Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flower gardens on display for September

 The temperature slowly dropped in most parts of China, the monthly average temperature between 20 ℃ to 24 ℃. Display this month for pot courtyard more types of ornamental plants. Woody ornamental plant species which are: Araucaria,UGG boots cheap, five needle pine, larch, Japanese gold pine, tree, in Japan, Abies, Podocarpus, Podocarpus nagi, cycads, Canary date palm, the Australian Rail, Hua Li wood ash, cinnamon class Osmanthus, Pomegranate, rubber tree, Ficus flowers, hibiscus, Hibiscus, Netherlands iron, Codiaeum, Brazilwood, Pachira macrocarpa, large-leaved umbrella, Zongzhu, Myanmar and gardenia, the bottle of coconut, broad-leaved Mahonia, octagonal gold plate , throwing coral peach leaf, Ginkgo biloba, crape myrtle, jasmine, palm, rose, fish Kwai, San Weikui, king coconut, banana Zhu, beautiful pin Kwai, Chin Ficus, Maple, South America, cycads, spruce type, geese palm wood, wood fu (Garcinia Section), Buddha belly bamboo, silver birch, Milan, Prynne, paniculata, exposed tree stump, nandina and so on. Herbaceous flowers there are: large flower canna, a string of red, early chrysanthemum, bamboo Begonia, Marigold, colored peppers, Lycoris, periwinkle, amaranth, Dahlia, Longkou flowers.

garden flower breeding

1. Possible planting flowers planting woody species are: peony, safflower tea, smiling type, Mulan class, Manglietia class, horse chestnut class chinensis, Canary date palm and so on. Aesculus seeds which can be ditching planting, seeding should be down when the hilum, Futuhoudu should not be too deep to 2 to 2.5 cm is appropriate, plus cover plastic film or straw moisture, S. chinensis seeds can be soaked in cold water 24 Shimoji to 36 hours after planting, about 2 weeks after sowing to emergence. In addition to the seeds to dry storage of C. chinensis can be planted next spring, other types of storage must be wet sand. September is a good opportunity autumn flower, flower planting possible types are: hollyhock, pink, high snow wheel, low snow wheel, pansy, snapdragon, petunia, flowers Ling grass, daisy, poppy, golden light Ju, Rudbeckia hirta, iris, Verbena and so on. In addition, greenhouse flowers such as cyclamen, primrose, nasturtium, Cineraria, Begonia, Fulang flowers, Calceolaria flower, can also be sown at this time, but in the plastic shed in the winter.

2. Semi-sand cutting for cutting medium gray semi Longkang available at garden flowers in the cutting propagation of moisture types are: Pyracantha, Mahonia, smiling, leaf flower, sea Xianhua, throwing peach leaf coral, hanging Zhonghai Tang, Qionghua, snowball, Weigela florida flowers, mandarin, jasmine, jasmine, Zhu Lan, gold veins Grand beds, coral flowers, rubber tree, Schefflera, Zhu banana and so on. Sand used as a seedbed in general, can be cutting propagation of woody flowers are: Boxwood class, Purple Magnolia, Hypericum, Spiraea, pomegranate, hibiscus, crape myrtle, spray snow, hydrangea, holly, France, Phnom Penh, privet, autumn leaves Berberis, bamboo, fig, oleander, Serissa, gardenia, octagonal gold plate, Lagenaria, peonies and so on. Also cutting some of the clubs, such as a string of red, amaranth, marigold, sulfur Ju, Han Ju and so on.

3. Flowers and trees can be grafted grafting following: the peony root segments as rootstock grafted varieties of peony; to peaches, apricots, etc. seedlings as rootstock and budding reproduction flowering plum, Tau Hwang, peach, peach leaves, plum, etc.; to Green maple seedlings as rootstock, bagging moisture Zhijie red maple, maple and other feathers; to Magnolia seedlings as rootstock and budding magnolia varieties, two Qiao Yulan; to plants as rootstock Magnolia, by the then white orchids; to citrus seedlings as rootstock and budding kumquat, etc.; the tassels as rootstock dock osmanthus; to potted seedling praecox as rootstock varieties by the then Chimonanthus.

