Saturday, January 29, 2011

How-how with your students to visit Hsinchu County Scenic Area

 These days a trip to Guangzhou, I will be in the new play Quang Ninh start shooting next month, where he opened a press conference, there really is a beautiful Yeah, but also the hometown of bamboo, we have to take place on in Hsinchu County.
we got there, leading us around the bamboo for the museum collection, where all the appliances are made of different bamboo!
behind me is located in the central hall of the Bamboo br> There should be a grand introduction, which is the world's largest carved bamboo chopsticks, chopsticks and only one side is the side of the Dragon Phoenix, in particular, beautiful! hope that we have the opportunity to come here to look at, spoiled for choice!
I have and this giant chopsticks to a bar!
first introduced when the leadership does not, I did not recognize this is a great pianist, Beethoven, which is made of bamboo root carving, but also for The museum has added a blog beautiful landscape!
I think this is particularly interesting, without any sculpture, the natural form, like sea coral, as it is more important is identical with the map, like a standing proudly in the sky cock, look, I mean where is our capital, Beijing, hee!
next day we held in Quang Ninh our new show, Where is the Zhuo, Guangzhou, the weather is hot, we were exposure to the sun, sweat folder back Yeah, we're not filming in order to avoid heat stroke, we would hold an umbrella!
he will play in the play my that time will support me, I will not live up to everyone!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ministry of Environmental Protection on the second to seek the views of air pollutant emission standards

 Seek the national environmental protection standards on Opinions) letter

the relevant units:

for the implementation of the to protect the environment, prevent pollution, protect human health, the ministry decided to revise the national environmental standards, The draft standard had in July 2009 for public comment, the standard units have been prepared under the feedback and the needs of the national environmental protection standards were revised draft. In accordance with national environmental standards and revision of relevant provisions of the draft standard is again the comments.

the second draft of the standard now and related printed materials sent to you, please study it and submit written comments on the feedback I am Ministry of the deadline for comments is February 10, 2011.

Contact: Department of Environmental Protection Science, Technology and Zhao Guohua

Valley Snow Address: Xicheng District, Beijing 115 Xizhimen Nanxiaojie

Postal Code: 100035

Phone: (010) 66556214

Fax: (010) 66556213

; Contact: Department of Environmental Protection Institute of Standards and Li Xiaoqian

Communications Address: No. 8 An outside hospital

Dayangfang ; Postal Code: 100012

Phone: (010) 84915581

Fax: (010) 84919578

Annex: 1. a list of comments

2. ; 3. ,],[

2011   1 14, the ministry for implementation of the , decided to amend the national environmental protection standards, Views of objects for each charge related to organization units, specific notice as follows:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nanning Customs last year destroyed 29 smuggling gangs

 BEIJING, Jan. 25 in Nanning Xinhua (Dai Zhiqiang Wang Gang), today at the , worth 427 million yuan; criminal investigation and other cases of illegal smuggling of illegal since 1508, worth 449 million; investigated the clearance of drug smuggling as postal 7 cases, the seized 5,414.7 grams of drugs.

It is reported that Nanning Customs last year, continue to maintain high pressure situation smuggling, smuggling and tax evasion crackdown behavior. New Trend for smuggling, has launched a series of special enforcement actions. In addition, the Department with Guangxi port characteristics, and further deepen the paperless customs clearance, online payment of taxes, booking through customs, and other convenient measures, actively implement the , the department strictly implement the actual supervision, give full play to risk management, regulatory clearance, a single trial, inspection and other aspects of efforts to strengthen tax collection and strict to prevent and combat fraud and other kinds of smuggling illegal price, trade volume has boosted the port increased significantly.

2010, the net revenue of the customs warehousing 12.832 billion yuan, an increase of 17.1%, of which 1.88 billion yuan tariffs, an increase of 15.69%; import taxes on behalf of 10.952 billion yuan, an increase of 17.30%. Customs revenue hit a record high.

introduced customs, import and export growth of customs revenue situation has improved is the main factor. Second, the 2009 national implementation of the 4 trillion economic stimulus package, and the seventh consecutive China - ASEAN Expo was successfully held and as a channel to the sea southwest of Guangxi, the rapid growth of port trade, the customs revenue growth to provide a strong driving force .

2010, the Guangxi port of import and export of 21.65 billion U.S. dollars total, up 48.9% over the previous year.

Monday, January 24, 2011

China, Morocco or into emerging clean energy industry, power point

 China and Morocco, two countries are actively promoting wind power, photovoltaic solar and other renewable energy investment and cooperation. China Clean Energy industry is actively explore the domestic market, but also working hard to find Recently, held in Beijing,

meters Ahmad Shah told reporters, Morocco as a priority the development of clean energy industries: ratio increased to 40%, mainly solar energy, wind power and hydropower. At that time, solar and wind energy generating capacity will reach 2,000 megawatts. generating 2000 MW goal, Morocco is actively working: The first is for the millions of kilowatts of solar energy technology will be a tendering and bidding, the work has been completed last month. For millions of megawatts of solar technology has been identified as CSP (ConcentratedSolarPouer), which focused on solar power generation technology. But for the 2,000 MW technology has not yet determined the specific in what is likely to take photovoltaic power generation, it may take CSP technology.

Germany, and other well-known companies are likely to enter the Moroccan market.

meters Ahmad Shah also said that as the Moroccan industry, trade and technology minister, he will actively promote the integration of photovoltaic power generation, Chinese enterprises have the opportunity to involved, but a prerequisite for participation in production in Morocco, such as solar panels, or other components.

market, but a leading European, U.S. and Africa 10 million consumers in the big market. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jiaozhou Bay into heavy icebreaker ship Ice Age more than 10 combat readiness

 Frozen rows of fishing boats at the pier, the fishermen can not be busy at home and in selected sea; farmers speed up the oxygen and water exchange pond, and some will be salvaged in time for the section of sea cucumber before a better price ... ... 18 January, ice conditions along the Jiaozhou Bay journalists had visited, is still living under the ice swing forward, and the sea border police station in Jiaozhou business more than 10 vessels for next The next three days, no strong cold air strikes the island city, the development of stabilized ice conditions.

Central Bay Boulevard near the

Feeding into the frozen sea gulls are not blessed

Cold air, angry, Jiaozhou line is ice blocked. Sea cucumber, abalone and other farmed seafood, can survive the winter under the care of humans, gulls flying out of it? Jan. 17 afternoon, the reporter went to the Central Bay Boulevard near the intersection of Taiyuan Road, the sea, the white ice surface and the horizon seemed, boundless marginal, compared with slightly dead sea ice, sometimes flying above the sea ice, sometimes leaning over a piece of foraging gulls brought to life.

There is a positive sea outfall drainage, only one square meter surface is not frozen, forming small puddles. Puddles emitting white steam, and flocks of gulls feeding stops here. Journalists are not so close, startled seagulls they fly up.

told reporters after the sea gulls for a long time not eat frozen food, will die.

Regardless of mouth
Can not get ready for sea fishermen in

18 morning, the sky filled with clouds, chilly. Regardless of female journalists drove near the mouth of the bridge and saw the bridge on both sides by thick sea ice cover. River into a skating rink, ice white look like to the shore bordered with a

Norwegian journalists went to the frozen river with the small step on the ice with their feet nodded, feeling the ice is very strong. The transparency of ice may seem high, a bit worried about the affordability of it, afraid to go try it, Push threw a stone, did not smash the ice.

Yang came to the city streets east of the West women Gushan Liuting community, I saw where all the inlets are frozen. no sea, there is no sea ice trapped by the things I heard.

Not to the sea, the fishermen are very calm. Nearby villagers told reporters that the fishing boats are docked in the Bay, this time, they will ship to do repairs, and prepare the New Year.
Red Island West Ocean

Hiding in deep mud clam little effect

In the red ocean fishing port on the island of the West, the reporter removed from the sea a floating block, about thirty-four cm in thickness. According to local fishermen said that in the deeper waters where the sea ice is equivalent to twice the thickness.

The most famous red island clams, clams, this season still available? However, when the weather is good, you can break open some of the ice,

Ocean waters off the West Pier with a huge area of ice, sea cucumber farmers are busy with ice water changes have to address the impact of ice conditions. raise the water temperature and oxygen content, so no breeding material damage, is conducive to winter.

intend to do a good job early, do a good job to break the ice pond, oxygenating, water exchange and other preparatory work, and now the ice conditions have little effect on the fishery.

Editor: Yan Lan

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Survey Hong Kong parents of breast-feeding for less than all three into

 Survey party that only less than three percent of respondents will use the whole breast-feeding infants, the ratio is low, the proposed increase to help mothers breast-feeding facilities, and strengthen public education, promotion of children born in the early breastfeeding.

international studies have also pointed out that if children fail in the early intake of proper nutrition, obesity may increase in the future there, suffering from cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk.

the survey, although many parents know that breast milk can help the healthy development of young children, but due to work reasons, lack of milk could not be implemented, more than Qi Cheng Zeng Yi formula feeding parents 6 months child. Among them, the three into a breast-milk feeding and child care, about four as the remaining milk-feeding completely. More than Liucheng or work because of insufficient breast milk and other reasons, are unable to breastfeed frequently.

Chinese University of Hong Kong in November-December 2010 for a project entitled education has at least one parent of children under 3 years old.

Xinhua News Agency reported, according to Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong 16, released a survey, even though many parents know that breast milk helps the healthy growth of children, but only 27.8% of Hong Kong parents Full breast-feeding children under 6 months.

BEIJING, Jan. 17

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Microblogging left blind men and women are left to attract a large number of popular participation for single users

 Over the past year, Guests can also take a public figure, was put on the road of life different from the past. Recently, a portal launched microblogging blind date the same function, and immediately attracted a large number of single users to participate.

see the site launched a blind microblogging services, the User down, hey hey hey, want to find a motivated person I can be fiercely resistant!! the other half.

microblogging site blind date activities, according to the person in charge, microblogging social property for many men and women created the possibility of marriage, they came into being blind microblogging .

