

Every day we eat together, with the class, with the pressure of the road, the result is that we more and more away, you are farther away from my wife

you said, I think I'm sorry guys .

I do not know, but I can understand your guilt and remorse. I said nothing, her husband is the best in my eyes.

I know the effort for this game bother you, and his teammates continue to practice. I own a person to eat one school class. I do not have friends, roommates all know that we two always together, never told me what to do.

I do not blame you, but sometimes feel very lonely. Their own path in the school day, and found the boys after me before, he asked how I did with you, I said, ah, he has something. He said how beautiful frown, you eat. I know that you macho, against me and all the boys exchanges. I said I do not, I still do. He said the tutor really strict ah, ha ha.

They know that we each tube strict, and I forbid you to speak with other girls, I sometimes extremely stingy, which you girls back in school the state, and which the girls say a few words , I would be unhappy. I know this is not good, you say I do not trust you, you then why should not it. I happened to boast one of the boys which, you said he was impatient for them to find him.

say I love you always angry, petty, unreasonable, capricious. In fact, there are several girls in love is not the case yet. I'm trying to change for you, but you say I'm cool, just not you.

I wrote this a little bit afraid, afraid you see. You will see it is me. You will say that I am hypocritical of the bar.

I always sentimental, crying. Previously, you always touch my head and call me silly girl. Then you impatient, you say something, you know crying.

the money the two of us are put together, are placed in me, your heart, not a calculation Taitailielie. Conditions are similar to our family, I try not to spend too much of your money, every month I have in mind that serious good account. Have to do a time out to play around in the budget. When shopping

saw the beautiful clothes I do not heart, like to try every time you say, you say wife, we like to buy, do not be afraid to spend money. I hesitated to give a reason, that dress does not fit me that this dress too short, said my face was black color of his clothes, saying that it is not good with clothes. Every time I have a lot of reasons, so how do you pick you say, ah, I see really nice. I said I just do not like, ah, and then quickly pulling you go. I'm 20 years old, how the clothes do not like the full window, but I thought, a three-digit clothes, I was reluctant. If I really love, I do not want you to buy it for me, when I go shopping to buy their own down the like.

you is actually very good to me, my body is not good when you are worried, give me medication, you take me for a long time in the car to eat my favorite things. Every night my wife said good night. When crossing the street holding my hand tightly. You love to say that I am stupid, but each time the tone is the favorite. I listened to was very happy.

when it is started, you do not do this to me any more. You like someone else, or you're bored of me?

I give each of your messages you no longer have back the first one to call you something is it? What you can not find nothing, I think you can not Why.

you say you like girls to wear the clear innocent, I know you before about some mature wear it, I do not have your favorite kind of refreshing cool white T shirt or something, in order to comply your preferences, I had my hair straightened, and every day wear canvas shoes, jeans, hair into pigtails. I put my little short skirt stockings high heels are close up. Because you do not like.

walk once met a girl, very pretty, high heels, denim skirt, black stockings. You say look at this leg. I admit I was a little jealous, I said my legs to do, you will not let me wear. So you say people walk through, so you dare to wear you try.

write these things that are not logical, I should write sweet we started together, then slowly wrote break up is not it?

the day I left to talk about it. Because I am going through.

seven days ago, you said, we separate it. I thought you were joking,UGG shoes, I said, yes. You looked at me, I'm serious. I did not really, I said I seriously ah. Then you suddenly hugged me and said, sorry, apart. Suddenly my eyes down. The most calm voice I said, why ah. You say, I feel tired. I said oh, no longer utter a word, were choking back tears.

you and me very happy, but slowly that is a burden, you said I'll make you tired, always makes you worry, always petty temper, always making trouble, you say you feel they already do well enough, but still always makes me happy. You say, I love you, but have not borne out.

I still say a word. You wiped my tears, I said, look, you're crying, and after the total must not cry.

you give me back bedroom, the bedroom door, you kissed my forehead. Turned away. I went to the bedroom hall, looking back, I hope you smile as before I waved and called out his wife worship. But no, you go without looking back.

back bedroom and roommates I can not say that I bring a headset to watch movies, and then cry that noise. Roommate asked me how I laughed and said, see a movie, really touching.

your head gray, and I know that you can see canceled its stealth, it may have deleted me. I'll give you a separate group is still there. I went to your school, in particular, have no friends, nothing new to share with you where there are only a few World Cup news.

your speed is too fast, and I a chance to react. QQ, I was asked how the two of you, how special friends gone yet. I said, ah, divided. He said, why ah. I said, do not know.

I would like to Duwusiren, but found nothing, I only have these memories in mind. I bought you a lot of little things mess, what cell phone chain, key ring, cups, wallets, belts, towels, hot water bottle, and even soap shower gel cleanser. I love visiting the small jewelry shop, see what couple of things to buy, I want to be your table filled with what I gave you. Now they also are, that your wallet is not that we must have a photo, or you have it for your wallet. Mobile phone chain, key ring them, maybe you throw it away.

you did not send me anything, except when I get off chasing a big bear. Is still in my bed, covered with my tears. I do not want you to buy me clothes or shoes, and sometimes a simple thing I am very happy. I know that boys are more careless, does not care about those little things.

But then I found that I did not separate could be used to remember things, my life has left your mark things.

future can no longer hold your hand over the campus to go, no longer pulling your arm like a baby, never let you back I can not lie, can no longer hear you call me silly girl, no longer can not put your hands in your pockets, no longer through the streets wearing lovers can no longer go to the canteen to steal chopsticks, no longer a bottle of water you drink and eat a bowl of noodles, can no longer head on your shoulder on, when her husband can no longer be spoiled her husband so many times, no longer, in time to say farewell kiss, no longer in receipt of your phone before going to bed, no longer allow you to wipe the tears I can no longer eat when you eat fat I eat lean meat, can no longer login to play your QQ to steal food, life and death no longer take pictures of you and your pulling even, and you have no right to get angry

think of these, you will also have a little sad, a little used to it.

I will not bother you play the game, then do not you like a baby, and you never angry, never eat your vinegar, no longer whether you play games all night, then do not complain You do not accompany me, so you will not be tired right

wrote this feel sorry for her

tortured memories of things.

the seven days, I met you four times, no hello, no communication, no nothing. Sometimes think, is not about the smile.

see you still wearing that my favorite T-shirt, still wearing the shoes that I hate, or concerned about the NBA, concerned about the World Cup, attention DOTA, what if your life has changed.

me, I cry, and even less time to eat, sleep better, and carrying your phone over and over again, but by not out.

friends around you, all right, I also you to be my wife.

they saw I was very warm greeting, but you never lost my world

final exams soon, before I said to review with you, you say Well, we have the promise of a lot between the promises, many of them did not materialize.

summer took me to see you said your family, you said that you and your family find a girlfriend, big tall, very beautiful, good to you. You say you want to take me to see the best soldier buddy. You say the summer to take me to Dalian to play.

others around you and I are a model couple, you can in a heavy rain to pick me up after class, to escape the windows at night and sleep take me jump to see a doctor. I can give you a night woven scarves, Internet copied many, many recipes to your cooking, learning materials to help you organize your order to the eye sore, you copy a lot of the notes. Taobao every day you see clothes, shoes and look around to see the game.

is, you still do not want me

used to having your life, you're like my family.

opened his eyes to think of you every day, do not think you get up, eat breakfast, is it not another in combat, is not also smoke, think of me.

I have started to adjust, I started reading, started to eat and began to work hard to adapt to life without you.

until the day before yesterday I met our mutual friend, he did not know we broke up. Let's get together one day out, he said,UGG boots cheap, ah, quick holiday. I said we were divided. He said, C, Shashi Hou thing ah. I said this a few days. He said that this kid think ye ah. I said maybe I was too tired, not a good temper. He said that at the object does not so what, what woman does not like ah. He is not there someone else ah. I said, no, I believe him.

I believe you are specific, even if a lot of beautiful women around you, even if you always love and girl trouble, even if you always and I mentioned the other girls, even if they better than me, even though I always is the jealous. But I still believe in you, not like others.

to my conditions you can find better, you give me freedom. But also to their freedom.

Now we are free, which is free What you want.

our story, by me, some would say this guy is not worth it. But if for a point of view, we would say that as early as possible sub-girlfriend of the bar.

every boyfriend a girl to play the game, have faced a busy picture, have faced continuous auto-reply, do not understand before. Feeling what it feels like it, is out for a long time,cheap UGG boots, then, received only an automated response, is to wait until the next one forgot to say on his sentence, is looking at his head in a daze, waiting for him to cut back to the desktop It is not dare to say, do not dare to disturb disturb.

slowly get used to it slowly to understand.

slowly on their own fun, when he played the game myself Taobao Lianliankan, when I used to adapt, you're not in the.

Perhaps many couples are like us in it, cherish it, not once miss some people. Compound is not possible, and reserved for memories.

tears almost Kugan the past few days.

afternoon classes to go, he should be the opposite in my classroom, I know, he certainly has not come to class, playing games in the bedroom, or to the stadium to play out.

said he has been to study well, and I support him, but I still can not wait to accompany him to study and read books together, one of a headset to listen to music.

his classmates know me after class, when looking at people who are familiar with through my side, eyes of compassion or doubt, they must be thinking, why separate it?

