Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Treatment of cotton to be walking foot

 Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, director of orthopedic doctors advise CAO Xiao Jian:
walk After the limb numbness, dizziness, walking the same as standing on cotton, which actually has a very close between cause and effect relationship. In recent days, suffering from neurological diseases, cervical disease combined with Mr. Zhang, after the people of Jiangsu Province hospital for treatment after the pain out of trouble.
December last year, Zhang began to feel numb left hand, left shoulder, left arm pain from time to time; a month later, his right hand began to numb, the local hospital diagnosed as cervical spondylosis. slowly , Zhang hobbled walk, feeling like CAO Xiao Jian, MD, orthopedic director of the hospital found that patients with clinical manifestations and symptoms of cervical disease is not entirely consistent. is associated with neurological disorders?
through expert consultation Neurology found that patients also suffer from something called subacute combined degeneration of spinal nerves system diseases. analysis, patients had gastroduodenal surgery done 30 years ago, small intestine absorption affected, leading to long-term absorption of vitamin B12 difficulties, triggering a subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord.
experts advise: Spinal cord subacute combined degeneration of the most common early symptoms of ataxia, such as the development of the body stiff, unable to walk. disease and cervical disease, cerebral infarction, senile dementia, hydrocephalus, peripheral neuropathy and other symptoms of the disease are very similar, misdiagnosis rate is high. need to be reminded that patients from the start with step cotton

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