Thursday, December 30, 2010

Speech (ZT) Ren's speech on Heroes

 Bloggers Comment: heroism Huawei (Huawei's North Slope to climb Mount Everest Language Liu mm) Ren the core of heroism, some of the heroic sentiment. The scene of appeal more than the power of words. Almost all the leaders of heroism not have a heroic speech.
Ren on for reference. Therefore, do not find a hero in life. himself did not find an example. a hero is an ordinary, strong through the Dadu River is still a hero after the horses arrived in northern Shaanxi, therefore, liberation, had the title of the regiment level and groom . Mao Zedong Poems said the same job as the staff planning market, as sophisticated as the fabric management market.
(3) the great development of our time, how the lack of a proven group of cadres, as they did. Some have shorter fire, some fire to burn longer; some are standard.
(4) we firmly oppose the moral decline after the rich, vulgar greed and corruption, no matter his position. We have to rebuild a new era of national spirit. to contribute to the revitalization of our great motherland youth and Love.
(5) of carbon arranged in parallel, can form graphite, very soft; and if the triangle array, it can constitute a diamond, unusual hard. In order to build such a structure, personnel and resource allocation, we need more the rich self-sacrifice of the cadres, and their practice is our example, they say one example of the power generated is infinite. their spirit shine forever like a phoenix as.
II , call for heroes
(1) will be returned to Hong Kong a few days, the whole hundred and fifty years later. Opium War, the smoke has disappeared, but the Opium War ghosts still quiet swing. centuries of humiliation Tell us a truth, never weak, conditions, the use of the conditions that you have committed, or make you eat less than the WTO the Apple hh
(2) call for heroes of history, contemporary China is more urgent call for heroes of the groups, Huawei young people should become such a hero. Who said Dr. earth today, would not the world of tomorrow excellence. China is only in education, culture, science and technology leading to bullying people out of the trough. aspiring sons and daughters of the motherland should be dedicated to the cause.
(3 ) to do work is a passion, is a dedicated driver, is an opportunity and challenge, how rare, should treasure it. seriously do everything, whether big or small. vision and open mind , responsible, do not care about personal gains and losses.
Third, do not do short-lived hero
(1) the years of hardships and hard work success, the face may be more at home and abroad An increasing number of good publicity, we will be complacent, whether in our ranks the shallowness of some bad breeding habits? whether Huawei's pride on his face? Why proud? Huawei sustainability of the proud? us The way forward is more broad, or more difficult? wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it. The more we develop, the stronger the strength of competitors, competition, the more difficult hh
(2) Huawei must maintain a reasonable the growth rate: there is no reasonable growth rate would not have enough profit to support the development of enterprises. no reasonable growth rate, there is no sufficient capacity to provide staff with more opportunities to attract more talents to business needs . no reasonable growth rate, it will lag behind its competitors, the company will eventually lead to death. So, how to make development faster? only by management, and relying on services.
(3) extension is based on the connotation of to do it, without good management is difficult to maintain speed over the competition: the expansion must be standing on a solid basis; management of progress based on good management practices and tools; no desire to improve the management, corporate real dead
(4) No scale is difficult to deal with future low-cost competition: software product reproducibility, which calls for large-scale operation to significantly lower costs. scale generated by the low cost of management, rather than spontaneous. product coverage rate , share, growth rate is the assessment of the macroeconomic indicators of enterprise development.
(5) to put life into the eternal Management Optimization to: Huawei the first and second generation entrepreneurs to start their lives to go into , access to today's success. R & D staff also sworn to put life into the product to go, so we should put life into the managers to optimize the ongoing management to go. the life of injection does not want you to like go-getters, Moye casting sword jump to the furnace going, but to use meticulous, tireless pursuit of the spirit of product success.
(6) I hope that we will not be short-lived hero. Huawei has achieved some success, but we want to hide in this achievement sleep, the heroes on the withered flower, withered flowers can be open, it is highly questionable. in the information industry, they are left behind, it is hard to catch up.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ha ha hope you are happy ...

