Monday, February 28, 2011

Business friends to shop some of the experiences and recommendations

faithful to the shop looked confused me about some superficial understanding of their own shop (due to lazy enough to write detailed
we worry about now have regular jobs, is not resolved to resign to shop .3.
my timid, afraid of a bully to store trouble.
first experience is accumulated, all of whom are from scratch, do not do will never experience.
able to resolve this is to consider seriously the outset, this is the real problem to be solved.
I did not encounter in the business is too small fry trouble, do not be afraid to encounter, you can call the police, you can also find
people around him to succeed, those who do not generally a legitimate business will come to make trouble, most of them in the bar, leisure house move.
As for dealing with people in all aspects of society is very easy to learn, there are principles:
1, reaching people do not fight smiling (even if the other party or government authority society idle).
2, forbearance temporary calm, take a step backward (do not get the upper hand is getting to the other side and you will not be forced to fight in the end
3, Flex, a soft processing on the soft treatment, not have appropriate hardware (see the key to the balance of power, not to eat now
specific business you should pay attention to:
1, the rent. including the transfer fee (preferably not to, never give more than 3-6 months of profit) for a period
(how long you can rent, the longer the better), rent (the average rent was a negotiated number with the specific location,
to consider your tolerance in general I recommend that no more than theoretical operating margin of 30%),
rent payment methods (cycle as short as possible), whether alterations (some landlords are abnormal, you have to make things difficult for the decoration he
you, you To purchase equipment not let).
2, the lot. approximate location you have set, but there are a lot of things: the business case, this observation is
, observing the direction of flow, the school holidays so there is no business to be as far as possible can take care of the business community, city departments to keep the tube
shop operator (grocery business when there are many things into the door), so allow for sign
(some homeowners, especially schools and units Government departments do not allow signs).
3, purchase channels. the most critical cargo into a good standard:

, primary sources)
1, the purchase price.
2, it can change.
3, security guarantees. food, utensils, fix security is critical now earn less than paying the money not only to accompany the money.
4, purchase in a timely manner ( including timely stock replenishment and new market can be the first to get).
5, delivered to your door (preferably sent home, unless special pricing advantage).
6, legal liability (if it is counterfeit goods Commerce and Industry held, patented product once held factory of origin, etc.).
4, sales. business activities can be achieved only sales profits, there is no ability to sell the final decision whether a company's most
to survive. There are many sales techniques need to really comprehend.
5, learn to negotiate. this throughout all business activities.
attention to two (both not out, and do not stock too much, at any time that the backlog of goods, not to create
expired stock losses caused by deterioration).
three control
1, control income and expenditure ratio (try not to over-spending )
2, control the gearing ratio (debt is not too much)
3, control your employees (the employees have leadership, then you are capable people can not accept a leadership
let him open strict incentive will reward meritorious,
have had will punish)
form good habits
1, make friends, to grasp the new trends in the industry (search for: extraordinary shopping).
2, to distinguish generous and the difference between waste; distinguish the difference between petty and conservation.
3, timely billing and timely inventory completed on the matter, (which I can do is to not place).
4, good at thinking to find better approach, believing that

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Only give you a lifetime with rainbow

 『Life only with a rainbow for you』
do not know when, starting to dress up as a hedgehog, more often the hard thorns wrapped only in his own body. I still can not control the sharp edge Alignment of others, in order to avoid its accidental injury, I had to let it penetrate the body a little bit, watching the smooth skin pierced by its apathy, can only look at the blood on the skin splits open a blossoming flower, and instantly in full bloom , and instantly disappear. can I still laugh watching it short life, for it does not hurt innocent people, would have to be a little pleased.
a long time, I began to drift, letting their emotions and soul, not to constrain them in a long time only within a small bottle sleep. let them go to the so-called real emotion witnessed the corruption and hypocrisy. Let them go to the collision, even in the stormy sea of black and blue, but also live in this world displaced.
in the bottle sleeping light is gray, the sky clouds down here, one of a stack. not a cloud, and are willing to walk the walk alone, and only bottle in the faint light growing dim, little by little retreat. the roar of thunder and beating the cold sidewall convey dissatisfaction and resentment outside, and I was willing to continue to stay in their own little space, not the rise of breath, do not bow to cry. just wake up and see the faint of days and then continue to sleep. Even nerve is sober, but I still felt abnormal fatigue, so do not want to open your eyes, do not want to see the strange world, who do not want to come near or is approached by whom. only the continuation of this self-binding, locked himself In the small flat where this has been sleeping on who has refused to disturb.
Yet I have long ignored the blood flowing in your love, that moment do not call me a sober voice of sleep, has been pounding the wall of my film, do not willing to let me alone, locked in a dream. So you came to help me sweep away the clouds blocking the bottle, so I see sunny days, in fact, not a rainy day, not without warm wind, not the warm sun.
you use only warm care of my closed mind, you say, even to let us sleep together. If the memory of the scars can not be removed, then we discard the memory, from this moment belongs to us only to happy to write faith, so sad death, so that pain is the sun to melt, let me give you my life only with a rainbow.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Surprised to find that China has become the United States shocked the most powerful banker of Iran [Links]

 Surprised to find that the United States: China has become Iran's most powerful impressively Makers [Links]
of: whq6852 Posted at :2008-05-02 06:58:26
surprised to find that the United States: China has become Iran's most powerful impressively bookmakers! [Author: akaaaa Published: 2008/04/30 22:29
strength of how the Iranian army is very, very minor. The world is the U.S. and Russia arena four countries-France (the British are now more decline , and became a stooge for the United States, we do not have to look at its face, the British nuclear submarine is actually on the U.S. intercontinental nuclear missiles, the only five countries did not counter the ability of independent national nuclear submarine).
year for the U.S. invasion of Vietnam , the North Vietnamese army into what look like the weak, what weapons, relying on China and Russia backing, the United States and return as brake Yu.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Afghanistan army? what weapons? a dozen by the Soviet Union would collapse, But the U.S. CIA trained Osama bin Laden comrades quickly developed a Stinger missile is almost free to the Afghan guerrillas. Soviets is not yet finished.
the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but the lesson of the (two steps away a full ten years), first of all, the United Nations adopted a sanctions resolution, no country may export of arms to Iraq. Of course, this is light at the law. in the dark is the ruin of Russia has not just been breathed, afraid to offend the United States from the front . China's reform and opening up, is at a critical stage in the most difficult the last time (large-scale state-owned enterprise bankruptcy and laid off workers, which is very easily lead to chaos), growth of trade in the United States needed to overcome the bottleneck of the reform. So China and Russia both countries have no major action. American CIA did not idle, China and Russia over the world to monitor any flow of arms into Iraq (this is the largest local daily workload CIA), this ensures that the U.S. military did not lose face as the Vietnamese. < br> Now turn to Iran, and this move, the United States planned for three years. quit down Iran is impossible, only worry is the Sino-Russian arms to Iran in the pre-war or post-war problems. that U.S. is a nightmare. Now that several roadside Iraq BoB!!!, juvenile. Russia is deadly weapons.
Iran, the United States to dry down has been planned for 30 years. Shada Mu was After the arrest, has said that talk about a the acquiescence of the United States was sending troops, and the results did not expect the Americans are actually in the trap of their own into the mouth of the sheep into a wolf! so Shada Mu will then sputtered. Shada Mu has always been up CIA support, and Iran fights with the (8 years Iran-Iraq war). invasion of Kuwait, could not the U.S., the world may not know (Sha Damu army generals have been instigation, you believe that CIA did not know Sha Damu prior to the invasion of Kuwait?). I even strongly suspect, is simply encouraging Shada Mu CIA's invasion of Kuwait to the United States a pretext to achieve military occupation of Iraq, and then dry down the national strategies in Iran. (Gaddafi is to look at this chess game, only take the initiative to surrender, he and Sha Damu, as are anti-American CIA helped after taking office), Sha Damu said shaking and no secret to say that, I guess he has proof that his invasion of Kuwait, the United States by default, there is no reason to say Well, Saddam Hussein will be executed eventually, is the answer.
United States has never worried Iran's military strength, Russia has never had hopes of Iran's military strength. Five countries have clear now that the war has extended into space, do you not see the enemy, the bullet had to. In addition to the U.S., Russia and the EU, other countries are not their opponents (or else how naked Japanese ghost doom to the United States arms drill Yeah --- the latest US-Japan military alliance treaty). American military success in Iran, only Russia, but not with Iran nothing.
just a pawn of Iran, the world in the contest, that is, the United States (+ EU) in + Russia. This contest is comprehensive, from the economic and cultural politics to the military. the United States to achieve a higher position to deal with the Sino-Russian strategic Sino-Russian strategic steps to disrupt the U.S. (United States attack China and Russia keep). In addition to the EU itself are not quite sure what your goals, the U.S., Russia and the goal is the same: try every means to weaken the enemy's strength, Up to strangle the enemy. who does not make the other uncomfortable!
all political negotiations and transactions can all be to see the strength of how much the price of the backing. What gou pi cover it. since the Vietnam War, the United States really had a good study The Art of War, and not so reckless.
note the time the international event.
1989, China's major events, we all know The.
, launched a surprise attack to Kuwait. > , the major powers cutting plan may not be as open as the altar of sacrifice DF Ming. If you start counting from the Star Wars program, the U.S. plan for Russia and China, very long time. As a result, successfully get the Soviet Union, but in China, Yu brake and go. taking advantage of civil strife in Russia, unable to harass the United States (the world knows all of the wars during the Cold War the Soviet Union and China are wrestling), the U.S. plan for a long time in the Middle East program, began formal implementation.