Xiao Song said the only good place to compare this thing unreal is the network, sometimes the computer can not tell whether that person is the opposite of the way he described.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Eye-popping 30 million compensation money for divorce or to love

 Give you 30 million yuan, if the condition that you have to divorce your wife or husband, you will do what choice? In today's era of worships money, surely many people will not hesitate to choose to accept, others would be extremely tangled, but still was faced with such a strong temptation, still firm to choose love and marriage.

to force a third party offer for 30 million first wife divorced

recently circulating on the network such a sentence: not big enough.

Recommended reading end of the year Award Great traps high financial impact of the RMB exchange rate geometric outbound Chinese New Year as Area with the district where, a 40-year-old hospital department director and a rich woman had an affair, when the rich woman accidentally discovered she was pregnant, they want to and with the sense of the word department director, department director to make the first wife to Yin,

small text said, according to insiders, Director, career, romantic suave, and his wife have a happy and harmonious family. A chance, Lin Bao met a rich woman Xiaoli plant open house, and with them have feelings. Recently, Xiao Li found herself with child, urging Linbao home with first wife divorced, and promised as long as the first wife agree to divorce, go out into the playing card of her 30 million yuan, has persistently refused to divorce his first wife. To avoid things become significant, Lin Bao units currently in the leadership of ideological work to do to both sides.

the general public: Original

a good thing not to go out, the scandal spread far and wide, the world does not take the air there is no wall, so to force the news quickly spread in the community, become a staple of a hot topic, and soon the Internet caused more extensive hot.

learned that journalists in online surveys, most users feel that first wife Many people believe that since her husband has been derailed, are taking out a big belly people, and things are so big trouble, than take the money and divorce, class had a few life! say with 30 million yuan, afraid not find handsome?

there's derision, said: do the front room, I do the third, so best of both worlds, love money, the things correct. said to the man, 'You did not think the value of 30 million yuan, now you can go.' In fact, let alone 30 million yuan, and 300 million are willing to leave me! I wish a thousand! the world such a mess, loaded plain to see who! Some respondents were willing. One respondent said frankly: that There are quite

Original Human said: One of the respondents said less than into a very tangled, difficult to make choices, both now bear their love and marriage, they can not remain indifferent to such a powerful temptation.

psychologists: to give up a happy marriage is not happiness

this bizarre event in the eyes of the experts and ordinary people are allowed to deliver a different point of view. In psychology experts, the first wife are so

well-known psychologist in Shanghai, said Zhang Yijun: kinds of mental cases, one difficult to face their inner loss, many people believe that marriage is tantamount to failure of loss, even though 30 million yuan is very attractive, but she was reluctant to accept such a feeling of failure, take the money that hurt their divorce dignity, is a disgrace, it refused to divorce; two is a way of revenge fit of anger, refused to divorce, do not let you get away, you do not think that more money from it? But me, your amount of money useless, I'm not leave you uncomfortable, so, I have to become masters, became the winner; third case is the first wife really loves her husband, really want to save the marriage, really do not want to divorce. But it is worth thinking first wife, if not 30 million yuan, if the husband really has been a change of heart, if they are also necessary to protect such an incomplete marriage? From another perspective, even if ultimately you fight off a rich woman's money to campaign to restore her husband's heart, successfully maintained the marriage, it does not mean you are the winner. Because this matter has been so much noise so big, in the minds of both sides left indelible scars in the future of marriage quality may become poor, so that you are no longer happy.

legal experts: Take the money and run very rational

and legal experts, such a verbal commitment is tantamount to a blank check. Engaged in judicial work, marriage, justice, law firm in Shanghai in Gordon, told reporters that if the first wife is really looking at 30 million yuan of the . Third objective was achieved because the rich woman, and to shamelessly refused to pay when you have no alternative. between things, not involving a third party (rich woman), even if his first wife in the divorce agreement requires rich woman to join the terms of compensation for 30 million yuan and can not get support for the Court. Weapon, 30 million yuan if the first wife is willing to accept divorce, in order to avoid Agreement on the effective, because the court will not control your husband how the compensation money come, so, Fupo verbal commitment to this

is for lawyers, if the husband and wife really has been broken, such a delay marriage and then only for both sides uncomfortable. Divorce, the first option is to divorce, take the 30 million yuan to leave. The second option is to divorce proceedings, that if only because her husband is at fault, the wife can pay would her husband and demanded his belongings solatium compensation for mental damages, the amount so far no more than 30 million yuan. So from a rational, said the first relatively best choice, if the wife wants to blow off steam and the choice of divorce proceedings, one can not get so much money, and second, when you do a exhausted out the other side of the mouth foul smells when you are also exhausted, why should it.

sociologist: social values matter of serious side

in the eyes of sociologists, this event is in fact a reflection of current society has a serious deviation of the values. Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Tang Jun, a researcher believes that ordinary families, 30 million yuan is tantamount to an astronomical figure, derailed her husband is a well-known hospitals, although the department director, the ordinary man, already a successful career fame and fortune double harvest of upper class successful, but doctors work under great pressure, family burden was heavy, so the surface looks light of these new people, the heart is still hard to credit cards and offers. Comments from the users, not to mention, most people can see current values of society have serious side materialistic, from the bottom to the top side who will give up the money before dignity, responsibility and family are being watched those originally in value.

, of course, another point of view, first wife, now that marriage is like a tasteless, regardless of whether her husband still loves himself, he had an affair and betrayal have been trampled on the basis of marriage - loyalty and trust, do not want to divorce even if she insists, can be said that both sides have been unable to continue to live in peace as before to live longer.

fact, in the materialistic society, as more and more money from the permeate all levels of society, making an already should be holy, faithful love, marriage has gradually been infected with Not long ago, the Guangzhou Women's Federation, the first release of the 59.2% of the second generation is willing to marry rich. for a long time, very market, and even many young people came down to become a guide to action.

financial experts: the price of love varies

Ha ha. In Xu Jianming view, although the money is not everything, but money is very important, and even our worldly possessions of the most important thing. Although there are many things we can not be measured in monetary terms, such as health, such as life, but in fact these priceless wealth in the hearts of each one of us has a price tag.

Xu Jianming, for example: , to cure the patient, it requires 10% of your total assets to buy, you will choose to buy or not to buy? Some people may choose to buy, some people will feel that 10% of the assets is too expensive, would rather bet that 1% of small probability event does not happen, but if the numbers altered, and you have a 10% probability of death, with 10% of the assets of medicines, you will buy? am afraid many people will buy; if there is a 20% probability of death, to you 90% of assets to buy, how would you choose? different people have different answers, but there will be a buy or not buy the zero boundary point, and the decision to buy the figures, is your life and health in After your heart to quantify the value of money. If the rich woman out of the overweight is between 3,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan between, for example 30 million, the situation is not the same. For the rich, their assets far more than 30 million, certainly not a divorce, but for the poor, 30 million is a huge sum of money, may still be willing to divorce. More people will count, if you choose the divorce proceedings if I could be assigned to 30 million ... ... that is, marriage and love is in the minds of different people have different value standards. As long as the price is high enough, you can sell. Only the first wife in the eyes of this event, the value of marriage, high, even higher than 30 million yuan, or even close to priceless.

In short, this event like a prism, entangled in love, reason and law, between the different perspective from the inside, you will see different things, it lets us have to re-look at your love , to rethink the relationship between love and money.

Monday, January 17, 2011

August 13 pandemic Xu Zhong Hao players hold the thermometer spectators sick

 Last night's game, Bayi Rockets bench, sat a group of players wearing masks, Xu Zhong Hao is holding a thermometer. Iron Army soldiers face appeared in this arena, they battle the first time since the CBA league. One third of the members of the team of influenza, are basically the main players, but still 93:72 Bayi Rockets won the Tianjin Rong steel. A coach Jiang moved and upset, Xu Zhong Hao wearing masks holding thermometer

Tiejun array flu After infusion of 113 hospitals are directly from the venue arrived. Schindler Black said: Schindler Black said, And black have the same experience also includes Wang, Han Shuo, Xu Zhong Hao. As the main team, but one war hanging free card, undoubtedly affected the smooth progress of the game.

Try to get up and walk two steps forward, but the pain and eventually retreated to the sidelines. Only 7 people can play, Ah Jiang continued to emphasize the defensive players. Li Ke, Hook Rush on the defensive end and foreign aid, Lei continued on the offensive end of a hand. Although the end of the race, Lee and Hook can leave for six fouls, Wang take off the masks However, in most of the time, won the main victory of the absence, but also live the fans are worried the one for the patient.

bus back to the hotel car resident sea of clouds, Zhang Bo waste no time sending a micro-Bo 

(This article Source: Modern Golden News)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


