Monday, May 30, 2011

Life of despair

We unscrupulous groups of gangs that we defy the elders that we are dissatisfied look of things will only cause trouble to our growth we are useless How can you don't give a damn that our eyes look down on us we're nothing nothing No matter between us, why there is no language between us gradually to the wall proper way teachers do nothing we will not want parents swearword standards of this society is beyond our limited imagination only finds age to be a good boy will study the example do not We tell ourselves that look down on someone stronger than many people care about why we lost and who would be wrong for us think about why the change rotten apple in fact, we have tried to fight all the praise given us ask ourselves how much you really Hope draining tears , and the future is very bleak lost soul , how should we do to punish us is to assist the growth and beauty of life, then let us not despair, some people born lucky we are born into the battlefield alone that their parents, school teachers could curse roundly we do not Will want to stand in the rain at the Crossroads Do not let our lives desperate cry

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