Monday, February 21, 2011

SG December 2 real-time Jie Pan

 SG December 2 After Hours Summary: I am afraid that the size of disk rotation until after 12 months!
Although the Shanghai Stock Exchange today, closing 3269 points, closing November 23 is lower than 70 points, but the Shenzhen Composite Index closed hit a new high since rebounded and became the first of the major index of high variety. by the performance of inference, Shanghai and Shenzhen are likely to continue to the next higher, including the Shenzhen City is looking for a new high point, Shanghai will have to continue to challenge 3478 points. patterns in technology, if Thursday can be slightly adjusted in Shenzhen, the future does not rule out again Changyang Powei situation. If we consider the Shenzhen market up previously continuous 17 days, then the expectation should not be an exaggeration.
market no major changes in structure, small cap stocks are still far stronger than the broader market. China Securities 100 Index rose 0.75%, rose to 200 in the card to reach 1.59%. large-cap stocks can only hope that a small sigh, and even spread of positive hazy Three bank stocks do not rise to an average of 1%, while its H shares has appeared in nearly 2% gain. size of the disk rotation index continued to hover at the five-year low, showing that large-cap stocks as the market characteristics of abandoned children.
However, some large-cap stocks appear initiative has been buying for several days, it'd have to pay attention. such as Baoshan Iron and Steel in the past 7 days have 5 days show initiative and capital inflows, there are other ICBC, China Unicom, China Life Insurance, Maotai, iron and other building stocks. in large capitalization stocks as a whole case of abandonment, some stock funds have seen a great initiative Jiancang, hot rotation for the future of the market left a hint. and for the time point of view, I am afraid that the conversion is complete to wait until December after the. market without any major adjustments or clear policy signals, it is estimated wave of small-cap stocks, or continue.
is today the largest increase in gold plate, colored and resources stocks, which is the market consumer stocks in the round of speculation after the horses only, its sustainability remains to be seen. the performance of real estate stocks was active today morning market, but the market outlook, with the banks and weakness. At present, large differences in the housing market, but the volume has been high , the future direction unclear.
poor performance of the sector today is the brokerage stocks, stock index futures yesterday, they are subject to positive stimuli or larger, fell today, also reasonable. wine food stocks also dropped slightly, the corresponding the resources of the hot stocks. iron and steel stocks rose bottom, but most steel stocks take care of funds, there are still opportunities for the future or higher.
today's market outlook, technology stocks have a collective force, Yao City, appeared divided. the plate most of the results poor, lack of sufficient popular support for speculation, would be doomsday speculation Small Cap signal, still need to observe.
Thursday market, a lack of focus, if the external stock market decline, the domestic stock market is expected to take the opportunity to complete the adjustment, but the market would be Fast access to waiting for the central economic work conference sidelines, in the current atmosphere, the conference has more stimulating effect of interest, or the stock market rising again as the fuse.
14:40 vigilance is not a bad thing to be concerned about the 3 stocks < br> Stock Index early afternoon break shock was high, but in financial stocks dragged the callback, the index appears two waves of high diving, was the sudden increase in volume, the shadow of the spike has not been fully dispersed, the plate diving, or make us think, is once again fall? or just whipsaw only? but at least warned us, watch out not a bad thing.
multi-year stock index exceeded 3400 points, which are predicted, which is the need to verify , speaking for investors to grasp the overall market gains need to look at risk, can be secured is the most honest, apart from preserving moderate positions, the part of the funds when needed in the current volatile Kuaijinkuaichu, Class 3 shares to be concerned about: 1) with the theme of continuous speculation species, 2) the recent admission of funds obvious traces of the species, and 3) the potential of undervalued stocks with compensatory growth.
financial monitoring: shrank to 4.4 billion net inflow of the main selling ten shares List
ended at 14:25 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 286.772 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 285.576 billion yuan, 171.053 billion yuan traded Shanghai A shares, A shares traded in Shenzhen 114.523 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover of 136.452 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 132.049 billion yuan, 8.362 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 4.403 billion yuan turnover, representing the broader market all transactions 1.59%.