What you feel better now, there is a good meal, is it not go out and do not take the key, is not, or forgetful. I'm not around to remind you, you will feel something missing the What?

Latest games just fine, right, listen to your friends that you play every day in the bedroom, dota, a play that day.

I, Taobao shopping is a shopping day, or not change lovers jewelry lovers look like a mess of things you say. See the nice clothes, and I'm for you.

every Saturday before the Sunday we all went out to play, had an outing to the movies, to dinner, go to the park, to sing, go shopping, I am most looking forward to that every weekend, on Sunday The night began looking forward to next weekend and look forward to each day spent in happiness.

when we're apart the first few weekends, we go out, you told me to buy a radiant balloon, I hold it hold your hand, feel especially happy. Now you have been confiscated.

I know you're online, QQ in, school in, but I can not see. I beat around the bush for you to inquire about the status of others, is an answer, play games every day.

we have love, I thought of sad.

I remember last winter when the heavy snow, you go with me class. I walked not want to go, we are in front of the snowball fight. You wade in the snow, print your profile, position in the heart finger wrote my name. I drew in the snow with a big heart. Outline several days that the wind exists fuzzy point.

bedroom once you go to KTV to sing, drink a lot of wine, one bedroom and the others you fight, in the midst of chaos do not know whom you are planning arm a bit, you do not tell me, so I saw the wound understatement to say that you only fight fight. I brush the tears came down. I said, how can you not tell me ah. Why do you say to tell you, along with worry. You see, what a good cry ah. Then you put the brush into my arms.

finish this I am calm, I think I can describe this deadpan story, now that his face has long been a wet. I always love

Imagine the future, I think I can smooth with you graduated from college two years in fact I think very soon, we can spend calm, I think we can find a non- salt is not short of work, you do not make a lot of money, do not have a lot of entertainment, home early from work, I'll give you good meal waiting for you. When petty about money, time and your money instant noodles 也好.

I put my ideals on you, you touch my head and say I am silly. You say to me how I can make you suffer it, if not a better life with me, I will let you go.

my birthday in the winter, and Christmas close. You wife, we had it with the birthday and Christmas. I said OK. You call me that night, a wife, a trip down the stairs. I got dressed and ran down the stairs, cold winter, the northeast, I did not see you. Just to give you a call, I heard someone call my name in the distance, I walked to the other side, dolphin fireworks bloom in the night sky. You cry, wife, happy birthday. You know, people coming and going around at that time particularly, I ran to you, you greet me with open arms. I then felt, I found you.

time, you will still love me. I believe.

girls love have such a common problem, always think that boys will be aware of their own unhappiness. Feel angry that he would feel the first time, felt unhappy he must know why. But sometimes, they do not feel, they do not us so sensitive nerve.

you angry because of his word that he had a long heart, waiting for him to coax, but maybe in the end he did not know that they Naju Hua wrong. So, I now understand that communication must be the most important, are you angry, you ignore him, you cry, will only make him feel vexatious, do you think he can understand, do you think he understands, but in their eyes, only feel ridiculous. Some things you do not say they will never know.

I once joked to you, I your tears,bailey UGG boots, take a big bottle full collection can be received.

Until now, I still cry for you.

once the department activities, I wear a pair of ten centimeters high heels, and as tall as you, you say wife ah, you obviously put pressure on me Why do. Xiao Hehe I said, I find the higher she goes. One day I got to wear high heels, feet hurt, you say wife, I carry you. Then you carry me back to the bedroom. What I asked you and I sink, you say how unsinkable ah, do you have hundred and fifty ah? I first hit your head, I said, say it again, I sink, did you say heavy, my wife just did not weight. This sentence just to hear the passing of your classmates, you go back to their bedroom after a night of your jokes. Then every time they see me, asked me, wife, you still do not weight ah?

Girls probably feel fat, I always yell to lose weight, and the days with you I'm not fat less, I say blame you, feed me fat. You say it better, will become a fat girl I want you, others have not had. No good meal these days, I lean a little. Lean to my desired weight, but I want to you again to all income into my delicious bowl, has been asking me to eat more, eat more.

just with you when you first took me to see you when the guys, I am particularly nervous, the day before they left home for several pieces of clothing, facing a row of shoes to choose to select, Ladies point or points should be lively, should grow up or be loved. I kept asking you, you are tired of being asked, you said you wear anything, which so much stress.

eat them when I do not even know what to say, that many, if they think I'm more afraid of annoying, say little, afraid they think I am not close. After the meal he kept

inquire about their reaction to you, ask them to me, are satisfied.

you say I am satisfied with my wife on the line chanting, pipe their muscle.

was familiar with them, you said that day one of the guys I gave them a good impression, feeling very gentle sensible, is not loaded. In particular, I started, and that gives you a long face.

wrote this post this, memories of many, many happy times.

time so happy that after such a painful separation.

I learned a lot of things for you, for you love cooking, love watching basketball for you, before I know Yao Ming, as you look at sports news, for you see I do not see understand the World Cup.

from you, pay a lot, has also been a lot.

you say, after separation, but also to live well.

you are, I wish you happiness this sentence is really selfish I do not want to say, do not want to see more happy after you leave, I always think it should be two people, me and you will be happy.

However, to date, I have to say, I wish you happiness.

270 F

Goodbye my love life and your love

planned in the future can only cherish the memory of

Goodbye my love, please Forgive me for not confess to you but had to let go

fit only grief to

goodbye my love

the evening of the day appeared

degree of concern in this post more than my imagination, I thought no one would see.

tell the story in it

follow-up to call him last night, he fed a cry, I want to know what language the first tears flow, we were silent for a long time, he said, , do not cry. I said, ah.

very late, he said, go to bed early now. Bye.

he say goodbye, did not say good night. After I hung up the phone, he gave me a message, I'm sorry, can not be lost again.

This is the post the final outcome.

no longer below the.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A The human population is more noble practice

 God is Buddha, who was originally, need to go into it? Great human initiates not go to heaven for personal bliss, but the road to return to the origin of the universe and realize the harmony of the universe. Whether in the 21st century to achieve human unity in practice, Earth Store Bodhisattva not answer. Many aspects about the time he did not respond. He said the time had to be fixed, and can not be changed, which is substandard road.

Commentary: Personal practice is everything in the universe do not change the world and society a small practice, but practice is the world's people Datong world and everything in the universe is a significant impact on social change great practice! Financial state of the NPC and the level of practice of retribution is much higher than the individual small practice much faster! As individuals or as groups, as the local or the world, like the Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, as the speed of it and into the road and the state benefited both enhance the relationship and distinction.

human unity, the result of practice is to move heaven paradise earth, to achieve a Pure Land paradise! Rather than the individual die to heaven paradise. Pure Land paradise comes, the human suffering of illness and death no longer worry about retribution, and six realms of reincarnation, the human population will live forever as advanced life embrace of the universe ... ... the possibility of human large initiates the 21st century, depending on the Earth how quickly the awakening of human enlightenment. Of course, need the cooperation of nature Huitianzhili.

82, Tibetan Tantric speaking, the Buddha's body of law to make void, all over the realm, also known as the great day of the Tathagata, adjoin Lushena, alias universe. Buddha is the Buddha report itself, this argument right? Communication with the Buddha's body of law is to communicate with the universe, this correct?

A: all right! Just different names.

commentary: the majority of believers only know that the magnificent temple of the Buddha statues reported the body, thinking that is the reality of the Buddha's true body. Obviously, this is the wrong perception. Do not you know there are three Buddha (Dharmakaya, reported the body, the embodiment). The truth of the Buddha are empty formless Dharmakaya body. No phase of reality, but empty body of law! The empty world is the Buddha's Dharma Body. Dharmakaya of the Buddha is no body Kongshen, and believers can not understand, have to come up with a specific identity as people like to think that that is the real body. So they all kneel before the statues of Buddha blessing the request and the request to do so, just do not understand the mind and seeking enlightenment. This is the number of Buddhist believers and the sad ignorance of ignorance! We often talk about the high energy universe with communication is the communication with the Dharmakaya of the Buddha, the Buddha's body of law and communication, everyone can become a Buddha energy transmitters of information! Can be a large area for a variety of diseases the Therapy! One day science and technology can be used as widely applied to various fields for the cosmic harmony of the people for the benefit of service! This is the Buddhist scriptures often speak of the Buddha and the Buddhist Bodhisattva according to the magical effect of big users! Daewoo empty field of energy and information is infinite inexhaustible! Far better than their own point of years of practice that merit energy. Unfortunately, the tragedy is so far a number of Buddhist believers Master and not many people can understand and communicate Dharmakaya Buddha, the reason the road! Representation only in their own efforts. So they merit the energy accumulated over the years is extremely limited, Sohu and Netease, can not even adjust their disease, how to talk to Purdue beings, Turn Undead? The irony is that they do not communicate with the universe empty - Obsessed with the threat of intimidation to control not immortal believers, the believers will only be allowed to burn incense and recite prayers or released, not to communicate with the energy of the universe of information ... well ... just their own Buddha reborn in paradise on the line. This guide will educate the majority of believers who mistake the small alley of small practice! Will lead to the wrong person Dharma Boulevard blind religious refining of the unique path! Now is the majority of believers enlightenment awakening time! Sincerely hope that the Buddhist community here Master faithful out minor repairs as soon as refining the small alley and blind religious refining a private path, the financial people as soon as possible to the man and the universe void of energy information (Dharmakaya Buddha) the Buddha-day road communication in practice! There is a Buddha-day road leading mortgage like a natural road-type power law:

Buddha Day Boulevard of natural power, energy information over the void.

really wide communication applications, Chi Hong Purdue economic common people.