 Due to the theme with the works, most tend to jazz style music. To and related stories and scenes out of step, Kanno went to the United States recording, in addition to cooperation with local jazz bands, the number of new songs used in TV animation is generally 3 times . (Mr. Watanabe will be the producer to fully utilize scattered throughout the film. proves once again that: Miss Miss Yoko Kanno animation gives a unique personality and charm)
major music animation include:
Main Base Jazz, Blues, then add a large number of European and American musical elements, including ballads, folk songs (Ballad), classical music, opera (Opera), rock, heavy metal music (HeavyMetal), Samba (Samba), Rap, Hiphop, BossaNova, Techo even European and American pop songs.
believe many people have a deeper understanding of, and many do not understand people who COWBOY BEBOP music unlock some doubts. from a lot of COWBOY BEBOP Soundtrack, we found that many songs, such as the above mentioned features. some songs a warm, lively; some songs the way each question; some songs repeated use of short segments of music; some songs a sense of lack of level fluctuations, the relative volume changes are not frequent; and the band's instruments use relatively stable. .....< br> Album detailed list (in chronological order by publication):
COWBOY BEBOP OST 1 [VICL-60201] [21/05/98]
13.The EGG and I
15.RAIN (Steve Conte) < br> 16.DIGGING MY POTATO
COWBOY BEBOP Vitaminless [VICL-60248] [03/06/98]
2.Odd Ones
3.Doggy Dog
4.Cats on Mars (Gabriela Robin)
6.Fantaisie Sign (Carla Vallet)
7.Piano Bar
8.Black Coffee (Hidden Track)
COWBOY BEBOP No Disc OST 2 [VICL-60202] [21/10/98]
01.American Money
02.Fantaisie Sign (Carla Vallet)
03.Don 't bother none (Yamane Mai)
04.Vitamin A
05.LIVE in Baghdad (Masaaki Endo)
06.Cats on Mars (Gabriela Robin)
07.Want it all back ( Yamane Mai)
09.You make me cool (Masayoshi Furukawa)
10.Vitamin B
11.Green Bird (Gabriela Robin)
13.Vitamin C
15.The Singing Sea (Tulivu-Donna Cumberbatch)
16.The EGG and You
17.Forever Broke
COWBOY BEBOP BLUE OST 3 [VICL-60203] [01/05/99]
1.BLUE (Yamane Mai)
10.CALL ME CALL ME (Steve Conte)
14.WO QUI NON COIN (Tada Kwai)
17. (Secret track) SEE YOU SPACE COWBOYS NOT FINAL (Mai Yamane)
COWBOY BEBOP Music for Freelance [remix album] [VICL-60371] [02/06/99] free mars talk 1
02.Tank! - Luke Vibert Remix
03. radio free mars talk 2
04.Forever Broke - Fila Brazillia Remix free mars talk 3
06.Cats on Mars - DMX Krew Remix free mars talk 4
08.Piano Black - Ian O'Brien Remix
09.Cat Blues - Mr.Scruff Remix free mars talk 5
11.Fe - DJ Vadim Remix
12.Fantaisie Sign - Ian Pooley Remix free mars talk 6
14.Space Lion - 4 Hero Remix free mars talk 7
COWBOY BEBOP Knockin 'on heaven's door ASK DNA [VICL- 35297] [25/07/01]
02. Ask DNA
04. Hamduche
05. Is it real?
COWBOY BEBOP Knockin 'on heaven's door Future Blues [VICL-60756] [29/08/01] [Cowboy Bebop - Future Blues OST + Cowgirl ED single]
01. 24hours OPEN
02. Pushing the sky
03. Time to know ~ Be waltz
04. Clutch
06. Yo pumpkin head
07. Diggin '
08. 3.14
09. What planet is this?!
10. 7minutes
11. Fingers
12. Powder
13. Butterfly
14. No reply
15. Dijurido
16. Gotta Knock a little harder
17. No money
18. gift from YK / Rain (demo) (Hidden Track)
ask DNA
02. Ask DNA
04. Hamduche
05. Is it real?
cowgirl ED
06. Goodnight Julia
07. PAPA Plastic
08. Telephone Shopping
09. Fish 10. Slipper Sleaze
11. 23 words COWBOY BEBOP Future Blues DVD [VIBL-38] [11/10/01] [ ,],[BAD DOG NO BISCUIT
08. The EGG and I
10. Don't bother none
11. Rain < br> 12. CALL ME CALL ME
14. Ask DNA
15. Diggin '
17 . Want it all back
18. Gotta knock a little harder
<ア ン コ ー ル>
21. Blue
22. Is it real?
23. (Piano Solo) YK play に よ る の
COWBOY BEBOP CD-BOX OST Limited Edition [VIZL-64 - (out of print)] [21/06/02]
01. Dialogue 1-1
02. Tank! (TV Edit)
03. Dialogue 1-2
04. Want It All Black (clavinet hater version)
05. Sax Quartet
06. Dialogue 1-3
07. Encore un verre
08. March for Koala
09. Dialogue 1-4
10. Felt Tip Pen < br> 11. The Egg and You
12. Dialogue 1-5
13. Pot City ll (Yab's Dub)
14. Dialogue 1-6
16. Dialogue 1-7
17. Fe
19. Dialogue 1-8
20. Spokey Dorkey (atternate take)
21. Forever Broke
22. Dialogue 1-9
23. Road to the West (with rhythm)
24. Dialogue 1-10
25. Meteor
26. Dialogue 1-11
28. Dialogue 1-12
29. Rain (Female Vocal version)
30. Dialogue 1-13
31. Green Bird
01. Dialogue 2-1
02. Cats on Mars
03. Doggy Dog Ⅱ World 04. Doggy Dog Ⅲ World 05. Dialogue 2-2
06. Piano Bar I
07. Give and Take < br> 08. Dialogue 2-3
09. Cat Blues
10. Dialogue 2-4
11. The Singing Sea Ⅱ
12. Dialogue 2-5
13. ELM
14. WALTZ for ZIZI
15. Dialogue 2-6
17. Farewell Blues (alternate take)
18. Dialogue 2-7
19. Words That We Couldn ' t Say
20. Dialogue 2-8
21. Space Lion (orgel version)
22. Waste Land
23. Dialogue 2-9
24. Goodnight Julie
25. Space Lion
01. Dialogue 3-1
02. Go Go Cactus Man (guitar version)
03. Dialogue 3-2
04. Too Good Too Bad
05. Dialogue 3-3
06. Eyeball
07. Dialogue 3-4
08. amusement park
09. On the Run
10. Dialogue 3 - 5
11. 23, then 12. Dialogue 3-6
13. Don't Bother None (long version)
14. Dialogue 3-7
15. WO QUI NON COIN (し シ ョ ょ ん ぼ ri mト version)
16.m Rousseau)
17. Call Me Call Me
18. Dialogue 3-8
19. Memory
20. Adieu (long version)
21. Dialogue 3-9
23. Dialogue 3-10
24. Blue
COWBOY BEBOP CD-BOX DISC-04 LIVE Movie and after the Movie not included BGM
01 Tank!
02 Rush
03 What Planet is This?
04 Too Good Too Bad
05 Bad Dog No Biscuit
06 Call Me Call Me < br> 07 Mushroom Hunting
08 The Real Folk Blues
09 piano solo
10 Ask DNA
11 SF Game Center
12 Rouya
13 Old School Game
8cmCD contains respectively by Ed / Andy / Ein sing THEME
01 Cowboy Bebop Theme) [Ed]
02 Charm の Andy]
03 Cowboy Bebop Theme) [Ein ]
Tank! The! Best! [VICL-61543] [22/12/04]
1. Tank! (TV stretch)
5. Don't bother none (TV edit)
8. No Reply
12. Gotta knock a little harder
declared in advance that, and everyone in exchange, I found that even though you like the music , but we understand not all the same
the so-called , first album, people have been able to glimpse the beginning of its great charm ~ ~ Then we look at each specific song wonderful place! (although the spectrum is a good song in advance, but still with the spot impromptu the song started. first burst of light to play Bass and Drums, and is a It was Trumpet, Trombone and other instruments of the Some noise, gives a strong sense of rhythm. wonderful place in 1:45: theme fade out show ~! As you can imagine, that fast rotation of the rhythm and melody that we can not melody ~! Saxophone solo the second half, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba and other improvised instruments to join, and at 2:50 the place, completely take over the Saxophone the performances, the main theme sounded again. will lead to the final out of the warm , at 3:15 at, again through a small section of sweetly played Saxophone in and start playing the same loud sound of the end of the whole song ~ ~
among the numerous high-rise buildings in, giving a strong sense of compact chase. twisting melodies, one after another pitch, a good rendering of a dizzying atmosphere. suitable for use in a number of chase scenes in use. It The first time was in the first words of Parker and fugitive Rees and the subsequent melee fighting. This seems a little bit of Jeet Kune Do posture Spike ~! the second time use is the space in the third, then melee. This is the first song to use very frequently. It is worth mentioning here is the trombone trumpet playing such a variety of ways, using a lot of ways to enhance the relatively poor sound and so on trombone trumpet sound. < br> dry, tired, hot, holding the pace of the horse hard in the hot sun holding the front line. In this harsh environment, but a kind of unspeakable comfortable and relaxed. cheerful mood, this is not it ~ Department of Westerns! animation from the use of the term, used in the beginning of the first words: the lens but still pull off a broad dark near the planet, and passed in front of the space portal. Jeter good fried He's a special green pepper pork, music will be completely full length, and only the first 50 seconds or so. gives us a hard life, but in the gift of feeling.
track, free of notes filled with poured. wonderful in 1:08, the simple growl suddenly converted into joy melody melody, people want to join hands and dance. Drums in the Trumpet, Trombone, etc. under the coordination of strengthened sense of rhythm music, jazz trumpeter and trombonist has a .
followed by a single instrument from the beginning, and gradually added. less incorporation of improvisation and bass, as well as samba drum ornament. savor, not a good feeling.
Trumpet solo, all relatively short song, only 1 minute and 36 better. sad, but depression is like singing solo, as if we feel that exposure to cosmic loneliness, helplessness and loneliness. There is a feeling among themselves in the atmosphere, very sad, as if life come to an end, a dead end. simple melody instruments plus simple interpretation is not simple emotions and memories ......< br> charm. Syntheslzer maniplate application, making a beautiful sound and far-reaching synthesis of the performance of students a wider range of fields, Percussion 2:16 seconds in the music slightly on adding to the feeling of primitive life bud, which is a from Africa percussion melodies, showing an enthusiasm for life ~ the whole music style-specific, melodic, very attached to appeal ~ recommendations have not heard, the people must appreciate.
with exotic and elegant three-beat dance music, Guitar, and A. Bass's melodious performance we feel like being in a beautiful aristocratic garden. This is the time to enjoy dessert and afternoon tea, warm sun, a green lawn, people forget all my troubles and unhappiness, feel completely relaxed, as if the liberation and sublimation ~ unplugged acoustic guitar with the bass to have such a fresh and elegant melodies, some people really think of happy memories and stories with country music .
use of some performance parts to enhance the rhythm of the way regtime tension. personal feeling that some of Drums of the Beijing frequently used in some places cover a number of instruments melodies.
life rhythm, and has demonstrated this Synthesizer manipulate the mysterious and unpredictable life. with the guitar plugged in some mysterious voice shown by increased number of psychedelic color, bass also use the electric bass, playing with them so that comparison appropriate. In the second words in the search for clues when a dog used.
The Tenor Saxophone. after respectively Tenor Saxophone and Trumpet of the improvisation. to be said is that the use of a number of Trumpet playing practices (hand over the front speakers) to make the sound dull to distinguish between the front of the high-pitched Tenor Saxophone playing. the song used in the first 4 channels in the portal space, then the melee on the.
points the way to live performance, but not very refined.
vitality. similar to the rhythm of light and sprightly theme of Flute, is a cheerful addition to music .2:00 about the emergence of Scottish bagpipes. From the point of view with the instrument can be said to have more novel, and do out of tune it is also something new.
friendly, beautiful, mildly, flexible and full of skill, as the fingertips, like turning FELT TIP PEN. The first time the use of words in the first: picture walk through the busy streets, the chaotic town, heavy traffic, into a and the music stop here. (the three old man also appeared several times since, is said to mark a three Band)
cried the hoarse voice near Conte, playing with the touch of sorrow, this first interpretation of the song despair dripping helpless to do to. Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain ...... wistful cry , a similar organ in the Tenor Saxophone in cooperation with the click look even more bleak ~. Guitar interpretation also fits nicely. Silent faces in the ground The quiet screams, but I refused to listen ...... true feelings concert Ye Hao times my heart dropped to the bottom. the whole song rhythm of soothing, melodic melancholy, with the use of the church in Session 5 of battle scenes, the people left a deep impression.
and the wonderful performance ah ~ Drums, Harmonica 30 seconds before the first solo, followed by adding the Drums echoed, that stiff in the Bill Lynas harmonica playing sound, the sound or high or low, sometimes long, sometimes short .0:50 start to finish, the color of this song very place, in particular the first half. seemed to have no theme melody Harmonica, Drums are in cooperation with the filling light ~!
We are fragments of memories of the past into the general, sometimes continuous, sometimes tragic interruption. as if the whole play were ecstatic stare, fingertip melodies are completely unaware of the change. This is a rich rhythm playing creative play practices. from the title run, co-ordinated with the perfect melody. Everyone is ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