net outflow of capital stock list
14:22 Carnival of attention to the broader market finished lower on Wednesday afternoon diving risk
higher broader market volatility, stock index touched the highest points to 3,278.27, close to 3300 mark before the integer above the sell-off by the impact of stock index one level down, short-term risks facing the adjustment. From the broader market on Friday, just three days, hunters still up more than 170 points, stocks have the performance is wonderful, and bargain-hunting on Friday near the capital gradually realized in the 3300 chips, resulting in short-term top of the pressure.
14:16 not diminish the concept of consumer stocks continued strong commercial department store concept
consumer appliance sector is not due to the reduction of individual stocks finished lower, strong commercial department store shares the concept of switching a consumer focus. Lanzhou Minbai (600,738) limit, Wuhan Commercial (000,785), Best Large Group (600,865) surpassed 5% increase in Nanjing in the business (600,280), East Hundred Group (600693), also to be seen.
14:10 prevalent speculation A raised fears
share market today, the full flowering of the hot trend, the more depressed one is pre-real estate stocks or table in front, the other is the small-cap stocks, especially in the GEM has once again become attractive long Varieties of attention. But it is the small-cap stocks such a hot trend, the industry began to worry about the broader market is facing a certain amount of price risk. After lunch it was difficult to expand the A-share market bounced up space, suggest that investors should be cautious operation.
financial monitoring: 4.3 billion of funds stir Qingshan Paper
ended at 14:05 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 251.808 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 250.783 billion yuan, Shanghai City A shares traded 150.082 billion yuan, Shenzhen A shares were traded 100.701 billion yuan, A shares traded, traded 124.506 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 115.542 billion yuan, 7.764 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow transactions 8.963 billion yuan, accounting for the broader market all transactions 3.62%.
SG 14 points to read the tape: Index Firmer
one hour before the afternoon, non-ferrous metal plate in aluminum and copper continue to exert the leadership, showing heavy volume upside trend. LME base metals, mainly because: Copper hit a new high, aluminum rose 1.9%, rose by 5.3% of lead, zinc rose 2.2%, nickel and tin remained stable. real estate section of the afternoon appeared shrinkage correction; decline board, food and beverage sector sell-off dragged down by the white areas to become the only two cities down plate. from the disk situation, among the biggest gainers are: non-ferrous metals +3.6%, +2.7%, real estate, light manufacturing + 1.9%; decline in the top are: food and beverage -0.6% +0.1% ferrous metals, household appliances and +0.4%. The Shanghai Composite Index up 3278.27 points, the index close to 3,300 points, dish selling pressure increases, stock volatility increases large. from the selling pressure and the index of performance, the index is more firm, dropped in heavy volume of total process, the index fell to a lesser extent. transaction-intensive areas in the pre-index fluctuations are normal, the index will rise in volatility in the volatility over 3300 points in the standing.
13:45 gas sector this afternoon, the sudden emergence of hot money speculation time again
disk, gas plate active again, Chase gas (000593) rose 5.37%, Shaanxi natural gas (002,267) up 5.24%, Changchun Gas (600333) rose 4.54%. As of 13:40 and gas sector capital inflows 35,428,200 yuan, of which 29.0028 million yuan Shan gas flow.
from today's intraday trend, the gas pre-plate hot money main seems to be the second coming.
financial monitoring: the main cities of transactions 209 200 000 000 List of
Masukura ten shares ended at 13:25 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 209.19 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, where the Shanghai and Shenzhen A total turnover of 208.311 billion yuan shares, Shanghai A shares were traded 124.488 billion yuan, Shenzhen City, 83.823 billion yuan traded A shares, A shares traded, turnover of 99.618 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of 94.78 billion yuan of turnover, uncertainty turnover 6.818 billion yuan, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 4.839 billion yuan turnover, accounting for the broader market all transactions 2.40%.
institutions Masukura Ten List
13:32 Stock News: Afternoon colored stock, power and aluminum stocks by the east wind gains from the frenzy.
