Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Growth of Chinese enterprises

April 7, 2009 Ming Jian

the first power: market forces - who dominate the Chinese market, who will dominate the future.
two reasons: First, the Chinese market, the world's largest, and second, we have the home advantage.

the second power: the power of strategy - who are very good at focusing, whoever is best at rise.
reason: Global pattern of competitive disadvantage in the home who can not win on all sides to attack, on one point may exceed the most
Evidence: All Sports Champion Select only one break point.

third force: the power of Homo habilis - who control personnel, who will be able to seize the initiative.
reasons: depends on human effort.
evidence: in a market, Which venture arrangements were the most competent, Which companies will be able to become the first brand
-based market.

fourth power: the power of the system - who liberate the productive forces, who to free competition.
reasons: system is good, the bad guys can do good; system is not good, good people can do bad things
(Deng Xiaoping's words).
evidence: as others do, to solve the For their dry, just solve the

the fifth power, the power of values ​​- Who let the others win, whoever wins to make themselves.
reasons: exchange of the basic laws of human society, harmony is the highest human pursuit.

sixth power: the power of learning - who is fast learning, who will be able to close the gap.
reason: developing country, after the hair business, learning is the best shortcut.
Evidence: Britain and the United States for study and development of learning Japanese because of the development world. Japan's full
surface quality, in fact, is to learn the results of the United States, the Americans William Edwards Deming
doctrine of the entire Japan.

seventh power: Kill the power - who are good at riding, who can at traveling thousands of miles.
reasons: their way by car, cross the river by boat, no one can solve all problems.
Conclusion: borrow money from the poor to the rich, the weak to the strong corporate Kill enterprises, developing countries would like to send
of leveraging. This is where the meaning of reform and opening up.

eighth power: the power of an occasion - who follow the trend, who will be standing at the forefront.
reasons: the flow, 15% to 85% of the harvest; contrarian is, 85% effort
15% of the harvest.

ninth power: the power of the brand - who bear little responsibility, who will be able to more big trees.
reason: you do not care what the nation, the people would not care about you.

tenth power: the power of creation - who of independent innovation, who will be able to catch up.
reason: We are developing country, can come from behind in Developing Countries by one: the software revolution.

- reference Niu Gensheng blog

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