AMD CEO unsatisfactory growth performance of Lightning

 At the end of AMD Senior Vice President, President, Greater China, after leaving Karen Guo, AMD re-exposed personnel earthquake.
U.S. time on Monday, AMD announced that president and CEO Dirk Meyer (Dirk Meyer) has resigned from the Board. The company CFO Thomas Saifei Special (Thomas Seifert) will serve as interim CEO.AMD will set up a committee to search for new CEO candidates.

the resignation of Dirk Meyer, the market was very unexpected. But look at AMD's official statement, apparently Dirk Meyer, AMD hopes to However, the industry look to the face of a powerful rival of Intel, who can take on this task?

Lightning Dirk Meyer, resigned

Dirk Meyer's resignation is not the slightest sign of advance. News is that AMD announced suddenly on Monday, local time, and pointed out that the decision to resign with immediate effect. AMD CFO Thomas Saifei transition CEO.AMD also set up specially by the Chairman Kefu Lin (Bruce Claflin) led the committee to begin search for new CEO candidates. Kefu Lin was appointed as executive chairman at the same time to assume more control in the interim responsibility. Se Feite will continue as CFO, he was not considered for the permanent CEO position.

served from 2008 Dirk Meyer, AMD's chief executive officer. During his tenure as chief executive in November 2009, AMD and Intel antitrust settlement was reached, access to Intel's 1.25 billion payment, AMD smoothly with the sum of income profitability, and to some extent restored financial foundation.

tenure for the performance of Dirk Meyer, AMD chairman of Kefu Lin evaluation noted that: decision-making, successfully reached a settlement agreement with Intel, and the Fusion APU market. AMD said in a statement: pace. Long-term cooperation with AMD, Microsoft officials said Rahul Sood, Dirk Meyer, a totally unexpected resignation of the news; U.S. investment bank Wedbush analyst Patrick Wang said, Select departure is a surprise

a statement issued from AMD can be seen to promote Dirk Meyer, Analysts generally agreed that, AMD Board of Directors of the companies in the mobile device market, the slow pace of development and Dirk Meyer, the goal dissatisfaction.

Dirk Meyer, last week's CES show in Las Vegas, said company for the Tablet PC and smart phone market is not particularly interested, because this market less profitable. Which is in the market, throw off the arm of its rival Intel is big (Intel recently started to enter the Tablet PC chip market), and Apple is accomplished in the field dominance.

While AMD announced the preliminary reported a fourth quarter, AMD fourth-quarter revenue growth of about 2% of the chain, to 16.5 billion U.S. dollars, slightly more than market expectations. However, the losses have been sustained in the competition to AMD in a very passive position. Last year's second quarter, AMD net loss of $ 43,000,000; third quarter loss of 118 million U.S. dollars.

for AMD who will have to find a suitable successor is very difficult. No matter who becomes a successor, must fight the battle Fusion chips. The chip will be in the near future for PC products.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

China Life held a grand family health care for life • Health Talk

 June 30, China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. held a grand in the country, Deputy Minister, the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, China Health Education Association Mr Yin Dakui, share health information with the national topic of customers. The lecture is the It is China Life 1 + N services to provide customers with value-added services.
Liu Ying, vice president of China Life Insurance Company Limited attended the event together and delivered a speech to thank our customers for the country's strong support of China Life, stressed that China Life as a driving force to further improve customer service system, improve customer service levels, the establishment of a modern human feelings of the service culture.
video lectures to the way the country, the main venue at the Beijing headquarters, while in the country set up 1157 at the venue, a total of nearly 12 million people participated in the event. Mr. Yin Dakui won the professional customer to explain bursts of applause, interactive sessions to enable the exchange of warm and lively atmosphere of the meeting.
This seminar is the first China Life Insurance Client section and the

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today, the same operation Teamsun Ningbo Pharmaceutical development of the sea shipping high level of electrical

 In the broader market, after the second hit in line, the management re-introduction of good, although the market was over-reaction is not like last rose 300 points, but give me the impression that the plates begin to show hesitation hope. Of course, institutions for CPI's announcement tomorrow, to keep a greater amount of caution, so trend and volume of the market's future to the level of sustainability for the rebound with landmark significance. Zishuagu in the beginning there have been a number of high stocks, this also shows that some agencies this year spring market still has optimistic expectations. operation followed a strong stocks, callback appropriate intervention
1, Teamsun basically a replica of the trend on Thursday, to have good amount of amplification. messages have more surface more on 3G the good, and if the recent issuing 3G licenses, we can have higher earnings forecasts. jiacang again today, buying the average price of 26, the results of earnings
2, the same medicine every callback intervene again today, purchase price of 23.05, another new trend in stock prices that pre-judgment is not wrong, medicine, agriculture and the venture capital sector is different from the concept, with the approaching health care reform, there are more opportunities. this time for the same operation experience harvest on the rich far more than the income! Results earnings
3, China Shipping Development is my strong weekend, plan ahead to buy shares, 39.02 opening bid, but finished lower, selling pressure seemed to be somewhat large, if the trend Stop instability leave tomorrow, the result loss
4, Ningbo Ocean plate is also shipping stocks, with the recent substantial increase in freight contract with Shenhua by funding concerns, a very strong trend. from the recent fundamental analysis, International shipping index to a greater rebound in the short term if the tape can have better performance, then such holders of stock also can be assured that at least looks stronger than the development of the sea! purchase price of 15.42, the results of earnings
5, flat high electrical outperform previous trend has been, recently hit a new high today after the shock can be understood to some extent, in any case can still expect the high level, 25.05 in early trading today, to cover short positions, the results of loss of fee
positions: 60% 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Korean media 2011 global sales of home appliances will reach 1 trillion

 According to South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported Jan. 6: American Electronics Association predicted that sales of household appliances by 2011 the world will reach 1 trillion.

5th of this month, according to local time, , said this year the number of home appliance manufacturers will increase about 10% market share will reach 964 billion U.S. dollars.

years ago, part of the shares is expected to soar! Confidential! Market institutions will soon be reversed capital flows have changed dramatically! Main layout
money is plotting a new forecast, the global home appliance industry in North America this year, and China sales will grow by 15%, while sales in Western Europe will grow by about 23%.

In addition, according to the U.S. Consumer Electronics Association statistics that in 2010 total global sales of home appliance products, also reached the highest in the history of the 873 billion U.S. dollars.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Coup makes you more man -

 If you and your wife fight, you have to sleep on the sofa, you do not have guilt or how. You know, the sofa on the treatment of insomnia occasionally Shuishui wonders! a lot of people that their own bedroom with insomnia related to a U.S. survey found that 72% of the men slept on the sofa well, only 27% of people said that his wife or girlfriend can sleep around.

21. 1 hour ahead of time to go to bed

water state of you, will always feel bad exhausted. early in the morning to drink a glass of water, do some cleaning, but also add some internal organs, . pay attention to breakfast

7. take a sit-phase

even if you go busy, but also adhere to the exercise, or running or keys to walk or swim. If you are too confident of their strength, that youth is the capital, would not be so easy to fall, some may tell you anxious.

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After lunch, the body's sleep factor (a kind of sleep can lead to molecular) components increased, the time is most likely to fall asleep at this time drink a small cup of coffee was the best. of course, tea also, as you like! Do not forget to 4 hours before going to bed do not drink coffee, so too excited to sleep.

alcohol make you misty sleep, but instead drink before bed affects sleep because of excitement, although the eyes closed, but in constantly turning the eye. You have to keep in mind before going to bed two hours does not drink beer, dinner, drink a glass or two at most.

24. adjust the fitness of time

iron if your body storage is too low, the body can not produce the oxygen carrying hemoglobin in the blood, people feel tired easily. The best way to iron through diet, using food therapy: fever with iron-rich liver of animals. kidney; followed by thin meat. yolk. chicken. fish. shrimp and beans.

character can also regulate tired. A Dutch study showed that within the work. shy are more likely to feel tired, and outgoing person more energy feet, this is because people love to talk to people who are good with that fun, to their own troubles. pressure and misfortune peremptorily say, they will not feel tired and bored, on the contrary, like the quiet. alone. who does not love the lack of social Such a channel to relieve pressure, a long time, is bound to feel overwhelmed.