 Long time no update issued today a lazy 100 jokes to see Oh Oh ...
1: Once a man fishing, caught a squid only.
Squid ask him: Do you let me go, do not roast and eat ah me.
man said: Yes, I ask you some questions to test it.
very happy squid said: You test it you test it!
and then put this man squid to bake ..
2: I have too schizophrenic, but now we have recovered.
3: A student in the U.S. driving test, turn left in front of signs suggest that he is not very sure Q Examiner:
into the red beans; has been festering, he is a soybean; wound end up with scars, and finally became black.
5: Small sensible hair, next to the school, the students see his new hairstyle , smiles: Xiao-Ming, your head like a kite Oh-type! Xiao Ming feel wronged, to go outside to cry. crying and crying and he would fly up ~ hhhh
6: personal long as onions, to go the walk began to cry hh.
7: Little Penguin one day asked his grandmother, asked my father, ;
8: There is a love of the h
of corn so they decided to get married h
wedding day h
a corn corn h
find another asked beside the corn Popcorn: the corn you see our family do?
popcorn: my dear, people wear a wedding dress of the Well hh.
9: music class, the teacher playing a Beethoven tune
Xiaoming Q Xiao Hua: Piano. What are they afraid?
answer: cloth afraid of ten thousand, the paper just in case.
reasons: not (Brazzaville) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case.
12: One day a lady car h
sit the way her mother did not know the way to play with a stick h.
driver ass mother said: Which?
Driver: This is my ass h..
13: an egg to the teahouse tea, the results it became boiled eggs; an egg run the Songhua River to swim, the results it becomes egg; have eggs went to a Shandong, turned into a Lu (halogen) eggs; an egg homeless return result it becomes a wild eggs; an egg on the way careful not to fall, fell to the ground, turned into a missile; an egg go to the yard of the family, turned into a bomb; an egg run to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the results become a hydrogen bomb; an egg is sick, the results become bad; an egg married, turned into a jerk; an egg go swimming in the river, turned into a nuclear bomb; an egg run to the flowers gone, turned into a Hua Dan; an egg riding a horse, holding a knife, that he is a Peking Opera Blues; an egg or female, long ugly, the result becomes a dinosaur eggs; an egg is male, his wife and the other eggs out adultery, and he became a son of a bitch; an egg hh
14: host asked: Will the cat climb? eagle Responder: Yes! Moderator: example! eagle tears: That year, I was fast asleep, the cat climbed the tree, then there is the owl h h
15: both feces shell dragonfly the welfare lottery, A said: I want to put in the jackpot radius of 50 miles to buy down the toilet, eat your fill! B said: You Ah Tai Su! I hit the jackpot on the package if the one living, eat fresh!
16: why the chicken cross the street
answer to get another side
17: A: That man is doing?
B: He was shaking.
A: Why did he want to shake it?
B: Yeah he was cool .
A: Oh, not cold-drawn shivering.
A: hh
18: Mr. Banana and his girlfriend have a date, walking down the street, the weather is hot, put the clothes Mr. Banana took off, after his girlfriend fell down hhh
19: a sausage to be kept in the refrigerator
feeling cold, and then looked at the other side of the root, with the point of comfort, said: long time. He said: tired ah, I think I have soft down the whole person hhh.
21: This diver is very difficult moves, he did a forward somersault twist then three weeks a half weeks backflip then a month.
22: MM University of got lost looking for. met a gentle professor.
MM: May I ask, how can I go to college?
Professor: Only work hard in school, more than before University.
23: Secretary and Chief of pooling the elevator, after the Secretary released a fart chief said: You fart! chief said: h is not long I put the chief were sacked, the Secretary will said: fart big things you can not afford to be magnanimous, to what you use?
24: Miss: now doing good business doing it!
boss: Why?
Miss: . No, washable cold weather promised ~ ~ ~ (giant conceal joke)
27: A blind man begging in the streets wearing sunglasses.
a drunk man walked by, that his poor, threw him a hundred dollars.
After walking a few drunk one turned around to see the blind man goes to the sun to distinguish between genuine and false hundred large copy.
drunk over snatched the money back: I cheat! br>
two people have a great chance of bird flu mm1.
B: I'm Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit from the time will be a ~
C: to know why Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit you?
AB: I do not know!
C: Because Adam did not smoke! (Hint: homonym of a word)
30: someone had just been abandoned by his girlfriend, happened to bump into on the street flirting with ex-girlfriend and new love, he imagined gas, to humiliate them about. So I called the front is very polite hello, and was contemptuously new love of his girlfriend, said: , which are all new! what the scroll bar above the text passes very quickly.
even curious to ask: This is the lyrics up?
Sister: Yeah!
the line of duty: how flies so fast? no see! < br> Line of Duty: Jay!!
33: Wife: I'm blind, will marry you stepped on dog feces.
Husband: I was really blind will marry you step on dog feces.
dog feces: Oh my good luck! lay there have been two of you to step on ......< br> 34: Chemical Examination Question: A and B can be transformed into each other, B can generate C in boiling water , C in the air oxidation of D, D has the smell of rotten eggs, and asked A, B, C, D all what?
I A: A is the chicken, B is the raw eggs, C is a cooked egg, D course Rights rotten eggs!
35: rubber, skins, lion's skin which the worst?
A: rubber.
because eraser (rubber poor).
36: Q: 3 head of a What is foot only???
answer: 3 foot tall monster !!!!!!< br> 37: ants go to the desert, and why the sand did not leave his footprints, leaving only a line on the road?
answer: because it is the bicycle!
home from the desert ant, he did not tell anyone, but his family knew he was coming back! Why ah!
Answer: Yes He stopped the bike downstairs hh.
38: One day, police caught a female drug addicts, police saw the tattoo on her hand and asked her what are you doing to your boyfriend's name tattooed hands , he called the Little good is not h ah .. is not. quickly said that he had no drugs .. h. A woman quickly saw that
addict looked on with an angry look
police say it is hate
Rights h.
40: One day, the United States and her boyfriend go for a drive,
car almost out of gas, just next to a gas station, opened in the past, when a sudden gust her boyfriend's hat blown off.
small beautiful boyfriend said to her:
behind him shouted:
But soon they are in love, people ask how did you come together?
gorilla replied: jump off tall buildings ...
turned into a .......< br> dead fat man ..
43: There was a duck called the Little Yellow, one day it was hit by a car while crossing the road a bit , shouted: One day, stay at home, especially bored penguins, polar bears ready to go play, and he went out, but walked the road half the time find myself to forget to lock the door, which had gone for 10 years, but still have the door lock ah, so the penguins and go home to lock the door. lock the door after the Penguins once again starting to look for polar bears, mean that he spent 40 years to the polar bears and penguins to their home hh knock on the door said: come looking for you to play! Do you have a hundred small bread ah? jumping jump bakery, On the third day, the rabbit hopped to the bakery, !! what results it becomes : A stewardess asked one little girl said: 50: There was a polar bear and a penguin playing with the penguins to the hair one by one to pull down, pull finished, on the polar bear said: fur to pull down one by one, turned to Penguin, said: br> Q: That day, the chief is ill, the doctor told him to be a vegetarian, he ate what?
A: eat a vegetable!
52: two sausages in the fridge, over a long time,
sausage with a bit of a shake, wow! cold ah ~!
other sausages very surprised to say, hey? how can you say sausage?
53: One day,
have only Bucks run faster and faster,
went last,
it becomes a high-speed Bucks
54: One day, a teacher took a group of adopted children to the mountains of fruit,
she announced: , taken after the completion of fruit, our unified and wash, washing can eat. Mei: shoes, because I stepped on the stool. : Xiao Ming! you how ah? you know the answer in the end ah? anyhow Zhiyi Sheng ah!
Xiaoming: squeak ~
56: elephant asked the camel: l how long you in the back of Mimi on? r
camel, said: l die away, I do not and the penis with a long speech in the face of things!
57: How to drink larger cups?
read the Great Compassion Mantra
58: Xiao Ming: A few degrees today?
Xiaohua: minus 3 degrees Ah!
Xiao Ming: No wonder so cold
59: A little boy came home from school a glimpse from the window of a mad woman lying in bed rubbing chest I want a man I cried a man!
next day the little boy out of the window out of date and from a woman who found a man lying,
the little boy went home and cried in bed mad rubbing my chest I want to bike to bike !
60: Once upon a bird,
him every day through a corn field,
but unfortunately,
patch of corn field one day, a fire,
all Corn turned into popcorn!!!
the bird in the past after ......< br> that snow to cold dead ...
61: that there is a polar bear, because of snow to be too harsh, and have to wear dark glasses to see things,
but he can not find the sunglasses, so crawling around on the ground looking eyes closed, goes up and up Yeah, the hands and feet to climb before the dirty to find sunglasses. wear sunglasses, mirror a photo, and found: Oh, I'm a panda.
62: science class the teacher asked: Why is a cold body after death?
no one answer.
teacher asked: no one know?
At this time, there is a student stood up and said: That is because �ľ���Ȼy.
63: Xiao Ming in a car accident lost a leg, br> Xiao Ming in a car accident and lost a leg,
another accident lost his primary and secondary out the other leg,
small out in a car accident and lost his leg,
Xiao Ming is in fact dog.
64: One day, A, B, C three people go out, hang around for a long time to go on the road.
A later said,'m bored, I want to play B.
A and C saw one, put the B onto the alley to go play.
65: three rabbit poo
pull the first strip of
only the second ball of the
only the first three triangular
actually ask it: I Yong Shounie the
66: When will want reunification of Taiwan?
buy instant noodles when
67: Bauer asked him one day Dad: He suddenly ran out of dog bites, he angrily picked up the bamboo fight it,
the dog's owner to see Xiaoming beat his dog, was unhappy to say: beat the dog to see the owner, heard of it? < br> when Xiao Ming said: good! I watched you and your dog while playing.
69: Bugs: flowers, do you do with my pencil?
flowers: No, I useless.
Bugs: You're useless?
flowers: I'm useless!
Bugs: Well, you are useless in 17 people admit to a
70: Ants After falling off from the Himalayan mountains is how to die?
answer: starvation. because it floats down to too light a long time ~ h
80: Why do dogs get smaller?
A : Because it is farther and farther.
81: Once there was a horse! it fell into the sea Paozhepaozhe.
Therefore, it becomes a Only one other horse horse friends, fell into the sea in order to find the horse, the result fell into the river. Later, he became it in order to find the missing two friends, came to the traffic chaos of the city.
it is several successive sets the car to run over, making him appear a good few black stripes.
result, it becomes the fate of being eaten, all to be as into the could not help but say: 20 million underground banks, Little Grace implored him more days,
banks who said: tomorrow we must also, otherwise hh, chopped off two fingers;
the day after tomorrow, then hh, in cutting the four; 3 days, then hh
Xiao Ming: Is it not also the people who
banks: NO, to the time you become a little jingle.
83: a man of God suddenly one day encounter God
Daihatsu kindness intend to give that person a wish
God asked: Do you have any desire to do?
man then said: I heard that cats have nine lives, then please give me your right 9 Mania !
God said: Your desire to achieve slightly!
day, that person idle boredom,
want to die a death anyway, 9 Mania Well
to lay railroad tracks, the results of a train
that people are still dead.
Why is this?
because that station has 10 train cars.
84: a guy to the hospital inspection, and has done a lot of testing.
doctor said: There is good news and bad news! read your test results, I find that you have potential homosexual tendencies!! and difficult to cure!
this guy said : Oh my god! good news that it?
doctors shy to say: I found you quite lovely yeah
85: a hunter with his dogs to hunt in the woods a slip of the day did not prey .
dark, not willing to keep riding, he was transferred in the woods,
horse suddenly said: l you do not give me a break, think I'm exhausted ah!? r
hunters heard shocked, and immediately roll down from the horse, pulling dogs to run away, ran panting under a tree during a lesson, the dog patted his chest and said to him: l scared me, actually talking horse! r < br> So the hunter on the spot was scared to death
86: wolves, tigers and lions who play the game will be eliminated? Wolf
because: Momotaro (out of the wolf)
87: A day of pick a mirror the mirror of the talk about the importance; here good side of people familiar ah
B said; is? I see (taking the mirror), I ah! me that you do not know ah?
88: A Tomato and tomato B to go shopping.
B Q A: Where are we going?
A does not answer.
B asked: Where are we going?
A or no answer.
B asked the time.
turned on Tomato Tomato A B said: We are not tomatoes come from? Why do we say it?
89: Once there was a white and a black cat

white cat fell into the water to save it up
said something white on black
`` Q: What does?
; meow
B :Do not say, when to eat something so disgusting!!
92: Cao Chuan Lu Su in
: . ? administrator explained: It has been fed peaches,
results Peach not pull out, scared monkeys, and now we must eat a good amount.
94: peripheral hospitals to prevent the escape of 100 patients, two still want to escape from the hospital psychiatric patients.
effort over the wall in the beating in the darkness. to 30 under the wall,
continue to turn outward.
to 60 under the wall,
99 under the wall,
stream, a large treasure, Nobita, ambition, David A total of four boys naked in the play in the water,
suddenly was electric fish in the stream, the four boys were electrocuted to! guess an electrical appliances. < br> Allcorn: ah .... do not know Jesus ~
Xiao Ming: The answer is Hump it?
Camel Dad: Because the desert without water, there can only store water hump ah!
small Luo: Dad, why do we have a long woolen?
Camel Dad: Because the desert in the wind, we have relied on block wind and sand, we will see ah!
small Luo: Dad, why do we have a foot thick?
Camel Dad: Because the desert is sand, so that we stabilize ah!
small Luo: Dad, the last question, then we are doing here at the zoo?
97: hen incubates the eggs, have an egg out from its ass drill
hen: > writing on the wall film r l word,
watch the two of us up to sit on the toilet.
100: a morning, to a known tough Executive Morning soldier asked:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sina blog development front _

