Thursday, February 24, 2011

Surprised to find that China has become the United States shocked the most powerful banker of Iran [Links]

 Surprised to find that the United States: China has become Iran's most powerful impressively Makers [Links]
of: whq6852 Posted at :2008-05-02 06:58:26
surprised to find that the United States: China has become Iran's most powerful impressively bookmakers! [Author: akaaaa Published: 2008/04/30 22:29
strength of how the Iranian army is very, very minor. The world is the U.S. and Russia arena four countries-France (the British are now more decline , and became a stooge for the United States, we do not have to look at its face, the British nuclear submarine is actually on the U.S. intercontinental nuclear missiles, the only five countries did not counter the ability of independent national nuclear submarine).
year for the U.S. invasion of Vietnam , the North Vietnamese army into what look like the weak, what weapons, relying on China and Russia backing, the United States and return as brake Yu.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Afghanistan army? what weapons? a dozen by the Soviet Union would collapse, But the U.S. CIA trained Osama bin Laden comrades quickly developed a Stinger missile is almost free to the Afghan guerrillas. Soviets is not yet finished.
the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but the lesson of the (two steps away a full ten years), first of all, the United Nations adopted a sanctions resolution, no country may export of arms to Iraq. Of course, this is light at the law. in the dark is the ruin of Russia has not just been breathed, afraid to offend the United States from the front . China's reform and opening up, is at a critical stage in the most difficult the last time (large-scale state-owned enterprise bankruptcy and laid off workers, which is very easily lead to chaos), growth of trade in the United States needed to overcome the bottleneck of the reform. So China and Russia both countries have no major action. American CIA did not idle, China and Russia over the world to monitor any flow of arms into Iraq (this is the largest local daily workload CIA), this ensures that the U.S. military did not lose face as the Vietnamese. < br> Now turn to Iran, and this move, the United States planned for three years. quit down Iran is impossible, only worry is the Sino-Russian arms to Iran in the pre-war or post-war problems. that U.S. is a nightmare. Now that several roadside Iraq BoB!!!, juvenile. Russia is deadly weapons.
Iran, the United States to dry down has been planned for 30 years. Shada Mu was After the arrest, has said that talk about a the acquiescence of the United States was sending troops, and the results did not expect the Americans are actually in the trap of their own into the mouth of the sheep into a wolf! so Shada Mu will then sputtered. Shada Mu has always been up CIA support, and Iran fights with the (8 years Iran-Iraq war). invasion of Kuwait, could not the U.S., the world may not know (Sha Damu army generals have been instigation, you believe that CIA did not know Sha Damu prior to the invasion of Kuwait?). I even strongly suspect, is simply encouraging Shada Mu CIA's invasion of Kuwait to the United States a pretext to achieve military occupation of Iraq, and then dry down the national strategies in Iran. (Gaddafi is to look at this chess game, only take the initiative to surrender, he and Sha Damu, as are anti-American CIA helped after taking office), Sha Damu said shaking and no secret to say that, I guess he has proof that his invasion of Kuwait, the United States by default, there is no reason to say Well, Saddam Hussein will be executed eventually, is the answer.
United States has never worried Iran's military strength, Russia has never had hopes of Iran's military strength. Five countries have clear now that the war has extended into space, do you not see the enemy, the bullet had to. In addition to the U.S., Russia and the EU, other countries are not their opponents (or else how naked Japanese ghost doom to the United States arms drill Yeah --- the latest US-Japan military alliance treaty). American military success in Iran, only Russia, but not with Iran nothing.
just a pawn of Iran, the world in the contest, that is, the United States (+ EU) in + Russia. This contest is comprehensive, from the economic and cultural politics to the military. the United States to achieve a higher position to deal with the Sino-Russian strategic Sino-Russian strategic steps to disrupt the U.S. (United States attack China and Russia keep). In addition to the EU itself are not quite sure what your goals, the U.S., Russia and the goal is the same: try every means to weaken the enemy's strength, Up to strangle the enemy. who does not make the other uncomfortable!
all political negotiations and transactions can all be to see the strength of how much the price of the backing. What gou pi cover it. since the Vietnam War, the United States really had a good study The Art of War, and not so reckless.
note the time the international event.
1989, China's major events, we all know The.
, launched a surprise attack to Kuwait. > , the major powers cutting plan may not be as open as the altar of sacrifice DF Ming. If you start counting from the Star Wars program, the U.S. plan for Russia and China, very long time. As a result, successfully get the Soviet Union, but in China, Yu brake and go. taking advantage of civil strife in Russia, unable to harass the United States (the world knows all of the wars during the Cold War the Soviet Union and China are wrestling), the U.S. plan for a long time in the Middle East program, began formal implementation.