Middle East Shiyou Fu area, Saudi Arabia is the imperial system (not a constitutional monarchy, oh), why so enthusiastic about democracy and freedom of the United States, Saudi Arabia are so friendly? does not require the Saudi royal family , does not meet the interests of the United States, the United States will be launched in Saudi Arabia Table clothes loyalty.
support the United States the original aim is to topple Saddam Hussein Iran, 8 years of the Iran-Iraq war ended, Saddam Hussein firmly secured a place to start the disgruntled. Iran has begun to rest and Development . You as an American decision-making (note, the U.S. president is the representative decision-making level), you will rest?
oil-rich Middle East, specifically Iran and the United States only work against, and Syria is not the oil-rich area of small, jumping of not up, but the U.S. also know that time waits for no man, Russian recovered quickly, if we start to Syria, after Iran had to get it working.
power cutting plan, would not a whim but to do The. Zuozhuang. you? But now, in New York, United Nations Conference held in Iran, Chinese Foreign Minister was officially invited as a banker to talk about participants) to enter Iran, status, and the Israeli side by side only, with France and Germany do not like. We Chinese, or not to participate, participants have Hence, it is only for our players, not to pieces.
the Chinese people suddenly Jingtao is indeed an expert, the Iran just kept on going, we discovered that no, Israel is still no copies, of which China has entered and is Zuozhuang! suddenly Jingtao means terrible it! suddenly put the United States played stormy disoriented, had bribed the Russian on the line, and now have to pay bribes China (Chinese appetite for more).
as long as we are making, Iran is a bargaining chip, China for nothing more than a bargaining chip, the sense of bad luck is the United States. We have one more chip, then the WW issue, the East China Sea issue problem in Southeast Asia, Central Asian issues, all issues related to China's national interests, we earn no pay! So, you Relax, I lower the CMC patriotic than you, intelligence is more stronger than you and I have these two points, you and me to work and live at ease, it wants to do their work.
China's next target (chip), is the years ago, the Chinese test before, but Israel is not cold). In the past, China can only in their own countries, international issues surrounding Hence, it is now, is the first time in the distance Zuozhuang. you and I worried about? has always been the dealer does not earn compensation The. not seen Chen's visit to Paraguay 好惨 Qianbian it? be required not only from the depth of the U.S. border enclave in Alaska, but Lebanon has actually in its aircraft flying in the sky when it comes to reject it landed in transit, the treatment with the same flight.
makers have always earn, instead of losing, China now needs most is peace and international environment for economic development, because the per capita GDP1000 to 3000 dollars, is the bottleneck in the development stage (domestic furiously day health care, education, housing, typical of this stage is contradictory), South American countries at this stage is finished, and still get up again. So, concentrate on economic development in China to resolve internal contradictions of the time (the total daily temperature in Busy ah), China's tight fist grip, but did not break out before the pack of wolves who dare not kill themselves first rushed to the U.S. Japan, Taiwan and India worried that no one punched the South China Sea to the Asian countries themselves. argument is not fat The most effective deterrent force! in this critical stage of development of the Chinese nation, China does not seek war or peaceful development, or moves of the First World War must be. We want to know their own strength, we are not to the extent Hansha random enemies.
And now, the Chinese capital poured into Iran, with Iranian oil exploration rights, it simply large-scale oil investment?! t at t the dare? France Germany United Kingdom dare? India dare? China and Iran had nothing to do on, now suddenly become a large-scale investment stakeholders, into the Village Board to do, no way Yaojin of three tricks, you dare to highway robbery?!
and jp mining rights in Iran, now imminent danger, because the U.S. masters jp has been staring at the hands of the mining rights. jp hands of Iran from the most fat to take over oil exploration rights, but China won the double that (a consumer of a rose is a double change). It all depends on jp and the outcome of the master of the bargain, dy Island military exercise in the fake news, it is estimated that between master and servant first result of bargaining.
sudden strong intervention suddenly Jingtao Iran, have clout, who would the U.S. highway robbery?! Now China has successfully made the dealer. If there is no degree of certainty, who would dare to invest so much capital Zuozhuang to gambling (the book are currently capital)?! suddenly Jingtao the courage to row in the hair later. and suddenly it Jingtao second visit to the United States, except the vague promise of a pass, the Americans did not get anything (New York Daily News has said everyone should read). the courage to do the extraordinary. Jingtao prudent to ignore a serious character, can be said that the Chinese growth of military power (nuclear and conventional forces), it must be satisfying.
the United States, China is the Iranian nuclear issue popped up in the Cheng Yaojin halfway. bribery costs the United States, sudden increase in multiple . United States of course will not easily let go of China, so all of a sudden intensification of the conflict in the East China Sea @ Taiwan @ independence to an end system, the fish catch @ @ @ @ Island military exercise false news, to US-India nuclear agreement, US-Japan security treaty, RMB appreciation > all this, China is expected with the (mouths are resolved by the Chinese), to participate in this gamble Hence, it is not a set of contingency plans, it is a fool. Zuozhuang taking a trip in China for the first time, their courage and strength, I I am truly happy. you do not forget, through the oil pipeline in Kazakhstan, the Russian pipeline started, and got a share of Nigeria's oil, Sudan has not stopped the oil, the Saudi oil tentative agreement. Iran's oil, for China is not have to do? It was a big chess board.
the way from Iran against the United States to compare the way China against the United States can not but lament the wisdom of the Chinese nation five years of civilization superior ah!
hard against Iran blindly. Although on the surface, score a lot, but the results in exchange for a more serious crisis. Western countries want to force those in power in the so-called democratic society, public opinion must first be inspired from the popular support. and encouraging public support will need to negative subjects, while the Judd is not conscious of doing the opposite theme, encouraging public authorities to help support the American Israel military action against Iran. ago, the same process of public agitation, Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hard words are the same, the results of successfully encouraged them to bomb Iran has. is the most lethal enemy. America before the ruthless suppression ah repeat itself in China, China bite the bullet, along you, do not you clear the fight has always been the face of the oral defense grievances, and actions, Mao and the United States to start ice-breaking line, picking and U.S. relations, ; like. do a China in the end confuse the United States are friends or foes, and made the U.S. public opinion and propaganda, in addition to human rights issues can not find the negative subject matter, forcing the U.S. media empty American workers to embrace it, Bush suddenly see Jingtao, look Duixiao, that hostile nations like ah.
wonder Jingtao suddenly gave Bush a !
many of our friends, often blame the central go-vern-ment weak, wronged them. That is five thousand years of Chinese civilization and political wisdom. is a clear understanding that China is still a weak power only, the face of power, not recklessly, to use soft tactics, this is to avoid the edge, hit the soft underbelly.
Iran just six miscarriage in New York. Iran will not go to blending.
insert a horizontal bar in China, + + + did not lose to China. see, The to be held on the first meeting of defense ministers. In addition to Burma, the other 9 countries of ASEAN defense ministers or deputy ministers attended the meeting. to enhance the ASEAN countries to combat transnational crime and KB doctrine, and to strengthen maritime security and disaster relief capabilities. ; ASEAN carry out his comrades the meeting at this time, the U.S. gay and will not be inspired education less busy. Later, we can see, Latin America and China have to rendezvous once. to not stand. But let Latin America set up a and this world really can not find Iran a considerable component of China's problems and can nausea. China a bargaining chip for several. value!
ASEAN Security Community, the possibility of more than 80% mortality. In fact ASEAN, everyone know, who has not satisfied who can say that if the meeting was led by ASEAN members, you and I are Xiangponaodai, could not think of who this capacity. Indonesia? Islamic countries in the ASEAN position is not as good as the old, many domestic civil strife, wrangling, shelling Thai Navy in 1990, there is a dispute with Malaysia, Vietnam hostile Communistparty, it is to lead, how can people with. Malaysia, led the first opposition in Indonesia. Vietnam? also do not have this ability, Vietnam Now in ASEAN, with outcasts like. Singapore? want to live? Prince Lee visited Taiwan last bitterness did not eat enough? very good relations between Thailand and China, Myanmar were not even attend the meeting. Everyone knows that such a meeting will give the Chinese central nervous excited. so I'm sure that this meeting, the Americans missed the shadow! purpose of the Iranian problem for the Chinese insert a horizontal bar. The United States wants other to engage in a few chips and China exchange.
the United States know, especially the South China Sea, the ASEAN states, and indeed this Andean Community . As the also afraid of offending China. to such a meeting, said 2020 was established. laughable. European Union have not established a successful security community, ASEAN, what more favorable conditions than the EU?! Of course, China will definitely be against.
can therefore said that without the U.S., who led the first? and China knows will touch the central nervous system. who do not want to suffer the first blow in China. Asean know what the U.S. thought: Let first endure boxing ASEAN, the United States we go to find flaws against China. (Japan also know that, so really the moment to use force to soft down, Aso's recent slip of the tongue can be seen, the stuttering cured).
the United States had much confidence on the Iran issue, because Russia too has asked the United States places: to join WTO, of Eight summit, the World Bank external debt, NATO's eastward expansion, the color revolutions, the oil price. Now a partner of Ukraine and Georgia began meeting to discuss whether it was necessary to remain in the Commonwealth of Independent States (open this head, but not to the CIS that can be lost). the United States really Xinshou twist a few chips to exchange Russia abstained from voting. while the United States, did not hurt.
Russia is a moron not to know their own weight and the practical difficulties, China only agreed to the incoming Zuozhuang. or within Russia has been depleted. a two-fight against the United States. also in line with their national interests. Russia's inability to confront the United States alone, but do not confront the United States, the strategic environment will worse. China has also suffered from Taiwan and East China Sea issue in the hands of too few chips, the United States Birentaishen. and do not want to reach the strategic goal of the United States, causing more severe in China's strategic posture. These are the incoming Zuozhuang China natural conditions (of course, a prerequisite to do making the veto power in the hands of China, the country did this thing, is not qualified Zuozhuang Mao really worthy of a statesman, a permanent seat in 77 years to fight back, Japanese ghosts will always be a ghost, is because of the lack of this).
joined a Chinese appetite is so big. China has asked the United States where, to be honest, really small, in addition to economic aspects. The Taiwan problem, China is the United States has been frustrating The United States has always grasp the testicles, and China to seize the United States under an eye. Now, the chips not changed. U.S. quickly affects the dog rope and release Japanese ghosts make great the East China Sea issue, otherwise the chip is not enough. One accession of China, France, Germany and Britain suddenly realize that China and Russia back, and quickly pitched back to the U.S. arms. In fact, Britain and Germany are not eligible Zuozhuang, French forces is not enough, and the EU itself is not unified and can not figure out your goal is to What is instinctive fear of Russia (the aftermath of Europe since ancient times), and Red China, being scared and quickly ran back to the U.S. arms, not fallen out.
the six-nation meeting on Iran abortion, in fact, private parties and discussing how to change the problem chips. Russia must be the most hope that once all the problems brought to the exchange, but you can negotiate. But certainly China's demand is simple: the East China (including Taiwan). Russia's good to meet the requirements can be discussed, Chinese simple request can be difficult to meet. So did the New York Times said: unable to around China.
continuation of the military is a political, economic and political superstructure. all the political issues can not be divorced from the economy to consider. China's economic development, are key the bottleneck stage (per capita GDP1000-3000 dollars), began to highlight the various social conflicts and deterioration of the stage, this time does not solve development problems, the result is today's South America! economic collapse, all the politics out of discussion . By comparing the success of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the experience across the $ 3,000, compared to South American countries before the collapse in the U.S. per capita GDP3000 cause severe social unrest, the lessons of reform and burned the results. The experience of China is: to support agriculture (reducing poverty gap between the rich), establishing a sound social security system (medical, pension), the establishment of a fair competition mechanism (go-vern-ment system, universal education). These are precisely the temperature of things always busy every day. And to complete these tasks, at least years, and from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000 per person, optimistic estimates have to 5 years, the general points to ten years. So, suddenly Jingtao took power, it said that the first two decades of this century, the great development of the Chinese nation an important opportunity, to miss this period, the Chinese Renaissance in sight. The economic development is most needed a peaceful international environment.
here, I am reminded of the blind pursuit of Zhuge Liang, regardless of the economic development of Shu and reserve personnel training, poor military extravagance Wu, seven more powerful attack Wei Qishan no results. actually do a protracted war in the end failed. there is no strong economic backing, all military and political roots of the grass are not.