83, the current number of Master and disciple of the Buddha Dharma can speak truth hype, clearly and logically, why very few people were sent to the spot Magical Dayong Dharma? How was issued as soon as the magical effect of Buddhism Dayong the benefit of mankind?

A: There are some claims to enlightenment out more about the heart of the argument are the deeper the more mysterious, more out of Buddhism intention. Thinks clearly and logically, in fact all from the road. So not much argument on the spot who can produce the miracle of Buddha's Magical Dayong. Spot on the believers have a big impact physical and mental. Practitioner practice is not only the pursuit of legal things, and forget the true cultivation refining and the universe are believed to real communication. We can not send the spot were the root cause of Buddhism Magical Dayong is not with the universe

Comments: This is the Buddhist community for many years (and the religious world) between the prevalence of the fundamental questions! Buddhism is also a common problem to go off road. Buddhism is to transcend self-illusion of communication and networking who woo one of the universe of natural Dafa, also the regulation of the unity of a harmonious universe is the fundamental law of life! This method has the five elements beyond the Three Realms phase exists, is entirely from the holographic universe, the origin of a unified road system of imperial power, harmonious force, harmony power! Is everywhere, nothing does not have, the holographic omnipotent omniscient infinite with supernatural powers all magic! Whether with or without faith and practice practice, as long as can do million edge down, quiet people who empty, nature can communicate infinitely Daewoo believed to regulate the imbalance to the harmony of all things beings, but also the magic of the resulting immediate effect. Practice for many years even if the practice has not produced a life-long Buddhist Magical Dayong effect, it is clearly out of practice direction on the issue! Only know the phase reported in the Buddha who has applied gold decoration and bow down, forget the Buddha's body of law that no phase of the transcendent with the omnipotent power! Obviously, this is not only lost the watermelon, caught sesame seeds, but also forgetting by the end of the blind religious mixing! Is not the end not only harvest their own can not save themselves, even their own little mental and physical illness can not do anything, but also alone make even the Purdue beings, salvation for the souls of the faithful?

If the Buddhist priests and believers to communicate with the Buddha's body of law void, they were sent to the magical mystery of the magic effect of Dayong more fans will wake up in the pedestrian! Will also inspire more people to consciously step into Buddhist practice Avenue. We can say that Buddhism and Buddhist promote the status will not appear on the unsatisfactory situation now ... ...

84, Buddhist people love to spread gossip in private, saying that his master is a Buddha in a Buddha reincarnation, how to identify the authenticity of

A: no need to identify, because you itself! If someone claiming to be the reincarnation of a Buddha, apparently stolen title, is not enlightenment performance.

Comments: Very good answer! Beings are not the awakening of the Buddha, not to mention who is practice to become a Buddha? Deify himself the reincarnation of Buddha himself, enlightenment itself is not Ming's performance. Evil cults in the world power of all evil ways are in the deification of leaders brag about! Claimed to be the largest Buddha in the universe sacred, it just exposed their ignorance of the nature of ignorance and greed arrogance. Unfortunately, many believers Sadly, the phase of the persistent pursuit of high and low names, just strayed into their trap and become victims of any of them at the mercy of slavery!

Buddha is the ancient name of a convenient master educate people in the world, representing the world's heart. If you were made through the practice compassion, you are merciful Bodhisattva, if you were made a wise heart, then you are the incarnation of Manjusri. Can say that the incarnation of Buddha thousands and thousands can be in all things and all kinds of life reflected. You do not have a concrete Buddha image as a man, but as the amount of human effort and the heart of the power cosmic void luck! Buddha Life is affiliated with all things, it needs, so we in itself ... ...

85, Buddhist practitioner who dream of hope Buddha blessing, after the Buddha's divine blessing what sense? How to get the blessing of the Buddha?

A: This is not confident of their performance. Their originally! Just empty your mind of the blessings to you naturally.

Commentary: It's no wonder many Buddhist devotees are eager to get the Buddha's divine blessing, because they usually rarely communicate with the Buddha, the level of state practice has been slow, naturally want to be the external force help. But they do not understand the blessing of external force can be met without resort opportunity! As long as you balance mind,UGG boots clearance, body and mind harmony, and with the conditions of communication with the Buddha, and get some spiritual nature is the natural thing. Can not achieve the purpose of any pursuit.

get the divine blessing of the Buddha, or the high-energy communication with Daewoo, the magic will have an immediate effect. There will be significant changes in physiological and psychological aspects. Which I have profound experience in this area. It was the late 80s when the practitioner 100 yao night meditation, suddenly communication, and he is I do not know how, have lost for only the very heart and soul to the infinite pleasure and joy. Comfortable that the whole body and soul good feelings are infinitely never experienced before. Is completely natural from the heart out of, extremely happy wonderful! Sang a young age could not help singing Opera favorite, From that moment, I truly understand what is bliss ... ...

automate the opening of the heart and soul and the Western Paradise of information sensing and absorbed by the universe, infuriating the body of law embodied in the universe, the Buddha and the Buddha's blessing feelings, I will never forget! Can say it is a wonderful and magical night, I can not use language to describe the true feelings at the time. I can not describe the second tender heart of an extremely beautiful flowers open mind, why the sudden overnight on the surrounding environment had a significant personnel changes and love showing off? Why always wanted to see the car pull to push one came forward to help? Why do people always see filled with a happy smile?

was that happy, that beautiful, that mercy, that love, that calm, that meet, and that joy, that joy, totally worth yao Tang Paradise! It can be said to enjoy the true bliss die prematurely, but this church! To my nostalgia and regret is the fact that only two or three tender feelings of bliss time to fade, slowly returning to normal ... ...

I think the world by force of each practitioner's feelings will not be blessing the same is also different. But one thing is certain, that is, the profound physical and psychological feelings and changes. If you do not change, only the magic of the process s real phenomenon, then it's no real blessing. Each external practitioners are looking forward to the blessing, but not the sincerity and the big wide cross beings willing heart, Buddha bless you what to use? So I realized that the one be the greatest secret of blessing is to make a big wish - Purdue Three Realms big wish all sentient beings! Otherwise, the information energy of the sacred Buddha is not blessing you, the Universe will not choose you ... ...

86, ancestors of today's internal heat rise, future generations can receive the ancestors of the information? For example, Fu Xi, the Yellow Emperor, Nvwo, Matsu, the Eight Immortals and so on, they do exist in the universe? They sublimate it? How do they exist in the form?

A: This is superficial, a show is ridiculous. Of course, descendants of the ancestors as an expression of remembrance, but it should not be advocated.

all the ancient sages, and their information exists in the universe, the origin of the road. They are an aura, but they all return to the origin of the Universe Boulevard. And our ignorance, still on earth to continue acting. Their information and the existence of classical enlightenment can only help us solve some problems on the road know, can not help us do something to pursue his selfish desires. They are an aura, no specific image of the origin of the universe has long been sublimated. Many people see the image in a trance, mostly during their lifetime residual information or personal metamorphosis of the soul, not their real existence.

Comments: ancestral spirits to worship heaven and earth is an ancient ancestors passed down approach of traditional beliefs and promote the ancient culture of China Everbright, China Everbright mainly promote the core essence of ancient culture - Confucianism, Buddhism and the purification of body and mind three practice repair? tiller quiet bite pregnant panties cut ┐ ê letter sent offering insults to climb real peach sheath Tomb health?

ancient traditional culture to replay the glory for the benefit of mankind, must be transmitted with the practical methods all further innovation! If the rigid retro, apparently it was in the back! Human hair growth can not be intact as is the return to past times, but to the constantly updated based on the original innovation and purification sublimation! Can also say that the Buddhist Dharma talk in the magical effect of big users can man-day high-tech innovation and popularity of the development and application! Yu communication network that is people automatically draw energy information Daewoo (Dharmakaya Buddha), for illnesses and health and longevity, and clear your heart the wisdom of development and the creation of a new civilization of mankind! The times, the ancient culture to constantly update the content in order to meet the needs of human development progress. If we still cling to the old classic doctrine and hold, is still where the old classic Yaotouhuangnao memorization is not the traditional content of ancient culture promote the true Everbright. Everbright is not worthy of carrying forward the mystery of the ancient culture of the external form, but the fundamental change of its profound meaning - practice cultivation and purification of body and mind into the realm of Heaven.

87, for the same problem, say with you (Earth Store Bodhisattva) communication, why not the same as the result of answer? Embodiment of your true identity and what is the difference? How to communicate with you?

