Monday, January 10, 2011

Korean media 2011 global sales of home appliances will reach 1 trillion

 According to South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported Jan. 6: American Electronics Association predicted that sales of household appliances by 2011 the world will reach 1 trillion.

5th of this month, according to local time, , said this year the number of home appliance manufacturers will increase about 10% market share will reach 964 billion U.S. dollars.

years ago, part of the shares is expected to soar! Confidential! Market institutions will soon be reversed capital flows have changed dramatically! Main layout
money is plotting a new forecast, the global home appliance industry in North America this year, and China sales will grow by 15%, while sales in Western Europe will grow by about 23%.

In addition, according to the U.S. Consumer Electronics Association statistics that in 2010 total global sales of home appliance products, also reached the highest in the history of the 873 billion U.S. dollars.

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