Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The world's 12 most amazing temples

 The world's 12 most amazing temples [46P] in the world more than 1 / 4 of a religion, the temple of the hearts of these believers are those solemn temples, the following is selected from temples all over the world the most incredible 12 super-temples.

1, ventured Temple

Bhutan one of the most sacred place, located in the Paro valley 3,000 feet high cliff walls. Legend of the second Buddha - Guru Rinpoche riding a tiger flew over here, in a cave in meditation, which is now ventured Temple. Been called Taktshang Goemba, built in 1692, after a fire seriously damaged the temple, was rebuilt in 1998. It is said that Temple has now ventured into non-ordinary tourists, even Christians have been severely restricted access.

2, White Dragon Temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand

the White Dragon Temple in the world and a unique temple. The whole temple of white, there are numerous carved dragons, and various beautiful shapes and patterns in those with silver-plated metal band, from the right angle it looks like the whole temple exudes magic amazing light.

this temple has not been fully completed, According to the builders say, in the next 90 years before the construction of the temple is expected to be completed.

3, Prambanan Temple

the heart of Java in Indonesia, built in 850CE, with eight main hall, surrounded by 250 small house. Almost all of the temple walls are carved with a beautiful, God tells the leader of one of the Indian Vishnu, the Indian monkey god and other gods of legend.

Although it is not the biggest temple in Indonesia, but the Prambanan is famous for its beautiful and elegant world .

4, snow up to the root Daikin

Temple in Yangon, Myanmar, no one knew Temple was built in what Daikin, the legend, which has 2,500 years of history, and archeology that it was built in the year between 6 and 10 century.

According to legend, was a famine in India, Myanmar Kejia Da Po Wan brothers rice to go for a relief ship, they returned from India with Sakyamuni Buddha back to 8 hair, help in the dynasty, built this stupa, the Buddha made hidden in the tower.

we first heard the were gold covered temples. Shwedagon Pagoda temple in the use of more than seven tons of gold, inlaid top, large and small diamonds 5000, precious stones 2000.

5, Temple of Heaven in China's capital Beijing

, eighteen years before the Ming Yongle (1420), the altar of heaven and earth. Jiajing nine years (1530) for sub-Si system established suburbs, in Jiajing ten years (1534) renamed the Temple of Heaven. Qing Emperor Qianlong, Guangxu Emperor rebuilt rebuilt after the formation of the pattern is the Temple of Heaven Park.

altar wall of the Temple of Heaven is divided into two different worlds within the altar and the outer altar, the shape of Two forums are all right-angle corner of the south wall, north corner are all arc-shaped, symbolizing the

6, Chion

Kyoto, Japan, a sacred temple, built in 1234CE, earthquake, fire and other reasons, the oldest temple built in the 17th century. Gratitude has Japan's largest door to the hospital, as well as Japan's largest giant bell, weighing 74 tons, needs 17 monks to ring it while working.

hospital there is an interesting place: a house, hall, specially designed floor, will go to creak, to remind the monks was invaded in the night.

7, Baltic Buddha

19 century, the Turks deep jungles of Java in Indonesia found an ancient relic, this is the Baltic Buddha. It uses more than 55,000 cubic meters of stone, a 2700 relief, 504 Buddhist sculptures.

now No one knows the exact time of its construction and construction reasons, and why builders thousands of years ago abandoned it. Some scholars believe that the Baltic is a huge Buddha Buddhist holy book, it's relief for us to reveal the various Buddhist Buddhism.

8, Mirage

Punjab in northwestern India are located in another grand a Sikh temple, on the Sikhs, the temple is a symbol of infinite freedom and spiritual independence.

Temple is a beautiful lake, legend has more than one Buddhist meditation here, including the tin grams to teach the founder Guru Nanak. The construction of the temple began in 1500 or so, the fourth Sikh guru expanded this lake, it keeps the city from around the expansion. Temple of the whole body using marble carving, the upper part of gold, inlaid with precious stones countless stars.


Vishnu temples in India, Tiruchirapalli, is the world's largest Hindu temple with original features. The main temple for the god of India Vishnu built.

very peculiar structure of the temple, surrounded by the seven concentric walls, the outermost layer of up to 2.5 miles, the most central Only Hindus can enter the layer. The temple has 21 towers, the largest one of about 60m, 15 stories high.

10, Angkor Wat in Cambodia

, built in the 12th century, originally belonging to Hindu, Buddhist century with the introduction of 14,15, and gradually turned into a Buddhist temple.

16 century that the Portuguese missionaries, after having read it, wrote: This temple structure can not use pen and paper, and its Temple architecture is unique in the world, all of which are concentrated the greatest human genius and wisdom. These words seem to still apply.

11, Potala Palace, the temple

say it is some reluctance, but it is almost known to everybody in the Tibetan religious resort, built in Lhasa, Songtsen to marry Princess Wen Cheng and built.

17 century and rebuilt as history of Dalai Lama's Winter Palace residence, center of the Tibetan theocratic rule. Whole has distinctive Tibetan style palace, built on mountains, impressive. The palace also houses numerous treasures, is called a palace of art.

12, Varanasi

not temple, but a Hindu holy city in India, built on top of the Ganges river, known as the can see large and small temples, countless Christians pilgrims each year.

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