A: The state of each person's practice is different from the foundation of fate is different in different cultural level, the depth of communication and information in varying degrees, so the answer to the question for the same result is not the same. External presentation is not unique, but essentially the same, but based on different angles. My body is a real aura. The incarnation is the ever-changing, there is no fixed image. Purdue would like to communicate with me as long as living beings place on the line big vow.

Comment: Many of today's information claimed to be from the Earth Store Bodhisattva, but because each of the practice realm and cultural qualities of the differences between them on the same question the answer is different, who Who is not? Not generalize. It depends on the angle from which it is to speak. Are based on the road speaking origin, but also based on the specific phenomenon of speaking, but also based on Buddhist scriptures say, more in terms of their own subconscious illusion. We want to see the harmony, that their respective advantages and disadvantages. We have to understand each person's subconscious mind itself is a super master of illusion! As long as you move it a little thought, the subconscious will automatically send a series of significant information, is Buddha's or your own? Sometimes you simply can not understand. Because the Buddha's message also manifested through the subconscious, not to mention your wonderful heart itself is the Buddha out, how to tell it? Debate is not know kung fu! Are the heart of the role of consciousness. None were true soul is the natural state.

88, gives some witch ghosts treatment, there are varying degrees of effectiveness, why?

A: Because some of the souls of witches usually have to feed, animal or plant beings, the information possessed by the witch itself is negative. Some of the dead and the evil witch destined to be dependent, you can temporarily from hell by the fruit. So to give the search function using the evil spirits disease treatment. If the patient is negative information may interfere with disease, naturally Stealing from Thieves, fire with fire, of course,UGG bailey button, depends on who is the function of high. Use of negative information on treatment of patients with witches and the role I will play hurt (because people live is a yang, yang main raw, overcast the main die. So yin yang living dead), will increase the witch's karma, after the death of Jin 18 layers of hell. This is mainly because they use the evil spirits of the function of his lifetime earnings to lie, which also interfere with the patient's karma karma, karma so heavy.

Comment: people living in the sun room has its own karma retribution, while the evil spirit possessed by the souls of negative information to medical treatment for patients, many of which are contrary to natural law of causality, is the destruction of the life principle of interference principles, laws of the universe is not permitted by law, it's like the world has committed a crime should be the same way the judiciary. But you have to find people in private to avoid dealing with the judiciary, of course, is a violation of state law is to be punished. So many that there are some diseases can be cured or can not rule the disease. Can not rule that those so-called karma retribution disease. You are forced to give his rule, his karma will find you the information, find you more information about the karma, if you could not pay, had to accept the results reported to hell after death. It is an old saying: to repay. God Han society that witches were often the final outcome of treatment is often hell to accept karma punishment.

89, witch will Turn Undead it?

A: No! Witch is not dead because of the merit salvation hell magic, Earth Store Bodhisattva is also not allowed.

90, who formulated the law of causality?

A: is the universe. The birth of the universe to the existence of a causality.

91, how to transcend the law of causality is not retribution?

A: The practice no practice into ecstasy I can go beyond the vacuum wonderland.

commentary: the law of causality is accompanied by the emergence of life and everything in the universe naturally occurring. Life can be said that everything in the universe of scientific principles and rules of survival, is not in the world will as an objective law, is living life in the universe of life, of all things must follow the laws of nature. If you want the more the more it, break the shackles of its constraints, it must be unified into the source of all things in life and the innate - the vacuum of the realm of magic. It was one of absolute harmony were the only non-existence. According to Buddhist records, in the past there was a mage named Jin Bifeng is said to practice beyond the realm of life and death. On several occasions the impermanence kid Suoming Underworld Wang Zhiming Feng capture bear his soul to hell retribution of karma, meditation practice martial arts because of his very soul from the body of free travel in the void, so the devil his soul Zhuobu Zhu also make no difference to the hell, it was very anxious. Next to the Earth God look like devil anxious, Bianxiang kid said, you go to hit him the crystal bowl, he will come out. Then it struck kid his favorite crystal bowl, is empty bowl game Jin Bifeng hear sound, not help the mind of a dynamic, soul instantly fall into the body. Two kid locked with a chain Jin Bifeng pleased to say that this time can put you to catch it! See you where to run? Jin Bifeng knew fooled, but also regret one million Yuan has been put, only the beloved crystal bowl often extremely anxious. Is linked to such a shred of heart, which leads to caught. So he said to the devil, that is, the crystal bowl practice ruined my career, which led me to hell to bear fruit, I hate this crystal bowl it! Please allow me to drop it, okay? Two kid's repeated request not stand Jin Bifeng, temporary solutions will allow him to throw a chain crystal bowl. Jin Bifeng pick up the crystal bowl over his head, bite severely heart said, apologies, and worried about this point I can not take it. Fell to the ground to force said. Just at that time, fast, Jin Bifeng heart empty at this time, so no trace of care, instant relief Dayton into the sky. Two little devil see exquisite crystal bowl was smashed, and my heart is feeling pity. To be two feet and then lock Jin Bifeng when the ghost, but not his soul body. Erupted in the two little devils can be very anxious, call around to find a sudden burst of laughter came the air, and to give thirsty one: Jin Bifeng catch me.

this story tell us? Jin Bifeng OBE has been built to integrate into the void, beyond the life and death, retribution, King of Hell I did not get his way out ... ... On the contrary, even there your heart a little bit of care, or pursue, will be that little bit of care and the pursuit of traction The fall cycle. Thus speaking, who have decided to manufacturing. Cause and effect can not be beyond the manufacturing cycle ... ...

92, what is the meaning of life on earth?

A: Yes, the game world to experience the feelings of pleasure in life. Confusion simply because of ignorance can not only fall into the game get out and face value. Why they made so much under the bad karma karma, reincarnation can not extricate themselves falling into one. And even social unrest, endless war, disasters continue to ... ...

Comment: How the Meaning of life worth? Because different standpoint, the different world views of life, the significance of the goal is different. What is the true meaning of life? Originally based on the truth about life, that is, to the game world! Ming's fairy who is enlightened to the game world, and experience all kinds of pleasures of life, and experience all sorts of human feelings, through a variety of life experience, experience to experience ... ... where all things, and have a forgot forget, do not then take it to heart. Mentality of the game world of the gods what a free and easy? If each of us, clinging to this game free and easy attitude to the world of work and life learning, then this is a wonderful life? Now it is full of illness and death, suffering endless cycle of life because the truth of the universe and life on the confusion caused by ignorance! So get rid of suffering from the fundamental source of life, we must first understand the universe and life the truth of enlightened truth upside down from jumping out of a dream in life to god's attitude to the game of life, true happiness is the real life.

93, earnestly Buddha enlightenment to the present, why the human thinking and behavior farther away from the Dharma Boulevard?

A: The Chinese people are Buddhist minority, while the real people who understand the true meaning of Buddhism is less. Mofa time to run human derailed due Boulevard, for a long time though to really deep person identified, reversed in the dream world, had made a total industry growing, expanding avarice of human morality original natural erosion was almost finishes No deposit! Conscience and the conscience of people have become less and less. Were made, of human industry full of contradictions of this struggle for chaos and sin of the world, is bound to be great natural law of cause and effect of punishment! Frequent natural disasters is not just coming, it is also a contest between good and evil forces of the moral thinking of the war! Today mankind has fallen strife, confusion, learning of the crisis to disaster insensitive to ordinary ... ...

Commentary: today's world, the voice of justice and truth on behalf of Boulevard increasingly weak, Dance Macabre performing the human desire for the pursuit of greed expressed most vividly, one third of wood! Let myriad things people do not do a people, ghosts are not ghosts! Leave no doubt the bright road to walk in the dark on the trail with no hope. Trek in the dark as hell. Can be said that almost the entire human being selfish, greedy desire to move was a crazy series! Lovely old planet has thus become riddled with problems, more and more harsh living environment, and even drinking water is usually a crisis ... ... the end of mankind far? Pathetic and sad how many people are still without awakening, the power is still there for the money for the struggle for fame or fortune to the imminent death of more than ... ... still do not know, the sight of coffins tears, this is the biggest of today's global human ignorance and sorrow!

94, the current existence of the Buddhist community the most serious problems?

A: Yes, steal a catchy title! Superficial keen to do, fight war of believers to support, fight fame and fortune ... ... what it says, lacks refining true cultivation real,Discount UGG boots, real Everbright Avenue of Buddhism Developing ... ...

release does not talk about killing, while ignoring how After killing the cover of enlightenment.

small number of people posing as Master, master, monk deceive the faithful, there is no real practice of the virtues and magic of supernatural powers, nor does it benefit the majority of believers enlightenment awakening ... ...

there comparisons between the wind to see who made the largest temple, who made the most magnificent statues, incense who flourished even more vigorously ... ... This is the essence of Buddhism is not only substandard, but also practice the wrong direction ... ...

Comment: did not intend to inter-related issues within the Buddhist, I do not know why in turn raised the question between the mouth by Xiao Zheng, the views of the Earth Store Bodhisattva transfer out. I think this is also a Buddhist in today's well-intentioned criticism and a warning! At the same time is more important is to clarify the past, the majority of the faithful in the wrong direction? The Who made the temple dedicated wide who practice strength and power of retribution for the largest Telford reported. The soul of the human spirit will fall on the practice of dedication for the material wealth. Sublimation of the spiritual purification of the temple of glory and fall tourism revenue increase. Will understand the truth of the universe and life by the truth of enlightenment degenerated into rich incense, blessed by the Buddha realized the pursuit of their own greed ... ... Obviously this is a distortion of the Dharma Road and Xiang read! Can not but raise a timely manner ... ...

