Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 At 11:17 on January 14, 2010 Source: Baidu Entertainment
classic modern themes TV series style, and throwing up and complaining. Gaussian jokes that the role background, different from the conventional narrative with a careful start. play a group of energetic young people also experienced the changes of that era. Gaussian role played by Ah Xiang called one of the biggest changes in the role play. from the early The pungent to the resentment of the late, until the grievances of the kind will occur is a series of changes, although often in unexpected makes sense.
in the play, Gaussian quarrel with women not only keep up, had to argue with a man . This allows quiet Gauss made difficult. Because of the scenes and a lot of YE, the two meet is basically a fight. Gaussian, laughing, her introduction, the changing role of Ah Hong of this great personality coupled with their not the same, each time into the role as Gaussian as for the individual. But praise the director Quedui Gaussian is a plus, She contrasts the roles of the past, throwing very place. the shoot out to see the film over and over again to find where the problem lies, and finally found the to fight it but also take into account the feelings of a shift can be directed for several Ah Hong recognition is not a small breakthrough.

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