Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bank of China completed the first horse to contributions of 12 shared the 22 million cancer patients

 YORK, January 30 report:

2011   1 27, the Chinese Red Cross Foundation to the three poor cancer patients 6 million funding allocation models. Up to now, 2010, Maradona has been approved in China raising money for the line to determine the 12 recipients of poor cancer patients, and has total funding allocated paragraph 6, which marks the grant funding has been successfully executed.

2010 China Tour event, Maradona from November 3, 2010 to November 10, lasted 7 days, respectively, in Beijing, Jinan, Dongguan, Hefei activities, by raising Partial funding raised will be of poor cancer patients nationwide. After the event, warm and the staff of the Chinese mobile office applications that help patients with contact, asking them to serious illness according to Chinese red base will be declared the relevant provisions of assistance to provide proof of family poverty, diagnosis certificate, hospital certificate, invoices and other medical expenses for help materials for funding approval.

2011   1 mid-January, the Chinese Red base will receive a Through strict examination and approval, they will receive 1-2 million for each section a total of 22 million. As of January 27, 6 of which recipients were allocated funding models have been completed. The amount allocated to the patient directly to the hospital where patients pay for the cost of treatment.

Red Foundation of China official says the next batch of poor funding of cancer patients reporting work in progress. Once confirmed, the relief object, the Chinese red-based aid will be in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of illness, examination and approval process as soon as possible, will fund the money appropriated to the designated hospitals for treatment of patients.

(This article Source: NEW YORK)

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