, of course, in order to promote tourism development and the needs of Buddhism, the temple is a statue made essential, and it is justifiable to do. What things can be overdone, or cart before the horse upside down, then into the room to question it! The fundamental Buddhist cultivation of the mind should always be put first! Not a substitute for any form of external repair heart ... ...

95, today's Buddhist believers and the public has a lot about human catastrophe? Training thumb real tender beef shoulder blade veranda ┐ lying pseudo-tarsal fishy fan Ke Lan bond edge of your samples thirsty Nao Hui flag uniform baking Chi flood-mail the word squeeze ⑸ CD mode?

A: not reliable, only for reference. Natural disaster has occurred, but will be more serious ... ...

commentary: the last century,Bailey UGG boots, that a major disaster in 1999, says that although the world of rumors, but the fact ill-founded, of which the key of the year in which the error is not fixed, but in which one continuous period. If during the new and old world turn to more objective. This is true! Frequent natural disasters of today coming destruction of the natural ecological environment of human karma, but also human laws violate the laws of nature is bound to suffer the retribution! It can be said without the slightest bit superstitious, as many scientific prediction also confirmed this point. Especially from the beginning in July 2006, 50 years, once in 100 years, droughts and frequent floods and tropical storm landfall typhoon also increased ... ... these are all kinds of disasters occurring in succession, including the plague pandemic, who to determine the severity of them? So many rumors in society is for reference only, not believed and fear, or into an atmosphere of fear ... ... but in reality, into a fear accounted for very few, and most are indifferent or do not believe, persisted in its own . Monsters hit you, eat, drink to enjoy the money is really ... ...

96, practice practice to become more significant in the period of natural disaster, what should I do? Or imposed ideas?

A: The practice meditation practice, just the moment! Do not fall into the fear of coming disaster, a disaster if the name of the phase out of the concept of the secular is not an ordinary mortal to it! Then you come to dominate by the disaster, but not a disaster to dominate you. As a result, you can transform the world. Your ability to practice but not so great. So to just practice, wait and see. Venting to the heart, to forget all thoughts, do not move as one. If you really can do, the whole world is yours, you can dominate the world. Nothing really mind when you thing when you go beyond the disaster, so what's the disaster? The so-called bad karma thoughts disaster is caused by people imbalance illusion. Empty heart, empty of natural disasters, natural disaster, a large heart jump. This is the Bodhisattva Universal Door in the phrase The world is because there are too many greedy desires! To Zhantiandoude change the world, results are more reform in this world worse, and even result in a serious situation now disaster everywhere. It is also presumptuous man, ask for the tragic end.

and Liu is that the transmission power to save people to save the common people. To apply for disaster ahead of the arrival of the ideas, which can promote the great people of the world ahead of the arrival of fellow practitioners.

Comment: Xiao Zheng's answer is based on sources beyond the three realms of the universe in terms of the five elements. If the practitioners of the five elements beyond the three realms, the natural laws of natural law no longer subject to restrictions, which in turn can change the laws of the laws of nature for human services. If your mind into a disaster, then you must be a disaster for the constraints and abuse. Conversely, if you are thinking beyond the disaster, disaster control and abuse to do anything for you. So, really wonderful out, such as, if not fixed, it will produce incredible magic effect. This said, speaking for ordinary people is incredible secular party Night Tan die prematurely. About this tender, maybe not many people will believe. Road from the road because of human time violation so long ago.

Liu spoken to a major disaster to put ideas ahead of the arrival of more people is not understood. Ordinary people that the secular is difficult to eliminate the idea put misfortunes Caidui ah! Do you not know the extent of today's human numb, to the sight of coffins has been a serious point of tears, if not fatal disaster impact, the human remains its own way, would not consciously give up on the natural environment of the pollution damage, it will not calm down to the serious reflect on their various laws as contrary to natural law, which accumulated in the long-term drag on many disaster sufficient to destroy the entire humanity! So long as short-term pain pain, all the better to leave some destruction. Long as someone who had a tumor, it is slowly growing increasingly conservative treatment of a serious cut in advance and, ultimately, save the life or death? Obviously it is best to cut off early, conservative treatment is the worst delay. Liu's answer is best practice to avoid the worst of the death of all human destruction.

idea few people today can not stop the disaster, only to delay some time back. How the consequences of delay? If the Earth humans do not wake in the near future, do not change the way the survival of mankind and dig the earth's resources, destroying the environment activities, true or how long, human beings have all finished! All finished so much better to let some disaster occurred early, in order to awaken humanity. In fact, becoming increasingly severe natural disasters, not just the causes of ecological imbalance, as well as to keep the universe, the Earth emits a strong wave, keep the inevitable effect of the adjustment process. In this regard, humans have a clear understanding. After a major disaster will be tested after the baptism of human enlightenment awakening of conscience, would consciously abandon the past natural ecological environment, pollution, destruction of evil deeds, people will naturally melt together in the light of the Road, Datong practice! Thus ended the old man for thousands of years germinal model, opening up a new civilization of mankind! This is the dream of mankind has long been the realization of one world.

on the global natural disasters caused by global climate refugees will more and more? The recent

the article, Roy international policy research organization in Australia Institute recently published a research report. The report said: can bear the critical point, into a situation to feel insecure. crack is closely related to global warming, this crack may lead to accelerated sea level rise.

for China, if the sea level rise of 1 meter, Shanghai will have 1 / 3 of the area would be submerged. At that time, a large number of people in low-lying areas along the coast within the withdrawal, the result is not only food and water increasingly scarce, will bring a lot of migration of population caused by the political and social unrest.

leave if for high temperatures increase, our public facilities to meet the future challenges of hot weather?

If the low-lying country from the large number of refugees around the Bay, we are able to receive and make them get settled?

if temperatures continue to rise, has become a furnace in the city, whether people can only rely on air conditioning life?

if the sea level rise, Shanghai and other coastal cities were swallowed up, how can we ensure the smooth migration of human life and their future?

if our homes covered by the flood, we fled to where?

can say that the article in several if not impossible, is likely to occur at any time! If it happens, we created all generations, especially those made in reform and opening up all the achievements will be in vain! Yes ah!

A: Wrong. Yes ah!

Namo Amitabha! Southern Earth Store Bodhisattva no big wish!

Monday, October 25, 2010

White Lady has been smiling the sidelines

 White Lady has been smiling the sidelines, when it came Baishan Jun pat on the shoulder, smiled and said: play and then sing along, I'll be jealous of. Ping Gu close your eyes,UGGs, tears finally a series of flow.

White Lady frowned: is also stripped the clothes. sick ... ... intentionally or unintentionally, without setting unlock Tie Pinggu the acupuncture points, such as through Zhefan after that Tie Pinggu would secretly like to escape. Despite the pain Mianwurense

Jiangyu Lang, but still pretend smiles: said: : I would rather die than be like a dog portrait to bully. Regardless: me, I look at you, look inevitably some frustration. They worked hard, racked his brain, where it will Huawu Que Su Ying has stolen from the back, just want to try for the natural population from Hua Wuque unearthed the secret.

And now all of their painstaking efforts actually wasted. White Lady

heaved a long breath, stood up out of the room, Baishan Jun no mood to ask her where to go, just stared at Hua Wuque smile.

been a long while, Tuting White Lady on the outside exclaimed: and Tie Pinggu and head lying there,bailey UGG boots, such as have been asleep, White Lady was standing under a tree a daze.

nothing under the tree, only a pile of leaves only.

White Lady appears to the surface but is surprised and excited, said: Cave is a rabbit, but also like the fox hole.

Baishan Jun said: Suddenly his face as if Baishan Jun birth to a ginkgo tree-like.

Baishan Jun laughed: , are very smooth, and the following is no other way out.

White Lady: > White Lady clapped his hands and said: , listening to people say has long been dead. the tone, said: her face said: If I like him, how will marry you? ... ... to ... ... severely in the pile of leaves on the kick, and said: Why? eyes, in the Zhuangshui it.

he heard that the couple actually has a hole to the ground and make a fuss, and my heart can not help but feel very surprised to hear that the philandering husband and wife, but also amused to hear them say This small hole can escape the Tibetans,UGG boots cheap, he almost could not help laughing out aloud: is not a dwarf? Second fortune 'in the' rabbit 'fragmentation? Also citing the classical elegance found himself a name. Rat No.

second fortune in the

simply because there is no arena in a few people saw the true face of pharmacists over this nonsense, so there is no one knows what he looks like.

Baishan Jun really sat down and White Lady

see him a long while in silence, suddenly smile, said: have come to this, must know that you will return here,UGG shoes, to have you here, he will not come? ... ... hey, maybe he had secretly followed in the dark we, like other opportunities to see your face. br> White Lady Chi Chi smiled: old woman, but in his eyes, perhaps still a little beauty, miles of you. interesting.