13:30 Yoshimine agricultural (300 022) long to short squeeze
hero succeed despite the clarification of a listed company announcements, but as the stock market in the phrase Agricultural Machinery (300 022) has a daily limit yesterday's strong performance, how to tell the market it sought after by funds. Today the stock and then washed daily limit, market short squeeze continues, the main force did not succeed so short, stock prices continue to skyrocket.
13: 22 The second plate is worth noting that the textile sector
today is worth noting that the second plate mm textile sector, the market expects the broader market's hot spots have a tendency to transfer to the textile sector. individual stocks, Huafang shares (600,448) disk sealed limit, Huafang Textile (600 273) again and again pull, hit a new high. Although the textile industry has repeatedly broke the news of a loss, but the recovery of China's foreign trade signals the next obvious turning point in the industry is expected to come next year.
Huafang Textile (600 273): In November 20 after the bell, expected recovery in exports, the recent share of stock gradually become active, short-term adjustment Zaidufali, and transaction-intensive amplification, investors can take an active interest. > by the Wall Street continued rise lift, Hong Kong stocks open higher this morning continued rebound, recovering 10 and 20 day moving average. As of midday, the Hang Seng Index 22,396.27 points reported points, up 283.12 points, or 1.28%. the market turnover of 451.94 half day million. read from the disk, 42 constituent stocks of the four down. real estate stocks led the gains, shares in the banks high pressure, or narrowed.
SG afternoon to read the tape: a cyclical industry strong
From the early trend, the broader market averages stood above the base established, the stock index continuously on the red, the paper, chemical, chemical fiber and other cyclical industries, represented by second-line blue chips started strong, as the economy recovers, the performance elasticity of steel , paper, chemicals, chemical fiber industry, significant growth in performance of listed companies, the performance of individual companies will be reaching record highs. Annual market has started, many of the performance of second-line growth of blue-chip companies can not only support the current stock price, and the fourth-quarter results smoothing calculation, the 2010 price-earnings ratio valuation advantages are obvious. Copenhagen next week, the Central Economic Work Conference, the macro data released almost simultaneously, the data is to determine the optimism, the Central Economic Work Conference will not be setting out the economic stimulus plan. adequate liquidity-driven end of the period of rising stock prices, the performance of the stage to promote the shares rose, while liquidity has not subsided, this may be the most profitable time of a stage. the real estate section a meteoric rise, expected next year's status as a pillar industry of real estate will be to consolidate, the policy will also help inhibit the one hand, demand for support to encourage buyers, on the other hand to curb speculative real estate; financial and non-ferrous plate is still among the biggest gainers such as weight, material and style in the Large Value Small Cap Growth to seek a new balance between; increase mainly by the recent gains after the big wine, steel, coal plates, further depleting materials after the afternoon Kongfangliliang also expected to stabilize up. Judging from the early closing, or the top are: real estate +3.5% +1.8% comprehensive, non-ferrous metals +1.7%; decline in the top are: food and beverage -0.3% +0.3% ferrous metals, mining +0.4%. Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index 1.2%, China Enterprises Index +1.7%.