Middle East Shiyou Fu area, Saudi Arabia is the imperial system (not a constitutional monarchy, oh), why so enthusiastic about democracy and freedom of the United States, Saudi Arabia are so friendly? does not require the Saudi royal family , does not meet the interests of the United States, the United States will be launched in Saudi Arabia Table clothes loyalty.
support the United States the original aim is to topple Saddam Hussein Iran, 8 years of the Iran-Iraq war ended, Saddam Hussein firmly secured a place to start the disgruntled. Iran has begun to rest and Development . You as an American decision-making (note, the U.S. president is the representative decision-making level), you will rest?
oil-rich Middle East, specifically Iran and the United States only work against, and Syria is not the oil-rich area of small, jumping of not up, but the U.S. also know that time waits for no man, Russian recovered quickly, if we start to Syria, after Iran had to get it working.
power cutting plan, would not a whim but to do The. Zuozhuang. you? But now, in New York, United Nations Conference held in Iran, Chinese Foreign Minister was officially invited as a banker to talk about participants) to enter Iran, status, and the Israeli side by side only, with France and Germany do not like. We Chinese, or not to participate, participants have Hence, it is only for our players, not to pieces.
the Chinese people suddenly Jingtao is indeed an expert, the Iran just kept on going, we discovered that no, Israel is still no copies, of which China has entered and is Zuozhuang! suddenly Jingtao means terrible it! suddenly put the United States played stormy disoriented, had bribed the Russian on the line, and now have to pay bribes China (Chinese appetite for more).
as long as we are making, Iran is a bargaining chip, China for nothing more than a bargaining chip, the sense of bad luck is the United States. We have one more chip, then the WW issue, the East China Sea issue problem in Southeast Asia, Central Asian issues, all issues related to China's national interests, we earn no pay! So, you Relax, I lower the CMC patriotic than you, intelligence is more stronger than you and I have these two points, you and me to work and live at ease, it wants to do their work.
China's next target (chip), is the years ago, the Chinese test before, but Israel is not cold). In the past, China can only in their own countries, international issues surrounding Hence, it is now, is the first time in the distance Zuozhuang. you and I worried about? has always been the dealer does not earn compensation The. not seen Chen's visit to Paraguay 好惨 Qianbian it? be required not only from the depth of the U.S. border enclave in Alaska, but Lebanon has actually in its aircraft flying in the sky when it comes to reject it landed in transit, the treatment with the same flight.
makers have always earn, instead of losing, China now needs most is peace and international environment for economic development, because the per capita GDP1000 to 3000 dollars, is the bottleneck in the development stage (domestic furiously day health care, education, housing, typical of this stage is contradictory), South American countries at this stage is finished, and still get up again. So, concentrate on economic development in China to resolve internal contradictions of the time (the total daily temperature in Busy ah), China's tight fist grip, but did not break out before the pack of wolves who dare not kill themselves first rushed to the U.S. Japan, Taiwan and India worried that no one punched the South China Sea to the Asian countries themselves. argument is not fat The most effective deterrent force! in this critical stage of development of the Chinese nation, China does not seek war or peaceful development, or moves of the First World War must be. We want to know their own strength, we are not to the extent Hansha random enemies.
And now, the Chinese capital poured into Iran, with Iranian oil exploration rights, it simply large-scale oil investment?! t at t the dare? France Germany United Kingdom dare? India dare? China and Iran had nothing to do on, now suddenly become a large-scale investment stakeholders, into the Village Board to do, no way Yaojin of three tricks, you dare to highway robbery?!
and jp mining rights in Iran, now imminent danger, because the U.S. masters jp has been staring at the hands of the mining rights. jp hands of Iran from the most fat to take over oil exploration rights, but China won the double that (a consumer of a rose is a double change). It all depends on jp and the outcome of the master of the bargain, dy Island military exercise in the fake news, it is estimated that between master and servant first result of bargaining.
sudden strong intervention suddenly Jingtao Iran, have clout, who would the U.S. highway robbery?! Now China has successfully made the dealer. If there is no degree of certainty, who would dare to invest so much capital Zuozhuang to gambling (the book are currently capital)?! suddenly Jingtao the courage to row in the hair later. and suddenly it Jingtao second visit to the United States, except the vague promise of a pass, the Americans did not get anything (New York Daily News has said everyone should read). the courage to do the extraordinary. Jingtao prudent to ignore a serious character, can be said that the Chinese growth of military power (nuclear and conventional forces), it must be satisfying.