Tuting Baishan Jun heard whisper, said: feet long in the dead wood, much rolled over.

this wood can not only own the ground roll, but also with eyes like like a long, wooden block road in front of face, it will actually turn themselves.

among the mountains Huang Lin, suddenly saw this strange, if for the usual, Jiang Yulang even Danzaibuxiao, must also come to be scare cold sweat.

but now he is aware of this dead wood must be related with that Hu pharmacist, pharmacists might have guessed Hu dead trees to hide in this, so I do not think there is terrible, but some strange it: also shape into a tight fist. White Lady

gently hold his hand, smiles tenderly: not see, can not think of Xiankang Li gall loving as ever, really gratifying.
dead wood that laughed: dead wood have been rolled under the tree.

dead wood in the head actually come out suddenly.

Jiangyu Lang knowing that the wood was, but suddenly startled ─ ─ between the dead trees still can not help but give birth on the individual's head suddenly, which in any case, are pieces of a very frightening thing.

saw Fengyun is white-haired head, but did not a few bearded chin, eyes round and bright, like two big pearls.

most strangely, 这颗 head not only is not small, but bigger than the average person, dead wood, although the hollow, but head into the go, or very tight.

not only a large head, ears and bigger, and big, sharp, and the rabbit ears also almost completely identical, but twice as big.

a dwarf, how can there be such a big head, so big ears?

Jiangyu Lang could not help more surprised, though would like to Zhuangshui, but you can not bear eyes closed, look Tieping Gu, eyes they not stare too big.

White Lady Chi Chi smiled: ? naughty I remember always very popular for men. the only think that nauseating, feel sick. > However, they deliberately made the surface look like angry, with a straight face: I was your husband, not the line you want to ignore me.

man sighed, smiled and said:

just listen to

Jiangyu Lang's stature have named the man did not see clearly.

saw this man a big head out from the leaves in the exploration, grinning: and you fight. said: laughed: : one child suffered a slap ears.

White Lady stared and said: then yu '. She also trees of a Dengyan Jing, Xiao Ma: >
he jumped down with laughter, where is the dwarf, was actually a Angcang seven feet of Wei husband, it seems that a head taller than the Baishan Jun.

Jiangyu Lang Qiaode almost falling out of the eyeball, and he can not think of such a large person, how can possession of a short dead wood to go into it. See Baishan Jun

came suddenly, looked at him smiled and said: and did not sleep very heavy. , but martial arts must pass, unparalleled in the world. Baishan Jun laughed: , said: Tie Pinggu teeth also stand up, helped him into that stone house.

a wind, blowing Tie Pinggu body robe, exposing a pair of slender straight strong, white is blurred in the legs.

Hu pharmacists eyes seemed straight hair, smiled and said: , other places ... hehe .... White Lady

teeth Xiao Ma said:   Hu pharmacist smiles: not a good thing. ... ten men, nine is the goat down.
Hu pharmacist laughed a few times before and then said:

White Lady said: , you own your way, why ask them to go, then I saw that you are also secretly followed quietly go. school, but all passed her, and is said to surpass the master, much more clever than even the old man of Wei!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1967, Arendt published in the

 Truth and Politics [1] This article has been translated into Chinese income In fact, in the [2] to the 1964 speech and later published in German in the complete. However, the speech discussed in universities, academic and political relationship between the characters more and more focus on some. Vision for the author As a result, these two works is the only directly involved in her discussion of political and universities, academic relations article. Flash hidden within the many articles of

the beginning of the speech, Arendt said: Everyone knows that in the political world, the real was ruined, where hypocrisy has become a profession, or the actual exposure in the public, when it appeared dangerous. position in the country, recognized by the demise of the world is real. than body shape creates a space for all the proper or improper for the interests of both sides of the struggle of such a space. to ancient Greece:

review this traditional pioneering stage, we recall Plato founded the Academy. He has realized the need for a non-interference in politics for the city to chase after the real place. His hope is: the last of the institution, dominated city politics, which became a base for political decisions. Clearly, this ideal end did not materialize. Academic institutions, whether public or private, are subordinate to political decisions, the result is the real into the academic world, often under threat from the political side. [5]

Arendt, college and the original production function is to discern what is real, and to maintain this historical tradition. The emergence of the University only a few hundred years of history,UGG shoes, human beings feel the need for such a body of modern universities have emerged much earlier ideal. Still, discern truth, to defend She said that truths about the discovery and dissemination are Occupation: philosopher (requires solitude  solitude), scientists and artists (with isolated  solation), historians and judges (requires impartial  impartiality), the fact witness, reporter (requires a separate  independence). Arendt referred to these types of vocational training or career itself conducted at the university. Suffered because of political pressure and constraints, . The answer is: [8]

Here we should pay special attention are: Plato's utopian ideal - to his college to dominate city politics, that is, his . This view was established after the realistic vision of political interference and domination. In fact, published an article entitled In this article, also, she previously unpublished manuscript of an important point out clearly expressed: the Western political tradition, in the opinion of a variety of complex life in the pursuit of truth, the public and individual philosophers when the opposition between. Philosophers should be described in philosophical truth of the world from the expression of political views (cave) to pull out of their political expression and freedom of expression itself is essentially a conflict. First, the character is not good, is in force under the lifestyle led to a tendency. [9] [10] the college to maintain the philosopher (Lonely  solitude), to stay away from political realities. This view also runs through the She said that Socrates was executed, Plato makes the desperate city-state political system, and even proposed to allow the philosophers to rule the city. However, Arendt believes that a critical time, that Heidegger in the field of pure metaphysics have a significant contribution, however, the political reality of a foot to fall into the morass of Nazi politics. American Political Science Association in 1954, should be invited to the speech made by Hannah Arendt, Speech, Arendt pointed out, went through two World War, involving a variety of political problems in the field of human phenomenon caused by political science philosophy attention. However, she considered only by virtue of philosophical wisdom of the wise or the wise can not answer these challenges the political sphere. New world of philosophical thought emerged, but the nature and history of different areas of speculative philosophy. , De Geer depiction of human existence, any real or the real thing, have been in the public domain would appear inevitable 'chat' in the overwhelming power of the invasion, which forces all aspects of daily life, pre- any future decisions or cancel the meaning or meaningless things. For Heidegger, in addition to withdrawal and return to the lonely through the state from outside, there is no possible escape from the everyday world of the common 'non-trivial to understand 'the way out. the kind of loneliness, has been since Parmenides and Plato, philosophers have used to fight the political sphere. Seoul: Fox Because of this reason, Arendt still do not think he is a philosopher, said he was just a political science scholar.

Arendt also pointed out: Because sometimes the political side of the truth of certain facts would be interested. College, vocational education, especially in the field of natural science research to obtain the pure people more than the expected accomplishments, so here very early research in the field proved that true national and social effect. [14] Although the denial of Nazi Germany that year the general doctrine of natural science, the physics is also divided into the semi-rational [15] Although the Nazis as conditions do not hold any bias is the basic characteristics of scientific inquiry, . [17] Therefore,
Arendt stressed, but more broadly to the human issues for the study of historical science, in the spirit of science is not the case. There is no column, these subjects are dealing with matters relating to human beings, so their results can not be all of the various groups of social and political interests of the common need to survive under the necessity of the constraints. If history is a scholar of political interests to buy, they will give up the duties should have been guarding the true, or the They not only betray the concept of responsibility to bear, in fact, they have been betrayed no choice but should take the political mandate. Their political views and interests of the mission is to distinguish between the debate of clear truth, and in this struggle to defend the truth. Even if politics is only accepted by the university the necessary knowledge, although it certainly is politicians compulsory service for politicians, because it views the formation of political bias and the choice of the two are independent of each other, so, as a university in a discipline, must maintain an independent spirit. [19]

I introduced to Chinese readers,UGG bailey button, published in Germany in 1997 Shetler compiled the History research scientists,UGG boots, is to expose the Nazi era and post-war and even today the German university how many first-class historian , the year after the war also find ways for their outrageous behavior as [20]

Arendt that: the knowledge of university education is Political elements of the balanced approach into the academic space itself has a political significance. Because the political side but also with non-neutral for the adjustment of the real interests, that is, for justice services. Research university is involved from the usual sense of the areas close to politics. For example, the opinion polls would have to find out the question: how people create, manipulate public opinion? Various interest groups to hinder the people know the truth, but also public opinion survey can also be trained experts in manipulating public opinion, when the University has decided should be a regular state, the principle of social interest groups when, soon betrayed academic and scientific work itself. University determined that if the target is no doubt equivalent to suicide. Moreover, when scholars such social engineering services for large corporate interests, then, first of all to master the necessary powers to stifle the freedom and independence of universities would bring them benefits. There is also a problem of killing the technology acquisition, research stifle technical problems, however, exist for their own situation is very dangerous, because the technology is really successors killed, then there is not necessary for the University of the. [21], for example, from 1933 to 1938, nearly two thousand first-rate scholars to leave Germany, Austria, University of the flow of allies. German universities in 1937, students in the natural sciences than in 1932 reduced by one third, not only damaged the German scientific and technological development, but also hindered the upgrading of weapons of its own implementation of the plan. [22] Again, before the Cultural Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in China attached She called: Bo in the operating time, no matter where the situation can be seen that the 'separation of workers and production', where the phenomenon has also occurred. In this research, the researchers must rely on the state of equipment and labor to get equipment ... ... Even if the impartiality of the academic and research institutions are also vulnerable to Jibei these The authority of real research, various interests have been inevitable in the struggle to clarify the truth and facts exist. However, since the loss of their monopoly of this authority. The constraints for the interests of [25]