10. side shower singing

men rarely eat snacks, You can put some peanuts and raisins in the car, these things contain a lot of potassium, your body needs potassium in the blood sugar into energy; nuts are also good, it is rich in magnesium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, the body will produce a large number lack lactic acid, which easily gives rise to lactic acid fatigue.

19. aromatherapy

18. drive to eat more fiber foods

even eat a good breakfast to half past ten, the day before use stored glycogen is almost gone. you want the rest of the day Attempt to do me the time is still fully charged, then it must Gaga meal. a piece of chocolate, or an energy bar. a few biscuits to supplement the energy outside, but also effectively prevent binge eating lunch.

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23. control the amount of alcohol

5. afternoon coffee

14. meditation

shower singing out loud for the body to release endorphins, resulting in a happy and feeling of happiness and reduce stress. more you a bad mood, the more to sing out, as it really nicely, did not run out of tune, you cares!

get up 5 minutes after the exercise, not only for the body charge, and can burn extra calories. Many people mistakenly believe to be 5 o'clock in the Morning get up and ran a few kilometers is unnecessary, it is not realistic. You just spend 5 minutes doing push-ups and jumping movement, the heart rate, can achieve the desired results; or under the mirror boxing 100 and feel that the process of energy savings.

2. to develop water habits

4. ten snacks

22. and the sun play game

sitting posture , walking in step pull-kick, shy shrug belly, these are usually the energy you have consumed dry performance. sit in the office seven or eight hours, if not to maintain the correct posture, but will feel more tired. either stop or forward, should be established abdomen waist, relaxed shoulders, neck slightly extended sense.

put some spice in the home, especially the rosemary . mint and ginger, can be refreshing, enhance memory, and can treat migraine headaches.

9. stand up and answer the phone

standing call took the opportunity to stretch gymnastics, while a deep breath, so that oxygen-rich blood to flow into the brain. This simple change allows you to fine a few hours two prosperous times.

25. sleep sofa

U.S. study found that people who do not eat breakfast, height and weight ratio (BMI) high, is overweight, but also love drowsy, do something listlessness; pay attention to people who eat breakfast are more energetic, relatively well-proportioned physique. the nutritional health of the Western-style breakfast is: two slices of whole wheat bread. a piece of smoked salmon and a tomato. whole wheat bread, rich in carbohydrates and fiber ; tomato Lycopene facilitate bone growth and health, and prevention of prostate disease is very good; the rich salmon omega-3 fatty acids and protein is more beneficial to the body.

16. nap 20 minutes

6. more talk and more ease Solution

1. Morning 5 minutes

12. trivialize

breath not a fat man eating! do not always think of a stretch to finish a major project, the results themselves too tired to get on the ground. may wish to split large projects into several small works much the same as doing, take a break from time to time, so that while maintaining the physical, but also improve work efficiency, and ultimately can speed up the progress.

One study found that those who go to the gym after work, family fitness, covered with acid, the home shower sleep a good sleep, it is like a new life after, coincidentally, the University of Chicago scholars believe that the evening exercise can increase levels of testosterone, which is essential for energy metabolism.

17. iron

20 minutes of rest is the best, it is actually the role of an hour with the nap is no different. An hour for most one is a bit long, sleep too heavy, could not sleep well at night.

men house 2010-12-08 13:35:22 Read 103 Comments 1 font: medium and small subscription

20. more comedy

15. daily exercise

Coup makes you more man -

University of Massachusetts study shows that the mood of anger and hostility are more in the winter, and summer is relatively small. the sun can increase brain serotonin levels, improve frame of mind, body charge. might be exposed to the sun for all the travel or travel opportunities.

; morning, sleepy, get up first, not busy, sitting comfortably sat on the bed, straight back, close my eyes and quickly exhale and inhale with the nose, mouth Weibi. (This chest exercise should be the same as the bellows quickly and machinery to carry out)

You have not found that effective method is to use the paddle device, pay attention to proper posture; feet flat, knees slightly bent, propellers stopped right on the chest.

problems encountered in the work , short-lived fad and can not resolve, it is better take a break, such as to a cup of tea, change their brains, and then go on. tired quick breath, the deep breath (number 3 below), then call out (number 6 below); or looking through the sports magazine, Internet browsing entertainment, gossip, whom chats, perhaps inadvertently inspiration came.

13. exercise the back

11. make optimistic friends

optimistic. energy up a friend or colleague cute, they are always positive emotions can infect people around. not only talented and smart people contacts, but also to and those passionate, positive people and make friends; with a pessimistic. stay with people who like to complain for 30 minutes, your energy will be depleted indirectly

60 minutes more sleep refreshing effect equivalent to two cups of coffee. This means you go to bed early for an hour a day, rather than the weekend hard to sleep late. Otherwise, the clock is disrupted, the overall feeling dizzy. 
8. relaxation with

laugh smile, ten years less. Laughter exercises the facial muscles, change your facial circulation, thereby enhancing the attention. British scientists recently released study shows that although described as happy not able to keep saying their youth, but maintain a pleasant mood of people every day indeed more healthy, the risk of cardiovascular disease. lower the risk of diabetes.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sanya meals, lodging, travel options Raiders (very detailed)

