Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jiaozhou Bay into heavy icebreaker ship Ice Age more than 10 combat readiness

 Frozen rows of fishing boats at the pier, the fishermen can not be busy at home and in selected sea; farmers speed up the oxygen and water exchange pond, and some will be salvaged in time for the section of sea cucumber before a better price ... ... 18 January, ice conditions along the Jiaozhou Bay journalists had visited, is still living under the ice swing forward, and the sea border police station in Jiaozhou business more than 10 vessels for next The next three days, no strong cold air strikes the island city, the development of stabilized ice conditions.

Central Bay Boulevard near the

Feeding into the frozen sea gulls are not blessed

Cold air, angry, Jiaozhou line is ice blocked. Sea cucumber, abalone and other farmed seafood, can survive the winter under the care of humans, gulls flying out of it? Jan. 17 afternoon, the reporter went to the Central Bay Boulevard near the intersection of Taiyuan Road, the sea, the white ice surface and the horizon seemed, boundless marginal, compared with slightly dead sea ice, sometimes flying above the sea ice, sometimes leaning over a piece of foraging gulls brought to life.

There is a positive sea outfall drainage, only one square meter surface is not frozen, forming small puddles. Puddles emitting white steam, and flocks of gulls feeding stops here. Journalists are not so close, startled seagulls they fly up.

told reporters after the sea gulls for a long time not eat frozen food, will die.

Regardless of mouth
Can not get ready for sea fishermen in

18 morning, the sky filled with clouds, chilly. Regardless of female journalists drove near the mouth of the bridge and saw the bridge on both sides by thick sea ice cover. River into a skating rink, ice white look like to the shore bordered with a

Norwegian journalists went to the frozen river with the small step on the ice with their feet nodded, feeling the ice is very strong. The transparency of ice may seem high, a bit worried about the affordability of it, afraid to go try it, Push threw a stone, did not smash the ice.

Yang came to the city streets east of the West women Gushan Liuting community, I saw where all the inlets are frozen. no sea, there is no sea ice trapped by the things I heard.

Not to the sea, the fishermen are very calm. Nearby villagers told reporters that the fishing boats are docked in the Bay, this time, they will ship to do repairs, and prepare the New Year.
Red Island West Ocean

Hiding in deep mud clam little effect

In the red ocean fishing port on the island of the West, the reporter removed from the sea a floating block, about thirty-four cm in thickness. According to local fishermen said that in the deeper waters where the sea ice is equivalent to twice the thickness.

The most famous red island clams, clams, this season still available? However, when the weather is good, you can break open some of the ice,

Ocean waters off the West Pier with a huge area of ice, sea cucumber farmers are busy with ice water changes have to address the impact of ice conditions. raise the water temperature and oxygen content, so no breeding material damage, is conducive to winter.

intend to do a good job early, do a good job to break the ice pond, oxygenating, water exchange and other preparatory work, and now the ice conditions have little effect on the fishery.

Editor: Yan Lan

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