Arendt always believed that to find out the facts than the statement of advice (view) important. Constrained by the interests of research institutions, the danger is from the manipulation of Not only from political control and pressure groups, but also money, material inducements. She called: When the interview said: Arendt taught at the university Independent academic thought of her independent personality from:

she does not belong to any group does not belong to any group, entirely her own. Only you can master himself. Moreover, the complete independence, for many writers, will feel a bad thing. And she must not join them. She had to think really to exist, but must be some new things to think about the kind of writer. She denied the kind of intellectual self-rocking, breathing independence exists, - this independence does not feel empty because of the lack of attribution, can attack the general replied: the courage to continue to expose the kind of independence. [27]

Arendt in Benjamin as a Jew, in Germany, the University can only become a docent, and eventually become a Although he lived in poverty, but refused to ideology, economic interests behind the temptation of the mainstream literary world not only offended the George School (Stefan George) in that group, nor from the Frankfurt School of Social Science Research Institute's tame Benjamin wrote sympathetically as she living in poverty, regardless of the level of royalties, resulting in an excellent presentation from seclusion in the [28] in the , marginalization of the consequences of walking in the forefront of the times, one of the reasons is because the Jewish problem for them, obviously it is absolutely important. This can work from their expression of despair in the proven, because the contradiction between self-attribution of identity, as well as on the traditional Western Europe as a whole (including Marxist) has also created a reasonable doubt (some people put their attention to Marxism , but the revised Marxism, such as members of the Frankfurt School). Critical not only social, political situation, but also thinking ideas, the whole question of the political field. [29] This assessment also applies to her own fear.

Arendt described the university as this concept, so, here by the way, Arendt vigilance of Zionism. But does not oppose the establishment of the Hebrew University, not only because Arendt ethnic minorities in the field of education proposed the cultural particularity of the concept of protection, [30] also implies the universality of human culture her ethnic cultural traditions and individual special of post-conflict positions: I hope that part of European culture - the Jewish national culture can continue. [31]

I saw the University side of people snatching frenzy treatise, written thousands of words have completed the above, facing the


1, , ed., Political Theory and Social Change. New York: Atherton Press, 1967, pp.3-37.

2,1964 radio stations in West Germany's Sueddeutsche 11 of their academic speech Lianbo be edited as: Die Politische Verantwortungder Nichtpolitiker, (R. Piper & Co. Verlag, Munchen 1964,), then stay in West Germany when Arendt's speech, >
3, with note 2, ss.159-160.

4, with note 2, s.161.

5, the same note 2, ss.161-162.

6, Arendt
8, the same note 5.

9, with the note on page 6,320.

10, Arendt 1954 lectures at the University of Notre Dame's speech >
11, with note 10.

12, with note 2, s.164. Also, see Dana R. Villa, Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt (Princeton University Press, 1999), 引文 cited in the Japanese version of people 々 の times, can be found Chuan-chiu, 15, Samuel Barber, > 17, more see Haier Brown's ss.161-162.

19, with note 2,Discount UGG boots, ss.162-163.

20, Shetler Code in > 23, with note 2, ss.164.

24, see Edward Hills series, -118 pages.

25, with note 2, ss.174-175.

26, with note 25.

27, cited in Arendt and so on, The Eichmann: Ethics in Modern Dilemma / Blue Hill, Lee Hoi Yan Letters royalties have caused delays in her indignation.

29, with note 13,231 pages.

30, can be found Chuan-chiu, 2004, II, 76-98 pages.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

11, the dream of frog

 According to a dry well on the North shortage,

bottom of a frog has been frozen,

ice and snow cover on him,

the moment before his death he was to sleep.

he dreamed of legend in the south,

in the whisper of a kingfisher in the greenwood,

background is infinitely vast blue sky,

all the wind and the sun was bright and dazzling.

Comment: poems from Heinrich Heine masterpiece First, plunging into the poem, he did not make people feel ugly, disgusting, just makes people feel pity, tragedy and shock, which in poetry is extremely rare; Secondly, the use of multiple sharp contrast: will freeze to death Whisper of the kingfisher and carefree toad, and the southern sun on the North shortage, bottom, and trees, frozen snow cover and warm dry well narrow the vast green forest of light, strongly against the frog and the environment, integrated with Kingfisher and the environment one (Kingfisher activities in the same color green forest, while the main body did not lose consciousness of freedom), the reality of the situation and the legend of the Yangtze River, the moment of death and eternal dreams, etc., all of these comparison are collected in a short span of eight rows in. Read full poem, toad and a symbol of what has been important Kingfisher, apart from shock, invariably strikes on the respect and admiration of an idealist.

12, in heaven I want to wear a red dress


beautiful spring outside the sun shining on the grass

-year-old Mary hold in bad

clamoring to go outside to play

mother had agreed to

helpless weak physically weak body

congenital heart disease

consumed all her strength

Mary put on a red dress

fly like a bird

mother sitting under the window Mary can not stay together

red dress, green grass

very conspicuous, and more beautiful

mother at any time to see

where Mary went to

that one afternoon, a red dress

to fly around in the grass

cry while her mother Mary

cry while her mother Mary


Soon thereafter, the disease Mom would take away the life

and this genetic disease

also started against Little Mary

Mary is still playing on the grass

buried chest to help pacemaker

only, no one

in the window shouting her name

ran a few steps to tired

will stop for breath Mary

just fun No matter how tired would not rest

strong spirit of God to the children

did not give her the appropriate physical

Mary does not know what death is

only know that she will soon die

She was about to catch up

drill into the grass yellow butterfly Mary angry stomp straight

chase around to the grass over there and

walk slowly, do not worry

acute bad back

is the home of the old aunt


Mary Mary

still playing in the garden

wearing a red dress

running in green grass She finally tired

lie down to rest

her heart

increasingly unable to jump Mary is going to die

Mary did not cry She looked at Aunt

said something before he died

take off my red dress

wearing it in heaven, Mom

Mary can be instantly recognizable

Comment: This is the first narrative poem is very moving. Whereas the sense come from? Mainly from the dye-free innocence of life. We all have a life time, 无知者无畏, not fear death because they do not understand, only travel when it is eventually becoming elders go back out, is the family to enjoy the blessings of a prosperous place. Little Mary, the mother away, we also have died, but look at adults with the most common fear of death, do not welcome do not resist, go with the flow, this attitude is the adult weight has been lost but hope to come by. Read poetry and appreciate the other arts, there is a replacement of the existence of the subconscious, we have Mary as his replacement, re-experiencing the familiar naive appeal for us. We are the theater people, but also acting, know that although the helpless innocent fantasy, but at the Queen Mary is the most appropriate. The strong appeal of this view of life in Wordsworth Second, from a sincere love of mother and daughter. Third, from the nursery rhyme-like narrative style, not something carved, and content complement each other.

14, after my death

death occupied the Quartet,

Where can I be buried?

by the corner of your heart,

let me sleep there.

by Heart grassy grave,

let it barren in the fleeting.

way, if you do poor road,

let my soul fly.

Comment: Since ancient times, East and West by the chant death to be buried together with the other expressions of deep love poems and more men, such as the Butterfly butterfly legend, the poetry in the Yin Hong, This short poems are unique, do not attack the previous practice, break new ground. Hero to be buried where the dust is not the world, but in their heart, another poem of Two lines from the sentence a question, sentence is quite strange, Death's cold, it seems that only the family, the warmth of love to overcome, so the hero to Solely by means of a corner of the mind but not all minds, the more people feel Five or six in two rows, the hero of the borrowed Seven, eight two lines, it is sad, after his death, except that occasionally the owner thought his heart, but also no one remembers him. Condensed heavy verses, writing done on the Homecoming, the world and the earthly and human well-being of the infinite emotion.

15, I have to fake I would like to put in a

prosthetic hand,

good to shake hands with people to meet,bailey UGG boots,

use it to listen to a report clapping,

election solemnly raised their hands.

two real hand, I want for themselves,

right hand used to write poetry night,

left to beat their thin bones,

touch the body of young love.

I need to do a hip model

sent to Beijing Normal University poetry class that swelling of the liver,

gave Shen Haobo, Li Hongqi,

special to give to the ladies

- Yue Wu Ang and flowers,

(children want their mother has done)

I mean non-elegant gift

helpless they are interested in only the lower body.

best to leave the right side of the chest in the heart of a security,

use it to deal with fleeting love,

to work with it, use it to make a living,

use it to conduct a just war.

really left, it is the love of peace,

enjoy the tranquility of the night lamp,

Falling out of the window to ring in the autumn,

distant people, may you have peace of mind. Stages of

I want my fake plans.

the initial stage of leave:

I have to wear a false face,

install a denture, Enhancing falsetto,

in this ridiculous on the big stage,

jump a mask dance, sing a masque.

intermediate stage of leave:

parent I want to worship a false or false mother,

then sought power,

fake counterfeit wine fraud,

fake, navigate the false passage.

advanced stage of leave:

I want to advocate a higher hypothesis,

creates the illusion of

leave the name of the people and justice,

line autocrat and evil of the real,

fake credit idiotic ignorance,

slaves under the guise of freedom,

such as do not believe my lies,

I swear to pull down my eyeball

- cut, it is a fake eye!

