Thursday, May 5, 2011

You Taobao it

You OUT of the ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ otaku house woman stay in front of the computer every day, in addition to chat, looking at happy, stroll Taobao, also do? The following 15 places are otaku house where women often go to, you can go and see. 1. Go there Friends want to travel the site would help you too! How to buy cheap tickets! Where the hotel has a good and cheap, to the site to see it! 2. Taobao Crown stores Daquan: online shopping is now more popular, Taobao is not new, Taobao, said as many as 3 million shops, shops good things mixed. Taobao shop Daquan Crown is a special collection site Taobao shop's website, where you can glance to see that nearly ten thousand Crown stores, 100% praise shops. Top of goods a month in sales, the latest search rankings, no loss of Taobao is a very good assistant. 3. The baby tree: Do you have kids, if you are a parent, mother, or who have made plans, then certainly worthy of your baby to see the tree. Baby trees by the Youth Class China University of Technology graduate, founder of America returning Bo Shao, earlier, he had to do eBay. 4. Douban: Douban's style is absolutely wonderful work of China's Internet, with China the vast majority of sites are not the same, watercress, the interface is very clean, clean, you just get on with your time Douban think it is so quiet. But the watercress network of high-quality Internet users think it is a concentration camp in China, much of the discussion which is very profound. Can be said that the Chinese netizens Douban completely different feelings. 5. U.S. Air Network Here are the most real girls, models, flight attendants, are real real name. Beauty seductive ah. 6. Online hair style network currently has more than 300 hairstyles to choose from, and also according to your photos and make the appropriate adjustments, yet to find a suitable hairstyle friends this time blessed. 7 .. Hidden Technology New electronic gadgets, computer concepts products, novel design, which are the latest reports. 8. Abroad online Want to go abroad where friends can see, the information is very comprehensive 9.360doc: 360doc is a specialized collection of online documentation site, which categorized the essence of a collection of many articles on the Internet, if you feel good, then you can also sign up for an account collection article. 10. Also Song: As a new online music player, song also provides a simple, fast, practical music service. If you have while working on the computer and entertainment while listening to some music, song also want to be your preferred music player. 11. Shrimps Music: Most of the Internet's low quality wma format music, but the shrimp net in each of music are of high quality even up to cd quality music, music fans must not miss this site. 12. Time Online: Friends like to watch movies on this site must be on the look, which sometimes popular films under the information and users to express their critic, a lot of movie trailers and more to be said is that in time to see the country all the major online the city movie theater movie playing schedule. Go look up to see a movie, so Baipaoyitang cinema. 13. Fruit Network: Rss subscribe if you do not know, then you must not know much about networking, network is the fruit can be seen in the numerous excellent blog recommended here. You just simply click to read without having to visit each blog, you can see they released the latest blog. Another hot fruit article text in the channel quality is also very high. 14. Douding Network: In Douding online you can download many free electronic document, and even online. Here I would like to add a similar network with Douding Sina ishare, I believe no friends do not know Sina, but most people should know there is a ishare Sina channels. 15. Finance stick: Financial stick focus on fund financial management, professional and powerful revenue management tools to personal funds, rich and detailed financial information and unique fund of funds platform. Play the stock market funds or financial interest of the friends have to take a look at ah.

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