So far, China has no use of force. because of the consequences of war is the most difficult to predict, but also the most difficult to control the damage within a certain degree. Therefore, China's short-term strategy is: do not seek war peace and development, or moves of the First World War must be. as a way to delay with the negotiations, the war is the best way to negotiate Why? you know, the war emphasis on speed quick, decisive war, playing a week from Taiwan also estimated. but unpredictable consequences, the international environment shocks. But the talks are the most time-consuming thing, casually talk about the year two years are common. not beating, a sign of trouble can be adjusted, can be damaging to a minimum. Therefore, China put forward a North Korean nuclear talks, one about two years to talk about, there is nothing about it. the East China Sea and Japan have come to a negotiation, the less I guess have to talk about five years, and certainly not about a piece of shit. On the Taiwan issue (KMT forum talks), so far all empty talk, Iran, China and talk, talk white talk, talk talk talk, the any possible conflict, the Chinese say: Well Bureau, the most time consuming and so can not afford. So the most urgent is the United States. most do not want to talk about the United States. Therefore, China is not a little anxious, drag, the peaceful international environment, drag over the two decades.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exchange rate is incorrectly relay an erroneous

 Exchange rate on the exchange rate is incorrectly relay an erroneous
mm system of knowledge and understanding described corrective
accused the Chinese government since the U.S. currency manipulation and threatened trade sanctions against China since the war of words between the two countries fighting on the exchange rate still intoxicated. Exchange rates Not only newspapers, radio and television network into a hot spot, has become the topic of ordinary streets. one by one, after an impassioned experts and scholars on stage, one by one the people have long been deeply moved by the blood boiling indignation.
However, despite the indignation of the people are extremely old United States, In fact, they are still on the exchange rate knowledge about a word or a few, some absolutely does not quite understand, they are just used instead of every United States will have. Of course, do not understand is not the fault of the people, because the experts are saying The reason most of Ma Tau mouth full of flaws, in itself illogical theory that it, of course Jiaoren Ruzhui cloud mist. most of the others had just parroting against RMB appreciation, its views generally have the following three:
a appreciation of the renminbi, China's exports very expensive things, export enterprises will close down, people will be unemployed depression; Second, we feel the immediate devaluation of the RMB has been in constant, but in telling us Americans appreciate, this is not What is the plot; third is the heart of U.S. imperialism death I die, let us do all Americans, certainly not what kind security!
to revalue the yuan really is an American conspiracy? I would like to advise our compatriots, get clear before the truth, do not resort to force Hengmeilengdui. I Fucai, willing to try the most simple language to describe the systematic exchange of knowledge, again, convinced that our readers even without any knowledge of economics, but also enables you to re-exchange rate understanding, so you Sudden Impact on the above questions, at least those who will not be easy to superstition in bursts in the media spotlight the so-called economists.
I. Why do we need foreign trade?
there is a story had repeatedly raised, although the story the contents of the already too old tooth nothing new, but for people without the knowledge of economics, learning theory it is essential to understand the exchange rate.
is still in the barter of human savagery, a Liangbing created a sharp ax, shot dead two fat person B's wild sheep, a knife which it is enough simply cut their own trees, and the other handle is idle; B half past one will also eat two sheep , the other a long time will put spoiled. Thus, the two have something spontaneous exchange of excess, though the ax or hatchet, wild goats are still wild sheep, not their quantity and quality of any change But the two sides have since exchanged the situation has improved, because both parties use their own in exchange for the extra material wealth of their useful.
This story tells us, equality, voluntary exchange to a variety of resources more rationally and effectively be distribution of wealth can increase the exchange of the two sides. From the story to promote the open, in order to make a country richer people in one place, it must be reasonable policies adopted to promote more extensive exchanges, exchange more and more people get rich the pace faster. Of course, humans have already entered the era of using the currency of civilization, but the nature of barter exchange has not occurred any change, money is only as a medium of exchange.
foreign trade between the people and domestic exchange does not substantially different, the same can also promote the exchange of both wealth growth, which is why national political leaders regard the slogan of defending the freedom of trade as a reason for hanging in the mouth. But foreign trade and domestic are also different, because their products unit of account used when pricing is not the same, the Americans used the U.S. dollar, the Chinese use the RMB yuan with a number of Chinese products in exchange for a dollar to U.S. products, this is a problem, so the exchange rate issue should be shipped born.
Second, the exchange rate is determined by what?
said before, the exchange is the essence of barter, if a product has what resources the country, and lack of resources and products of State B, then A country's money is even more valuable, because the urgent need for State B State A product resources, it is willing to use more products to a country in exchange for money to buy a country's resources, or a country will not exchange with you. < br> However, this situation is not static, if State B was originally an urgent need for a country's oil resources in their own territory later found a large oil field storage of rich, then Country B on the needs of a country's oil resources will drop, this time with respect to State B, State A bill bill will naturally rise. because State B's distress short of oil has eased, the original fuel for 1 ton of a country willing to come up with 10 tons of food, now only 5 tons of food to spend.
to the two countries, the RMB against the U.S. dollar is the United States from China (or the world market, as the U.S. is the world's currency) a variety of resources products, and the United States (or the world market) to supply and demand of Chinese products, the decision of various resources, just as the price within a country is determined by supply and demand as the two sides. RMB exchange rate is the price on the world market.
China's reform and opening up, wound China's lack of manufacturing technology, car, computer, aircraft and all kinds of machinery and equipment are not made, and China needed to support the modernization of these things, so the renminbi in international trade is very not worth much, because on the one hand we have an urgent need for the dollar the United States and the world market to buy advanced equipment and technology, on the other hand got a lot of RMB foreign but nothing in the Chinese market can purchase what they need. as the currency of Haiti is now worthless as simple as that, because you are now Even with the currency in Haiti, but because it has suffered a serious earthquake, you do not buy the things you need.
However, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, China addition to large aircraft, the only they can make computers , car, and all types of machinery and equipment, and can use the equipment and the advantages of Chinese labor to produce more shoes, socks, ties, and many other light industrial products lighter, so that on the one hand we do not need more dollars to buy industrial products to the United States , and thus demand for the dollar to drop; the other hand, Americans can once they get the RMB to buy cheap Chinese light industrial products, and therefore increase their demand for the renminbi, and the down a liter, which means reduced demand for the dollar increased demand for the renminbi, RMB naturally more valuable. In other words, as China's economic development, the appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar is inevitable.
Third, there is no exchange rate movements objective criteria?
question now is how much the RMB is appropriate that the rise? Some experts say that the exchange rate issue is the issue of sovereignty or the State did not rise up to us to decide; Some experts say the yuan rise has been in 5 years 21%, not up again a; some scholars say it, not only should the RMB appreciate, it should be devalued, because the depreciation of the means of our products cheaper, more conducive to seize the world market.
the face of divergent views, of course, confused people. However, once the text of the voluntary exchange of equal Syria both the growth in wealth can contribute to this basic principle, we can still to this seemingly inscrutable questions to find clarity in the answers.
The purpose of exchange of any party that is not from the subjective to others but to themselves, although the objective is also helpful to others. foreign trade, if we just sold out the things that were not enough, we also have to sell things for back to the U.S. dollar to the United States market, buy what we need, so that the exchange is completed. If you only sell not buy, that means we'd give something to others, but others did not give us anything, so Perhaps the exchange is to promote the growth of American wealth, but did not make our own corresponding increase in wealth.
modern society has entered an era of specialization, to really complete a thorough exchange between the two countries, it is necessary to export-dependent companies have to rely on imports company. If the export company just to sell products abroad, and importing companies are reluctant to use the export company in exchange for dollars to complete the import, it means that the exchange was not complete. There is a standard to measure exchange rate is correct, that is, in return for U.S. exporters to sell unimpeded import company, import companies and are willing to buy all those dollars for imports, then it means that the exchange of fully completed, it means that our wealth has been increased, so that the exchange rate is correct.
