Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where any girl can do 10, then you marry her, not wrong

where girls could be done any of the following 10, you marry her, right in the

1, you are her first man

2, holding from behind her sleep, she obediently curled into a ball, do not turn to see you

3, middle of the night and wake up for you tuck

4, eat your good do you think of her feeding eat and feel good

5, do not ask you do not want her to know anything

6, I believe every word you do not expose your lies
< br> 7, efforts to adapt to your lifestyle and life circle

8, friendly to your friends, as they are to their friends

9, in your friends before to meet you face

10, keep doing what you love to do her job

11, the hair long, not hot roll, do not use jelly water to harden the hair of the East East

12, control of diet and exercise to keep fit in the slim and change the status of Pacific Princess

13, as your nails, there is something to make you get rid of the habit of biting

14, pull to the square with you to blow soap bubbles

15, put away her bad mood, his face wiped away tears, when you see her she will try to more smiles

16, in a radio point,

21, lying on your stomach with you watching TV

22, with a bath, to help you dry

23, watching a film, learn to be a solution style of the woman, not always innocent little girl

24, is love becomes a simple-minded little woman

25, for cleaning your clothes, especially socks

26, to help you clean all the shoes, no matter what you need to wear a pair when they are clean

27, to accompany you to the vegetable market to buy food

28, praise you eat and do the dishes

29, my father learned to do with his gold medal braised knuckle of pork

30, to ensure the smooth flow of mobile phone, you can always find her
< br> 31, told his mother, and your story, she has the right to know who put her daughter into a woman

32, and you are good in the bathroom

33, you give her a good save Everything

34, pp small books with a note of each of you sent her a text message

35, quietly waiting for you to come back

36, not Goodbye friends

37, you are happy happy than you, you sad sad than when you

38, sincerely believe that everything you do is justified

39, according to studio shoot couple, made a beautiful brochure, she had to wear a wedding dress

40, the Cubs would only have been on the bed

41, introduce her to all the friends you know

42, protect you from that grievance

43, they apply for a mailbox, a lot of love letters written on the inside waiting for you to see

44, each year from home to see you

45, pour coax you to take medicine

46, secretly pull your clothes angle, to remind you to drink less

47, when you never give up your suffering

48, stand ready to follow you from their homes

49, promised to marry you, even if not roses and a ring (if So one day

50, you no longer love her quietly walked

strongly recommended: where girls could be done any of the above 10 then you marry her, right The

................................ 20 条 you want to marry her ah

................................ 30 条 Sipilailian have to marry her

................................ 40 Pinlelaoming should marry her

. ............................... 50 girls have been extinct expect this ......< br> ; It is said that heaven had to miss it (not to mention this girl you marry her, that is, are you ever saw the blessings!)

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