4. Layering layering possible types of ornamental flowers and trees are: Lagenaria, Weigela florida flowers, hydrangea, gardenia, oleander, spring, Admiralty, osmanthus, Purple Magnolia, Jasmine, smiling, camellia, Zhu Lan, France holly , snowball, Viburnum, spray snow, Spiraea and so on.

5. Ramet ramets possible types of ornamental plants are: Chunlan, Cymbidium, Cymbidium, peony, peony, Guangdong evergreen, purple triangle Oxalis, Jin Guangju, Sansevieria, little angel, long green king, silver grass after the bright wire kidney fern, nandina, Lagenaria, Purple Magnolia, Ophiopogon crazes, Pleione, and other large-leaved Ophiopogon japonicus. In addition, hyacinth, tulips, freesia, calla lily, Lycoris radiata, Mediterranean Blue Bell flowers can be planted in this sub-division big ball ball for flower cultivation. yard to plant flowers


1. Transplanting due in September is still relatively high temperature, not the special needs of the situation, the courtyard of the flowers is generally not transplanted. As for the new or the old layout of the garden courtyard of the transformation in the soil ball with a good premise, but also can be transplanted. Species such as: oleander, cypress, smiling, Shu Hui, osmanthus, camellia, Hongyexiaobo, golden privet, boxwood type, Hypericum, France, holly, red flowers, throwing peach leaf corals. Transplanting to the strength of pruning, and strengthening management of water fountain and shade before transplanting to ensure foolproof. Some flower pots can be planted, or on for the October autumn viewing. Types are: a bunch of red, amaranth, marigold, Tagetes patula, Longkou flower, cockscomb, periwinkle, sulfur Ju, Mary Flower, Calendula, dwarf canna, chrysanthemum, etc. early.

2. Pruning continued strong growth, budding and the ball strong garden hedges trimmed ornamental plants, but also on the ball in the northern growing season this year for the last pruning. Garden hedges should be pruned trees and colors are: Boxwood class, France holly, heather wood spinulosa, privet, leaf privet, Hongyexiaobo, golden privet, Phnom Penh, one thousand orientalis and so on. The ball should prune ornamental plants are: Cypress, Shu cypress, boxwood, bayberry, Ju Gu, holly, heather, Pittosporum, Pyracantha, Admiralty. Flower can be planted on the ground starts with topping are: a bunch of red, amaranth, sulfur Ju, Kochia scoparia, marigold, Tagetes patula and so on. Topping should be one every 10 days, prompting the formation of the fullness of the plant type, and pregnant students on the side of the tip of the inflorescence more, stop after topping in late September. Long period of time to flowering of woody plant flowers, such as the varieties of rose, Chinese rose, miniature rose,UGGs, climbing rose, crape myrtle, pomegranate flower, plum colored, triangular flowers, failure to promptly cut off stray stems, and flowers opened cut branches for the moderate reduction, which can effectively promote their re-flowering.

3. Watering in September, relatively dry climate, the courtyard of the year for transplanting trees and spring flowering shrubs, continue to do well watered and water management is to consolidate its survival effect of one of the key measures. First, the roots of water to maintain the soil moist, but not water; the second is to wound the rope in the trunk water for creating a local wet trunk protective layer; Third, to the crown of water, reduce leaf transpiration increase the local space humidity. In addition, the flower of a plant after another, to do well the work of water moisture.

4. Fertilization on plant color to foliage plants, such as gold leaf privet, Hongyexiaobo, red maple, red flowers, mosaic Yan Shan Jiang, Codiaeum, throwing peach leaf coral, red mulberry, dwarf cherry leaves, Hongye Li , leaves of peach, etc. for its leaves remain brighter, P and K should be appropriate topdressing. Continuously or autumn flowering of continued appreciation of flower to plant fruit trees and flowers, such as crape myrtle, rose, at the Hong Gui, four orange, pomegranate flower, leaf flower, Hibiscus, chrysanthemum, Canna, Dahlia, colored plum, Nandina, Pyracantha, Ardisia crenata, kumquat, as well as a large number of land planted fall flowers, should recover nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced fertilizer available. The flowering of the kumquat is silver Gui,UGG boots, osmanthus and other flowering period to stop fertilization.