An example may help everyone understand the above passage. assume that the Chinese passenger car factory in a number of high-end passenger car exports to the United States, 100 million Americans are willing to dollars to buy, more than the price Americans would prefer to create their own or to other countries to buy. At this point, a passenger car factory or else the deal is done depends on both the manufacturing costs, but also on the exchange rate. If the production cost of the established bus is 6 million yuan , can not sell the key to look at this $ 1,000,000 RMB back the number of domestic can be replaced. China is a foreign exchange control of the country, 100 million passenger car plant to get after it, only to state-owned commercial banks, the ratio prescribed by the State to convertibility of RMB. If according to 1 U.S. dollar 6.8 yuan RMB, the passenger can make these 80 million yuan, it alone can do the business, of course; if the state will change it to $ 1 exchange only 5 yuan, then this single business can not do, it must be done to mean loss of 100 million yuan. Through this case we can see that the lower the exchange rate (that is $ 1 more to exchange RMB), for example, can be exchanged for $ 1 100 yuan, the export business to booming business will no doubt immense.
problem, however, this is not the end, the RMB is not of course help us valuable export dollars can be saved is not our purpose, our aim is to use these dollars from the United States or the world market to buy back our domestic need, this time featuring large companies rely on imports either. U.S. imports need to, then what kind of import enterprises in the price of the bank to buy dollars? of course, is to in accordance with the bank to buy dollars from the export price of the implementation of enterprise, and to add charges, or bank it not lose money? However, this time importing firms simply do not enthusiasm, because, according to 6.8 yuan to one U.S. dollar price of exchange to buy U.S. dollars, Apart from a few companies that import large aircraft such as the sort of sophisticated products, the other almost back home no matter what to buy are uneconomical, or RMB enough of their own these products can not afford, or bought back these products high domestic prices, no one will buy. abroad readers must have had a similar experience, when we changed a lot of dollars to foreign countries, we find that almost no matter what to buy, if converted into yuan than domestic expensive, but to U.S. again brought back again into RMB. In other words, the current exchange rate system, we can not afford most of the Chinese dollar.
a phenomenon can be used as secondary evidence. China's foreign exchange reserves will be at what time a lot to spend it? certain leaders are generally led to go the United States or Europe, the results come back often to enter into a generous order. most people may be wondering, how Chinese entrepreneurs have become a child, the non- The import, is it still better tomorrow's leaders check it? The secret lies in China's business with the current exchange rate to buy foreign products most uneconomical, and only state-owned enterprises in the political task of the current situation, only willing to or have no alternative but to act as suckers!
finish the example above the reader should understand this reasoning, assuming that the correct exchange rate, the bank's vault account there will be no accumulation of too many dollars, since they export enterprises from bought at the dollar has long been bought the business to be imported, the fact is that our country has accumulated a very huge huge 2.4 trillion dollars, you can say this is right up the exchange rate?
Fourth, the export Whose business is making money in?
So, how much should be present in the end to the convertibility of RMB $ 1 is reasonable? In fact, in addition to the market, any experts can not answer this question. because the market is always changing , a national demand for the product on foreign resources and foreign demand for products of the country's resources are dynamic, and what price to co-ordinate a package of items together, what is a fixed parity with dollar peg policy, as well as the exchange rate fixed once and for all a value on the real exchange rate may be mile away.
is because the market is in perpetual flux, almost all market economy countries intervene in the exchange rate is not mandatory, nor save a lot of foreign exchange rather, the needs of the people according to their own preservation and freedom of exchange, so that the real exchange rate to reflect market demand, exports and imports in order to reach a balance, at this time is the right of the real exchange rate in order to truly promote the exchange of both increasing wealth. It is because of this reason, the exchange rate is free floating to be internationally accepted measure of whether a country is an important criterion for market economy countries.
, of course, free floating exchange rate risks will export enterprises, such as three months ago is 1 U.S. dollar 6.8 yuan, so the company received $ 10,000,000 for a single business, but three months after completion of manufacture, the exchange rate can only be converted into a $ 1 5 yuan, which means revenue will be dropped from 68 million yuan 50 million yuan, then the awful order is entirely possible from the profits into the drain. So, for export enterprises, at least they want the RMB exchange rate is stable, it is best depreciation, whether How do not appreciate.
bus back to the previous example, a number of high-end passenger car exports to the United States, our cost of production is 600 million Americans are only willing to buy a $ 1,000,000, according to the current exchange rate bus plant earned 80 million yuan. But if the state liberalize the exchange rate controls, according to market demand in China and the U.S. dollar is not so valuable, the RMB is bound to appreciate, is assumed to 1 U.S. dollar appreciated 5 yuan, the Bus Factory in the real market price, Every production batch of buses, in fact, loss of 100 million, which is single business should not be done; but if the government forced to devalue the RMB, for example to 1 U.S. dollar depreciated 10 yuan, you can make each batch of 400 million passenger element, which is a passenger car factory out of money, it is simply heaven.
dwellers need to draw readers attention, no matter how much the RMB U.S. dollar, even if is 1 U.S. dollar 10 yuan, a passenger car factory can made a fortune, Americans pay for these buses only 100 million U.S. dollars, our country can only be relying on these 100 million from the U.S. market, the goods back $ 1,000,000. Since Americans do not pay more, but they earn pots full bus plant bowl full of this money come from?
this money in fact, has nothing to do with the Americans, this is the $ 1,000,000 passenger car plant to the commercial banks at a fixed exchange rate to the standard. The Chinese like the Airbus factory export enterprises far more than do the same, because their existing money to be made under the standard exchange rate will certainly increase the production exported to foreign countries desperately in exchange for dollars, then those dollars from domestic commercial banks in exchange of the renminbi, make money enterprises will certainly never bored.
problem is that commercial banks, the money is to come from U.S. dollar, the company stands to reason that should be imported to the dollar from the purchase, import and export to a country balances. may be earlier mentioned, in accordance with the standards of the current exchange rate, import companies simply do not import the enthusiasm of the dollar not only enter into less or more out, no amount of money commercial banks, export enterprises can not afford the payment, they had to sell dollars to the central bank, the central bank because the payment standard is developed. the central bank of the no money, because the central bank is not a profit unit, but this does not prevent the central bank to pay the money, because the central bank although not profitable, but it is the right to print money, with the with the continuous inflow of U.S. exporters, the central bank to printing money in dollar printing 6.8 times the amount of export enterprises to pay the RMB, and then the RMB and then through the procurement aspects of the production of export enterprises into the domestic market all.
you think China's foreign exchange reserves now exceed 2.4 trillion U.S. dollars, so the number of central banks print more yuan this market it? your mental arithmetic will be able to come has already put more than 16 trillion yuan. In fact, it is more than this number , because in the past for a long period of time, price of foreign exchange is 1 U.S. dollar 8.7 yuan. you now understand why we always feel at home continue to devalue the RMB up?
five yuan does not appreciate what consequences?
yuan does not appreciate, it means that export enterprises to produce prosperity, profit enterprises, workers are not laid off, which of course is a good thing an export enterprise, which is also against export enterprises with certainty the reasons for appreciation of the renminbi. But Government decisions can not only consider the interests of export enterprises, and more is to consider the interests of society as a whole. we will look at the RMB does not appreciate what our society disastrous consequences?
one of China's Wealth will be flowing continuously into the United States, and the same wealth in return for fewer dollars, because the low exchange rate means that we need in exchange for the dollar equivalent of something more, that white stuff we are sending to others ; Second, more and more trade friction, because the government does not allow appreciation of the renminbi, to rely on print yuan to U.S. dollar payment, equivalent to using the power of the country to subsidize the cost of export enterprises, damage to other countries and production capacity of China's export enterprises similar business interests, which does not comply with WTO rules; Third, the industrial structure will be more abnormal, low-cost or cheap products as export enterprises can make money, the original should not be put into the business because of the export profits and swap hard to increase investment, the so-called central repeatedly made to reduce exports to increase consumption as the goal of economic restructuring will eventually come to nothing; Fourth, as the world financial crisis eased, the gradual recovery spending power abroad, exports will continue to increase in the dollar reserves increase of RMB to U.S. dollar had a large number of distribution, domestic inflation will come back go hand in hand.
Some people see here, perhaps luck is not the appreciation of the renminbi's foreign exchange reserves in China, after all, so that we get the world's first the top spot, which shows that we have money in China now, not like that anymore the poor and weak. However, the amount of days of foreign exchange does not mean we have wealth in the hands unbreakable, it also faces the possibility of continually falling in value .
When we deliberately used a low exchange rate for foreign currency, save money in the process, we return with something more dollars have been lost in less time; when we use a variety of foreign exchange reserves to purchase U.S. fund shares, the fund share price dropped (such as Blackstone) brings us a loss; when we use foreign exchange reserves to buy all the bonds, because these companies (such as Freddie Mac, Lehman) bankruptcy of or loss of our and loss of time; when we hesitate to hand a loss of those dollars dilemma, the U.S. has been printing money to rescue City, a steady stream of U.S. dollar market, so that we damaged their dollars further. These losses of tens of astronomical, Interested readers can check out the Internet in China in the United States, is a poor country, most can only be regarded as a developing country, this 2.4 trillion of foreign exchange reserves means that the Chinese people have sent more than 16 trillion yuan of wealth to the United States, and we did not get back from the Americans, where the corresponding wealth, the Americans gave us only a 2.4 trillion of the IOU, and even there can be no IOUs, because the Americans do not therefore of interest to us, and the dollar is the United States, a sovereign state has the right to keep them continued depreciation of the printing . Of course, this does not go to blame the Americans, black heart, the Americans paid the dollar means that they are willing to exchange with us, the problem is that our exchange rate system to the Chinese people can not use the money, this system should not be reform?
six, the future Where is the way?
China's many problems, had only an economic strategy can fully discuss the dispute, and then find the best policy. However, once stained with the political economic policies, saying that white is a Leaders expressed their views for a particular phenomenon, the whole of China will be thousands of people side immediately unanimous opinion, numerous lower-level will take the initiative and consciously look for supporting arguments for the superior argument.
the Central Government on the issue of hard-line attitude of appreciation upon issued, the various media will be immediate action, various experts have rightly condemned the acts of the U.S. hegemony, to find some plausible reason for confusion. Some presenters in fact, did not fully understand the principle of the exchange rate, could not wait to start Attractively patriotic performances.
Some economists often ironic thing, for example, Keynes said that the recession, the government can hire a group of people during the day to dig trenches, to hire another group of people to fill out the ditch at night , and so forth cycle, and then give them wages, so that you can pull consumption. to take such a theory to snookered a farmer weeding in the field, will be the farmer laugh, because in his eyes it was a waste, act a fool , as really want to take care of people, money is sent directly, why waste energy ditches. However, contrary to common sense is that some of the theory, but won the appreciation of government officials around the world, Chinese government officials at all levels have been regarded as a model, the underlying Officials do not know source is not common sense, do not know a huge waste of money and efficiency is low, but this theory to profit from intervention in the economy, officials found a reason and an excuse.
exchange rate issue is probably no exception. the amount of days gathered in central bank foreign exchange control in the central, this unearned windfall (as opposed to foreign managers) for the relevant sectors and the interests of interest groups is not a great thing, I believe that the hearts of readers of friends own sense of propriety. can see the facts , the central bank's so-called experts, no one is not against Renminbi appreciation, opinion highly consistent, clear-cut attitude, which apparently decided to head butt the principle is at work. These experts and scholars to some of the problems seemingly rigorous logic plausible, as long as serious readers understand the text earlier in this article, will be able to match exactly the logic in which to find its vulnerable soft underbelly, interested readers can judge their own to analyze.
make people worry about most is that if the yuan revaluation (As for the one-step or slow the appreciation of methodological issues that is), it not fall down a large export enterprises? it fall slow appreciation of the renminbi (such as some experts suggest that the appreciation of 2%), the business unprofitable, and that shows This enterprise is long overdue closure, it had therefore also profit, not the Americans gave them a profit, but the country to feed their people through inflation. As for the workers, would help if the government really want to help them, simple The approach is to bill directly to them and let them switch as early as possible, countries are more used to youth in need industry, struggling to prop up the country so why the loss of a seat factory, so why the wealth of handing a large amount of foreign people do?
would help if the exchange rate eventually rose to market acceptance of the real exchange rate, the majority of enterprises will be based on actual behavior of the exchange rate to adjust their production, the exports to exports, the imports to imports, China's limited resources endowments to will not be cheap or cheap, you can get a reasonable and efficient use and allocation, China's industrial structure is possible substantive adjustments, the Chinese economy was likely to phoenix from the ashes.