 Exhibition of Personal Data

blog rating:
blog points: 1605
blog visit: 32,861,497
concern popularity: 590
1997 began to get involved in the stock market, suffered a lot during the period, in a number of consulting companies and investment institutions working in the securities business for 12 years history, with more than 6 years experience in the domestic sector Trader, private equity funds with Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have close ties and cooperation, familiar with the many organizations Trader's practices and habits.
shares the sea due to years of real temper, I am on the Dow Theory, Gann theory, Golden ratio theory, and Buffett's investment philosophy has deeper study concluded in December 2002 and original manipulator system, a development front, after verification by the discovery and practice of continuous improvement, whether bull or bear market, the method has achieved excellent band profits. The long and short lines, body lines, light line, gold line, the main line, the dark horse lines, mad cow line, lifeline, and the redefinition of CBBC lines and definition, it is not technical analysis allows investors superior operating skills to master within a short time, I believe that over time there will be more Investors benefit from the development of multi-manipulator system front, the sea battle of the shares freely advance and retreat!
development front connection
blog music player
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market trend in the afternoon Some unexpected rebound in 60 minutes of level of living that was strangled, the index of T +0 trading system, stock market, T +1 trading system, once again caused great harm to investors, the transaction system differences in design, form between the two markets tone to the market on interest rate impact is probably the most say in the market. before the broader market opened higher after the city was quickly dropped, so many investors will once again be careful broader market weakness, interest rates could have been bad, but Today the market will see it as advantage of this opportunity, the human mind is an important performance up, follow-up we do not need to discuss the impact, as but a technical perspective, gold wire from the 60-minute tape on Friday to return the body a small break the bottom line later, there has been a strong technical rebound requirements, the former city of gold wire and the second hour on the broken trend line, for the short-term implications for the broader market is more obvious, so I think the technical rebound will continue, whether the proposed volume of everyone's attention release!
afternoon broader market, such as backwater, despite how frustrating the main index, the market seems to be uninterested parties, and ultimately the broader market fell 20 points to close one. tape go now, although also of refers to the main continue to Tags:
Although real estate, financial stocks support the market, but the broader market in index futures before the market continue to test a low short, the minimum distance of 3, RSI was 2804 point is only 9 points away, just like today's frequent military exercises short Like South Korea, constantly harassing with the troubled A
relatively poor market trend in the afternoon, although the financial sector pull the sudden, the index had once occurred quickly ascribed, but then in the index the main one level under pressure, the market can only be one level down, it can be said that the main force of China's capital market has become a source of trouble, since the stock index futures, we look back at the A-share market, the real time how much better? Under the broader market closed today
no doubt, as I said yesterday, as the stock market Nocturne, A shares have been the moment of that news of the change, through the This is typical behavior of market manipulation, in the fight against the blow that today, the term refers to the management of this place as it is the main force should not be wantonly Hu!
tape go before the city is not easy,
Asia-Pacific stocks almost across the board gains across the board, although the renewed rumors of Han Jun Korean border will be 23 in the vicinity of a large-scale live-fire exercise ground and air news, but the index remains high in Seoul, South Korea received the red. the other hand, A shares, although not as the plays the same crap, but in the index under two quick jump under the guidance of market sentiment has obviously been a blow to the broader market test a low intraday line agencies near the line Sunday, it seems, not neighbors, how little exercise, our own market, but there is a big problem in itself, perhaps the economic situation has not publicly described as optimistic! purely technical point of view, the market
overnight the three major U.S. stock indexes hit two years the highest closing price, the former city of A shares will remain the same shock as before, said the stock market is a barometer of the national economy, then the stock market reflects to us what is not is a true reflection of the national economy it? former municipal red tape in real estate stocks Under the guidance of once high on the red, hot spots are not actively keep up with the follow-up, with the real estate section of the finished lower, the index also appears to follow the rapid fall and turn green, hot switching is not successful, the former city of the main reason for the broader market down in the afternoon we should pay attention to two major problems: First, the market still can not succeed if the switch hot real estate sector will rise again? but whether there will be an effective volume of the amplification? these two very critical, I hope you pay close attention to the . In addition, 2924-2929
the broader market closed before the City, the lifeline of 2877 points in 5 minutes near the Afternoon stock persistent efforts, not only recovered 5 minutes in one fell swoop lifeline, 15
the situation in North and South Korea took a dramatic turn, the broader market higher before the market opened down quickly ascribed, futures continue to play a disgraceful role, the market is like a child with the run, whether Upward or down jump, can not be right, but the index is as old Marceau plays naughty as people feel more or less sad. purely technical point of view, the current gold market's 60 minutes of line has been successful with the trend line Jin Cha, 60-minute line of 2866 points is suppressed Contracts Unit
12/21 After Hours Comment: Close 2904, after the firm opportunities! 12/21 noon Comment: Pressure 2866, break or not is the key! Sina BLOG feedback message board About Sina SINA English