5. Lagerstroemia of hazardous pest control, Pyracantha, crabapple and other trees and flowers of the green slug, can be sprayed 90% of 800 times to control the crystal trichlorfon; of harm crape myrtle, papaya, Begonia beetle, worm hole from the signed to prevent and treat virus inserts; on the rose, chrysanthemum and other plants to powdery mildew appear, can be used in the early onset of Carbendazim 50% WP 1000 times the control. 6. Seed Seed of woody ornamental plants can be mainly magnolia flowers and trees. Female flowers, such as days, smiling, purple magnolia, Magnolia, Yunshan Prynne, chapensis, M. floribunda, maudiae, Magnolia grandiflora and so on. In addition, horse chestnut class, crape myrtle, lilac, crabapple class, Bauhinia, White Juan plum yew, bright leaf Wintersweet and so on. Magnoliaceae, and yew, horse chestnut, crabapple etc., seed must be treated early spring with the arrival of wet sand storage, to be planting seeds of cracks and then come down to earth. Flower seeds can be harvested are: marigold, zinnia, impatiens, Mirabilis, cockscomb, periwinkle, straw daisy, aster, etc., harvest promptly after threshing, dry storage until next spring re-seeding .

potted flowers garden management

1. Watering in September, strong light, high temperatures, and the air very dry, watering potted plant management can not neglect. Watering frequency, hi general wet foliage plants, half of the morning and afternoon can be poured or sprayed a water poured into the first half of the water, and appropriate to give foliage spray. For most potted flowers and potted plants, can be watered once a day, supplemented by foliar spray. 10 am watering time ago, after 3 pm. Hi acidic environment of the types of ornamental plants, irrigation water in a small amount of 0.1% in light green ferrous sulfate powder. After the restoration of the growth of autumn dormancy or semi-dormant in summer flower type, can gradually increase the water (or water) the number and frequency. Water to the potted plants in the same time, plants should be given every half a ripper.

2. Fertilization in September, it is most of the flowers flourish and grow, some of the summer semi-dormant and dormant flower species, as temperatures gradually cooler, but also began to recover in growth this month, should attach great importance to fertilizer management. On foliage plants, such as Monstera, rubber tree, Pachira, Brazilwood, spring birds, Zongzhu, Hua Li wood ash, cinnamon class, money tree (dragon and phoenix wood), Araucaria, fish Kwai, green radish, red (green) gems, green king, Silver Queen, arrowroot class, co-fruit lines, piano and other Ficus, still short of low concentrations of liquid-based fertilizer, such as 0.3% urea lotion. Features of flowering or autumn flowering species such as rose plants and flowers, three colors plum, colored plum, pomegranate, crape myrtle, Milan, Prynne, jasmine, Osmanthusfragrans,UGG shoes, Japan, Hong Gui, laurel, etc., fruit plants such as Toi Toi, Nandina domestica , Ardisia crenata, Pyracantha, quince, gold marbles, Callicarpa, fruit pomegranate, Coleus plants such as Codiaeum, throwing peach leaf coral, pineapple category, flower Ficus, Phnom Penh Brazilwood, Zhu banana, Coleus, etc. should recover nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced fertilizer types. The resumption of growth in hanging Zhonghai Tang, geranium, calla lily, cyclamen, Begonia, Daphne, schlumbergera, Sedum type, purslane tree (Mussaenda), Oxalis purple triangle, Clivia, authority arrow lotus, etc., recoverable pouring liquid fertilizer applied low concentrations; of completed stages of flower bud into flower bud swelling, such as camellia, plum, chinensis, plum, smiling, azaleas, etc., can topdressing nutritionally balanced low concentration Fertilizers; on potted flowers, such as sage, marigold, chrysanthemum, aster, dahlia, sunflower and other pocket, you can once every 10 days, a thin top dressing fertilizer, to meet their flower bud and the needs of next month.