In fact, at this stage even if the slow Appreciation is also expedient, because, Qian Wenyi above, the right end from the market exchange rate adjustment, in order to improve efficiency, the Chinese economy to rid itself of dependence on exports turn boost domestic demand, the only way out is to abolish exchange controls, get rid of the fixed exchange rate system, so that all foreign currency and RMB convertibility, the market will find the right from the way the exchange rate.
issues on the exchange rate and continue to spread misconceptions repeated the baseless assertion, some voicing support for the so-called economists played an aggravating role, History will eventually prove that they do not only focus on the reality of error and nail them to shame in the academic conscience, they are: to loose Jo, Han Xiuyun, Wu Nien-Lu, Tan Yaling, Xiao Lian,, Zhou hh

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mishap Engineering envisaged in Western China - Jieduan King

 Qin Hui: Engineering Mishap envisaged in Western China Source: The Economic Observer reported, according to institutions are widely circulated. This book by the Second Artillery Corps of the Political Department Li Ling, director of the original lasted for 17 years, have written from tracking. This book describes as ;, researchers from the private water study proposed by Guo Kai, the main idea is to a large number of Tibet without the use of water, with dams blocking promotion, through the canal, some water into the Yellow River drainage waterway, the Yellow River forever trapped solution , North China and Northwest solve the drought problem. This is a very romantic idea: the Brahmaputra in Tibet, Mary Moon Beach dam, diversion dam string Nu River, Lancang, Jinsha, Yalong, Dadu, and stopped Four of the Yellow River's water, into the Yellow River from the Sichuan Aba, in the injection port of the pull-pull family home construction Gap Gap large reservoir, start streaming out of a reservoir of water of the Yellow River, the Yellow River channel water north, along the Yellow River and north of the solution thirst Solution of Yellow River Wing of the storm; then pulled from the relatively high altitude home Gorge Reservoir to the lower elevations of the Qinghai Lake, construction of a nullah, to pull 60% of home Gorge in Qinghai Beside the lake water from the freshwater lake into the sea ear. higher than the altitude of the Qinghai Lake basin, Xinjiang, several, Inner Mongolia and other areas of serious water shortage, the beach can get through three channels in the ear. line north of Inner Mongolia, the Mongolian border in the water along Noel Lake hoarse, rehabilitation and irrigation Bataan Jaran Desert, the sand of the Juyan for Beijing to become an oasis of lush plants. The other line from Hamilton to the northwest into the basin diversion, economic water Urumqi, Karamay and other places. the third line the west, to open a canal leading to the Tarim , transformation, and watering the Qaidam, Tarim Basin and the Lop Nur, the Lop Nur desert turned back thousands of years ago from the flooding, how many years here will Gaan Populus, over and over grazing. : Deputy Director and Secretary General of the Preparatory Committee; Beijing consulting Development Corporation chairman moon days. The English version of the famous geologist Weng Wenhao who, Mr. Guo Kai spent his whole life tirelessly to promote their own ideas, Tadao commendable, but he is after all not well in the professional training, as the current Minister of Water Resources Wang Shucheng said, many of its ideas unrealistic. highly developed in science Today, no research results have to follow the professional academic standards, rather than through the media hype, or to force people to promote academic recognition. So, we did not make any commitments on Mr. Guo Kai, but left Mr. Guo Kai's drawings. But According to General Atlantic line of vision of groups as the most direct facilitator national strategic security programs in Western China under the pretext of pushing into the national demonstration level. Obviously, Mr. Guo Kai's brainstorms are ground, rooting, in a sense, our technical decision-making in turn be a major test of the public. In Here, we need to review the on the professional and major issues of technical nature, to carry out a discussion by experts, technical advice, decision-making assessment We believe that, if only because scientific proof, is our government decision-making more scientific and democratic basic guarantee, but also enhance the ability of Chinese Communist Party's powerful measures. - Editor Qin Hui / Man With the era of reform and opening up the development of national environmental crisis and the North, particularly The growing water crisis highlighted various diversion programs to keep a strategic focus for discussion. In recent years several times been reported recently by the one. our history to be called strategy of the great debate, and indeed worthy of attention. The discussion in recent years of the Three Gorges, the Nu was placed as the various arguments reflect Such reverence for nature and humans over nature, or , Zhang Guangdou, Qian and Britain appear to be The matter-of-need, may not have a deeply involved in public decision-making technical major institutional problems. all of these levels of problems are far from only a few elite was concerned. It is also up to the highest level down to the readers are interested reasons. The author is not the same with Mr. Guo Kai water professionals in rural areas since then participated in several admirable, but his ideas I do not agree. I think the water should first sort of argument sake of discussion, do not agree with that from the ideology of the serious water crisis may indeed can not avoid transfer problems, but like the ; the idea, I do not think that is now fashionable This is not so much because of their warm air from the Indian Ocean, so if we can use nuclear explosion ripped a hole in the Himalayas, into the warm air can, and change for the southern Tibet, and even change the arid northwest. In fact, without this theory, is not First, it is by the mountain uplift in the long process of erosion has also cut down, the cutting speed mountain uplift in the number of lots more than speed, so they formed this mountain range is a strange feature: while it is towering snow, not the macro-geographical watershed. mountains north of the river cutting through the mountain out of a road in the canyon flows Shannan is common. the famous, such as possession of cloth vest - karnali River, Peng Song - Arun River, Langqin zangbo - Sartre Ledger River Brahmaputra - Brahmaputra River (which cuts out the famous Brahmaputra valley fed up with pagodas) and so on. That is to say: a wall of the Himalayas is not a continuous wall, it is now, there are many gaps, then you out of a gap is more deep-fried can do? to know - is actually really leveled so what? not to mention warm and humid air is mainly affected by the macro-trend that we now know much of its movement mechanism system dominate the global atmospheric circulation, so not only by the terrain which, even if only in respect terrain , the blocking of warm air is also not just a Himalayan mountain range, with an average elevation of over four thousand meters of the Tibetan plateau itself is blocked from the meters above sea level moist air blowing in these plains. You can do the entire Tibetan plateau leveling ? to know the so-called mountains, but turned warm and humid air, not to say that the air really hard, but that of the tropical air at the cold at the campaign to freeze when cool rain fall for the condensate cloud, so that the air water vapor on the windward side was a lot of consumption, so turn to become dry and cold mountain air. And the process does not need to happen seventy-eight km mountain. We know from the Ganges plain to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the transitional zone has one of the world the most high-rainfall zone in the world are Cherrapunji rain, rain all China (now the Indian-controlled area) bus cards are in the areas past. and this area started from the following meters above sea level, to three or four kilometers had ended, in other words, snow and glaciers in the Himalayan mountains, including training in Tibet, including the Brahmaputra waters, yet if leveled the Himalayas, I'm afraid the What southern Tibet, but Tibet's largest desert! seen many of the , that is, a lot of water in the Brahmaputra, is said to be China's third, Tibet did not take. and it is the terrain and the high Tibetan plateau Well, more than the arid northwest, and was said to be our . The remaining problem is the project, even if it is then difficult, Yu Gong, have to worry that bad? But the key question: the setting up of these two premises it? Tibetan high, migrated to the water are mostly true. But the Ya River Watershed upper alpine arid, and not much water (annual precipitation, upstream Saga only 280 mm 410 mm Zetang middle), until the downstream sub-humid areas in Southeast, with the sudden drop in terrain, the rain becomes more positive (Nyingchi 654 mm, the wave density 877 mm, more than 2,000 mm Medog), only a sudden surge in traffic, a downstream tributary Palongzangbu short, the flow of the mainstream than the middle Yajiang are much greater. Yajiang the so-called traffic ranking third, refers to the collection of the past in Pakistan after the tributary card in we stand near the Indian border at the more than 1650 million, I do not know how far. In fact, the whole Yajiang now only five hydrological stations, hydrological data is not all, not to mention more than a long bus past the river card is now in the Indian-controlled areas, the hydrological conditions it harder to understand. But this does not affect the conclusion - where flow really impressive Yajiang. But the terrain it? Do not mention Tibet, said a the transition zone, and to us This alone, makes today a number of Matan speaking, hydrological stations, according to data near the village sheep, the average runoff is only 28.9 billion cubic meters, but a Palestinian card exit flow past a fraction, but nowhere near as much water downstream tributaries Palongzangbu. Guo Mr. open water in this 300 billion on side, I do not know whether he checked the data prior the year 1999 when this fieldwork, he also said the village to the moon from the sheep there are some small tributaries Matan import, increase inflow of 40-60 billion cubic meters. But this claim credible? far as I know there is no hydrological station on the small tributaries are no measured data, Mr. Guo Kai how come? Yang Shuo Ma village from the beach is only about three ten kilometers, there is no major tributaries during the injection, the distance will increase the catchment area of over 3000 square kilometers it at best. by geographical and climatic environments similar near the Lhasa River Basin water production rate per unit area also will be able to water one billion dollars so. Even more humid by the downstream basin water production rate Niyang calculation, the water also, but 20 billion. And the sheep thousand kilometers above the village of Point River, watershed 153,200 square kilometers, with more male Tibetan cloth, in Chu River, the Lhasa River and other major tributaries, but also in total annual flow of only 28.9 billion. see Guo's abacus is too full, his plan in this situation is not uncommon. man-made lake, river water diversion, not seen any of the net to make the adjustment to be so. But even so recklessly Jiezeeryu, there is a fatal problem: Since the new moon horse at the beach should Yajiang runoff almost dimming, it can not take dry disposable Hung. The so-called 300 billion cubic Yajiang water is a multi-year average annual runoff, not all the year round, year after year to balance like a flowing, dry flood flow, especially in very dry years of extreme flood and flow of a huge difference, like sheep, Village Station establishment of the station is only half a century, observed maximum flood (50 year flood) flows reached 8870 cubic meters / sec, more than ten times larger than the average, greater than the number of times of low flow. The diversion Guo Despite the scale of the program envisages a number of amazing high dams and large libraries, they are simply do not have the regulation and storage functions (that details below). In his vision of the future until the Yellow only be considered as a regulating reservoir of Qinghai Lake, which means the previous thousand kilometers of water transfer canal only by natural runoff, there are flood flood, a dry tone dry, while the diversion channel of the size scale of course, can only be designed by flood. Thus, although transfer 300 billion Shuo Ma Beach only on what he called a small part of water transfer 200.6 billion, but as this