Monday, December 27, 2010

Transformation of the telecommunications industry and new media

 Three trends in the fixed network to promote the triple play of voice
the overall decline in business will be replaced by wireless voice and IP, to the 2009 consumer fixed network services revenue will be lower than it is now 40%, voice services by 2010 price than is currently the dominant 2G voice services will be cheaper 50%.
can be seen from the voice, the transfer from fixed to mobile trend is irreversible.
no longer be a voice from the obstacles, there is now both long distance and roaming will be canceled. BUPT of Economics and Management Professor Overtapped interview guest rooms
Tiger Host: Beijing University of Posts today invited Professor of Economics and Management Overtapped, mainly about the telecommunications industry and the transformation of operators, the future industry, there is some impact there are some opportunities for the future in these areas within five or ten years what changes will happen? you guess a number of video services will bring many changes is that the case?
Overtapped: in terms of future trends can be summarized into several aspects. One is the fixed network voice services will be the overall decline in IP wireless voice and replaced by concrete information in my possession about a few data can give you a reference. some of the information, and experts predict By 2009 consumer fixed network services revenue will be 40% lower than it is now .2010 years ago is now not only the low-cost fixed network voice and 3G networks in the future the main driving force, by 2010 the price of voice services now account for more than dominant 2G voice services will be cheaper by 50%. If the hair is now two, the future is a hair.
Moderator: Well, this is the price of the telecommunications industry's Moore's Law, at a certain time will be reduced by half.
Overtapped: Second, you can see from the voice service, the transfer from fixed to mobile trend is irreversible. At present the development of the domestic situation, the total number of mobile subscribers has exceeded the fixed network, to the last months to reach 419 million mobile users and fixed network users is 3.5 million. mobile users than fixed users is from when in 2003, this trend is increasing.
unlimited flat rate voice prices the development trend of the future
Moderator: There is a turning point began to shift in, this is the case, said before the continue to explore. the so-called triple play of technical problems, there is also a trend that will continue to decline overall voice, another voice service to wireless, by 2005 75% of worldwide call will be initiated by the mobile, 04 only 20% of the time. There are forecasts to 2009 35% of the fixed network is about four million or so users will stop using the traditional mobile or landline and rely solely on the overall VOIP.SKYPE further maturation of these technologies and applications , not only for fixed, mobile is the impact of mobile voice services has always been mainly based on China Mobile, the current voice revenues still account for more than 85%, use this as the main source of profits for the operators how to deal with SKYPE mobile operators is a pressing issue.
the development of voice when talking about the two trends are obvious, from fixed to mobile, the other from the present traditional voice business to VOIP, SKYPE is a VOIP.
Moderator: Voice devalued, to rely on value-added services to make money in the future.
Overtapped: Yes, the future less the share of total income, like SKYPE up, the original source of the voice to make money as the main operating company's income will be greatly decreased by 40% than it is now. If voice is 1, then the next few years is only 0.4, and 0.6 lost, the loss rely on make it up? saying that the problem wearing.
third, to 09 In all of the technology, not only is the fixed or mobile, no longer a voice from the obstacles, it would, regardless of distance, regardless of city. At present there are long distance and roaming will be canceled, because with the technology and technology driven development, call cost from the original is a measure of the importance of standards, future standards will decline, not limited to voice when the flat rate price of voice services will be the development trend of the future. monthly system, which is that people in the near future to see trend.
Moderator: From the very basis of the trend is becoming a very public facilities, such as water, electricity and the same.
Overtapped: value-added business summit forum not long ago I spoke on a point of view, voice communication as one of the air or on water, sunlight, like the need, if the price should be a basis for the standard price, should such a situation. We can imagine that if you want to make money, then this is already impossible to achieve high profits. We talked about transformation issues, operators Ye Hao, the company should continue to go on to do? must be in transition, this is the inevitable trend of future development. People no longer satisfied with just a phone call, a real intervention to the stage of the so-called information and communication field, the original network into a network infrastructure built on the basis of an information network, point to point voice communication is also available from the network and other aspects of everyday life, work and play all the required type of information, this information can also be a one-way access, it can be interactive. particularly in the future, interaction is the most vital and competitive.
Moderator: This interactive feature is just like the current Internet similar.
Overtapped: this is concerned, no development of anything is subjective expectations on the people how I like it so often does not work. objective development to a certain stage, you have to stop it can not stop De to the technical conditions at that time allowed people to have the demand, the so-called current You have to be developed according to this trend, but rather that the development of objective things, by this time, any person of any group and any social forces trying to stop it and not stop, this is what we talked about the main topic of today's so-called triple play, Fusion is a big trend.
who led the most controversial triple play triple play
wide power grid in the original video media, network and voice network integration original who played the leading role. Live separation of these two lay the foundation for the integration of the network.
the basis of the future network is satisfied that as a taxpayer to the state the tax that they should enjoy a basic social resources.
is the most fundamental aspects of the problem by the taxpayer, the whole community to bear, the other part of the surface things look they are still free of other charges included in the cost of being, and this is usually said fleece us.
Moderator: the process of integration who led them there is a problem, often we are fighting for dominance of radio and television, telecommunications as well who do you think the Internet will be able to lead operations. This is the ground before the burst of digital TV transmission standard on the Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiaotong University contention, the last Tsinghua Like to win.
Overtapped: This is an objective law, if a specific implementation and development trend of big time when things are not easy, often tortuous, or even a reversal of the phenomenon. in the history of any the development of things have this phenomenon, such examples abound, but, after all, unable to retain the Castle Peak, east to the river. We are the Yangtze River to the twists and turns into the sea in the world can not find any of the river until the river straight into the sea, this is the trend. But the problem, as is the trend of competition for dominance in the process there will be a variety of curved, and there's twists and turns and even delayed the rivers into the sea in the distance or time, it is because policy-driven man-made.
now called the integration of IPTV and other Ye Hao Ye Hao, people are generally called wide power grid, telecommunications network, the Internet is not the most talked about who from the Internet and telecommunications networks, dominance issues, The contradiction lies in what is now where? a wide network in the present or the original video media, network and voice network integration original who played a leading role, even in policies on different occasions and policy issues on the legal level, the World the development of many countries will be used as reference. In the United States entered the final permit two-way, telecommunications, access to radio and television, radio and television can also enter the telecommunications. In the primary stage of socialism in our country under the political system and national institutions, public opinion in our news media first the industry as a national level, often some of the things in the practical implementation of some aspects of the process of expansion or distortion of certain aspects.
we now see a welcome step, radio and television sector to make major reforms, according to the policy of reform to the Central Transmission and show the gradual separation of Zhibofenli. In other words, the specific content of the program level by the relevant state departments to strict supervision, but for the other aspects of communication means and to gradually open, diversified. The achievement of this policy the so-called triple play for our future which were the basis of these two networks, as this road can not predict how long to go. This involves national policy, in fact, it also relates to the specific sectoral interests or a group and another Game between the interests of a group problem. game result that our policies and in the development process, there will be a lot of not so very happy to go under the circumstances trend. This situation is not unique to China, no country exists. any the formulation of national policy interest groups are some of the results of the balance of interests between, to arrive at a compromise solution.
basic level, the network should be unified by the National Society to pay
Moderator: There are three changes there is the possibility of lower costs, but now the mobile Internet and fixed-line Internet, a toll free or there is a problem, that would not have come down?
Overtapped: This problem is also concern that people not only a broad general million Internet users and more than four hundred million mobile users concern, but also the operators of the Internet, including Sohu, and so this concern a number of SP, to provide Internet based transmission facilities, as most major carriers and all other providers, there is the problem in two dimensions. the original or its Internet charging profit model, itself, when the technology is up from free. free technology is gradually developed, people used to thinking from the mindset and habits of departure that Internet use is free of charge. mobile networks from the telecom network evolution, we are accustomed to call to use the network resources must be occupied to pay, this is the process of conceptual evolution.
another point of view Look, we put aside the point of view, both the mobile network or the Internet, there is a problem, we are using a lot of network resources, network resources, that is, the transmission network resources and the most basic resources, the most basic resources, such Who will build the network? who maintained? who will be required to pay this part of the operating costs? This is the issue before the people. for the user is concerned, we all want to use white, do not pay. but from the business person perspective, you are all white with, I am not white why? Why should I pay to maintain the network for you to use white.
then, only two results, one is a charitable organization to do this, Obviously this is not possible, such a large network is not the case. There is also a problem as I mentioned many times, as a citizen, a taxpayer is satisfied that the tax after the state should enjoy a basic social resources. as we walk the road inside the city, like in Malaysia.
the basis of the future network is not intended as the basic infrastructure of national development to look at, providing people with the most basic, like most in need We just talked about the communication communication like voice, usually walking in the street to breathe the air, the Government's duty is to give me fresh air, not to allow air to be polluted. the government or a community organization and leadership should provide a wide channel to us, that can only be the future trend.
Moderator: mobile and fixed public network address differences in Internet access, which will promote the application of business development.
Overtapped: built on such a basis network, so many other applications, this is the people in need, but not everyone needs the same people, we should distinguish the problem. I host different interests, get the information you want and I want to get the information is not the same, you need a wider bandwidth, greater access, I might not. You have this need, you have to pay more, I can not pay or do not need to pay less, demand levels there are so few new things. Internet operators, telecom network operators to provide such services to users, we are now called value-added services or new business is called.
the whole network in the future the network should be a basic level, unified national social to pay, the other in the establishment of the network on another network or to a new business network to be added to provide these IT networks, this should be the future, all other operators, operators were to do, and do provide to you later The new service charge, this cost should be under the control of the government laws of pricing by the market.
mentioned here we can look to the future of the application, at this time does not matter that you are wide power grid or telecommunications network or the Internet because the application of these operations have been integrated together. all the time together, but other application-level operating company operated by various services and applications is not the same, at this point we understand it as in the future to build a network of control and future business operations, service control are separated. public information can still be broadcast free to all, and now the Internet have a fee, mail a fee has no charge, more people have more choices. operators that the user free of charge, just like the same plane, the plane is free to drink the beverage, this money come from your plane ticket. One aspect is the most basic question by the taxpayer, the entire society to bear, the other part of the surface things look they are still free of other charges included in the cost of being, and this is usually said fleece us.
new network: the killer application is no longer to
blog must be a small minority of customers, virtually all of the blog are formed inside the circle in its group.
network or 3G in the next era of the so-called killer business, I would have predicted such a business may find no.
now has a income is higher.
Moderator: keep out of these new applications, especially in the last two years everyone said WEB2.0, come out from the Internet, mobile, fixed line companies. you estimate the future for this application What are the characteristics of what trend? are talking WEB2.0, the new mobile services, fixed-line business in the future will be what the new trend?
Overtapped: the so-called new business there too many things, if you want it an exhaustive one, we have no way Qiongju out, but we can classify it to go look around. business development types, one is commonly referred to as the business communication class, there is a category of the entire entertainment class of business, including our current online games, music, pictures, etc., we can put it down to the entertainment business. and then there is a class, business class service.
the next big trend is to look at into such categories. each category there will be some new business, some of the new application, meet the needs of all types. each type of class which in addition to basic communication beyond the basic communication class of the language now Voice, instant messaging, there are Email, etc., and with the technology will emerge more. for the entire business can be placed on understanding the needs of the most basic values of human point of view, one is the need to survive, the other is the need for security, as well as the needs of groups, as well as the needs of self-worth, these different needs can be the whole business needs to sort out classification. As for your kind of business WEB2.0 we can continue to look at how to do it. from the marketing or the operator's point of view, I can say that different customer groups, for different applications into two categories, one is an individual, as well as industry, enterprise class applications, but also various types of demand is not the same. so many angles to form multi-dimensional view, any application which can be a point of multidimensional space to meet the multidimensional space which each person is different psychological needs, different cultural levels, different income levels and different age levels, and so can take this market segment.
3G video service time needed to investigate whether the mainstream
Moderator: Now the popular blog and podcast is a self-realization, after meeting basic needs. < br> Overtapped: blog must be a small minority of customers, I call it a small minority, virtually all of the blog are formed inside the circle in its group, is a niche customer base. visit my blog for a certain is inside my circle, I'm talking about issues which we discussed issues of common concern. enter into the current business applications has previously been said from the usual hope for the network in the future or the age of the so-called killer 3G business I would have predicted such a business may not find reason where? 3G era due to technical progress, which give people more choice, this choice makes it more diverse needs, and not as people just texting the original one. SMS developed to meet the Asians because of the habit, especially in line with the Chinese people's habits, and Wu Mei and cheap and private. in the future to provide more bandwidth 3G and cheaper when At this time a variety of other business to blossom.
People have been talking about 3G, when the original old asking a question, 3G up after killer application? Who can answer this question, whether operators or CP or the SP is unable to answer such questions. We then let's use the old traditional environment, the old measure of new technology and new applications of technology is often the fault appeared.
Moderator: Everyone thinks that a wide bandwidth video services must be a killer application, a lot of venture capital to invest in the video.
Overtapped: My personal opinion may not, now has a income is very low, and we are very low in bandwidth, the rate is very small cases, it is higher income. We give a simple example, mobile TV, and now the 2.5G network of China Mobile or China Unicom, both the network can not support, we probably need to look at more than twice the tens of seconds buffer time, it is intolerable. but money is still very much because a lot of bandwidth account, money is not the time of your operators who deal with this This business who lose money, no one view of your money.
3G video service time is the mainstream, this worth exploring. existing technology may be a problem, but a lot of new technology applications in it, P2P technology also improved.
Moderator: such as using grid computing technology, large-scale distributed computing through calls to other regions of the computing and storage resources, good for the future use of bandwidth.
Overtapped: this is solved server bottleneck problems, to solve the bandwidth problem. Some people are P2P group, it is possible to accept a part of you, I accepted the part, he accepted a part, were accepted as part of our resolve to pass quickly This is very simple and is similar to grid computing or P2P technology itself.
but the current situation, problems still exist among the wireless network and unlimited bandwidth is limited. the future based on the triple play, not only at the operational level of the Internet, telecommunications networks, wide network integration, the future last mile, when the technology to a certain stage, this time must be the most beneficial use of their access method, but not necessarily wireless. I'm in the office which requires a lot of the time such as video files, it is possible I was through P2P or otherwise fixed network has entered into this place, fixed terminals and portable terminals may be equipped with Bluetooth technology, this does not occupy the resources of public network .
future access must be the integration of wireless and fixed, solve the fixed-line phone to play as it is now, even though the room is to walk around outside, turn back through the future on the basis of the network is borne by the public network, access to them by various means.
Moderator: very smart looking the closest point.
overseas expansion: first capital level after the operation
shares from the capital, operated by a local to do, this is a good way.
six major telecom operators are a boss, there is no from diversification of investment to solve many problems. It is precisely because this has brought many of the domestic telecommunications market and international economic law and contrary to the results of other laws.
China Unicom to return to China A share market in the near future as China move this in the telecommunications industry the most profitable among the most profitable companies should return back to domestic shareholders.
Moderator: Recently began to expand the domestic carriers, such as China Mobile's acquisition of Millicom, see some of your view that this expansion of the system there is a certain risk?
Overtapped: For now our operators to overseas acquisitions to expand overseas, I think this is a step to go overseas companies, but there are some specific issues to consider. For this academic problems, there are two views on the present, one that China has a very large local market, the first of these operators should do their own longer follow out the local market. In addition to the worldwide success of other countries in the Telecommunications business success stories, or very little, most are not very successful. China Mobile series of several major initiatives, eventually ended in the acquisition is not successful, including China Netcom, and other operators in overseas acquisitions, despite the acquisition is successful, But in the end came after the acquisition of the business is not very good.
it inside my view is that, out of the overseas this step is necessary, it should do so, as the world economy, all of China's enterprises should internationalization. One is to go among themselves into the international, and further added to the foreign market, the long term should do that too. But from our national telecommunications operators in the current situation is concerned, there may be some problems currently can be solved better to go out. One is even after the reform and opening up, our operating companies are listed overseas, but always from the investors is more uniformity, transition from a planned economy over the process, really in the market competition to the accumulated experience of all aspects of management and needs to be improved, especially in international management and international management experience in competitive greatly limits our operators to go out.
Even if we bought in one country operators, we're going to operate, and use of telecommunications services are very close, including the country's political, economic, cultural and social aspects must be further into it. if we can not go in depth, then, can not operate. Similarly, we you can see some foreign carriers attempting to enter the Chinese telecommunications market, they also face this problem, in addition to telecommunications service industry, there are trade in services into the Chinese business is a success because few cases are here. Services must be for the customer, the customer is what? is its people. The problem is not well, international management experience and other areas is not very mature, if fully operational only if, there is the problem.
foreign capital and foreign operators to enter the Chinese way, China Mobile has taken over the way from the level of equity capital, operated by a local to do, this is a good way. gradually training our own team, the accumulation of our experience, so to overseas is a more secure approach. while in the process, institutional reforms to strengthen the telecommunications industry is no longer one of the main investment. where we now although there are six major telecom operators, but is a boss, not from investors diversity to solve many problems. It is precisely because this has brought many of the domestic telecommunications market and international economic law and other laws contrary to the results, the reason here.
telecommunications industry in these years are profitable in terms of < br> Moderator: Some experts believe that China should move outward expansion ring expansion to the Chinese, Chinese-speaking population to the relatively large number of national expansion, so the experience of both the transplant in the past, after the localization process to the local will shorten a lot. < br> Overtapped: This is a good idea, although the Chinese in Southeast Asia is a circle, but after nearly a hundred years or even nearly two hundred years, with overseas Chinese and China's evolving labor export Chinese circle the world, they are now the second generation, the first three generations of Chinese living habits and their way of thinking and the thinking it is really authentic Chinese mainland areas is far worse. just to see this has certain advantages, and complete a number of advantages compared to the Western world, but we must or to see the difference between the very large, we must take seriously.
Moderator: Telecom industry to see how Richard Li, PCCW's takeover exit?
Overtapped: Richard Li, Li Ka-shing's own inherited style, Richard Li, in particular in the capital markets are best at, he had acquired Hong Kong Telecom and other networks of China Netcom shares or later and so are the levels of access from the capital. Early acquisition of Li Ka-shing has been in the European telecom companies, after a very short period after the acquisition came at the right time to sell quickly, which is operated from the capital level. As Richard Li is concerned, the acquisition of Pacific Century Group composed of the Hong Kong telecom PCCW in Hong Kong since, as a group is concerned, it not good to run from the industrial point of view, its strength in the capital markets. so that he could not achieve high growth, especially in the current telecom restructuring of this kind, the original very high corporate profits gradually narrow margin of profit, if transition well there will be a major crisis situation, it sold the operation from the perspective of the capital. As an entrepreneur or as a true business enterprise, and carry out any operation, from a profit point of view for the purpose of are understandable.
Moderator: whether Netcom had some experience dealing with not too full? is also a lack of domestic carriers in international emergency response experience.
Overtapped: This is a problem, once in Hong Kong The radio station has a telephone interview me, is not concerned with the country's political background? China Netcom Group acquired a 23% stake in Pacific Century Group, second only to the second largest shareholder, it is as true for telecom operators is It is an important step towards overseas, has not yet achieved profitability, we should sell the company as a whole Macquarie Group in Europe, in terms of their own interests from a group it considers inappropriate. is not like the legend of Hong Kong have a certain political reasons, I can not to comment, whether Ye Hao of China Telecom, China Netcom, Ye Hao, even Railcom, China Unicom, China Satcom The six companies are joint venture funded companies, major decisions must be made large investments in major shareholder approval, a detailed answer to this question should be by the SASAC.
Moderator: In recent years foreign operators and docking experience is what lessons? domestic Internet application is made by the United States together private capital, What can both learn from each other?
Overtapped: This is a big difference, put it bluntly, the Internet is at the operational level on the operation of the business aspects of the operation or service level, the future should be open, Internet From the beginning of the mission is open, collaborative network. as a traditional telecom carriers, until now, it carries the entire communications infrastructure of the State, this is speaking for any country, foreign is not open. this network not only the entire country's infrastructure, and involves national security issues, we bluntly.
At this point, this is the difference between the two. One is the base level, the upper one is operational level. operational level we open early to overseas, such as manufacturing and many of them open early. But for the most basic relates to the national economy and affecting the most basic issues of national development, open has to have a order and eventually to our WTO accession commitments, we still have to maintain a basic telecommunications 51%, and it also refers to the operations level, and does not include networking. This is not the same between the two places. At the same time reform After six major telecom operators in the four major carriers to overseas market, from the SASAC, the Development and Reform Commission's consideration, and hope to the overseas listing of these carriers, dock through the capital markets to cultivate our business in the future How to deal with the economic development of our capital markets, there is the price we pay a lot.
telecommunications industry is profitable in terms of these years, but although for overseas listing of some capital, but a large number of domestic users with the benefits and profits distributed to foreign and domestic investors or domestic users and do not enjoy the benefits of a listed company. Recently the Bank of China in the domestic market, overseas listing after it returned to the domestic market, Bank of China governor talked about getting us to return profits to the profits of domestic users. China's A share market returned to China Unicom, China Mobile in the near future in the telecommunications industry as the most profitable among the most profitable return on the domestic enterprises should be returned shareholders.
overseas capital market regulator on the internal management of operators now have a great promotion, we have a more personal feel, all these years we have been doing a lot of several major operators of soft technology, experience overseas Shareholders of the four major operators in the business itself, investment, management constraints, and this constraint is quite large. such as the reform and opening up the original time of the early and mid time of great development of telecommunications in various parts of the investment in fixed assets investment, especially real estate investment is very large, the money to 盖楼, money for development. Now is not the case, these shareholders each year to review your investment plan, especially if you have a fixed asset investment plan is not necessary, there is no step.
as we recently moved to Hainan, Hainan Mobile is now the 16th floor office building, the original plan was to 26 layers, then the middle of the constraints by the Hong Kong listed companies can not build it, according to the current operating conditions not need to build so high. then save a lot of money. We are, when this research, Hainan Mobile say that the business meet, and now the development does not meet, we need a new computer room and offices, in 16 layers continued on the basis of continued cover up or to buy a new place? This became a new problem. But after the overseas listing of domestic telecom operators for the management of a significant improvement, especially in investment, operation, effectiveness is greatly improved. submitted to a certain extent to pay tuition fees paid will not have to.
tired any 3G technology maturity in the market-driven applications are among the mature, but which is by no means mature in the laboratory, early to market as early maturity and late maturity of the market late ...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Street basketball point guard skills