3. Shade September, high temperatures, the sun is still strong, potted flowers on the shade garden management still can not relax. Hi cool for those types of foliage plants, such as Monstera, rubber trees, kidney fern, Boston fern, bird's nest fern, together fruit taro, arrowroot class, green radish, Zongzhu, green king, Silver Queen, bluegrass, Zinfandel leaves , Jinshan Kui, pleiones, begonia, unicorn leaves, little angel, red (green) gems, Crystal Anthurium, Alocasia leaves black, textured grass, red veins Grand beds, asparagus, tulip wood, mosaic Pteris fern, watermelon pepper grass, evergreen mosaic, Green Giant, Anthurium, staghorn fern, mirror grass, water, floral, king Kwai, lucky bamboo, etc., through the shade, a day to give 5-6 hours of light; on hi light of the species, such as triangular Feng, Yu Lang, Fujian tea, ginkgo, water, bayberry, pine, arborvitae (pile), cypress, crape myrtle, Araucaria, Wisteria, Milan, jasmine, Pyracantha, rose, oak, on Fraxinus, etc., can give full light; on the hi half shade of species such as Podocarpus, Pinus, tiger thorns, Syzygium, wood, Epiphyllum, Nandina domestica, Yushu, azaleas class, camellia, plum, bergamot , Toi Toi, kumquat, etc., can be given proper shade after noon. Transplanting on the new fall flower pots, shade should be appropriate to prevent the occurrence of wilting plants, affecting the recovery growth.

4. Pruning of potted chrysanthemum, to continue to do except shoot and bud stripping work; on the rose, pomegranate flower, Milan, jasmine, Zhu Lan, Bougainvillea, colored plum, gold shell flowers, coral flowers, each time to prune after flowering to ; for those resistant to trim, easy germination, vigorous growth of the tree stumps bonsai species such as palm elm, bird plum, triangle Maple, Fujian tea, Ficus, Syzygium, leaf privet, Bennet, melon seeds, boxwood, arborvitae (pile), s Park, on Fraxinus, Tamarix, etc., to continue to give trim or pick buds. In addition, Pachira macrocarpa seedling, bar code can be implemented,

5. Pest control on plants plum, crabapple, peach, Bi-tao and other plants appear pink bungii, sign blocking drugs may be given to kill plug, can also be applied carbofuran granules embedded control. Potted flowers appear on the Japanese tortoise wax scale, blowing cotton Kuwana, Diaspididae, cashmere Kuwana, etc., with 40% of the culling of 1500 times the speed control. Display of potted plants for the balcony in September, the balcony is still a strong light, air drying, only a few long-term resting place on the balcony of potted plants or flowers strong resistance before they meet the special circumstances on the balcony. They are: black pine, Chin-sung, pine, pine, palm elm, bird plum, Bennet, triangular Feng, Ju Gu, holly, praecox, fruit pomegranate, melon seeds, boxwood, arborvitae (pile), Sabina Fujian tea, on Fraxinus, banyan, bougainvillea, rose, tequila, ginkgo, Milan, jasmine, hackberry, Podocarpus, davidii, Serissa, Pyracantha, colored plum and so on. Hi cool environment for some types of flowers, may continue to display at the air-conditioned room, such as Cymbidium, Oncidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya, Vanda, spider blue, black leaves of Alocasia, Anthurium Crystal, Red palm, Clivia, fuchsias, textured grass; while some of the common foliage plants, you can at noon around the 4-5 hours to move into the interior, such as Zongzhu, Monstera, Brazilwood , Pachira, green radish, pleiones San Weikui, fish Kwai, the king coconut, spot the tree stump, throwing peach leaf coral, Schefflera and so on. Balcony flower breeding in September, can continue to use the balcony pots for container of large diameter, gray and wet sand each built-Long Kang 1 / 2, mixed media, Gamon plastic film moisture, can be a number of cutting propagation of ornamental plants, such as gardenia, Zhu banana, sprinkled peach leaf coral, Schefflera, Japan, Hong Gui, Osmanthusfragrans, camellia, plum, Zhu Lan, jasmine, red back Gui, coral flowers, gold shell flowers, smiling, after silver bright wire grass. Can also be inserted in the indoor water Schefflera, rose, gardenia, fig, Guangdong evergreen and so on. Balcony flower