water was at 300 billion he has at least the size of the design flow of the canal - it is almost a Yangtze River ah! mountains in the mountain range all the way horizontally A man came out of the Yangtze River, this idea than , the annual water diversion can be less than the dry season runoff runoff runoff to less need for regulation and storage. But if the volume of water almost equal to water, it is necessary to consider the starting point for regulation and storage problems, not who the artificial channel designed as natural river, suddenly the flood overflow sometimes to more than just trickle. Guo may not think less than this, but he actually can not solve, they had to ignore this problem: the river basin is not only elegant, but are actually the Kham region, water scarcity, Although this capacity under the same elevation is unheard of hundreds of billions of cubic meters huge, but they are all in terms of transfer Storage can be used, which means that Mr. Guo and even those who often twenty-three one hundred meters or 400 meters high dam necessary for uniform regulation and storage capacity of water diversion. and that the problem exists not only in New Moon Horse Beach, Guo Kai on the Nu River, Lancang and so is the beach like the moon horse as Jiezeeryu Yajiang, transfer high rate (230 Lancang dam inflow million square / year, transfer 200 billion; Nu, said there were two: one said that 32.5 billion inflow, transfer 300 billion, and the other said 56.9 billion inflow, transfer 48 billion), that is high above the river Regulating dam must also be functional, that is, water elevation must be higher than the Guokai said. And once the design water level downstream reservoir to improve the upstream reservoir level of increase that must be larger, otherwise the water can not flow past. such a grade-level rise, Guo hundred meters envisaged the full height is clearly not enough. Yajiang in higher water upstream is nothing adjustable, if still want to date in the middle of the Mulberry - Add Search Canyon section (ie Mr Kwok said Matan where the moon) dam, which dam envisaged would not only like Guo high 90 meters, , to Lhasa, Shigatse, Tibet, and so all the essential areas Zetang both drowned! The Matan Shuo Guo originally envisaged that the following three hundred meters of the dam, but also to mention forty-five meters height. so super dam is not one or two, but the Shiba Jiu seat! it possible? Guo seems even are not so full of daring ideas. So Mr Kwok to achieve the purpose of transfer, he can only choose one between the two: or do not consider the regulation and storage, it must cross the mountain gorge out of three thousand miles man-made lake. Canal water diversion 200.6 billion compared to just a few. Of course he will have to adjust the Nu River, Lancang and Jinsha River water. But this Shuo-day canal known as Ya-Lin cited mountain All along the River tributary inflow of more than 3500 meters high, including the amount of water rich in Niyanghe, Palongzangbu, in order to achieve his announced Ya cited more than 1,000 billion cubic River Basin water scale. But the whole has been down to Yajiang Pakistan 150 meters above sea level did not come down past the water 139 500 000 000 card party, no matter how Jiezeeryu winding canals, can not lead the other side of the first (south) all the water, the second process can not be cited under 3500 meters of water. Although he arranged high dams and large libraries in some large tributaries downstream obstruct high water, but such as mouth height of Palongzangbu just over 2700 meters, 800 meters above the dam to be built to obstruct the water drainage line is completely impossible. and these wet support abortion more than water section in the lower reaches low altitude, 3500 meters above the incoming water is limited. Mr. Guo Kai On the upper reaches of each tributary water can be intercepted when the sheep, many of which are above the village - Shuo Ma added water between the beach, like to say, there is no measured only according to his estimates. so he can intercept the design of the drainage line to so much water, even the strong support of Mr. Deng Yingtao transfer is also very doubtful. is: The idea of the Grand Canal built halfway up the mountain in engineering possible? Notice This is not a Storage problem solved, but also on the annual flow of hundreds of billions of times in the Yellow River, Guokai design is so gentle drainage line, the flow rate can not be fast, so it means so much over the water flow cross-section must be large, do not say more than than the long tunnel is also difficult to play, Guokai agree with this view. but the problem is actually far more than that. at least in the cited paragraph Ya, Guo Kai's runoff of the task (or only cited Matan moon that point of water, repair is not worth such a large project on), so the high-risk areas is engineering, not only more flash floods, debris flow is the highest frequency of the place, building roads and not have to cross a bridge pier Yi Gong, Guo is now actually trying to channel cross-section too, the danger is more than just slope instability, Why not take the railway and the Xining little walk, but although the Sichuan-Tibet Highway north and south line, traffic is not to one-fifth of the Qinghai-Tibet highway, Sichuan-Tibet railway line is avoided. The reason is simple: the world's most dangerous mountain range mountain ravine roads in the area is too difficult! Sichuan-Tibet Highway has been built over half a century although, so far is still far from normal traffic, especially from a Nyingchi to Banda, mudslides, landslides, landslides and other geological hazards are serious, ;, ; and so on, almost all the way out of this thing in the year 1999 Guokai line breaking study on the road due to landslides, and then had to fly back to Chengdu, Lhasa, Qamdo flying around in a large circle. we all know that there is only our access to highways in the county: Medog. 140 km from Bomi to Medog Road since 1965 has lasted 40 years with unreasonable amendments in 1994, officially announced the to many large landslides due to retirement, this car does not come out into the open after Medog, rust into a pile of scrap In 2003 the Ministry of Communications sent experts to redesign the budget to 30 billion to repair through this way. a short wave Mexican road like this, difficult to repair the railway and I do not know how many times, like the kind envisaged Guokai flow of 200 billion Canal Grand Canal is more than I do not know how many times difficult to repair. Even if the repair has become, how to maintain? maintenance costs but also how much? Mo Bucheng the dumping country force the construction of large projects like roads, like the ink that wave, pass water for two days to retirement? examples illustrate the Sichuan-Tibet Highway: The road here is not easy, conservation more difficult to repair the collapse of .50 over the years, the collapse of the repair, endless , the cost of follow-up open than in the past I do not know the cost many times greater. if this were out here a abandoned the program in order to winding Milky Way over Nyingchi, Bomi's line, to lead change dramatically elegant lines get long tunnel for the high dam and large reservoirs plus the Niyang long tunnel to the upstream, and then hit a long tunnel Yigong zangbo upstream, but also hit the side of a long tunnel into the Nu River Dam County. aside high dams and large database and the difficulty of both long tunnel itself, this program The line is still the mountain range where though, but near the Sichuan-Tibet line to avoid the risk of geological zone, can be considered to reduce the risk of a winding Milky Way. But this change has brought new problems lines: underground tunnel is not cut along the winding Milky Way water features, even away from the wet north line of Palongzangbu and Niyang downstream, so that reality? And if along the way as water catchment issues can really be solved in such a large flow rate on how long the tunnel itself may be more a problem. Mr. Guo Kai and his friends in the tunnel experts today's most advanced technology can be made solve the problem of tens of kilometers long tunnel, but they forget to determine the length of the tunnel is not only feasible, but also depth and, more important factor is hole diameter or the size of the tunnel section of space. the world's current super- long tunnel or for road, rail traffic, or flow of water for small oil, in short, is a small section of the tunnel, which is available to deal with long tunnel of the most advanced shield tunneling method determined by the technical limitations. And Moon days of the canal without addressing the problem of regulation and storage point, the tunnel is necessary to build plan? no shield, do not rely on drilling blasting to Nangao, high dams and large reservoirs and easy. Mr. Guo Kai vigorous publicity burst dam, it seems that the dam can be unheard of technology, with a nuclear explosion into a dam to transform the idea of nature as early as 50 years ago once the rage in the Soviet Union and other countries. but do not say nuclear explosion into a dam, rockfill dam as a conventional small test blast with it, as major projects in the world has not yet instances. support the burst dam say the former Soviet Union Luogong dam to 380 meters this method out of the dam, and even said, but they are on the Filling, nothing to do with the blasting rock-fill dam, and it is a 30-year period has not yet completed, leaving the former Soviet Union's famous meters. rockfill dam using it to prove that to only 70 meters. rockfill dam bursting of the past had some exploration, such as the East Kawaguchi, Nanshui, have clothing, Shibianyu and the construction of ponds and other Dams cents, but also are small and medium projects. One of the most famous was built in 1970 near Xi'an Shibianyu rockfill dam burst. This is a capacity of more than two thousand Articles only a small reservoir. the experiment is usually considered a success, especially in the formation of the accumulation body blasting is considered ideal people think that easy. in fact just down the canyon formed blasting of the vertical accumulation, (accumulation of 57 meters high, but up to 370 meters wide at the bottom, do the same calculation, more than 300 meters Guokai those who often depend on the dam if piled up by blasting, a few kilometers wide at the bottom will be thick) on the need to manually filling in its upper horizontal dam. Shibianyu dam in the total volume of 208 Articles, 144 Articles total blast rockfill ( As such rockfill gentle slope, size is much larger than normal artificial dam, it is only the equivalent of 90 Articles about artificial dam), the amount of 64 Articles of artificial filling. that is blasting instead of the normal accumulation of the dam is only 60 %, and the remaining 40% needed artificial dam. In fact this is a common phenomenon in blasting rock-fill dam, foreign Meijie Ao Dam, south of the dam, dam and other clothing had been true. Since the formation of blast deposits can not be accurately scheduled bar-shaped and some other reason, all are in fact blasting rockfill dam burst avalanche in the rockfill dam on the add form of artificial construction. But far less rockfill dam foundation rock as a solid, small and medium pressure top small dams The question is not, as Guo Kai proposed thirty-four one hundred meters high dam (not to mention even higher after the regulation and storage considerations) in terms of construction blasting method, according to the above rules, at least about 100 meters above the need of artificial filling, Engineering is still amazing (each one is no less than the Three Gorges), but also an 100-meter high dam, and is not the kind of small dam Shibianyu put under enormous pressure of the meter high dam built in the rockfill, the feasible do ? Furthermore, the artificial dam on the layout of the spillway in the dam, hydraulic power generation facilities, blasting the body can not accumulate, the existing rockfill dam bursting, mostly to diversion, flood, water hydraulic power generation facilities the long tunnel and a large space holes arranged in the hall way on both sides of the mountain in the dam, which is not as good as blasting method is so entirely easy to imagine in one of the reasons, but not the worst, it is important that such an arrangement the geological stability of the mountain the requirements of a very high, and blasting rock-fill dam is the biggest engineering geology major explosion on the stability of the mountain. Meijie Ao, as a small dam burst Nanshui relatively small scale of the problem is not big, like ; new moon day of the Canal In fact not much cost province. Shibianyu reservoir investment 95 million yuan, of similar size in the 1970s is basically a conventional dam, this level of investment.