the United States, China is the Iranian nuclear issue popped up in the Cheng Yaojin halfway. bribery costs the United States, sudden increase in multiple . United States of course will not easily let go of China, so all of a sudden intensification of the conflict in the East China Sea @ Taiwan @ independence to an end system, the fish catch @ @ @ @ Island military exercise false news, to US-India nuclear agreement, US-Japan security treaty, RMB appreciation > all this, China is expected with the (mouths are resolved by the Chinese), to participate in this gamble Hence, it is not a set of contingency plans, it is a fool. Zuozhuang taking a trip in China for the first time, their courage and strength, I I am truly happy. you do not forget, through the oil pipeline in Kazakhstan, the Russian pipeline started, and got a share of Nigeria's oil, Sudan has not stopped the oil, the Saudi oil tentative agreement. Iran's oil, for China is not have to do? It was a big chess board.
the way from Iran against the United States to compare the way China against the United States can not but lament the wisdom of the Chinese nation five years of civilization superior ah!
hard against Iran blindly. Although on the surface, score a lot, but the results in exchange for a more serious crisis. Western countries want to force those in power in the so-called democratic society, public opinion must first be inspired from the popular support. and encouraging public support will need to negative subjects, while the Judd is not conscious of doing the opposite theme, encouraging public authorities to help support the American Israel military action against Iran. ago, the same process of public agitation, Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hard words are the same, the results of successfully encouraged them to bomb Iran has. is the most lethal enemy. America before the ruthless suppression ah repeat itself in China, China bite the bullet, along you, do not you clear the fight has always been the face of the oral defense grievances, and actions, Mao and the United States to start ice-breaking line, picking and U.S. relations, ; like. do a China in the end confuse the United States are friends or foes, and made the U.S. public opinion and propaganda, in addition to human rights issues can not find the negative subject matter, forcing the U.S. media empty American workers to embrace it, Bush suddenly see Jingtao, look Duixiao, that hostile nations like ah.
wonder Jingtao suddenly gave Bush a !
many of our friends, often blame the central go-vern-ment weak, wronged them. That is five thousand years of Chinese civilization and political wisdom. is a clear understanding that China is still a weak power only, the face of power, not recklessly, to use soft tactics, this is to avoid the edge, hit the soft underbelly.
Iran just six miscarriage in New York. Iran will not go to blending.
insert a horizontal bar in China, + + + did not lose to China. see, The to be held on the first meeting of defense ministers. In addition to Burma, the other 9 countries of ASEAN defense ministers or deputy ministers attended the meeting. to enhance the ASEAN countries to combat transnational crime and KB doctrine, and to strengthen maritime security and disaster relief capabilities. ; ASEAN carry out his comrades the meeting at this time, the U.S. gay and will not be inspired education less busy. Later, we can see, Latin America and China have to rendezvous once. to not stand. But let Latin America set up a and this world really can not find Iran a considerable component of China's problems and can nausea. China a bargaining chip for several. value!
ASEAN Security Community, the possibility of more than 80% mortality. In fact ASEAN, everyone know, who has not satisfied who can say that if the meeting was led by ASEAN members, you and I are Xiangponaodai, could not think of who this capacity. Indonesia? Islamic countries in the ASEAN position is not as good as the old, many domestic civil strife, wrangling, shelling Thai Navy in 1990, there is a dispute with Malaysia, Vietnam hostile Communistparty, it is to lead, how can people with. Malaysia, led the first opposition in Indonesia. Vietnam? also do not have this ability, Vietnam Now in ASEAN, with outcasts like. Singapore? want to live? Prince Lee visited Taiwan last bitterness did not eat enough? very good relations between Thailand and China, Myanmar were not even attend the meeting. Everyone knows that such a meeting will give the Chinese central nervous excited. so I'm sure that this meeting, the Americans missed the shadow! purpose of the Iranian problem for the Chinese insert a horizontal bar. The United States wants other to engage in a few chips and China exchange.
the United States know, especially the South China Sea, the ASEAN states, and indeed this Andean Community . As the also afraid of offending China. to such a meeting, said 2020 was established. laughable. European Union have not established a successful security community, ASEAN, what more favorable conditions than the EU?! Of course, China will definitely be against.
can therefore said that without the U.S., who led the first? and China knows will touch the central nervous system. who do not want to suffer the first blow in China. Asean know what the U.S. thought: Let first endure boxing ASEAN, the United States we go to find flaws against China. (Japan also know that, so really the moment to use force to soft down, Aso's recent slip of the tongue can be seen, the stuttering cured).
the United States had much confidence on the Iran issue, because Russia too has asked the United States places: to join WTO, of Eight summit, the World Bank external debt, NATO's eastward expansion, the color revolutions, the oil price. Now a partner of Ukraine and Georgia began meeting to discuss whether it was necessary to remain in the Commonwealth of Independent States (open this head, but not to the CIS that can be lost). the United States really Xinshou twist a few chips to exchange Russia abstained from voting. while the United States, did not hurt.