 On the point guard play, tactics with:
2 points and 3 points: the issues most people, it was said that point guard should be 2 points, it was said shooting guard should be 3 points. I think:
should be 2 combined with the 3 points, 3 points-based, supplemented by 2 points (according to the official capacity of the set of characters) shooting guard, the two most common means of attack into the
, 3 points and in the cast. start with 3 points how to improve the hit rate? addition to neutral outside shot, it seems only buy clothes and buy technology
to, the following to say is 2 points, in the case sealed by the other side of the ball of Friends reached our hands, in addition to 3 points outside the 2 points is not to try it, to give opponents a surprise attack, disrupt the defense of others right
others: ability to value low, but does not mean to do, but less use only, back to the appropriate Bubu blue plate, in blue when no one should defend the basket (a lower probability), there can not be less that the net smash, this suggest you practice a lot of basic shooting guard
So to play, the following tips to talk about some common, I hope you can help improve the technology
do shoot the ball r false move (tap d look) r fool people jump to the left or right to run a few r Step r vote 3 points, scoring
false move made shooting the ball r (tap d look) r not fool people jumped up but useless w r defensive line break to within 2 points (speed out of) r in the cast, Score
shooting the ball r fake (tap d look) r not fool people, but people jump up 3 points with the wr direct investment, scoring (to master a great chance to be covered, but can sometimes be surprisingly difficult to score, the proposed transfer ball)
2-point line in the face of the ball r r converse Baskets Baskets running running (speed out of) r in the cast, the score (very useful to deal with striker)
a skill worthy of that, cover (w), basically no one really saw the point guard will be used, in fact, create opportunities for this skill is useful
reproduced ~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is to fight for their own should