 Sanya meals, lodging, travel options before
Raiders came back from Sanya, Sanya going to travel to friends, make a few small suggestions can be considered a summary of their right of tourism in Sanya! This is a very hard finishing out Do not forget to give me support Oh! hope to give you a pleasant trip of help and wish you a pleasant journey, leaving the easy romantic memories!
one, ready to articles - Sanya preparation before the trip
1. Item
essential items: The Raiders, sunscreen, after-sun repair cream, sunglasses, myopia, contact lenses (eg myopia), goggles, umbrellas, hats, brushes, towels, cell phone and charger , DV and charger, anti-allergy (such as allergies), diarrhea medicine, anti-stroke medicine cold medicine, pain medicine, essential balm, anti-inflammatory drugs, Bundy (large), water repellent, sandals, clothing (with a few more set of easy to dry), air tickets, identity cards, portable, said the cash (note belt change), sandals, bathing suits, towels, keys.
optional items: DV, cameras and chargers, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving shavers, shaving device (part of the beauty and women), chargers, MP3 and cable, food, laptop computer (a computer with Internet access Horizon), the reader, a fruit knife (and hotels by or placed in checked baggage ), paper, pens, cotton swabs, nose clips, ear plugs, shampoo, hair conditioner.
note: contact lenses, many of my friends are not, but if you are short-sighted and want to see beautiful guy in the swimming hook person's body shape and colorful underwater scenery, the best buy one, do not recommend use of goggles with myopic lenses and sunglasses.
2. airfare, hotels, travel agents booking
2.1 Travel: After reading this article , do not choose, and ask for it, really to sleep on the train, get off to urinate, to the attraction is the photographs. that example, I like fishing, fishing in Sanya booked a show, starting at 2 pm, 4 half back, the boat, except me and two other individual, but is about a team of twenty tour, all the way to go for half an hour from the East China Sea, to the destination, start angling, each human hair had a fishing rod to catch their opening it, the results of the depressed hematemesis, first: not a coral reef where the ship stop area, the number and types of small fish; Second: Baoxiang engine boat, the fish are scared away , asked why not turn off, and the answers (with the cabin crew and tour guides in the following sleep to air conditioning, authorities launched, the air conditioner can not); the third, the ship stopped in the open sea, no wind, the wind turn the ship, fishing line to vote down the result for a winding course of nearly two hours, all people on the boat 3 / 4 does not open, there is also opening a small fish finger, two, all that BS-ing, and management turned a deaf ear, and later There is also a shameless and tour guides talk about rebate problems, appears to have been unanimous, the language a bit agitated (in Cantonese, did not really understand). feeling quite fooled.
ticket: Recommended on
Second, accommodation articles - the choice of hotel
many intermediary sites comparing prices, or the choice of Ctrip. You see if the economy on the recommendation of the Chinese economy hotel network, and similarly, the price of your weekend more than 20% . Sanya concentration of the three accommodation, Sanya Bay, the East China Sea, Bay, here are several characteristics of the hotel:
Yalong Bay:
mm day domain best hotel environment: a beautiful beach hotel, the hotel swimming pool rockery everywhere, beautiful environment, Horizon II is a newly developed, over the fourth floor of the room even better conditions, there is a feature of each room is equipped with 17-inch LCD monitor with audio and free broadband computer DVD drive, a also have free broadband and computers, but computers worse.
cost-effective mm Palme d'Or: Hotel facing the sea, on the back by the lake, the west side of the newly renovated house, good facilities, the disadvantage is the next to cross the road to the beach, it is recommended silver relatively tight, but still have friends to enjoy the environment near the beach.
mm Aegean comes with the hotel kitchen, Ho Hai:
hotel with a kitchen, you can own cooking for family travelers, but the price is high. The best sea view
mm Marriott Hotel: Deluxe Sea View Room is the best to see the sea, live A Building, room number, the second number is 0), sea view room, which by the Hilton Hotel there, Because both the front of the hotel swimming pool and overlooking the pool is very nice, room number, the bigger the better ending, recommended ending 36 and 38, floor 5, or more as long as they like.
Sheraton (smaller room than the Marriott, Garden is the best luxury hotel, but too commercial):
If children live with the Sheraton, then the first floor living room or circular atoll pool view room would be better off atoll pool room from the balcony can go directly to went to the swimming pool, while the first floor of the circular room view from the balcony to go directly to the garden. insisted on a Deluxe Sea View (more money and no place to use), we must live in the West Wing, Sheraton Ho sea is very general.
cheapest hotels mm Cactus: far from the beach, walking distance to 15 minutes, but the price is cheaper beach hotels for more than half the battery hotel shuttle bus to the beach.
most other hotels near the sea front line mm Gloria, Sheraton, Hilton: the feeling of a little business of the doctrinal, conditions are similar.
the East China Sea:
mm Intime old five-star hotel: adjacent to the beach, have a good garden, the evening featured self-service barbecue.
cost hotels mm southerly:
less than 200 a night, the relative price, the condition can be considered tolerable.
Sanya Bay:
the best choice to stay home apartment mm: < br> Sea View Sea Garden is the best conditions for you, the basic price of 200 yuan, for permanent friends on holiday there, the whole field of vision open sea, the rooms comfortable and clean, digital television, but the room toothbrush, toothpaste, mineral water what are the needs of consumption, the price is basically the market price. one room with a computer and broadband, the bed is a heart-shaped water bed, but only 3 months in advance to set. N much more attractive to other family hotel, basic Internet Search Search overwhelming, cheap 50 a day, conditions can in fact, is basically a big bed with air conditioning with digital TV separate bathroom and hot water, and some could see the point of the sea.
Wuzhizhou mm Concept Sea Loft: The most expensive 800 a night, have an early set Oh, another good repellent for water, personal advice for one night, because if the past is only during the day sightseeing, one so many people, and second, the sun had drugs, bad water , and by five o'clock on the outside of the tourists have gone, then this beautiful island is unique to your world, and the temperatures moderate.
insights and summary:
Beach quality: centipede support Chau Island: Bay: East China Sea: Yalong Bay, Sanya Bay = 10:8.5:6:4
half an hour away from the city, Sanya Bay, the East China Sea and adjacent close, all in urban areas, are very easy to go out.
sea view room for the Bay is, in fact, plenty of personal feeling, if not too much money, not much is necessary to choose, because lean on a railing overlooking the room a few minutes of time will then go out onto the balcony or to the beach to see is a kind, and most of the room is sleeping, watching TV. the first time to taste a fresh, live in a day can be the first time I went there for a four-day stay, and now think about it, Routong endless, it is better to live the whole family apartments, cost-effective, comfortable living, scenery, save money at the same time, what is more convenient.
Prudential Hotel booking in the need to carry credit cards, no credit card required to pay the money directly online does not work, people feel very unreasonable, get our hands on the money in advance, should it not be better for hotels and intermediaries?
sea view rooms and garden view room on the choice: if not more money to spend does not go out, if not there are special reasons, in fact, not necessary to choose the sea King room. in terms of room size, furniture, decoration style configuration compared to no sea view room, garden view room and the important difference, I hope we can be a reasonable consumer in this respect, the right choice. When you stand on the beach, strong winds hit with every part of your body, and finally see the sea in the room to understand how the error. ebb and flow, listen to its voice, approached it only you can feel close to it.
time on the hotel occupancy and check (CHECK OUT) Time:
Hotel Check-in time in accordance with the provisions set at 2 pm, check-out is at 12 noon.
because star hotel at least 45 minutes to clean the room / rooms. so the hotel needs allow time for cleaning. but usually, as long as the room discontent, not intentionally at the request of guests can stay at 2 pm, and you can also request LATE CHECK OUT to 2 pm, the hotel will not be much money, and Of course the premise or the room is not full.
three traffic articles:
1, Sanya, a taxi can be bargain prices, best not to their play table. Basically, all the city is 5m7 per Sanya, Yalong Bay each Hotel between 5 yuan, 40 yuan urban areas back to the Bay during the day, 45 per night, 40-50 (after 21 pm), Bay to downtown 35-40 yuan (usually 35 yuan, if just a private car also the line back to the urban 20-25 million), Airport - Bay 70-80 million (less if the bow, back to the airport, you can go to buy fruit 30 per city, and then to the airport from the city of 20-30 million). chartered If you go to Nanshan day, centipede of the islands, hot springs and the like 170. taxi drivers are mostly wild speculations, you have to boldly cut. Yalong Bay hotel taxi try not to hit the taxi car park (Boy and they are a group) generally much more expensive (unless he can go to the above prices), to go up the road shouting, a lot. Another car approached the driver will mess with you, do not ignore, whatever deal on the line, or wasting the money I did not say not to blame. believe sina, Do not listen to hotel staff and drivers of calumny. to the Spring Garden bring you the driver must be careful to leave the place (what the spring element, like Thai Garden ah), next to the driver that comes to Dragon Spring Garden Hotel ! another look at their maps to buy in advance.
2, Sanya is known for making the drivers kickbacks. to tell you the truth, such as to Wuzhizhou, ticket total is 123 yuan / person, but the driver can get one person to send rebate of up to 60 yuan, so you do not even the taxi fare is someone to drive you to, but they would still like to give you a decent bargain mode, you must resolutely expose the underlying profits. return when Since there is no rebate, and their asking price higher, if it does little for it, you can temporarily come back to find a few people carpool.
3, buses should be fully utilized. urban only one main street (Jiefang Road), north-south, to major attractions, shopping, dining destination, this way can be .202 for the axis is very convenient bus, frequency of many (all seats), conductor driver warm, cheap (no ticket 1 yuan / person). how to really feel a city bus to sit down now.
Sanya bus lines
1 Road (formerly 201 Road): Dan, the state quarters, new administrative, Zhuoda building, on River Primary School, Fort Yung-kan, transport quarters Pro Chunqiao, city gov, Chinese Medicine Hospital, Bus Terminal, City II, waterfront theater, the first market, port.
2 Road (formerly 202): Hainan University, the new, the home district, Intermediate, ATC station, West Point, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, Guoxi Hotel, the secondary market, Danzhou Village, People's Hospital, Bus Terminal, City II, waterfront theater, the first market , Palace of Culture, City, Phoenix Plaza, Hawaii Hotel, City Hotel, the East China Sea, the city garrison, East Point.
3 Road (formerly 203 Road): Land Reclamation college, city timber mill, ditch water litchi, litchi Ditch the market, Land Reclamation retired cadres, the original horizon cement, home gardens, city Intermediate People's Court, West Point, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, just south of the junction, Spring Garden Seafood Plaza, City Park, Chinese Medicine Hospital , Water Tower, terminal market, the Forestry Bureau, Pearl Garden, Hong Kong market, the Palace of Culture, City, Phoenix Square, the South China Sea Villa, City, sixth in the sea south of the market, rescue stations, Luhuitou village.
4 Way ( the original 204): Station, agriculture, hospitals, friendship junction, on River Bridge, Guoxi Hotel, the secondary market, Danzhou Village, People's Hospital, Water Tower, terminal market, Galaxy Building, Pearl Garden, Hong Kong market , Cultural Palace, three small city, the first market, the leap forward intersection, gov second run, the new air bridges, Lao Ganju, east of the river police station, prosecutors, City Experimental Middle School, Hong Kong Mun Village, City, Phoenix Plaza, Hawaii Hotel, City Hotel, East China Sea, Sanya Garrison, East Point.
5 Road (formerly 205 Road): HNA College, a city, the lights are, Lingbei Village, Dan states area, safely Bureau, Zheng Ji as traffic revenue, Accident Division, tobacco companies, Yuya salt residential district, City Fifth, transportation district, the hotel tomorrow, the city gov and one office, the new wind Road, River Road, the first market, the new Seaview Hotel, Sanya Bridge, City of Phoenix Square, under the foreign field, Pro Spring area.
6 Road (formerly 206): Sea slope (Kempinski Hotel), Wan Bo Hotel, HNA Hotel, Sanya Bay Road, Youyi Road, the liberation of four, months River bridge, on River neighborhood, city V, gov one office, hotel tomorrow, the Pro Spring Rd, City, City Fifth, gov one office, hotel tomorrow, the Pro Spring Rd, City, Cultural Palace, Hong Hong Kong market.
7 Road (formerly 207): Betterment of Hong Kong Road, Jiefang Road, auspicious Road, Sanya Bay Road, Jinjiling Street, Yuzhong sea line, Institute of Export Road Sanya, Sanya College.
8 Road : East Station, Yuya Road, Shiomi Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Jiefang Road, Guangming Road, Sanya Bay Road, Haihong Road, Airport Road to the Phoenix Airport
9 Road: Field independence (City National School), Welcome Avenue, Phoenix Road, Pro Chunqiao, Xinfeng Road, Victory Road, Guangming Road, Phoenix Islands.
10 Road (New Line): Egret Park, Phoenix Road, Yuya Road, Shiomi Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Liberation Road, Jinjiling Street, Jinjiling Bridge, First Ring Road extension of, the Sports Center by Phoenix Road to Egret Park.
11 Road (New Line): Conch Farm, Phoenix Road, Welcome Road, month River Bridge, the sea on Square, Sanya Bay Road, Guangming Road, Victory Road, Betterment of Hong Kong Road, Jiefang Road, Sanya Bridge, Yuya Road, Pro Spring Rd, Feng booming Bridge, Spring Road, conch farm.
12 Road (new line): City park, Sanya, Hexi Road, Jiefang Road, Jinjiling Street, Jinjiling Bridge, Sanya Bridge, Hexi Road, Sanya, urban park (two small ring).
13 Road: West Point , back to the Village, Phoenix Town, plastic water village, the peak station, South Island.
14 Road: West Point, Sea Yu West Line, West Line of Expressway, Yucai roads, Yucai.
15 Road (formerly 102 Road): West Point, agriculture, hospitals, Friendship Road,; four hundred twenty-five Hospital, Jingwei Hotel, Seaview Hotel wins Italy, Bank of China Training Centre and the Grand Hotel, the red sun restaurants, terminal markets, Water Tower , City Chinese Medicine Hospital, Central Hotel, the Thai star hotel, People's Insurance Company, City Experimental Middle School, Hong Kong Mun Village, the municipal fields under the ocean, the East efficiency Coconut Grove Hotel, East China Sea, East Station, the European homeland, red sand, Field independence, six villages, Yalong Bay Square, Underwater World Hotel, Yalong Bay.
16 Road (formerly 101 Road): Hong Kong market, the Civil Aviation Station, back to the new station, back to the Village, Phoenix Town, Phoenix airport road, Phoenix Village, barrel well neighborhood, west line high-speed intersection, Private Estate, West Island terminal junction, the junction area ends of the earth, a distant town, Nanshan Temple.
17 Road: Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge, municipal Shiomi Bridge, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red sand pier.
18 Road (formerly 302): Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge, municipal fields under the ocean, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red elm village, field independence.
19 Road (formerly 304 lines): Port Authority, to build Hong Kong Road, Sanya Bridge , the municipal fields under the ocean, the East China Sea, Bayi Middle School, East Point, Lu Middle School, neighborhood red sand, red elm village, field independence Town, An Luo village, army four thousand eight hundred and two factories, safety tour. < br> 20 Road: West Point, Jinjiling Road, Jinjiling water, city suburban courts, intermediate courts, a city, the division headquarters farm exports Road, South New Farm, litchi ditch, labor camps, the United Driving School training base , Welcome Road, teaching teams, field independence, the town, group force pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies enjoy through, Tongji Science and Technology Park, Wuzhishan City entrance road, in the Liao Village, Tai Mao.
four play articles:
Sanya is only suitable for Ziyou Ren, is not suitable with the group, all local scenery or less, the proposal only to the Bay and Wuzhizhou sufficient, and loved ones, life at the beach for some time, quietly, that is indeed a very enjoyable thing.
1, Yalong Bay beach and the hotels are good and worth a visit. do not buy a ticket, walk along the beach can be entered. Yalong Bay beach is beautiful. to Sanya, you are Where not to go on the beach every day to stay here, will not suffer. swimming, walking, sunbathing on the couch mm comfortable. see the hammock to play with it, very good.
If you like walking, proposed along the Yalong Bay beach, Yalong Bay Center Square, walk to from the Sheraton Hotel, came back to the hotel through the million cents, take the road. There were very few Italian share of quiet and ya, like walking in their own garden in.
2, centipede of the Island: The Island centipede to find out before the weather, wind and waves are not big on the island. Shuiqing, three Sea the most beautiful places on the ferry in the past, about 15 minutes, the ship open soon, a little windy encounter with the pirate ship-like ride, especially fun, motion sickness, seasickness serious friends, please note that 30 minutes before boarding eat seasickness medicine, or to the island and then basked in the sun, nausea and dizziness to ensure you uncomfortable, you count the day reimbursed. on the island to eat more expensive, ordinary noodles one night to 20, but go inside to 4,5 meters down the road there is a buffet, 50 yuan / place a cheap shrimp, Luorou, crabs and other seven or eight dishes, fruits are bananas and cherry tomatoes, orange juice beverage is the staple food for bread, rice, eat also, the price is quite rare in this place, and pay attention to is too early to go, the best 11:30.
other matters:
1. Island flushing (10 yuan / person) and chair (50 yuan / hour) had to ask for money;
2. not allowed to walk on the right side of the island by the past, can only sit around the island to go to car battery;
3. to bring towels and bathing suits. on the island, be sure to bring enough water before, be sure to bring enough sunscreen, be sure to 50sp +, otherwise set is the tan you Pikairouzhan.
4. If you want to be completed, it is better to spend the night on the island, more a good experience in this island style. and can avoid the noon peak flow.
5. The island has a wide variety of entertainment, the charges are a lot of money, most are not worth playing is the semi-submersible vessels, and have not seen floating underwater scenery and more potential charges as well. If physical conditions permit, or play with shore diving, remember that before the sea and coaches must make it clear, do not need to take pictures and do not need video, or coaches will sell to you again.
other entertainment items to does not matter, do not recommend you to burn.
everyone on the island after the island's attractions can be visited on foot, cars can also choose to take a sightseeing tour. take a sightseeing car price eighty-two kinds of thirty and thirty's no need to sit, do not see anything, mainly in the island turn, eighty of the week you can see all the beautiful island scenery.
6. Lover Bridge: Wuzhizhou the most beautiful scenery on Valentine's bridge, want to take pictures of this place enough.
7. Koon Yat Rock: sunrise: 6:30 start bright day, 7:10 or so will be out of the sun, watching the sunrise 6:30 to go out more appropriate. on the concept of rocks to climb on . Island Highway. only be allowed to have car batteries, can not walk. in the mountains after a rock island, the island is the best place to watch the sunrise. along the road to Sunrise rock climbing. about half an hour later, the front reached the end, Only a big, big stone. went to the Sunlight Rock, walk along the well marked road, and we do not like the subject written by the island, the island is not large, are very close, temples I had long wanted to climb Hill to get to, in fact, a few minutes to down the temple next to the (right) the road has been walking the right path on to the Sunlight Rock (15 minutes) is up, it's beautiful place. sit cable car around the island swim to go directly to the Sunrise Rock , car batteries are not to view on rocks, you can arrange with them so you can view at rock temples of people back then to help you call for a battery car to pick you continue to swim around the island.
8. pier fish, thousands of fish gather together most of the scenes must have not seen, lean on a railing at the pier can enjoy a bird's eye view, you can watch the way back so when the ship.
Nantian Spa: very simple, good contact, the car in the past bubble it is. what Valentine pool, dozens of large and small, traditional Chinese medicine pool, but are similar, not much difference, some pond water temperature high, pay attention to point it wants to focus on recommended fish spa pool, many people may not adaptation, should have a strong ability of anti-itching for the job who was coming in, 5 seconds without moving there will soon bite the fish swim around the outer skin of your skin, if you can adapt it, then cool, if for a long time without moving around will be surrounded by a layer of dense fish, soak my feet after the corn is good, thanks to fish them. If you want to stimulate the point, which point there are ten centimeters long fish (out of 2 ~ 3 cm), I only dare legs into it, pretty interesting to.
1. There are many hot springs around the meadow grass flies, very fierce, as long as a stick, half a second of time is enough (no exaggeration), then there will be a poison wrapped 2 to 3 cm in diameter, extremely itchy, can not be without is the elimination of half a month, usually thousands of students move mosquito careful. Here I will be worship those who dare to lie on the ground as early as the person hammock, actually afraid, I passed through the grass are tossed towels, dancing break dance in the past, but also bitten one. mm 囧 2, is said not to Paowan after spring shower, back to the hotel after wash, this will be effective.
outdoor free exercise: This is highly recommended, and I was the first time to play before the last day of the project comes to an end to the times before the real feeling of Sanya, a few days before hot springs, go to the Island centipede with this project than simply can not, feel at least take two days to play this. content is generally fishing, fishing for abalone, sea urchins, barbecue, snorkelling, diving (we going to pay) . The price is generally 200 ~ 300 / person, a good deal, playing so cool. My favorite is of course the fishing, the tropical coral zone, catch the fish on the strange, colorful flowers and the next moment you'll never guess What fish hook, a common grouper, Samui, tiger fish, hh, catch on to note that after the fish do not touch the tiger, so the boatman or team leader to help you solve this thing quills are nerve toxins, Although no danger on the thorn, but the pain should people killing (ME is one of the victims.) businesses according to different destinations, the line is also not different, basically the original ecology of the areas are not developed, probably the main area Jin mother angle, Bedford Bay, Valentine Bay, etc., is quite the free exercise there is a name, CCTV wealth did a feature story reported, .
five, Food
We must remember that those who send cards, or a free shuttle bus cheap food stalls do not eat, could not have even hesitated. do not believe it, you'll regret waiting it.
proposals are in the hotel to eat breakfast, lunch, random address, it is important dinner or to the city resolve. Sanya hotel's breakfast usually end until 10:30, we can safely asleep woke up. Meanwhile, the proposed hotel try to eat meals.
Sanya is an important line of activity is to eat seafood, now start your culinary journey into Sanya:
1. Spring Garden Plaza
pick Seafood Seafood: Eat, then go to Sanya definitely go and ran seafood, seafood in Sanya usually pick their own, and then to the processing of seafood stalls, personal recommendations, to Spring Garden seafood friends, do not know to pick seafood, you can find 6 ranked No. 8 wheat, they chose the seafood is very good, the crab is fat, yellow lot, conch meat is tender, craft is also good, so we go every time they eat seafood, where to buy seafood will help us when the bargain, want to affordable little friends can also go to the first market to buy, because we usually are eating seafood at night, during the day and play one day to the attractions, food would be more later, here we should pay attention, to catch the 5:00 to go, Otherwise, no good thing left. buy seafood attention to anti-cheating, remember that the point is not because they are cheap, I went to a bad back when, and happy to see a crab, a half a sheet of A4 paper more than a large, a question was 25 pound, hurry out and buy, and to let people stand for a process to end out of a pile of shells and meat, to realize that this just-for-finished shell crabs, looking like large, which are empty, So pick a crab must be spotted, if you really do not have this experience, in 6 rows 8 to Spring Garden find it, they will help you select a good seafood. recommend the following seafood:
humphead wrasse, grouper, Tsing Yi
(steamed), wild shrimp
(garlic), shrimp
(boiled), Phi shrimp
(mantis shrimps),
and Le Crab (stir-fried onion ginger ),
three crabs
(large steamed), Green Crab
(fried), mango Lo
(Do not burn too old boss, add pepper), small elephant trunk clam
, juice

