Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eye-popping 30 million compensation money for divorce or to love

 Give you 30 million yuan, if the condition that you have to divorce your wife or husband, you will do what choice? In today's era of worships money, surely many people will not hesitate to choose to accept, others would be extremely tangled, but still was faced with such a strong temptation, still firm to choose love and marriage.

to force a third party offer for 30 million first wife divorced

recently circulating on the network such a sentence: not big enough.

Recommended reading end of the year Award Great traps high financial impact of the RMB exchange rate geometric outbound Chinese New Year as Area with the district where, a 40-year-old hospital department director and a rich woman had an affair, when the rich woman accidentally discovered she was pregnant, they want to and with the sense of the word department director, department director to make the first wife to Yin,

small text said, according to insiders, Director, career, romantic suave, and his wife have a happy and harmonious family. A chance, Lin Bao met a rich woman Xiaoli plant open house, and with them have feelings. Recently, Xiao Li found herself with child, urging Linbao home with first wife divorced, and promised as long as the first wife agree to divorce, go out into the playing card of her 30 million yuan, has persistently refused to divorce his first wife. To avoid things become significant, Lin Bao units currently in the leadership of ideological work to do to both sides.

the general public: Original

a good thing not to go out, the scandal spread far and wide, the world does not take the air there is no wall, so to force the news quickly spread in the community, become a staple of a hot topic, and soon the Internet caused more extensive hot.

learned that journalists in online surveys, most users feel that first wife Many people believe that since her husband has been derailed, are taking out a big belly people, and things are so big trouble, than take the money and divorce, class had a few life! say with 30 million yuan, afraid not find handsome?

there's derision, said: do the front room, I do the third, so best of both worlds, love money, the things correct. said to the man, 'You did not think the value of 30 million yuan, now you can go.' In fact, let alone 30 million yuan, and 300 million are willing to leave me! I wish a thousand! the world such a mess, loaded plain to see who! Some respondents were willing. One respondent said frankly: that There are quite

Original Human said: One of the respondents said less than into a very tangled, difficult to make choices, both now bear their love and marriage, they can not remain indifferent to such a powerful temptation.

psychologists: to give up a happy marriage is not happiness

this bizarre event in the eyes of the experts and ordinary people are allowed to deliver a different point of view. In psychology experts, the first wife are so

well-known psychologist in Shanghai, said Zhang Yijun: kinds of mental cases, one difficult to face their inner loss, many people believe that marriage is tantamount to failure of loss, even though 30 million yuan is very attractive, but she was reluctant to accept such a feeling of failure, take the money that hurt their divorce dignity, is a disgrace, it refused to divorce; two is a way of revenge fit of anger, refused to divorce, do not let you get away, you do not think that more money from it? But me, your amount of money useless, I'm not leave you uncomfortable, so, I have to become masters, became the winner; third case is the first wife really loves her husband, really want to save the marriage, really do not want to divorce. But it is worth thinking first wife, if not 30 million yuan, if the husband really has been a change of heart, if they are also necessary to protect such an incomplete marriage? From another perspective, even if ultimately you fight off a rich woman's money to campaign to restore her husband's heart, successfully maintained the marriage, it does not mean you are the winner. Because this matter has been so much noise so big, in the minds of both sides left indelible scars in the future of marriage quality may become poor, so that you are no longer happy.

legal experts: Take the money and run very rational

and legal experts, such a verbal commitment is tantamount to a blank check. Engaged in judicial work, marriage, justice, law firm in Shanghai in Gordon, told reporters that if the first wife is really looking at 30 million yuan of the . Third objective was achieved because the rich woman, and to shamelessly refused to pay when you have no alternative. between things, not involving a third party (rich woman), even if his first wife in the divorce agreement requires rich woman to join the terms of compensation for 30 million yuan and can not get support for the Court. Weapon, 30 million yuan if the first wife is willing to accept divorce, in order to avoid Agreement on the effective, because the court will not control your husband how the compensation money come, so, Fupo verbal commitment to this

is for lawyers, if the husband and wife really has been broken, such a delay marriage and then only for both sides uncomfortable. Divorce, the first option is to divorce, take the 30 million yuan to leave. The second option is to divorce proceedings, that if only because her husband is at fault, the wife can pay would her husband and demanded his belongings solatium compensation for mental damages, the amount so far no more than 30 million yuan. So from a rational, said the first relatively best choice, if the wife wants to blow off steam and the choice of divorce proceedings, one can not get so much money, and second, when you do a exhausted out the other side of the mouth foul smells when you are also exhausted, why should it.

sociologist: social values matter of serious side

in the eyes of sociologists, this event is in fact a reflection of current society has a serious deviation of the values. Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Tang Jun, a researcher believes that ordinary families, 30 million yuan is tantamount to an astronomical figure, derailed her husband is a well-known hospitals, although the department director, the ordinary man, already a successful career fame and fortune double harvest of upper class successful, but doctors work under great pressure, family burden was heavy, so the surface looks light of these new people, the heart is still hard to credit cards and offers. Comments from the users, not to mention, most people can see current values of society have serious side materialistic, from the bottom to the top side who will give up the money before dignity, responsibility and family are being watched those originally in value.

, of course, another point of view, first wife, now that marriage is like a tasteless, regardless of whether her husband still loves himself, he had an affair and betrayal have been trampled on the basis of marriage - loyalty and trust, do not want to divorce even if she insists, can be said that both sides have been unable to continue to live in peace as before to live longer.

fact, in the materialistic society, as more and more money from the permeate all levels of society, making an already should be holy, faithful love, marriage has gradually been infected with Not long ago, the Guangzhou Women's Federation, the first release of the 59.2% of the second generation is willing to marry rich. for a long time, very market, and even many young people came down to become a guide to action.

financial experts: the price of love varies

Ha ha. In Xu Jianming view, although the money is not everything, but money is very important, and even our worldly possessions of the most important thing. Although there are many things we can not be measured in monetary terms, such as health, such as life, but in fact these priceless wealth in the hearts of each one of us has a price tag.

Xu Jianming, for example: , to cure the patient, it requires 10% of your total assets to buy, you will choose to buy or not to buy? Some people may choose to buy, some people will feel that 10% of the assets is too expensive, would rather bet that 1% of small probability event does not happen, but if the numbers altered, and you have a 10% probability of death, with 10% of the assets of medicines, you will buy? am afraid many people will buy; if there is a 20% probability of death, to you 90% of assets to buy, how would you choose? different people have different answers, but there will be a buy or not buy the zero boundary point, and the decision to buy the figures, is your life and health in After your heart to quantify the value of money. If the rich woman out of the overweight is between 3,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan between, for example 30 million, the situation is not the same. For the rich, their assets far more than 30 million, certainly not a divorce, but for the poor, 30 million is a huge sum of money, may still be willing to divorce. More people will count, if you choose the divorce proceedings if I could be assigned to 30 million ... ... that is, marriage and love is in the minds of different people have different value standards. As long as the price is high enough, you can sell. Only the first wife in the eyes of this event, the value of marriage, high, even higher than 30 million yuan, or even close to priceless.

In short, this event like a prism, entangled in love, reason and law, between the different perspective from the inside, you will see different things, it lets us have to re-look at your love , to rethink the relationship between love and money.

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