 I think that If I run across those who insist, or vexatious, people give each other some tolerance usually help to resolve the contradiction between the two sides, but this should be their own thing, we also should go to fight, and we do the things they should do If the other party still holds strong as unreasonable, then go to the tolerance of the question. We do not own thing wrong, it felt that life gives us a fair, regardless of its outcome, as long as we fight over, psychologically will feel more balanced.
yesterday morning, just because I'm at the front of a station is always a problem, head of the exchange the same station the two men head to look at the problem in the end is a machine or man-made problem. We change this line to the girl doing a good job, doing a lot of bad products, which makes visual inspection after the station I'm tired of difficult, so many bad products, I checked it very hard, relatively speaking, the original that our line is doing much better girl. Later, when I figure out after a man-made defective products, which there is no need to swap her two seats. I want to let them return to their original position but worry more, because I work across the same position with me is I want to look good workers inspectors, if I recommend both of their leader arranged for her to go back to their station on the case, workers also have offended my place. At first, I did not Guannameduo to doing their own thing straight, and later, when I think that if the girl in exchange for this is not timely, then, after the trouble to many, this is not the day to do two days, while is a matter over many years. I was not to be outdone so the hard left to their own, Moreover, let them back in place their own is a matter of course, I would also like to reverse things do not a non-black and white, but also think about the things I was rational no need to fear the wolf scared the tiger before. think of these, I decided to be paying attention to this matter.
have not seen a while, I saw the head of the Department is in the station to deal with this matter? time has come, I Sign walked in front of the head, said: man-made, and then let them back in place their own right. censors because they have been accustomed to look there to see her insert the terminal. , Li Shutan a lot of my heart, after all, I did a thing they should be doing.
for that matter my mind is more comfortable, but not in time to head back to her both in situ, which is not a bit what my heart. I work opposite the same place with me that girl, she is a more powerful person, which makes me suspect that the two head will not let the girls do on their back in place . Later, another I think I have done the right thing, even if the head of the uneasy arrangement as I will, it just comes naturally, do not they also make me a non-compete with them for granted to be there. left Next thing, to see how the acting head. When I Treat the matter to the matter later, despite the results not as good as I wish, I would not care about it, the others fault, is it still possible to our own bullied accomplished. they have to fight over, there would not be because of his position and what is left vacant. if the leader does not mentioned by the proposal I have to act, I just concluded its unfairness, but this is its conduct problems, but also with my business, I will not care about what this.
after lunch, I found the two girls returned to their respective positions, this is what I really wanted. If they not back in place, for me, only the results of the helpless. It should have dignity in exchange for me, finally I did not worry about the white, I have only done what they should be, of course, I did not offend What people.
their own to fight for what should be the only way we will not feel wrong themselves, would not be because of his cowardly and stuffiness of the. but tolerance is essential for the heart Yes, sometimes , is also the only place we do not solve one problem, the face of unsatisfactory outcome, we will treat it with tolerance, and only then will it be beneficial to the health of themselves and others.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bank of Taiwan (2) beauties to Olympic champion

 Three sides have not been able, travel was very troublesome. From Beijing through Hong Kong and then transferred to fly Kaohsiung, Tainan, Kaohsiung drive further along the Great scenery, beautiful side of the road is the dolled herself up along the aim is to the car's driver was selling betel nuts.
and now the on August 27 in Athens, as Taiwan Province of China won the first Olympic gold medal. Although Chen Shih-hsin later, another young hero Tae Kwon Do Taiwan Chu Mu-yen, also won the Olympic gold medal, but their influence far less the legend of the silver screen. And I heard her out of Chen Shih-Xinti actor, must be Cecilia, see many times, but has missed the gold medal. So in the 2004 Athens Olympics won the first gold medal, has been praised the people of Taiwan Province. but I still think: athletes from Taiwan for China's Olympic cause, indeed have made important contribution. In the 1960 Rome Olympic Games of the 17th, Yang Chuan-kuang was awarded points to 8334 decathlon silver medal, this is China in Olympic history to win his son's first medal. It is said that to date, ten across the Taiwan Strait decathlon athletes, no one can the results exceeded the Yang Chuan-kuang. and in the Mexico City Olympics in 1968, 4)) won the bronze medal, also became the first medal in the Olympic Games Chinese women. these days in Taiwan Chi Cheng is very active in her run for the next Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee President. just the local sports community that she does not have the leadership ability of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, it is estimated that the game is.
Chairman Mao Zedong as China's sports, had issued a , only today's rapid development is also a matter of course the 2008 Olympic Games to China.
I also asked the Taiwan compatriots: Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan Province of sports development of what ideas? said that only a record is: Yang Chuan-kuang at the Tokyo Olympic Games, because of his achievements attracted worldwide attention, Chiang Kai-shek also serious attention. was not televised, so during the Olympics, Chiang Kai-shek called the Secretary General to report results at any time, even when sleeping at night should wake up. This piece is the future development of China's Olympic history, but also be an interesting.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My life I call the shots

 My career,UGG boots cheap, I call the shots
stream flows slowly from the mountain streams, such as the sea, that it was his choice;
leaves floating gently from the trees into the soil, that it was his choice;
eagle from the ground bravely into the sky, that it was his choice.
nature tells us to master their own destiny, you choose what kind of life, your life can be like. and ideal that is their choice, the ideal is realized through their own efforts, without hard work, the ideal is just an empty phrase, one by one ideal form of life we.
Life is like playing chess, as the same start time, but the moves are a variety of . just as some people can see the difference within ten paces away method, some people take a cloth by step, so go on, they face predictable results. each person only once in life, no longer lost back.
tomorrow is another day, this is everything will be fine.
as long as you planned your life, you will encounter on their own chance to not feel helpless and lost valuable time and time again that the opportunity.
must not be lost again, I only later in life on their own to do some planning. The first is my four years of college life plan: I hope that learning more than four years to see some classics as much as possible to enrich their knowledge. freshman do not know feel a quarter have passed, but I have become a high school student by a real student. go to college after my previous life only to find the circle too small, and the University as a miniature of the society, a society in which many things you can do to exercise, and improve ourselves, so I tend to actively participate in activities organized by the school, which is in high school never had. here brought together people across the country, came here I China found a great. Although in the past two months did not plan my life so well, but goals are less complete. in the first year of the remaining time, I plan to study hard and strive to get a scholarship return parents, and to prove their strength, so the need to learn is beyond doubt. Our current course is majoring in English, mathematics, computer, and the high number and I am rather good at, and the computer to hear the New Year will the second test, so years ago, this time I have to step up training as well as twenty pages every day to see famous, of course, learning English is essential, usually listen to the level of hearing to improve their hearing, and thus freshman has completed step by step.
entering sophomore, I'll still learning as a top priority, for do a good thing. If I did not qualify for freshman students, I still relied on their own efforts to participate in a variety of activities, while seeing a few more books on their own professional, preview look, we will not refer to their own specialized courses down. to study English for six sophomores passed the English language. juniors are single-minded learning Courses to practice, good increase their combat capabilities, gain experience for future work. to a senior, I will carefully review the University of the knowledge about, prepare for the Graduate Examination, listening to classmates and teachers that I learned professional Are you going to the best test to Beijing University of Technology, I will do my best to test Beijing University of Technology graduate student, I remember a teacher once told me that we have no choice in her first academic degree, but we can go to choose their own the second degree. Of course, life is just another graduate student admitted to begin graduate students for their life after the finish, I probably plan to work in the construction of the motherland and contribute, over the years while raising their parents return for grace reflects the value of your life, in short, I want to become dependent on others who do not want people to become dependent on others.
Wang Guozhen said, since the distance, it is necessary trials and hardships. When we finish your step by step university life, the silence back, will not mediocrity and remorse yesterday, will not bow to today's upcoming departure sigh. On the contrary, as long as we follow his plan step by step finish her life, even if the result not very satisfied, at least we have tried, so the result is not very important, and we have enjoyed the pleasure of the process of struggle.
we are talking about 90 people, the personality characteristics of our publicity, but to work hard We are still synonymous with my career I call the shots, to fight it for their own future

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The three forces learn English