God, I am a what kind of person?

a shed real person.

around me what kind of people?

a false false people have forgotten their own.

This is a kind of world?

pretends really true to a false world.

Comment: Look subject to a kind of Although the rampant fakes can not yell so loud I would dare to fake, so people can not help but want to see go: What the poet really want to make the holiday? Read full poem, etc., can not help but refreshing, simple and powerful language of militancy, spicy amused. The Poetry progressive layers, gradually in-depth content, reached a high level of awareness of the Poetry Section from Heine, also from the cloud of the poet Heinrich Heine as a teacher abroad, to some extent, this poem has deep obtaining the power of observation, and indeed a rare good poetry,

16, the dream of the old wooden bridge - old-new writing

dream, I stepped on another piece of the old wooden bridge,

river's two sides, maple has red,

thick red maples, shade windows Zhu Qi households

sitting under the window waiting for me Gillian.

dream, Gillian sent me another piece of the old wooden bridge over,

Itabashi thin on the cream, salt foot foot foot was light,

back to people distant, waving silently mouths,

Aria Gillian left me standing under.

Comment: The subtitle of this poem called the old-new writing is the use of archaic poetry try to reproduce the works of Poetry, poetry, give full play to the advantages of the vernacular Chinese, more successful. Reflected in: 1, there is not inferior to poetry's beauty. Analyse the first and second two sentences of ze. Dream (flat), I (ze) tread (flat) piece (flat) Old board (ze) Bridge (flat), river (level) of the cross (ze), Maple (ze) has (EOC) Red a (ze, read rising tone). China in Poetry from the absorption of nutrients, one of ze white, not San Lianping, ze of the rhyme; or the word meal, or words meal, Dunjiao flexible, not rigid archaic Metrical quatrains Dunjiao faults; first section, could not have a thimble marks the use of techniques to strengthen the Finals of euphemism, smooth; natural rhythm to help create a poetic mood. 2, the scenery picturesque and bright colors. Select Maple Section, rendering Autumn, and the joy of seeing light match. Section II of the mood like strong narrative, the plot is more complete, color and more abundant. Like a fine watercolor.

17, six-round knowledge of the singing

stars in the sky, I can see

as far as his childhood dream

as sweet as mother's memory

weak as the shining light as the ideal

the sea in the distance, I could hear

noise as loud as the life instincts boiling

as quiet as the deepest loneliness no wave

is human ebb and flow of people crying song

hundred miles away from the Yangtze River, I could smell

Setsurei tip is the source of innocence of a child-like

Yangtze River surface waves is already stale

the same as life never stops, blindly move forward

tears on his face, I can taste fine

an act of love that golden tears of joy,

as the inevitable outcome of a string of rather sad,

turned into freedom and solitude, after dropping two crutches.

lumbar ribs in the body, I can tangible

next one I am willing to pumping

ask God to turn it into love my woman

homogeneous no guess, a lifetime experience

heart is burning, I realized that

where the beasts are not the stigma of

left countless generations of ancestors and moral imperative

gods and demons also said the sound of silence

Comment: Buddhism by the sixth consciousness is said, by seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch, awareness, were written to see the stars, hear the tide, smell the Yangtze River, tasting tears, touch the ribs, Mind and sense of feeling. Poetry There are two prominent characteristics: First, the content is more complex, but there is a complete structure to accommodate. Feeling of childhood away, sincere motherly love, the ideal weak, difficult to overcome instinct, blind life, perfect love and marriage rare, the interdependence of good and evil, etc. These elements, if not will look very messy, showing the importance of the structure of poetry. Second, writing techniques, but also six general knowledge (synesthesia). For example, section I, the poet gave three stars in the sky feeling,UGG shoes, think of his childhood dreams, like the distant stars; think of his mother, the stars seem sweet; think of the ideal, the stars become dim.

17, pear open season

sky is the elegant home of white clouds

clouds like a pear in the open

aircraft wings, bird wings

will eventually fall to the ground tired of flying open

to drizzling March lingering

rain open the season March pear

who dream the same sob like spring rain

them open the pear, and turns and thousands of Results

know, pear and open place

silent spring winding my dreams

pear I stood beside the white sister

silent spring of her face wet

dream east shore of the spring water flow

west is the same as my sister Pear

pear as open as the clouds in a dream

and I dream to sleep in the clouds

Comment: This is an exploration of poetry, but retains the shape of classical poetry straighten, rhyme and beautiful features. Pear is the parting of the flowers, the expression of injury in addition to the theme of separation, the other intent is less clear. The focus of poems exploring poetic language of music functions. The author believes that some of lyric poetry is to express emotions, to express the intangible emotional accuracy is as successful, but some feelings and thoughts of people, is hazy, vague, and how to use poetry to convey that emotion? Music can not be sure that each note for what is the use of the poem each word, the word can be seen as a piece in the notes, but the whole poem, is a song. The meaning of music is not really referring to. Loop back and forth through the language, the harmonious and charming rhyme, fresh and beautiful images, to convey only know the effect, I wonder if the idea really means.

18, isolated island

it is an island in the sea

ancient call to listen to the waves of noise

thousand years with fluffy white clouds

One day a stray birds flying

island stepping stones fall

island gave the sweetest most beautiful fresh food

the only guests this damn

designate the island flew away

smooth feathers no longer see it

no longer hear the gentle tweet it

watched it into the blue sky island

the back of it is shrinking in the narrow

days old at the time when shortage of land Countless years have passed

stray migratory bird

never been to island

ancient waves still churn

thousand years in the fluttering cloud

Comment: post-Symbolist poetry of is a modernist poetry? In fact, the modern variety of writing skills in a vast sea of traditional Chinese poetry are to find. This poem, with Bi, Xing broad enough. The poem is about a bird, lost in the fall on an island on the sea, by the help of island and left, and left the island forever remembered. The story is The poem is a great analogy, metaphor has been isolated and all migratory birds, the whole metaphor of a poem or love, or a metaphor gone youth, or the metaphor lost ideal, and so on, the reader insights. Opening and the end of the description of clouds and waves, described the island solitude of their environment, there Hing flavor. Abandon the whole complexity of the poem, only picking the blue sky and white clouds, the sea and the waves in the background, to expand the island and the story of migratory birds, creating a completely poetic space,UGG bailey button, giving aesthetic pleasure.

19, forget-me-

secluded meadow, corners of the evening,

purple flowers in full bloom one after another,

love Oh, you must remember,

forget their names called me.

blue sky, white Galaxy

shining gold stars one by one,

love Oh, you do have to remember,

they are opened in heaven do not forget me.

dawn broke, more than my sorrow,

I shed tears glistening dolphin,

love Oh, since you have to remember,

they are open in the heart do not forget me.

Comment: Do not forget my poems have been written about numerous perianth, because of its small, you can see and exotic name, and a favorite poet. Verses were written the evening, night, dawn of the three lovers live scene, the expression Break up soon, probably the last night, from dusk to both sweet together, there are concerns about parting, section I forget where I am a flower, opened to the floor. Section II into the night, the night sky scenery, especially in the night before departure time, in the lover's eyes flashing strange glory. The sky is blue, the Galaxy is white, the stars are golden, about the romantic lovers heart is in the sky of the surf. But in such a romantic moment, still did not forget to Section III, is the dawn, the time to say goodbye, not like last night described the scene as the romantic, has become a desolate. Language lovers crazy again, ask always remember the tears of farewell, this section Do not forget me is tears, opened in the heart. Verses ingenious, progressive layers, paint a portrait of accurate structural symmetry, rhyme harmony, has been quite the norm.

20, memory

wind then suddenly stop

rain was blinding as silk

Except for the deep as sea It was pouring rain

bright eyes It was pouring rain

bright eyes

Except for the deep as sea

rain was blinding as silk

wind then suddenly stop

Comment: In general, eight-line palindrome poetry is more appropriate for the performance of sentimental lingering emotions, Dai's First, the performance of an unrequited love for the psychological activities, rhyme ababbaba. This poem is different from wearing a poetry performance is a special feeling of a moment, rhyme is aabbbbaa. One poem, twenty-two describe the particularity of this moment, the wind suddenly still, rain and blinding as silk, a move a static form strange contrast. In fact, this is just the psychological feeling of lyric character, and this moment may not really exist. What causes the feeling of dislocation character, hallucinations? Third, forty-two have suggested that turned out to be caused by a pair of eyes, a pair of bright eyes rain shower,Bailey UGG boots, a pair of eyes as deep as the sea. As for the hero to bring joy or sorrow eyes, has no way of knowing. Poem ends here, section II palindrome, did not give us the answer. Verses smooth and natural, fresh and meaningful, not a verse to bring resistance palindrome Shibuya, which is quite rare.