Thursday, September 16, 2010

I believe she really inconvenient for me

 Who is willing to tell their own in-house scandal with their grudges against a person who, if I, I do not what to tell Loudun will Xiashu Shu.

no, gas is because she took the wind ZE leaves something to nausea I, who love any of his companions with a few girlfriends ah!

less, no one could see what she likes Shao, Shao but do not buy her account, then your phone in a hurry to go, and it was Jenny that how ugly face that there is more than ugly. Tang may be, Shao like you I know I can do only Shao settle, so I would like you to help me! I do not know how to open with you, pull no less than the face, so round a bend so much But I really have no way, am still only you can help me! All edges and corners, learned bow. I am having the same, looking at her as if to see for myself, but somehow started sad heart.

see I do not speak, Loudun a bit desperate, tears began to fall, intended to help me? I was not on purpose, I am here already have been clear to the investigation of Pan clearly,UGGs, Shao was deliberately came to me and you know I must have the same high school, I want to conceal what certainly can not be concealed ah, not to mention my father's evidence also hold in their hands, asked me what Shao dare not say where, in fact, I still like the money employed, how could I take the initiative to hurt him, really there is no way, so just say! was holding the hands of the wind in leaves ZE, and have to say.

Under good, I beg of you to the next side from the Pan saved okay!

I was completely panicked, one held her by the arm, the former things are my fault, I apologize to you, you villain, excluding adults before, forgive me, OK, you help me this time!

looked at her like that, my heart also blocked up fast enough, Ming Pan of this pig and I hate him most was felt Loudun with him, simply plug in the cow dung on flowers to help or not help, Loudun all do seek me, my heart is really uncomfortable, not to want to sympathize with her self.

things are promised down, but when his mind did not help my mind, the immediate thing is to tune placards Zuifan group, and that what had Nicole not what what ZE's girlfriend leaves you.

to the report of the day, I was completely dumbfounded, where beauty is simply Exquisite Beauty Bar, one by one are pretty good pretty good, this is pretty good, wow, that Ye Hao beautiful, if I were a man , and a certain death without regret, to see so many beautiful women, is a body repair to the fortunate few ah.

I look back, it was a Zhang Qingyan face, pearl-like whitewashed cheeks, natural indigo color Liu Mei, so arrogant, but they charm 4 of Dan Fengyan, tall nose, red mouth Tsui peach luster , slender white neck. This is a beauty, no matter from what angle it can not matter: she is absolutely a noble and beautiful qualities of beauty.

young, was one of us looks almost young, Where can think of is our instructor.

You take them to stay, understand?

Nicole also has shocked all at once, so completely did not think I will not give face. Quite a while, her emotional thread of the thread more seriously said to me:

s good, I'd like to see what qualifications you despise me! 140th VI placards storm I

is the first I had ni provoked 'the war', the better! I have chosen to stay for training, you do not want to see where I am better than you, let you look.

I was incorporated into the reserve team, though was on the bench, but I would also like to heart a hundred times than the original, they have been training for nearly a year, has been very skilled in all aspects, and I everything do not know, to catch up with them, we must redouble our efforts, but also knew I had ni is deliberately making things difficult, I just firmly adhere to teeth.

get up at five, we should be 3-5 km of distance run,UGGs, early in the evening practice must stop Junzi, was pulled under the sun, stood for two hours, stop for a long time the hands and feet are swollen, but these I never complain, always adhere to teeth.

also carried out every day , less than half bottles of water bottle installation, to stand up, squat, twist, and walk, and sometimes remain motionless in one position is two to three hours.

the beginning, I always easy to put down the bottle head off, this time has come to me ni will deliberately scold me loudly: top of a bottle top are unstable, you see other people who like you even a second to the top unstable ah! , you ask her to shut up the strength to use, so I'm always in training, strict demands on themselves, with the advancement of training, frequency of getting out the bottle down low, just a few days, the bottle has been firmly established In my head, stood up,UGG boots, squatting or walking do not fall off. As I believe the same as used on the had my cynical and Ni, it is a nonsense unable to speak.

then placards to training every day to give six kilograms of lead and a brand standing or walking, upper body must remain upright, Stretch your arms, and the body vertical, right hand held flat, hold up signs, left hand into the left hand wall and 60 degrees, in one fell swoop is 2 hours, 160 steps per minute rate of advance, also requires us to change positions frequently, while lift, while clean and jerk, hand grip position, the distance between two hands should always be consistent and poor in 1 mm of them.

I started not familiar with, holding signs with the standard position is always a bad position though, left arm and hand 60 degrees, I may be 55 degrees or 65 degrees, 160 steps per minute, the speed of advance if I would hurry up, or slow down.

has Ni at this time will not go to correct someone else, that is, I turn around, that time is a sign to the camera, not your face!

the sound of loud noise to attract attention all over. You face to face is true, you look at me, I see you, do not know what happened in the end, and only know that the teacher had made a great fire.

sneer in my heart I had Nicole,UGG boots, you are not worthwhile purpose the whole movement out of so many posters, that you do not want to embarrass me in front of so many, so I was convinced you to prove that I am nothing if you.

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