mango coconut seafood stalls
choice: Seafood comes to Sanya stand, then it is everywhere and the most famous is the Spring Garden, and we eat is 6 row 8, I feel good (recommend), Note: ① Hainan, where the female attendants stand to call young girl, not a lady (or a Hotel and aircraft can be called Miss); ② Do not eat the food stalls near the beach seafood, they do not look specifically knock Raiders to go out and tour the place; ③ local taxi and tricycle to introduce you to the place do not go. who sent cards, or a free shuttle bus cheap food stalls do not go Otherwise, eat kill you top, to the regret can not run soon, unless you are Liu Xiang (pre-injury).
seafood seafood, the amount of drink white wine and vinegar, but eating Seafood should not drink beer.
after eating seafood, not to eat within an hour of cold drinks, watermelon and other foods, and do not immediately go swimming;
seafood rich in protein, easy to protein allergies Oh please do not bulimia.
the most important thing is to eat seafood, > Remember: Spring Garden Seafood Pearl Plaza Mall in the back door, after a direction from the East China Sea, Sanya Bridge, River Road has been extended north to go. proposed bus ride to the Pearl Plaza 202, the front door, back door and then to 100 meters forward can, or to Guoxi Hotel (Lucky Street), turn right down the auspicious Street, 500 meters. (drivers who want to take you off the Spring Garden)
Hotel features buffet:
cactus Self: to trip Sanya, always a little something back, mostly concentrated in three categories: Hainan specialty (snacks), seafood, fruit, shells. These can be bought in Sanya city, and shopping spots as far as possible not to buy.
specialty is best to buy a large supermarket to the urban area, the largest local supermarket and the supermarket million Fulong Wang Hao, near the bus station in Sanya, take the 202 bus to arrive, you can buy some snacks and specialties. feel coconut cake is still relatively good, there are specialty coconut candy, soft candy is more delicious, as well as coconut pancakes are delicious, Wang Hao supermarket carton packaging can also be free to use, very convenient.
Sanya is a place where most tropical fruits , cheap fruit here. In the street there are many fruit stalls, dinner, 198 / bit, to bring honesty PASS, the coupon tear them to 138 / bit, nothing too special features, there are large adult male crabs palm (not including legs), some of the common meat, Hainan characteristics fruits (rambutan, wax Han), the dessert. but the taste was okay, people like to eat that giant red tongue like mango Lo meat (raw), and the onion roll together, glued to the mouth of a mustard plug, scared! mouthful of chewy in his mouth delicious, sometimes with tears this interesting! no need to pay attention, it wants to eat.
Silver Taihai fresh BBQ Buffet: Dinner, 168 / bit, to bring honesty PASS price is 128 / bits of seafood is one of several species of snails, shrimp, other did not, and then the pork, beef, chicken, chicken wings gradually getting more of a ready-made dishes . Please Note: ① go early (5:30), Intime is located in the East China Sea, many people go for half an hour later, seafood and desserts to running out (the hotel does not Tim); ② Do not worry about taking a lot of vegetables, then began to eat, especially ready-made food, you are hot when you hold it, and so on the table, still misses the other side of the grill, side back, and consequently the cold; ③ here first barbecue here said that under the rules of the guests holding their own and take their food dishes, vegetables selected, take a plate with a number of clips to clip up into the left side of the desk attendant queue, discharged after the waiter take it grilled, baked, after the food onto the original plate, put his right on the stage, guests pick their own numbers by as barbecue a long time, some guests to do otherwise, and will be ready to take over, so many people of poor quality directly to the waiter to get the right food to others , and so you come home and find something you have long since been taken away, and then re-pick the things that did not left Han, and finally make do with a point easily found the team to a long row of N, the result is you eat the meal really breath
, also did not have to Gesha, to prevent this from happening, you point to involvement, the whole staring at it. In fact, there is a very simple, so that waiters are all baked into the back, When guests come get reported number, number on right away, do not die on a slap shot, or simply for a pair of clip on the Take.
Farm hospitals across the market as the third most expensive , the morning fruit prices slightly more expensive than the afternoon. If in the first market to buy, the price is, but should pay attention to weight,more delicious than that in Shanghai's more, there are also very delicious banana.
shopping gift articles and more expensive farmers market fruit. The main are: mango, banana, coconut, papaya, rambutan, Four Seasons watermelon, dragon fruit, Syzygium, avocado, capers, mangosteen, and so on. Sanya, the tropical fruit market, there are two locations, one is the first farmers in Sanya market; the other is the Hong Kong market, Victory Road, the two are wholesale markets, which the fruit is really very cheap, I packed a lot of home, spent a lot of fee, there is a string together with the line The tea tastes good, 2 dollar string, this is my 6 ranked No. 8 in the Spring Garden when the awareness of seafood as a tea, boss is under fire for herbal tea, really good drink, and then ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