Monday, February 21, 2011

SG December 2 real-time Jie Pan

 SG December 2 After Hours Summary: I am afraid that the size of disk rotation until after 12 months!
Although the Shanghai Stock Exchange today, closing 3269 points, closing November 23 is lower than 70 points, but the Shenzhen Composite Index closed hit a new high since rebounded and became the first of the major index of high variety. by the performance of inference, Shanghai and Shenzhen are likely to continue to the next higher, including the Shenzhen City is looking for a new high point, Shanghai will have to continue to challenge 3478 points. patterns in technology, if Thursday can be slightly adjusted in Shenzhen, the future does not rule out again Changyang Powei situation. If we consider the Shenzhen market up previously continuous 17 days, then the expectation should not be an exaggeration.
market no major changes in structure, small cap stocks are still far stronger than the broader market. China Securities 100 Index rose 0.75%, rose to 200 in the card to reach 1.59%. large-cap stocks can only hope that a small sigh, and even spread of positive hazy Three bank stocks do not rise to an average of 1%, while its H shares has appeared in nearly 2% gain. size of the disk rotation index continued to hover at the five-year low, showing that large-cap stocks as the market characteristics of abandoned children.
However, some large-cap stocks appear initiative has been buying for several days, it'd have to pay attention. such as Baoshan Iron and Steel in the past 7 days have 5 days show initiative and capital inflows, there are other ICBC, China Unicom, China Life Insurance, Maotai, iron and other building stocks. in large capitalization stocks as a whole case of abandonment, some stock funds have seen a great initiative Jiancang, hot rotation for the future of the market left a hint. and for the time point of view, I am afraid that the conversion is complete to wait until December after the. market without any major adjustments or clear policy signals, it is estimated wave of small-cap stocks, or continue.
is today the largest increase in gold plate, colored and resources stocks, which is the market consumer stocks in the round of speculation after the horses only, its sustainability remains to be seen. the performance of real estate stocks was active today morning market, but the market outlook, with the banks and weakness. At present, large differences in the housing market, but the volume has been high , the future direction unclear.
poor performance of the sector today is the brokerage stocks, stock index futures yesterday, they are subject to positive stimuli or larger, fell today, also reasonable. wine food stocks also dropped slightly, the corresponding the resources of the hot stocks. iron and steel stocks rose bottom, but most steel stocks take care of funds, there are still opportunities for the future or higher.
today's market outlook, technology stocks have a collective force, Yao City, appeared divided. the plate most of the results poor, lack of sufficient popular support for speculation, would be doomsday speculation Small Cap signal, still need to observe.
Thursday market, a lack of focus, if the external stock market decline, the domestic stock market is expected to take the opportunity to complete the adjustment, but the market would be Fast access to waiting for the central economic work conference sidelines, in the current atmosphere, the conference has more stimulating effect of interest, or the stock market rising again as the fuse.
14:40 vigilance is not a bad thing to be concerned about the 3 stocks < br> Stock Index early afternoon break shock was high, but in financial stocks dragged the callback, the index appears two waves of high diving, was the sudden increase in volume, the shadow of the spike has not been fully dispersed, the plate diving, or make us think, is once again fall? or just whipsaw only? but at least warned us, watch out not a bad thing.
multi-year stock index exceeded 3400 points, which are predicted, which is the need to verify , speaking for investors to grasp the overall market gains need to look at risk, can be secured is the most honest, apart from preserving moderate positions, the part of the funds when needed in the current volatile Kuaijinkuaichu, Class 3 shares to be concerned about: 1) with the theme of continuous speculation species, 2) the recent admission of funds obvious traces of the species, and 3) the potential of undervalued stocks with compensatory growth.
financial monitoring: shrank to 4.4 billion net inflow of the main selling ten shares List
ended at 14:25 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 286.772 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 285.576 billion yuan, 171.053 billion yuan traded Shanghai A shares, A shares traded in Shenzhen 114.523 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover of 136.452 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 132.049 billion yuan, 8.362 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 4.403 billion yuan turnover, representing the broader market all transactions 1.59%.
net outflow of capital stock list
14:22 Carnival of attention to the broader market finished lower on Wednesday afternoon diving risk
higher broader market volatility, stock index touched the highest points to 3,278.27, close to 3300 mark before the integer above the sell-off by the impact of stock index one level down, short-term risks facing the adjustment. From the broader market on Friday, just three days, hunters still up more than 170 points, stocks have the performance is wonderful, and bargain-hunting on Friday near the capital gradually realized in the 3300 chips, resulting in short-term top of the pressure.
14:16 not diminish the concept of consumer stocks continued strong commercial department store concept
consumer appliance sector is not due to the reduction of individual stocks finished lower, strong commercial department store shares the concept of switching a consumer focus. Lanzhou Minbai (600,738) limit, Wuhan Commercial (000,785), Best Large Group (600,865) surpassed 5% increase in Nanjing in the business (600,280), East Hundred Group (600693), also to be seen.
14:10 prevalent speculation A raised fears
share market today, the full flowering of the hot trend, the more depressed one is pre-real estate stocks or table in front, the other is the small-cap stocks, especially in the GEM has once again become attractive long Varieties of attention. But it is the small-cap stocks such a hot trend, the industry began to worry about the broader market is facing a certain amount of price risk. After lunch it was difficult to expand the A-share market bounced up space, suggest that investors should be cautious operation.
financial monitoring: 4.3 billion of funds stir Qingshan Paper
ended at 14:05 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 251.808 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares were traded of which 250.783 billion yuan, Shanghai City A shares traded 150.082 billion yuan, Shenzhen A shares were traded 100.701 billion yuan, A shares traded, traded 124.506 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 115.542 billion yuan, 7.764 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow transactions 8.963 billion yuan, accounting for the broader market all transactions 3.62%.
SG 14 points to read the tape: Index Firmer
one hour before the afternoon, non-ferrous metal plate in aluminum and copper continue to exert the leadership, showing heavy volume upside trend. LME base metals, mainly because: Copper hit a new high, aluminum rose 1.9%, rose by 5.3% of lead, zinc rose 2.2%, nickel and tin remained stable. real estate section of the afternoon appeared shrinkage correction; decline board, food and beverage sector sell-off dragged down by the white areas to become the only two cities down plate. from the disk situation, among the biggest gainers are: non-ferrous metals +3.6%, +2.7%, real estate, light manufacturing + 1.9%; decline in the top are: food and beverage -0.6% +0.1% ferrous metals, household appliances and +0.4%. The Shanghai Composite Index up 3278.27 points, the index close to 3,300 points, dish selling pressure increases, stock volatility increases large. from the selling pressure and the index of performance, the index is more firm, dropped in heavy volume of total process, the index fell to a lesser extent. transaction-intensive areas in the pre-index fluctuations are normal, the index will rise in volatility in the volatility over 3300 points in the standing.
13:45 gas sector this afternoon, the sudden emergence of hot money speculation time again
disk, gas plate active again, Chase gas (000593) rose 5.37%, Shaanxi natural gas (002,267) up 5.24%, Changchun Gas (600333) rose 4.54%. As of 13:40 and gas sector capital inflows 35,428,200 yuan, of which 29.0028 million yuan Shan gas flow.
from today's intraday trend, the gas pre-plate hot money main seems to be the second coming.
financial monitoring: the main cities of transactions 209 200 000 000 List of
Masukura ten shares ended at 13:25 on December 2, 2009, the total turnover of 209.19 billion yuan in Shanghai and Shenzhen, where the Shanghai and Shenzhen A total turnover of 208.311 billion yuan shares, Shanghai A shares were traded 124.488 billion yuan, Shenzhen City, 83.823 billion yuan traded A shares, A shares traded, turnover of 99.618 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of 94.78 billion yuan of turnover, uncertainty turnover 6.818 billion yuan, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 4.839 billion yuan turnover, accounting for the broader market all transactions 2.40%.
institutions Masukura Ten List
13:32 Stock News: Afternoon colored stock, power and aluminum stocks by the east wind gains from the frenzy.
13:30 Yoshimine agricultural (300 022) long to short squeeze
hero succeed despite the clarification of a listed company announcements, but as the stock market in the phrase Agricultural Machinery (300 022) has a daily limit yesterday's strong performance, how to tell the market it sought after by funds. Today the stock and then washed daily limit, market short squeeze continues, the main force did not succeed so short, stock prices continue to skyrocket.
13: 22 The second plate is worth noting that the textile sector
today is worth noting that the second plate mm textile sector, the market expects the broader market's hot spots have a tendency to transfer to the textile sector. individual stocks, Huafang shares (600,448) disk sealed limit, Huafang Textile (600 273) again and again pull, hit a new high. Although the textile industry has repeatedly broke the news of a loss, but the recovery of China's foreign trade signals the next obvious turning point in the industry is expected to come next year.
Huafang Textile (600 273): In November 20 after the bell, expected recovery in exports, the recent share of stock gradually become active, short-term adjustment Zaidufali, and transaction-intensive amplification, investors can take an active interest. > by the Wall Street continued rise lift, Hong Kong stocks open higher this morning continued rebound, recovering 10 and 20 day moving average. As of midday, the Hang Seng Index 22,396.27 points reported points, up 283.12 points, or 1.28%. the market turnover of 451.94 half day million. read from the disk, 42 constituent stocks of the four down. real estate stocks led the gains, shares in the banks high pressure, or narrowed.