11:28 Bank of Shanghai real estate-driven stock index rose
tape drive shares the name list of stock ticker
contribution percentage point contribution to the decline in volume
latest prices go Industrial and Commercial Bank 601398 4.35 0.13% 5.35 1.71% 1049729
Construction Bank 601939 3.04 0.09% 6.05 1.51% 778280
China Life 601628 1.92 0.06% 31.23 1.53% 71058
Bank of China, 601988 1.47 4.18 0.97% 427,342 0.05% < br> China Petroleum 601857 1.06 0.03% 13.54 0.30% 170374
CITIC Bank 601998 0.79 0.02% 6.68 2.14% 236865
Ping 601318 0.73 0.02% 57.78 1.21% 151489
Bank 601328 0.64 8.58 1.06% 0.02% 342430
tape drive shares in Shenzhen Stock Name Stock Code List
contribution percentage point contribution to the rising values decreases the latest real estate investment volume
000024 5.42 0.04% 32.23 4.78% 210107
Vanke A 000002 5.2 0.04% 11.72 1.91% 1178221
Asia Standard Construction 000046 2.77 0.02% 16.82 3.51% 66539
BOE A 000725 2.49 0.02% 5.38 2.67% 340719
Zongshen Power 001696 2.21 0.02% 18.84 9.98% 51996
OCT A 000069 2.07 0.02% 20.95 1.50% 198056
in gold Lingnan 000060 1.96 0.01% 28.41 3.23% 95188
FAW Car 000800 1.85 0.01% 24.84 2.18% 39634
Street 000,402 1.71 279,234 2.32% 0.01% 14.09
Emori Development 002146 1.62 0.01% 21.49 4.07% 18342
11:02 Paper forestry and paper industry mergers and acquisitions wave of birth feast
At this point, forestry stocks and paper stocks also strengthened. Forestry Unit, the Forestry Wing ( 000663) rose 7%, Oriental Gardens (002 310), Jinggu forestry (600,265) rose; Paper stocks strong, we have focused in front of tips for all to see.
10:55 disk hot spots: the State Council passed Yellow Triangle second strategy will give the 600,448), Binzhou Piston (600960). Dongying has three listed companies: Victory shares (000,407), Thailand shares (600,308), Kodak shares (600,986). In addition, peripheral Yantai, Weifang, Zibo related listed companies may be appropriate to focus.
10:43 shares of stocks in general intraday larger increase in the stocks that rose in early morning trading
active stocks intraday stock index futures rise continued to expand, as at present, high-tech development (000,628), large Infineon Technologies (600288) both limit, the large shares (600,704) 9% increase over the Chinese medium (000,996) increase over 7%, New Huangpu (600,638), Hong industry shares (600,128) and other growth surpassed 5%.
about the investment opportunities in the sector, we in the recent high open directly above the opening 10-day moving average, index back above the average system, a strong market recovery. However, the index after the opening performance of the more pressure-based. This side up side to adjust the development trend of steadily rising stock in favor. from index rose to see, the Shanghai Composite rose out first, followed by Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, reflecting the style of conversion quietly forward. turnover year on year to enlarge the market and the index of the active degree of synchronization increased. estimated time remaining stock intraday volatility will increase, under the current index can be can be, must be selected, select the disk performance is volatile. We remain optimistic about the outcome of choice , suggest that investors may be appropriate Masukura. from the industry point of view, by the fall in the dollar index, rose along with commodity markets, non-ferrous sector led the market; financial stocks out of the haze of a few days Yindie, ushered in a wave of slightly battered rebound; wine, IT and other pre among the biggest gainers in the sector is showing signs of profit-taking, face greater selling pressure. intraday among the biggest gainers are: non-ferrous metals +1.6%, +1.4%, light manufacturing, financial services +1.3%; decline in the top are: ferrous metals -0.8% -0.6% food and beverage, information services -0.1%.
financial monitoring: the paper industry which attract more than 380 million to top the list
at 10: 25 or so, capital flows, there were 237 million chase Qingshan Paper (600103), pulling the stock shock limit, which attract the paper plate is 383 million, both individual stocks and industry ranks first in net inflow of funds, the whole plate up 1.67 % among the plate or the second. , Guotai Junan North First Ring Road Chengdu, Wuhan, building eight CSC death squads, two hot money active. Sanxin in the Air (002 163), Kinder development (000,639), China Railway Bureau (600 528), Hongrun Construction (002,062) shares continued strength, etc., outperformed the general trend.
10:20 GEM expansion Yoshimine agricultural continue to rise soon!