 At 11:17 on January 14, 2010 Source: Baidu Entertainment
classic modern themes TV series style, and throwing up and complaining. Gaussian jokes that the role background, different from the conventional narrative with a careful start. play a group of energetic young people also experienced the changes of that era. Gaussian role played by Ah Xiang called one of the biggest changes in the role play. from the early The pungent to the resentment of the late, until the grievances of the kind will occur is a series of changes, although often in unexpected makes sense.
in the play, Gaussian quarrel with women not only keep up, had to argue with a man . This allows quiet Gauss made difficult. Because of the scenes and a lot of YE, the two meet is basically a fight. Gaussian, laughing, her introduction, the changing role of Ah Hong of this great personality coupled with their not the same, each time into the role as Gaussian as for the individual. But praise the director Quedui Gaussian is a plus, She contrasts the roles of the past, throwing very place. the shoot out to see the film over and over again to find where the problem lies, and finally found the to fight it but also take into account the feelings of a shift can be directed for several Ah Hong recognition is not a small breakthrough.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Treatment of cotton to be walking foot

 Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, director of orthopedic doctors advise CAO Xiao Jian:
walk After the limb numbness, dizziness, walking the same as standing on cotton, which actually has a very close between cause and effect relationship. In recent days, suffering from neurological diseases, cervical disease combined with Mr. Zhang, after the people of Jiangsu Province hospital for treatment after the pain out of trouble.
December last year, Zhang began to feel numb left hand, left shoulder, left arm pain from time to time; a month later, his right hand began to numb, the local hospital diagnosed as cervical spondylosis. slowly , Zhang hobbled walk, feeling like CAO Xiao Jian, MD, orthopedic director of the hospital found that patients with clinical manifestations and symptoms of cervical disease is not entirely consistent. is associated with neurological disorders?
through expert consultation Neurology found that patients also suffer from something called subacute combined degeneration of spinal nerves system diseases. analysis, patients had gastroduodenal surgery done 30 years ago, small intestine absorption affected, leading to long-term absorption of vitamin B12 difficulties, triggering a subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord.
experts advise: Spinal cord subacute combined degeneration of the most common early symptoms of ataxia, such as the development of the body stiff, unable to walk. disease and cervical disease, cerebral infarction, senile dementia, hydrocephalus, peripheral neuropathy and other symptoms of the disease are very similar, misdiagnosis rate is high. need to be reminded that patients from the start with step cotton

Monday, January 3, 2011

The classic tale of life-changing (always look at and reflect)

 1, tolerance
a pig, a sheep and a cow was kept in the same corral. One time, Shepherd caught the pig, it is loud howl, violently resist. Sheep and cows hate it howl, he said: live in me, but it is killing me!
different positions, different people their environment, it is difficult to understand each other's feelings; therefore, others frustrated, frustration, grief, should not gloat, but should be caring to understand the mood. be forgiving heart!
2, on their own
snail asked her mother: Why we are born, we should bear this hard and heavy shell do?
Mother: Because Our bodies do not support bone, only to climb, and climb slowly. so to the protection of this shell!
snail: sister no bones caterpillars, also climbing fast, why she was not back this hard and heavy shell do?
Mother: Because her sister could turn into a butterfly caterpillars, the sky will protect her ah.
snail: bones, but did not climb earthworm unhappy brother, he does not turn into a butterfly and what does not back this hard and heavy shell it?
Mother: Because earthworms brother will drill soil, the earth will protect him ah.
small snail and cried: We are so poor, does not protect the sky, the earth is not protected.
snail mother consoled him: The most ferocious sharks and tropical fish in the same group of a pond, and then separated with a glass, first, the shark can not see every day for the piece of glass collision resistance, where it is only futile, it still can not go over to the opposite side, and laboratory personnel every day, put some carp in the pool, so did the lack of prey, the shark, but still want to cross it, want to try the taste of that beautiful day, is still the constant crash That glass, which test each corner, and each time both tried, but every time, always get the scars, both whole body several times bleeding, continued for some days, when cracks in the glass one, the experimenter immediately with a thicker glass.
later, Sharks no longer crash the piece of glass, and for those of colorful tropical fish are no longer concerned, as if they just move the wall murals, which began waiting for the carp will be each day, and then used his quick hunting instinct, like back in the mighty sea vicious domineering, but it is all just fake like just to the final stage of experiment, the experimenter removed the glass, but the shark did not respond in a day is fixed regional travel to its tropical fish only for those who turn a blind eye, even when those carp escaped to the side, he would immediately abandon the chase, saying that the past does not wish the end of experiment, the laboratory personnel sneer at sea it is the most weak fish.
but lovelorn over the people know why, it is afraid of the pain.
4, miracles
a remote town in France, reportedly had a special efficacious springs, and often there will be miracles can treat various diseases. One day, a cane, lost a leg veterans limping in the street through the town, next to the town's back with a sympathy kiss, said: guys, do not pray to God that he has a leg up again?? ask Him to help me and told me not a leg, too, know how to live. bright and full of glory, not for the last tears, the life lived up efforts.
there was an old fishing rod fishing in the river, a child came to see him fishing, old skills skillful, so did not take long to catch on the full basket of fish, the elderly see the kids are cute, we should give him a whole basket of fish, the child shook his head, amazing old man asked: I want the fishing rod in your hands. because the fishing is not important, will inevitably fall on the muddy ground. As a child at the old man, thinking that as long as there are fishing rod fish eat, like the staff to see the boss, that as long as sitting in the office, have rolled into the sources of income.
6, you are go all out or do what
hunter with his dogs to go hunting one day. hunter shot and hit a rabbit's hind legs, desperately wounded hare started to run. dog is under the direction of the hunters ran to catch rabbits. But chasing chasing, hare gone, dog back to the hunter had bitterly around, the hunter began to hound the curse: not convinced and replied: injuries, how to run it in? ! Now this highly competitive era. I often ask myself, today I do my best hunting dogs, rabbit, or go all out to do?
7, gravel and gold
a team of businessmen walking in the desert on camels Suddenly the air came a mysterious voice: . It was the whole letter as much as possible a handful of gravel and a large bag on, they continue on the road, did not bring sand to go very easily, but the walk with a very heavy. Many days have passed, they walked out of the desert, the person arrested to open pockets of gravel delighted to discover that the heavy rough gravel that have become a style yellow gold. I thought many times, they could not think the moral of the story lies. Then I realized, and in each long life, time is like sand on earth, only people who seize the time to those of ordinary coarse gravel into precious gold. seize the time the person is not easy chic of course, but he The long history of life is always the same as dark coarse sand, unable to pronounce, such as golden splendor. Ask yourself, how much gravel arrested today in his pocket?
Dear friends, today I put a few tell you my story, I do not believe that a story will affect us all, but I am sure, will affect the ordinary, like me, but unwilling to have a very ordinary person.