Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Solo travelers fourteen North Travel Travel (6) Young

 Zhu capacity due to no longer continue to ride with us, the decision to bike directly checked by the SZ Nanjing. Zhu thus leaving the team.

Sun is with me and with the bus to the Panjin cycling, target - Red Beach!

morning, heavy rain. cold! than when I came to the long and short sets of riding clothes, but with only short-sleeved T-shirt and zipper shirt.

Zhu had been riding to Hainan, Yunnan .

well past lunch time, with great difficulty to find a noodle shop. dish 2 yuan, 5 yuan face.

; Liaohe River Bridge. Liaohe. Panjin night stay. September 18 Rain Temperature: 11 degrees with the local travel agencies Panjin Red Beach tour. per person: 120. back to guide sheets for the key persons, 34 years old. This is the second of this trip attractions: Panjin Red Beach. Red Beach Scenic Area is located in northeastern Bohai Bay, is located in the Liaohe River Delta wetlands. it the world's best preserved and largest wetland resources for the background and world-rare Red Beach, the world's largest reed marshes. wow! plug! ; Red Beach, in the Liaohe River estuary, a large area of red salsa grass plants, learning salsa called wings.
it formation, is due to endemic Liaohe bring a large number of upstream organic, inorganic, into the sea in the blend to form a brackish sediment. There shoals of moisture, a wave erosion, which is annual grasses. It of dollars each year m extension of the speed of the sea. The new emerging beach, the old salsa beach was covered by grass. the sea and beach clean up sediment, causing the beach to the red survival; salt and alkali infiltration infiltration, it is always booming, fire fire red!
stain in salt brine, year after year of life and death , tightly life and life, in the times change in a myriad of red wine out of life!
ground it grow every year in April and September that it was the most intense red time.
we come at that time!
Bohai Sea is the distance the white. ; the world's only built in the mudflats of pure wooden structure on the antique buildings. Red Beach stormy, cold! ; the most typical figure! beach extended forward along the grass to keep up with salsa. amazing! Mother Nature had to blow people away! the world's largest reeds! reeds closely linked with the Red Beach. distant drilling, is the Liaohe oil field. oilfield around in Panjin. ;
; September 17 Rain Temperature: 15 degrees

exit from the highway Panjin station to a distance of 21 km.

As the bus from the SZ to Shenyang, Panjin no way to stop. So we get off at exit Jingha Panjin.
Suizhong to Panjin from between the little spots, decided to travel to Panjin.

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