Wednesday GEM whole line again, all stocks rose over 2% of Huayi Brothers (300027) rose 6.01%, Yoshimine agricultural machines (300022) rose 5.73%.
news side, the original will be scheduled for yesterday on the same period the four GEM companies, an IPO application was canceled yesterday morning, pass through the remaining three companies, only a successful IPO application approved. Thus, from November 2 to yesterday, have the second batch of 21 companies in the issuance examination committee GEM As at 10:05 on December 2, 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen cities of the total turnover of 78.265 billion yuan in which a total turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares of 77.942 billion yuan and Shanghai Security A turnover of 47.085 billion yuan shares and Shenzhen A share market turnover 30.856 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover 34.735 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 34.921 billion yuan, 4.193 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 186 million yuan turnover, representing the broader market all transactions 0.25%.
10:02 Hang Seng Index opened sharply higher as strong financial, real estate
Australia to raise interest rates, the Bank of Japan to stabilize the yen from rising, the dollar rebounded strong to suppress. this impact, the global stock markets maintained strong gains, Hang Seng Index opened 289.36 points higher in early trading , reported at 22,402.51 points. continued strength in financial, real estate, Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank, Bank of China and other Chinese banks is stronger than our financial stocks. 9:55 main stock index for 10-day moving average
station disk, banks, coal plates or table among the forefront of the industry, the price of gold by the external disk drive, Zijin Mining (601 899) is currently led heavyweight, nonferrous metals, financial gain front agricultural sector dragged down stock.
09:46 tuned! hot market has been gradually switching intentions
disk shows active in the paper while printing plate, gold stocks, non-ferrous metal stocks and financial stocks are also beginning to have an active real estate trend, indicating that the hot market are beginning to have the intention to switch. It seems, financial and real estate stocks or the performance of relative prominence, suggest that investors pay close attention to the.
09:41 Paper stocks continued strong gains were more than 2%
China Metallurgical Group Paper assets will have an initial guess who gets results. Previously, Meili Paper Industry (000815) MCC Paper for the planning and major asset reorganization and suspension. Today, the stock directly to the daily limit in early trading opened, and closed more than 30 million single hand. this impact, the overall strength of the paper stocks yesterday also renewed strength, Qingshan Paper Industry (600103), Shanying (600,567) and others sharply upward trend.
Hill Eagle Paper (600567): We are late in Tuesday's rose sharply on the domestic Shanghai copper hit a rebound today opened a new high. the secondary market, non-ferrous stocks among the biggest gainers. Zhongjin Gold (600,489) to open 3.13% higher, Shandong Gold (600,547) opened higher by 3.6%, Tongling Nonferrous Metals (000 630 ) to open higher 2%.
09:15 pre Hotspots
. recently learned that the State intends to introduce further enhance the elimination of backward production capacity of the notice to the stringent measures, the focus of the power, coal, steel, cement, nonferrous metals , coke, and paper industries and backward production capacity out of the task. analysts believe the move is conducive to concentration of related industries, the improvement of listed companies, secondary market policies on the part of industry leading companies turn for the better future is a concern.
. Beijing City Development and Reform Commission and the 1st to the public hearing on the program elements the price hike, the overall program in residential water rates increased 0.9 yuan per cubic meter of Ni. price increases triggered by the water sector concern the opportunity for trading.
. Business 1, ministry officials said this year is expected to total retail sales of social consumer goods grew 15.6% to reach 12 trillion yuan. relevant departments are studying how to further expand the consumption and expand the relevant policies of automobile appliance consumption is still room for adjustment.
. Recently, the Development and Reform Commission under the State Council approved the >. the fourth quarter, the domestic chemical industry value chain to achieve an increase, while demand is there signs of recovery, which means that the domestic chemical industry is indeed embarking on a recovery track. the recent trend of chemical sector as a whole better-than-the market, investors can actively concern.
. MIIT Zhu Hongren chief engineer, said yesterday that in order to promote the development of shipbuilding industry, has been introduced in addition to the guidance

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