Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Russian president wants to study the Chinese model why

 A domestic media reports as follows: 19 October, Russian reported that the draft, so I wrote editing is not a hh
happy just to see one on the news: October 21, Medvedev met in the Kremlin, the Russian Union of industrialists member entrepreneur, said: very attractive. But I still think that this is not our model of economic development in terms of economic aggregate mm or decision-making mechanisms, but also a sense of responsibility or officials and entrepreneurs. there is another way of thinking. , the Chinese model is not suitable for Russia's economic development model, China's economic size and circumstances are very different with Russia.
after reading, I laughed, and some wry smile. If we say that the story is the domestic ; the news, let me laugh and cry, but Information theory and news practice often involved issues. News (Communication) and advocacy are important in human society, the dissemination activities. They are closely related, but it is different with the quality of structure, there are important differences with each other.
First of all, the two of transmission of the content differently. Communication is the recent news that happened in the information, which is a change to reflect the true situation of things, a statement of the objective nature of information. propaganda is spread ideas, this is an inference of information is advocates of the objective world view, attitudes and ideas.
Second, the social function of the two are different. The basic function of news media is to inform, is to make the audience understand the objective reality of the situation. The basic function of propaganda is to persuade, is so that the audience accept the transfer side of the thoughts, opinions or ideas. news media showed the effect of the fact that information sharing, advocacy communication as to whether the effectiveness of the performance achieved by the transfer of those attitudes and behavior.
Third, both have their own operating rules. Journalism is carried out according to the needs of the audience, is to meet the information needs of the audience for the purpose. propaganda is based on the need to carry out mass party, largely reflects the intention of mass parties. revolutionary propaganda to the interests of the people, specifically the implementation of transmission side still in progress (usually of a revolutionary party) the objectives, principles and strategies. the other classes of publicity is entirely to the needs of the class as a starting point.
news media must have authenticity, freshness, timeliness. false is not news, but the lies and rumors and old is not news, but the history or information.
Although we should try to promote new, as far as possible with current events, but the same view can be and repeatedly, the old data can be used as arguments. have the facts despite publicity materials, revolutionary propaganda even tell the truth, speak the truth; but not all of the publicity followed the principle of truthfulness, reactionary propaganda is a liar . Therefore, the final analysis, the characteristics of propaganda is that it is utilitarian.
news media must be fully and truthfully reflect the objective reality, the basic principles of objectivity it.
subjective information is distinctive orientation, objective reports on the It is usually taken in order to obtain an effect on the strategy and methods. news media pay attention to news values, news selection and choice depends on whether it is of public concern, whether it can produce greater social effects and repercussions. propaganda luxurious propaganda value, and selection and arrangement of content as the standard, whether the information needs such as content, materials, adequacy of the regulatory body intended to promote, whether it contributes to making propaganda purposes, whether the transfer be viable opportunity, and so on. < br> Of course, in real life, information and advocacy and communication behavior of the two are closely related, intertwined. Because the general public's concern on the news and information, as news and information in the social life of the major role and impact of various types of publicity (especially political propaganda) actors, must make full use of news media to achieve their promotional needs, should be attached to propaganda intended to act upon in the media, so there will be extensive publicity on the news and in-depth penetration.
news spread propaganda infiltration attached to or use of, mainly through this in several ways: 1, through the news selection, choice, arranged to reflect the subjective bias, reflecting its propaganda intent, which is invisible propaganda; 2, the news analysis, interpretation, comment, this is a direct publicity; 3, to meet the promotional needs of the documents, monographs, manuscripts, as news to spread, which is an indirect publicity.
Thus, journalists news media should be fully aware of the unique social function and social necessity, because the propaganda needs must not interfere with, block, undermine, distort the normal operation of news media behavior. Otherwise, you would be stricken public dissatisfaction, damage to the functioning of society . journalists and news media should be more respect for the law itself, that the authenticity of the news mentioned above, when the new principle, the principle of objectivity of reporting, audience demand for law, law of other items of news value. Otherwise, the public will care by this and he, to seek information from other sources. journalists pay more attention to information law and information law to seek the best combination. For example, how to meet the information needs of the audience propaganda intent reflected in the process, how the audience's immediate needs for publicity activities. Otherwise, the public may be indifferent to, ignored.
in real life, due to the biased ideas and theory behind the study, practice in the news can not correctly deal with information and publicity are quite common. news propaganda against the need for truthfulness, objectivity; for publicity needs to block dissemination of information, with the side to replace the transmission needs of the audience, replaced with the propaganda value of news value, and so the circumstances have occurred.
fact, Now is the time to change the concept of media practice, and the most important thing to real news as news. only by knowing the relationship between news and propaganda in order to make real news hh

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