Wednesday, February 9, 2011


 Rampant during the Spring Festival fireworks, car Yesterday, the Beijing auto insurance relevant to assess the damage peace officers explicitly told reporters, was fireworks, %.

yesterday in a press interview, there are other companies who claim that the vehicles were injured by fireworks, claims not available through normal channels, because by Che Sunxian claims on the premise that allows the insured person or his driver in the driving the insured vehicle insurance accident occurs, while in a parked vehicle were injured when the claim is clearly inconsistent with the conditions.

safe auto insurance loss of fixed personnel, told reporters yesterday, vehicles or falling objects injured by fireworks and crushes can be carried out within the Che Sunxian claims. Vehicles discharge of fireworks injury by others, are third-party liability, the owner should first look for the fireworks display, third-party claims, the owner can not find the perpetrators, so when the insurance company claims, 30% of the absolute franchise. Safe auto insurance, said yesterday that claims need to bring driver's license when the owner, driving the insured person and the identity card, driving directly to the company network specified set loss, the survey determined after staff claim paid. At the same time, the glass must have damaged the risk of breakage of glass to separate compensation. According to reports, only hurt the body if the fireworks finish, not by Che Sunxian claim.

yesterday, said the insurance industry, vehicle owners will be reasonable and legitimate vehicle in a regular parking lot, if there are fireworks injury cases, residential property or parking lot as the first responsible person should compensate owners of all losses. If the owner claims directly to insurance companies, although you can get some compensation, but will result in increased insurance premiums after their vehicles. Motor vehicles in Beijing is currently implementing a floating rate commercial insurance programs, auto insurance rates and claims frequency and claims the amount of vehicles linked to happen if the vehicle 8 times last year and claims more than 8 times its auto insurance rates will go up 3 times.

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