Russia is a moron not to know their own weight and the practical difficulties, China only agreed to the incoming Zuozhuang. or within Russia has been depleted. a two-fight against the United States. also in line with their national interests. Russia's inability to confront the United States alone, but do not confront the United States, the strategic environment will worse. China has also suffered from Taiwan and East China Sea issue in the hands of too few chips, the United States Birentaishen. and do not want to reach the strategic goal of the United States, causing more severe in China's strategic posture. These are the incoming Zuozhuang China natural conditions (of course, a prerequisite to do making the veto power in the hands of China, the country did this thing, is not qualified Zuozhuang Mao really worthy of a statesman, a permanent seat in 77 years to fight back, Japanese ghosts will always be a ghost, is because of the lack of this).
joined a Chinese appetite is so big. China has asked the United States where, to be honest, really small, in addition to economic aspects. The Taiwan problem, China is the United States has been frustrating The United States has always grasp the testicles, and China to seize the United States under an eye. Now, the chips not changed. U.S. quickly affects the dog rope and release Japanese ghosts make great the East China Sea issue, otherwise the chip is not enough. One accession of China, France, Germany and Britain suddenly realize that China and Russia back, and quickly pitched back to the U.S. arms. In fact, Britain and Germany are not eligible Zuozhuang, French forces is not enough, and the EU itself is not unified and can not figure out your goal is to What is instinctive fear of Russia (the aftermath of Europe since ancient times), and Red China, being scared and quickly ran back to the U.S. arms, not fallen out.
the six-nation meeting on Iran abortion, in fact, private parties and discussing how to change the problem chips. Russia must be the most hope that once all the problems brought to the exchange, but you can negotiate. But certainly China's demand is simple: the East China (including Taiwan). Russia's good to meet the requirements can be discussed, Chinese simple request can be difficult to meet. So did the New York Times said: unable to around China.
continuation of the military is a political, economic and political superstructure. all the political issues can not be divorced from the economy to consider. China's economic development, are key the bottleneck stage (per capita GDP1000-3000 dollars), began to highlight the various social conflicts and deterioration of the stage, this time does not solve development problems, the result is today's South America! economic collapse, all the politics out of discussion . By comparing the success of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the experience across the $ 3,000, compared to South American countries before the collapse in the U.S. per capita GDP3000 cause severe social unrest, the lessons of reform and burned the results. The experience of China is: to support agriculture (reducing poverty gap between the rich), establishing a sound social security system (medical, pension), the establishment of a fair competition mechanism (go-vern-ment system, universal education). These are precisely the temperature of things always busy every day. And to complete these tasks, at least years, and from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 per person, optimistic estimates have to 5 years, the general points to ten years. So, suddenly Jingtao took power, it said that the first two decades of this century, the great development of the Chinese nation an important opportunity, to miss this period, the Chinese Renaissance in sight. The economic development is most needed a peaceful international environment.
here, I am reminded of the blind pursuit of Zhuge Liang, regardless of the economic development of Shu and reserve personnel training, poor military extravagance Wu, seven more powerful attack Wei Qishan no results. actually do a protracted war in the end failed. there is no strong economic backing, all military and political roots of the grass are not.
So far, China has no use of force. because of the consequences of war is the most difficult to predict, but also the most difficult to control the damage within a certain degree. Therefore, China's short-term strategy is: do not seek war peace and development, or moves of the First World War must be. as a way to delay with the negotiations, the war is the best way to negotiate Why? you know, the war emphasis on speed quick, decisive war, playing a week from Taiwan also estimated. but unpredictable consequences, the international environment shocks. But the talks are the most time-consuming thing, casually talk about the year two years are common. not beating, a sign of trouble can be adjusted, can be damaging to a minimum. Therefore, China put forward a North Korean nuclear talks, one about two years to talk about, there is nothing about it. the East China Sea and Japan have come to a negotiation, the less I guess have to talk about five years, and certainly not about a piece of shit. On the Taiwan issue (KMT forum talks), so far all empty talk, Iran, China and talk, talk white talk, talk talk talk, the any possible conflict, the Chinese say: Well Bureau, the most time consuming and so can not afford. So the most urgent is the United States. most do not want to talk about the United States. Therefore, China is not a little anxious, drag, the peaceful international environment, drag over the two decades.

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