 Need to learn English three forces: memory, concentration, and perseverance.
English need a good memory, it seems beyond doubt, but a good memory from? Some students that are born, so you can say that they born poor memory, so as to not learn English and find a reason to get a psychological balance.
memory is a practice that. memory, in fact, and your arm, wrist, leg muscle strength, Yao Li no difference, all is a force, all follow the out, there are several hundred pounds of strength, but if not boxing for 10 years, no training, could blow out to a little strength. memory, too, a little something back every day, memory of natural good, not many years back, memory, nature recession.
said many students at every turn, and now memory die, and said the words, mostly college students. that their primary, secondary memory, how good, go to college to remember things. They thought it was a natural law, it is not. Chinese students in primary and secondary schools, often by parents, teachers forced to learn, forcing back the text, the word back, memory often get exercise, Sweep your own door, memory naturally not bad. to University, without the pressure of college entrance examination, close supervision is not, the ability of self-discipline and poor, very few studies. Even if the school is also a book, fly and see his eyes, rarely make an effort to memorize a long time does not recitation, the natural decline in memory, this is the use and disuse of the truth.
we all learned in high school, Well, the day after tomorrow sleep, can not become useful. On the contrary, the natural conditions in general, but the day after tomorrow ongoing efforts to continuously exceeded, will succeed.
birth is given a good, not controllable, the day after tomorrow is the change in control, we should efforts towards the control of the day after tomorrow. too much emphasis on learning English is not their talent, only in the This is the life of young students should be established.
memory and how to practice so it? is how we think about going to the gym can be, and physical and mental is one thing. For example, the famous skinny New Oriental School Hao Bin behalf of teachers, upper limb strength did not, he would like to point out the strength training, the fitness coach will tell him to lift the barbell, of course, he can only raise the minimum to start the next day, twenty-held, but held on to every day slowly, over a week, then increased to thirty, the focus of the barbell or another, so that in time, effort out on the practice.
then the same, poor memory of the students, can from now on, every days, ten words in mind, not the method used to words Well, you practice the imagination; some students that I first understood and then the memory, well, then you practice is the understanding. we are going to solve the problem of memory, our goal is to restore a child and consequently do not know, but Remember that the ability to abruptly, to do this, you have to , and this time you can change the focus bar, the back of 20 words a day, or do not back the word, go back to change the article in English.
back English article is the fastest way to improve your English, and most training memory. Many of the older generation of English in such a mention, is my own personal experience, I started when English is a new concept back in three volumes, the memory was mad good practice, a hundred words of English articles, the basic need half an hour will be able to recite word for word. and if I have a hundred words to the Chinese article, I do not back down for half an hour is very difficult to go wrong, but the English can, why is this so? is because I do not have to spend so more time to concentrate on practicing the Chinese memory, but I solid spent 9 months of the new concept of three back more than 100 times. This shows the truth: memory really is out of practice.
easier said than done, easier said than done so difficult. know how to improve memory ways, does not mean that your memory really improved. like a patient received a dose of medicine, although he could read the instructions for this medicine The word for word, the efficacy of the drug right scheme of things, but good name, if he can not insist seventy-seven forty-nine days by your doctor taking a row, he can not cure the disease. Every day a little something back, seemingly simple, really tried one of those who know the difficulties, it is difficult success, failure, reason is because most people have not only poor memory, while the other two forces are very weak: perseverance and courage of your convictions.
students now lack of perseverance, learning can not persist; lack of concentration, and target can not be specific, susceptible to external interference. the one hand, too many new things in society, especially the network has everything, really is not conducive to the learning environment. Unlike the past, his study Only tables and chairs, is immune to temptation. Now the room as long as a computer, learning efficiency decreased by 50%, then there is broadband, basically can not learn. On the other hand are very few students take the initiative to exercise their powers of concentration and the persistence of consciousness. we always feel like physical exercise and by getting better, and perseverance perseverance this thing was born, I often say that certain people have the will, a certain person without perseverance. In fact, this is the wrong reference, the correct of it, some people perseverance strong, some weak willpower, and strength into each other between. lack of willpower, and if continuous efforts, it can be a determination of the people.
us talk about how to strengthen their English learning of concentration and perseverance. For example, there is a new concept of students determined to bring back 200 times, decided this time not looking at other English books, nor engage in any recreational activities, six every morning AM. certainly no problem just started a few days, because passion has not cooled, but the fourth day, six in the morning woke up and found that particularly cold days, began to waver, do not want to get up. Note: this time is to exercise your perseverance best time, if you are after a fierce ideological struggle, or to get up, then your determination to become strong point. But if you compromise, then your stamina to become weak point. your determination to end the state of depends on the outcome of the ideological struggle every time you accumulate.
look at guidance. had to back a new concept night, careless Miaodao appeared on TV in Japan their favorite stars, such as Doraemon, began to shake . so, too, if you planned to go to recite, then you are one of concentration and long hours, sitting before the television to see if the Viking, then anyone, a point on the weak. and then say live? most of the students may not, be replaced by not only learn English, and anyone, but also out of practice.
anyone, we both look at two examples of the students have perseverance.
a man called Dong Han Dynasty, the Han emperor, when not re- So to shut himself up and went to school, closed for how long? off for three years, to three years in the heart has always been In fact, students do not glimpse Park for three years, three months, do not play online games, do not fall in love, not the bar, came out in English school.
look at a more powerful, personal Jiaohu Yuan Song is Zhongyan good friends, he and Zhongyan, young when they are hiding in the temple to study. Northern Song Dynasty, the school is not widespread ah, the college are basically emerged after the Southern Song Dynasty, the Tang and Song went to the temple are popular reading, and why ? First, the temple's books and more, equivalent to the current library, when movable type was still not commonplace, are woodblock printing, the cost is high, so the private collection of small, relatively homogeneous book the temple, so the poor scholar to the temple only to read the book, or on their own with a copy by hand. were about, and now the knowledge came too easy, knowledge is not worthless. Second, the temple often to consult an expert. Third, the temple the environment, less disruption. So we see the ancients also choose to study the environment, their persistence is the first result of perseverance, the most important, but the external environment is also important. Some students like to go to the library self-study, to classroom, and this well, some students prefer to learn in the bedroom, which is not good, why interfere too much with playing the game, there are playing cards, as well as cooking instant noodles, very easily distracted. classmate said , right, I anyone, well, then this is a special case, for most students, reading or going to the library. should be good to choose a good environment. ancients said, to the learning environment and self-determination is equally important. perseverance perseverance is within a person, a good learning environment is outside, is the day. But people can actively choose their own learning environment, so there are internal only, the key or your own heart.'s growth is the growth of the heart, the human good, is the heart of the good. back to Hu Yuan classmates, the students are great, his home in Taizhou, Jiangsu, 20 years old, went to the Mount on a went to the temple. At that time, out of the province and we are now learning to study abroad is running out, read a lot, from thousands, theory, and practice, and talent to cast, so I encourage students preparing good case study to study abroad, travel travel, certainly help in future life. Hu Yuan, how long in the temple for it, a full decade, distractions, studying science. and the only contact the outside world is the old home Dad's letter. But Hu Yuan have peace as long as that word on the envelope, do not open read directly thrown into the mountain gone. Why not opened the letter, or are afraid of distraction, it is seen reading the ancients more sacred, and had come to the point where meticulous.
students learning English there are two common problem, one, wait for them to learn all the material times. Second, wait overnight to be an English expert. summarized below: a too much, the second seeking speed. This died two problems, learning English is not good. So I have put forward the ; the English is a prerequisite for total conquest.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Competition is perseverance witnessed Kaoyan

 Is self-study, the students called for the results can be checked Kaoyan, tension and anticipation in the back bedroom, a check scores stunned, out of 411 my own eyes. from the beginning of examination preparation to the present, looking back bit by bit over the past year, or something memorable, I hope they can study section of the 2010 students who help.
determine the key words: conviction in deciding whether to PubMed
, I am at a loss, like graduate school for further studies, may be English is my biggest obstacle, my English sucks, four junior year, not before, the failure of several My confidence is ruthlessly crushed. First, I strengthened my belief that English will be successful. long Kaoyan way and I prepared to make the fight a protracted war, but also ready for all kinds of difficulties, including their inner loneliness and lonely.
review process Key words: perseverance
ideological problem is resolved, it is now put into action .3,4 January, I start with the English to start with, get up at 7:00 every morning, A man carrying a bag to the square, to recite the three new concepts in English, the way to practice listening for four. several times wanted to give up, feeling no use endorsement, but Xu's jumped out from my mind, wind, cold, and there is a loss also held firm. then that is written word, the word is the foundation, focused on solving, must not be lazy. and then the highlight of reading comprehension.
This is my review of the experience in math the most words. summer home, away from downtown, in this golden period I began to review the mathematical review, is divided into three stages. The first stage is two 7,8 months, to lay the foundation. The second stage is 9 to 11 months, which is the most important mathematical review, all of the examples and exercises I would count yourself again, even though they will outlay a lot of my time, but in my It seems so worth it. Mathematics is the subject of the most pull and uncertainties more fully the need for such intensive training. The third stage is to exam in December, and this time is to sum up myself mainly through the questions and exercises 真题, leak filled, error-prone points on the targeted review.
sit for the key word: attitude
Kaoyan the most painful it should be the last one month, test approaches, the pressure growing, body and spirit are exhausted, and this time the most important is the mentality of the. Here I would like to mention Wang Xiangming examination skills class teacher about some of the important strategies. Examination of the environment and the environment is a study room What is different, so you can own in accordance with the time exam simulation training, looking for what the exam feeling, seize about time. could have been a self-study and research in the classroom friends, as was moving out, I got away from the ;, this has just given me the opportunity to simulate the whole truth, fully in accordance with the study section of the mode of training. There is a time when the exam can be getting ready to ancillary items such as chocolate and ginseng tablets, chocolate added energy, emotional stability , American ginseng anti-fatigue, active brain, worthy of emulation.
finally want to say, PubMed is not so difficult, as long as careful review, and will not have any problems. durability of the loneliness and solitude, you are successful, please Remember:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