SG afternoon to read the tape: a cyclical industry strong
From the early trend, the broader market averages stood above the base established, the stock index continuously on the red, the paper, chemical, chemical fiber and other cyclical industries, represented by second-line blue chips started strong, as the economy recovers, the performance elasticity of steel , paper, chemicals, chemical fiber industry, significant growth in performance of listed companies, the performance of individual companies will be reaching record highs. Annual market has started, many of the performance of second-line growth of blue-chip companies can not only support the current stock price, and the fourth-quarter results smoothing calculation, the 2010 price-earnings ratio valuation advantages are obvious. Copenhagen next week, the Central Economic Work Conference, the macro data released almost simultaneously, the data is to determine the optimism, the Central Economic Work Conference will not be setting out the economic stimulus plan. adequate liquidity-driven end of the period of rising stock prices, the performance of the stage to promote the shares rose, while liquidity has not subsided, this may be the most profitable time of a stage. the real estate section a meteoric rise, expected next year's status as a pillar industry of real estate will be to consolidate, the policy will also help inhibit the one hand, demand for support to encourage buyers, on the other hand to curb speculative real estate; financial and non-ferrous plate is still among the biggest gainers such as weight, material and style in the Large Value Small Cap Growth to seek a new balance between; increase mainly by the recent gains after the big wine, steel, coal plates, further depleting materials after the afternoon Kongfangliliang also expected to stabilize up. Judging from the early closing, or the top are: real estate +3.5% +1.8% comprehensive, non-ferrous metals +1.7%; decline in the top are: food and beverage -0.3% +0.3% ferrous metals, mining +0.4%. Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index 1.2%, China Enterprises Index +1.7%.
11:28 Bank of Shanghai real estate-driven stock index rose
tape drive shares the name list of stock ticker
contribution percentage point contribution to the decline in volume
latest prices go Industrial and Commercial Bank 601398 4.35 0.13% 5.35 1.71% 1049729
Construction Bank 601939 3.04 0.09% 6.05 1.51% 778280
China Life 601628 1.92 0.06% 31.23 1.53% 71058
Bank of China, 601988 1.47 4.18 0.97% 427,342 0.05% < br> China Petroleum 601857 1.06 0.03% 13.54 0.30% 170374
CITIC Bank 601998 0.79 0.02% 6.68 2.14% 236865
Ping 601318 0.73 0.02% 57.78 1.21% 151489
Bank 601328 0.64 8.58 1.06% 0.02% 342430
tape drive shares in Shenzhen Stock Name Stock Code List
contribution percentage point contribution to the rising values decreases the latest real estate investment volume
000024 5.42 0.04% 32.23 4.78% 210107
Vanke A 000002 5.2 0.04% 11.72 1.91% 1178221
Asia Standard Construction 000046 2.77 0.02% 16.82 3.51% 66539
BOE A 000725 2.49 0.02% 5.38 2.67% 340719
Zongshen Power 001696 2.21 0.02% 18.84 9.98% 51996
OCT A 000069 2.07 0.02% 20.95 1.50% 198056
in gold Lingnan 000060 1.96 0.01% 28.41 3.23% 95188
FAW Car 000800 1.85 0.01% 24.84 2.18% 39634
Street 000,402 1.71 279,234 2.32% 0.01% 14.09
Emori Development 002146 1.62 0.01% 21.49 4.07% 18342
11:02 Paper forestry and paper industry mergers and acquisitions wave of birth feast
At this point, forestry stocks and paper stocks also strengthened. Forestry Unit, the Forestry Wing ( 000663) rose 7%, Oriental Gardens (002 310), Jinggu forestry (600,265) rose; Paper stocks strong, we have focused in front of tips for all to see.
10:55 disk hot spots: the State Council passed Yellow Triangle second strategy will give the 600,448), Binzhou Piston (600960). Dongying has three listed companies: Victory shares (000,407), Thailand shares (600,308), Kodak shares (600,986). In addition, peripheral Yantai, Weifang, Zibo related listed companies may be appropriate to focus.
10:43 shares of stocks in general intraday larger increase in the stocks that rose in early morning trading
active stocks intraday stock index futures rise continued to expand, as at present, high-tech development (000,628), large Infineon Technologies (600288) both limit, the large shares (600,704) 9% increase over the Chinese medium (000,996) increase over 7%, New Huangpu (600,638), Hong industry shares (600,128) and other growth surpassed 5%.
about the investment opportunities in the sector, we in the recent high open directly above the opening 10-day moving average, index back above the average system, a strong market recovery. However, the index after the opening performance of the more pressure-based. This side up side to adjust the development trend of steadily rising stock in favor. from index rose to see, the Shanghai Composite rose out first, followed by Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, reflecting the style of conversion quietly forward. turnover year on year to enlarge the market and the index of the active degree of synchronization increased. estimated time remaining stock intraday volatility will increase, under the current index can be can be, must be selected, select the disk performance is volatile. We remain optimistic about the outcome of choice , suggest that investors may be appropriate Masukura. from the industry point of view, by the fall in the dollar index, rose along with commodity markets, non-ferrous sector led the market; financial stocks out of the haze of a few days Yindie, ushered in a wave of slightly battered rebound; wine, IT and other pre among the biggest gainers in the sector is showing signs of profit-taking, face greater selling pressure. intraday among the biggest gainers are: non-ferrous metals +1.6%, +1.4%, light manufacturing, financial services +1.3%; decline in the top are: ferrous metals -0.8% -0.6% food and beverage, information services -0.1%.
financial monitoring: the paper industry which attract more than 380 million to top the list
at 10: 25 or so, capital flows, there were 237 million chase Qingshan Paper (600103), pulling the stock shock limit, which attract the paper plate is 383 million, both individual stocks and industry ranks first in net inflow of funds, the whole plate up 1.67 % among the plate or the second. , Guotai Junan North First Ring Road Chengdu, Wuhan, building eight CSC death squads, two hot money active. Sanxin in the Air (002 163), Kinder development (000,639), China Railway Bureau (600 528), Hongrun Construction (002,062) shares continued strength, etc., outperformed the general trend.
10:20 GEM expansion Yoshimine agricultural continue to rise soon!
Wednesday GEM whole line again, all stocks rose over 2% of Huayi Brothers (300027) rose 6.01%, Yoshimine agricultural machines (300022) rose 5.73%.
news side, the original will be scheduled for yesterday on the same period the four GEM companies, an IPO application was canceled yesterday morning, pass through the remaining three companies, only a successful IPO application approved. Thus, from November 2 to yesterday, have the second batch of 21 companies in the issuance examination committee GEM As at 10:05 on December 2, 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen cities of the total turnover of 78.265 billion yuan in which a total turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares of 77.942 billion yuan and Shanghai Security A turnover of 47.085 billion yuan shares and Shenzhen A share market turnover 30.856 billion yuan, A shares traded, turnover 34.735 billion yuan of capital inflow, capital outflow of transaction 34.921 billion yuan, 4.193 billion yuan deal of uncertainty, the difference between the inflow and outflow of 186 million yuan turnover, representing the broader market all transactions 0.25%.
10:02 Hang Seng Index opened sharply higher as strong financial, real estate
Australia to raise interest rates, the Bank of Japan to stabilize the yen from rising, the dollar rebounded strong to suppress. this impact, the global stock markets maintained strong gains, Hang Seng Index opened 289.36 points higher in early trading , reported at 22,402.51 points. continued strength in financial, real estate, Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank, Bank of China and other Chinese banks is stronger than our financial stocks. 9:55 main stock index for 10-day moving average
station disk, banks, coal plates or table among the forefront of the industry, the price of gold by the external disk drive, Zijin Mining (601 899) is currently led heavyweight, nonferrous metals, financial gain front agricultural sector dragged down stock.
09:46 tuned! hot market has been gradually switching intentions
disk shows active in the paper while printing plate, gold stocks, non-ferrous metal stocks and financial stocks are also beginning to have an active real estate trend, indicating that the hot market are beginning to have the intention to switch. It seems, financial and real estate stocks or the performance of relative prominence, suggest that investors pay close attention to the.
09:41 Paper stocks continued strong gains were more than 2%
China Metallurgical Group Paper assets will have an initial guess who gets results. Previously, Meili Paper Industry (000815) MCC Paper for the planning and major asset reorganization and suspension. Today, the stock directly to the daily limit in early trading opened, and closed more than 30 million single hand. this impact, the overall strength of the paper stocks yesterday also renewed strength, Qingshan Paper Industry (600103), Shanying (600,567) and others sharply upward trend.
Hill Eagle Paper (600567): We are late in Tuesday's rose sharply on the domestic Shanghai copper hit a rebound today opened a new high. the secondary market, non-ferrous stocks among the biggest gainers. Zhongjin Gold (600,489) to open 3.13% higher, Shandong Gold (600,547) opened higher by 3.6%, Tongling Nonferrous Metals (000 630 ) to open higher 2%.
09:15 pre Hotspots
. recently learned that the State intends to introduce further enhance the elimination of backward production capacity of the notice to the stringent measures, the focus of the power, coal, steel, cement, nonferrous metals , coke, and paper industries and backward production capacity out of the task. analysts believe the move is conducive to concentration of related industries, the improvement of listed companies, secondary market policies on the part of industry leading companies turn for the better future is a concern.
. Beijing City Development and Reform Commission and the 1st to the public hearing on the program elements the price hike, the overall program in residential water rates increased 0.9 yuan per cubic meter of Ni. price increases triggered by the water sector concern the opportunity for trading.
. Business 1, ministry officials said this year is expected to total retail sales of social consumer goods grew 15.6% to reach 12 trillion yuan. relevant departments are studying how to further expand the consumption and expand the relevant policies of automobile appliance consumption is still room for adjustment.
. Recently, the Development and Reform Commission under the State Council approved the >. the fourth quarter, the domestic chemical industry value chain to achieve an increase, while demand is there signs of recovery, which means that the domestic chemical industry is indeed embarking on a recovery track. the recent trend of chemical sector as a whole better-than-the market, investors can actively concern.
. MIIT Zhu Hongren chief engineer, said yesterday that in order to promote the development of shipbuilding industry, has been introduced in addition to the guidance