Sunday, January 9, 2011

Coup makes you more man -

 If you and your wife fight, you have to sleep on the sofa, you do not have guilt or how. You know, the sofa on the treatment of insomnia occasionally Shuishui wonders! a lot of people that their own bedroom with insomnia related to a U.S. survey found that 72% of the men slept on the sofa well, only 27% of people said that his wife or girlfriend can sleep around.

21. 1 hour ahead of time to go to bed

water state of you, will always feel bad exhausted. early in the morning to drink a glass of water, do some cleaning, but also add some internal organs, . pay attention to breakfast

7. take a sit-phase

even if you go busy, but also adhere to the exercise, or running or keys to walk or swim. If you are too confident of their strength, that youth is the capital, would not be so easy to fall, some may tell you anxious.

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After lunch, the body's sleep factor (a kind of sleep can lead to molecular) components increased, the time is most likely to fall asleep at this time drink a small cup of coffee was the best. of course, tea also, as you like! Do not forget to 4 hours before going to bed do not drink coffee, so too excited to sleep.

alcohol make you misty sleep, but instead drink before bed affects sleep because of excitement, although the eyes closed, but in constantly turning the eye. You have to keep in mind before going to bed two hours does not drink beer, dinner, drink a glass or two at most.

24. adjust the fitness of time

iron if your body storage is too low, the body can not produce the oxygen carrying hemoglobin in the blood, people feel tired easily. The best way to iron through diet, using food therapy: fever with iron-rich liver of animals. kidney; followed by thin meat. yolk. chicken. fish. shrimp and beans.

character can also regulate tired. A Dutch study showed that within the work. shy are more likely to feel tired, and outgoing person more energy feet, this is because people love to talk to people who are good with that fun, to their own troubles. pressure and misfortune peremptorily say, they will not feel tired and bored, on the contrary, like the quiet. alone. who does not love the lack of social Such a channel to relieve pressure, a long time, is bound to feel overwhelmed.

10. side shower singing

men rarely eat snacks, You can put some peanuts and raisins in the car, these things contain a lot of potassium, your body needs potassium in the blood sugar into energy; nuts are also good, it is rich in magnesium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, the body will produce a large number lack lactic acid, which easily gives rise to lactic acid fatigue.

19. aromatherapy

18. drive to eat more fiber foods

even eat a good breakfast to half past ten, the day before use stored glycogen is almost gone. you want the rest of the day Attempt to do me the time is still fully charged, then it must Gaga meal. a piece of chocolate, or an energy bar. a few biscuits to supplement the energy outside, but also effectively prevent binge eating lunch.

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23. control the amount of alcohol

5. afternoon coffee

14. meditation

shower singing out loud for the body to release endorphins, resulting in a happy and feeling of happiness and reduce stress. more you a bad mood, the more to sing out, as it really nicely, did not run out of tune, you cares!

get up 5 minutes after the exercise, not only for the body charge, and can burn extra calories. Many people mistakenly believe to be 5 o'clock in the Morning get up and ran a few kilometers is unnecessary, it is not realistic. You just spend 5 minutes doing push-ups and jumping movement, the heart rate, can achieve the desired results; or under the mirror boxing 100 and feel that the process of energy savings.

2. to develop water habits

4. ten snacks

22. and the sun play game

sitting posture , walking in step pull-kick, shy shrug belly, these are usually the energy you have consumed dry performance. sit in the office seven or eight hours, if not to maintain the correct posture, but will feel more tired. either stop or forward, should be established abdomen waist, relaxed shoulders, neck slightly extended sense.

put some spice in the home, especially the rosemary . mint and ginger, can be refreshing, enhance memory, and can treat migraine headaches.

9. stand up and answer the phone

standing call took the opportunity to stretch gymnastics, while a deep breath, so that oxygen-rich blood to flow into the brain. This simple change allows you to fine a few hours two prosperous times.

25. sleep sofa

U.S. study found that people who do not eat breakfast, height and weight ratio (BMI) high, is overweight, but also love drowsy, do something listlessness; pay attention to people who eat breakfast are more energetic, relatively well-proportioned physique. the nutritional health of the Western-style breakfast is: two slices of whole wheat bread. a piece of smoked salmon and a tomato. whole wheat bread, rich in carbohydrates and fiber ; tomato Lycopene facilitate bone growth and health, and prevention of prostate disease is very good; the rich salmon omega-3 fatty acids and protein is more beneficial to the body.

16. nap 20 minutes

6. more talk and more ease Solution

1. Morning 5 minutes

12. trivialize

breath not a fat man eating! do not always think of a stretch to finish a major project, the results themselves too tired to get on the ground. may wish to split large projects into several small works much the same as doing, take a break from time to time, so that while maintaining the physical, but also improve work efficiency, and ultimately can speed up the progress.

One study found that those who go to the gym after work, family fitness, covered with acid, the home shower sleep a good sleep, it is like a new life after, coincidentally, the University of Chicago scholars believe that the evening exercise can increase levels of testosterone, which is essential for energy metabolism.

17. iron

20 minutes of rest is the best, it is actually the role of an hour with the nap is no different. An hour for most one is a bit long, sleep too heavy, could not sleep well at night.

men house 2010-12-08 13:35:22 Read 103 Comments 1 font: medium and small subscription

20. more comedy

15. daily exercise

Coup makes you more man -

University of Massachusetts study shows that the mood of anger and hostility are more in the winter, and summer is relatively small. the sun can increase brain serotonin levels, improve frame of mind, body charge. might be exposed to the sun for all the travel or travel opportunities.

; morning, sleepy, get up first, not busy, sitting comfortably sat on the bed, straight back, close my eyes and quickly exhale and inhale with the nose, mouth Weibi. (This chest exercise should be the same as the bellows quickly and machinery to carry out)

You have not found that effective method is to use the paddle device, pay attention to proper posture; feet flat, knees slightly bent, propellers stopped right on the chest.

problems encountered in the work , short-lived fad and can not resolve, it is better take a break, such as to a cup of tea, change their brains, and then go on. tired quick breath, the deep breath (number 3 below), then call out (number 6 below); or looking through the sports magazine, Internet browsing entertainment, gossip, whom chats, perhaps inadvertently inspiration came.

13. exercise the back

11. make optimistic friends

optimistic. energy up a friend or colleague cute, they are always positive emotions can infect people around. not only talented and smart people contacts, but also to and those passionate, positive people and make friends; with a pessimistic. stay with people who like to complain for 30 minutes, your energy will be depleted indirectly

60 minutes more sleep refreshing effect equivalent to two cups of coffee. This means you go to bed early for an hour a day, rather than the weekend hard to sleep late. Otherwise, the clock is disrupted, the overall feeling dizzy. 
8. relaxation with

laugh smile, ten years less. Laughter exercises the facial muscles, change your facial circulation, thereby enhancing the attention. British scientists recently released study shows that although described as happy not able to keep saying their youth, but maintain a pleasant mood of people every day indeed more healthy, the risk of cardiovascular disease. lower the risk of diabetes.

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