80 brand marketing of milk and honey

 Engaged in the consulting industry has come into contact with many companies, a mouth, hh, etc. Today, we Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of this view, but we may have overlooked another rapidly growing, consumer groups have remarkable potential. They represent a new generation of Chinese consumer outlook, a new consumer power . In a sense, perhaps they will decide the fate of advertising and business.
concerned about attention of consumer tribes
the traditional Chinese growth model, but also to Several authors first developed as a distinctive group.
2005 年 Super Girl in a vigorous, not only helped popularize the unprecedented speed of Li Yuchun, Zhou Bi Chang,UGG bailey button, Jane Zhang and a number of 80 stars, leaving the young The group became the focus of the whole society.
not the same after 80, according to young family to the workplace. As China's differences.
Now, after 80 has moved from campus to community, to join the work force. by control of some different ways of wealth, their consumption is much higher than the existing freedom of social scale. (80 of Consumer View of Freedom: consumer freedom, today spend money today, dare to spend tomorrow's money.) United States and China, Granny Granny contrast life story is often used to refute their view of the older consumer. In their view, life ground thrifty thrift, ; nothing came to enjoy the old . In their eyes, all the brands are only two: what do they think, if against, that he can not appreciate; focus on feelings and how to wear with my mind; any time in his speech with ; my site I decide!
look at China today, in all areas of the , all stars flash Yi, 80 are willing to group them as a symbol of their own in the consumer line to them as much as possible. Despite the older generation's eyes, even after 80 immature, but they have not kids, more unwilling to be assessed on the consumer level laggards, they prefer to walk in front of consumer trends, because they are not afraid, they have enough capital of the young and adventurous.
obvious, -profile consumer tribes, his / her new attitude towards life and consumer psychology, and the wealth they control, will stimulate, generate new consumer demand and huge purchasing power. With the lapse of time, after 80 am China will soon become a car, house consumer force, he / she has the letter as a potential future consumption growth.
real estate to the In 2005, the marketing, Super Girl look. As Wang himself has said, in the original conception, this generation of young people, most of them only one child, in the past they often felt more negative, as too self, fragile, lack of accountability, etc. . With the do not seriously study the new customer groups, you can not view a more equitable to communicate with them, they can not adapt to the era of new customers!
super woman is the marketing success of the first success of Mengniu, Hunan Satellite TV is This is true. through marketing, 80 hh after the election of new marketing model, so that more entrepreneurs will be their eyes on them, the success of Super Girl marketing, we should say just a prelude.
80 after the elite, is lost, was the You have to change for them, but not a change to spirit. like be good love not, circle. This means that traffic surge, they need to maintain 150 km / h average speed. made the shocking move, and is reputed in the capital of the Analysis is the protagonist of this article mm Beginning in the Han, Guo was born in the 20th century, and several other 80's idol. They became famous overnight, to subvert the traditional Chinese growth model, but also to implementation of the one-child policy, so a large community, covering all from the school to the workplace young family. their distinctive, independent, and their way of life not only completely different from their fathers, even with the > Obviously, assessment, they are even considered to be the Chinese version of the After 80 rotate around their heart, such as the hothouse flowers are carefully protected. in the 80's inherent cultural soil in the presence of positive and optimistic state of their parents so that they at the outset by the family and away from the suffering of the shield. constantly economic and social development, in an increasingly improved quality of life, the doting parents make them drink Coke, yogurt generation grew up. And with a drink of this generation is fed psychological vulnerability, solipsism generation of the more obvious features.
We should be wary of some of the deep groove looked at each other marked with the stigma of the times. similar criticism of the earlier generation also fell on the head, but this does not prevent them to become the backbone of social development.
brands mm and change for me from a marketing perspective
Look, consumer psychology, and the wealth they control, will stimulate consumer demand and generate new enormous purchasing power. This is not only directly spawned some of the rapid rise of new industries, such as MP3, online games, ring tones, etc., but also allow some of the brand gained further success.
compared with the obsession on Idol, and After more to the ; 80 We have a very active life performance. is not only a lot of fast moving consumer goods, telecommunications, automotive and other industries of the brand, always spare no efforts to seek their own changes in order to capture technical companies also face unexpected intensity of playing. such as Cisco network equipment manufacturers (Cisco), in its latest in a series of print ads to blend the popular ; cool cool scene over Ferrari team so as to attract favor, however, how effectively the very good results, it is those who aim at the point of view, with like the brand Post-Marketing turned To go all out to surround the lives of 80 to the power of the network must not ignore. Realistic and networks through the dual channel, high-frequency appear in their place or context related to the vast momentum appeared to form Heaven (virtual network), underground (real world) the posture of the siege, so ;
when the Pepsi label themselves as , together with the ninth city Blizzard Entertainment's together immediately Shanghai Shanda's Post-Marketing turned The gather to find a It is important to point out that to have to find a large number of ; 80, after with scarce resources being taken away, sit back and watch other people create the brand miracle.
reference case: Shenzhou computer, SWACH watch: Our phase is the hours of lightning speed and signed a super-popular winner Li Yuchun, the responsible person admitted signing Li Yuchun, precisely because of the Shenzhou fancy . .
this case, the speed of the computer called the highlight of Shenzhou. because compared with the Shenzhou computer.
3, to be the lonely side, they are more eager to communicate hope to gain recognition, support and care. implementation of the tricks of the brand, the need for considerable strength and courage. specifically for the Some consumer privileges, so that level, so that ; M-ZONE Family a M-ZONE person zone brand's purpose is to conquer the the formation of brand preferences is difficult, let alone have any loyalty at all. Of course, this self-publicity, is based on claws. In line with product strategy, Li Ning has produced a TV ad, chapter, guy next to answer the questions;
Then it stuck in your favorite girl on the road must pass through,
to wave to arouse attention, but still get disappointed;
Finally, it jumped into a white fashion basketball shoes,UGGs,
Suddenly, the frog into a brave boy, unbeatable on the court,
girls greeted with jubilation;
Finally, focus on the screen fixed in the glare of basketball shoes,
a Advertisement flashed:
changed to spirit.
First of all, after The industry is different, is not required for the 80 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

5 detoxifying vegetables make you younger

 Kelp Efficacy: lower cholesterol,UGG shoes, eliminate kelp contains a radioactive substance called polysaccharide sulfate material, to remove the attachment of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall, so to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Kelp alginate due to high moisture content in the intestines can the formation of gelatinous material,bailey UGG boots, helps to eliminate toxic substances and prevent the body to absorb lead, cadmium and other heavy metals, rid the body of radioactive elements, with the

Monday, December 13, 2010

Capricorn today's fortune

 The total transport index: ,UGG boots
challenge themselves
you're some momentum today, with a total want of self to a big challenge, have the idea to do that and you will succeed Oh.
Today for:
bring you luck today, sports, leisure time jogging or wish to join the ranks of fitness, to show you the vitality and charm, perhaps to encounter a beautiful romance oh!
today should not be :
gifts gifts
not very good today, I really want to express your faith it first to understand each other's thoughts, the things he needed to send the other party will be happy,Bailey UGG boots, the purpose of your gift can achieve good .
Lucky Sports: Basketball
lucky foods: corn
Lucky Clothing: Lucky ladies and gentlemen mounted
Music: MTV / concert
PM brother pre-defense, I wish him all the best .

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Block is the month of the lunar constellation

 Block is the month of the lunar constellation, that is, this month brings a lifetime of fortune after a strong sun in the Star Palace, and the conscious mind is very clear that this is due to the advent of the Palace of Mercury. In particular, Saturn in the pendulum, the seat of the heart are particularly pleasant, with half of Mercury in this house and return to positive line, Mars, Venus also house communications, and enhance the flow of intellectual and communication ability of students and all kinds of network so that was very moving enrichment.
fortune 3 stars
Block this month with a large fortune Wang, also supported the movement, slow downward trend was looking to live in this house of stars is very strong, trine Mars Venus, Pluto is also the joint produce good effects.
have partners: the heat can enhance the sense of communication, easy to maintain partnerships, entry into force of the stabilizing effect of Pluto.
single: a rare jump in the state, will know a lot of new friends, which also improve aspects of machine operation.
investment banking operation 2 stars
Although the overall good fortune, however, does not promote financial Wang degree, I do not know why all kinds of stars at the same time to leave the house on the financial support of , Block wealth suddenly greatly reduced. income, of course not to satisfaction, but it is difficult to avoid the cost of the project. investment in the financial markets fall out with fortune, Jupiter, Uranus retrograde left the relevant house, the original expectations were dashed, a great The contrast makes the feel very helpless.