1. Watering on some of the more hi humid ornamental plants, such as Chunlan, building blue, blue stump, Monstera, pleiones, camellia, plum, small angel, Zhu Lan, pineapple, etc., can be put placed on the rack in the pool or balcony tank on wood, can also be put placed on the sand in the pool from the puzzle of the simple, usually by spraying on behalf of the water. Resting place of potted foliage plants in the room, it should be more water, less water to keep moist loose Pentu appropriate; particularly in air-conditioned room, every day at least 1 to 2 times the water spray, or even Comparison of drought-resistant five-needle pine bonsai, in 5 to 7 days without water, not water situation, water loss will be dead. Resting place on the balcony of the strong resistance of potted ornamental plants, may continue to pour 1 a day in water, 1 to 2 times the water spray, dip pots method can be applied to prevent the basin ground under the wet dry phenomenon. Noon to avoid watering before and after the time is still 2 to 3 hours, pay attention to water temperature and soil temperature, the temperature should not vary too much, and in the irrigation water in a small amount of light green, ferrous sulfate, appears to avoid the physiological yellowing plants.

2. Fertilization from hibernation or semi-dormant state gradually restore growth in the types of potted flowers, but also the appropriate low concentration of liquid water applied fertilizer; on the strong growth of potted trailer coupling, can be trimmed each topping poured a thin liquid fertilizer applied; on the fruit-based tours of flower pot plants, such as Prynne, rose, pomegranate, crape myrtle, jasmine, Zhu Lan, Toi Toi, Pyracantha, bergamot, kumquat, etc., to continue to topdressing available P and K; on flower bud differentiation has been completed, potted flower buds are growing up, such as camellia, plum, chinensis, plum, osmanthus, chrysanthemum, and so, according to the different types, amount of available P and K applied as appropriate, or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer balanced diverse. Flowers on the balcony to the type of fertilizer, not with the smell, especially not a bad smell, be careful not to splash water when applied to the downstairs, so be careful.

3. Shady resting place on the balcony of receiving full illumination, and potted bonsai tree stump, in order to reduce the amount of water, prevent soil compaction, protect the distribution of nutrients in the basin earth surface in the fibrous roots, can be affixed to the surface in the pots wet grass, moss , cloth, etc.; potted plant in small quantities, it would be noon before and after 5-6 hours, to move into the interior; if the potted plant more, and the conditions are ripe, you can shade one way or another network to continue to support legislation blocking light.

4. Pruning in September, placed on the shelf bonsai tree stump on the balcony, such as palm elm, bird plum, water, bayberry, boxwood seeds, triangle Maple, banyan, Fujian tea, oriental arborvitae (pile), juniper, cypress flooring, leaflets Female Chen, on Fraxinus, etc., still need to pinching or pruning. Dead branches on the other potted flowers and yellow leaves, stems stray lost, it should be promptly cut off.

5. Pest control in September, balcony, high temperature, air dried, potted flowers and trees most prone to spider mite damage, 25% of the times the music can be tyrants to Pensha WP 1500 times; of Cypress, juniper, juniper bonsai Semanotus appear on the beetle, plum, crabapple, quince, peach and other pink flowers appear on the neck beetles may continue to insert poison carbofuran endorsement or buried facilities to prevent and treat; of harm Camellia, Pyracantha, crape myrtle, wintersweet a variety of flowers such as scale insects, when a small number of manual erase in larger quantities, they can spraying culling 40% of 1500 times the speed control.

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