Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy not only wealth but also increase

Happy not only wealth but also increase the
have written: Zhou Dingbing
how to make the community prosper, Mr. Mao Yushi, in fact, the problem is not that complicated, in a word is: make the best use, best use.
How wealth is created? talent What are the conditions? August 4, this to Province Enterprise Federation / Entrepreneurs Association of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Publishing Group, Yunnan Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association of Private and co-exclusive title Hongta Group, Yunnan Information Daily, Yunnan Province, Entrepreneurs Association of Professional Managers Association host, invited China first-class economists and entrepreneurs Gordon Tan talks to the forefront of China's economic wisdom delivered to Yunnan, to promote economic and social development of Yunnan. At present, Zhou Qi Ren, Sheng Hong, Dang Guoying, gold and other famous rock Economics home, as well as a famous entrepreneur Wang boarded the platform.
outside Kunming, Yunnan Province to make the economic circles of the city also received the opportunity to share the wisdom of the Chinese frontier, the forum at the appropriate time to go to the relevant City of Yunnan Tour say. s Seven speaking tour is the first time speaking, Dali Committee Propaganda Department of the lectures given special support.
all the money I was rich
Mao Yushi said, some people see other people money to come to air his , a hostile attitude towards the rich, this is a bad phenomenon. He believes that a society want to get rich, only one or two people rich is not possible to rely on rich people. He hoped that people will generally recognized that: people more money, and I am sure that good simple or the most complex work, such as in a restaurant Duan Panzi, such labor in the United States could get $ 1,500, or about RMB 1 million, also a one thousand yuan in Beijing, a difference of ten times, and even taking into account the purchasing power of the factors , less than ten times worse quality of life, about 3,4 times. Similarly, complicated labor, too, in China, a doctor, lawyer Ye Hao, holding less than the United States.
This is strange, why live to get the same return is the difference? The reason is simple, why the U.S. restaurant dishwasher to take more money, because people who eat more money in the United States, Therefore, he thought
how successful the whole community to get rich, Mr. Mao Yushi, in fact, the problem is not that complex, called the best use of a word, the best use. a society is able to rich, that is, these two points.
reform and opening up before Mao Yushi also went to the countryside for is not. When the engineer for three decades, of course, my engineer is not poor, there are many contributions, but 50 years old, I switched to the economy, the change goes bad? well, I'm an economist. you're good at doing. Second, to understand what society needs. because we work in the choice of the individual, society also choose our individual, this is a two-way choice, the only way to make the best use. He believes that successful people are to meet the social needs, and many unique talent of young people buried by the market, this can be regarded as the market problems, because society does not need a lot of valuable things, such as scientific research, social need, no one to give you money. This requires by the government to do these things.
the lowest asking price to sell to the highest bidder the right to make the best use
As for, the use of a lot of things, some waste, some make the best use, how to make it the best use of , do not waste it? Mao Yushi believes that the market economy is the best use of, what means the market to make the best use? he believes to be auctioned, for example, have a picture to sell, the reserve price 10,000, we bid, and finally sold the highest. In fact, all the goods are moving every day, all in the auction, but this auction is very special, both directions, The. to see it used in any place, enhance the value by the sale, not by labor. this relationship is too big, exchange and create wealth. a low-value commodity into a high-value, is the wealth creation process.
labor productivity products Mao Yushi said the exchange to create wealth
10 years ago, he went to Shanxi, to see so many coal in Shanxi, but local is still so poor. He gave local leaders had an idea: less production of coal, reducing yields. ? Do you dig too much, not worthless. We are not the produce, but to the production of money. such as food, we do not have to produce food, but to produce the money, what money to produce. the market economy The core of the most important here for profit and production companies mm. Of course business is to serve society, but it is by making money for social services, because companies do not know what social services can not know what society needs, it Where can only see where the money went to do. does not make money do not do, is there any exception? I think without exception, you must earn money in order to serve the community. that wealth is something that, for businessmen, people think they do not create wealth. In fact we are taking this path is clear proof that: create products of labor, exchange the creation of wealth.
market transactions need to equality and autonomy
Mao Yushi, August 4 at the day before the forum went to Sacred Temple and hawkers selling clothes also had value, he put this experience into the forum, he said the outcry stall 35, but not to sell The price of it, may 30,25 are sold, he must have a bottom limit. my people who buy things bottom limit to that 20 it. If he lower the cost of line, my high bid cost him, and that the business would make the. sale made, the vendors money to enter into the GDP statistics. He said that assumes that is the GDP. Who made the money? is two people doing business creation. equality and autonomy of the person, not under the control of people. Exchange Why create wealth? because both parties benefit, unlike gambling, roulette is not the money together to increase because of gambling.
he thought all these years Chinese people better off, but there are a lot of inequality, there is economic inequality, but more important is social inequality. between the community, there are many inequalities in status. We promote a harmonious society is right. more money is not the expense of others. happy to increase his own fortune to help others make a fortune, their own happiness to help others to be happy, enjoy life but also their own to help others enjoy life, I think this is the biggest goal of the whole society, not just the wealth of society increases, and increased happiness. significantly better off, the rich world is caused by 200 years, 200 years ago, around the world are poor, not industrialization. now prompted the exchange of advanced technology, scientific progress. Now over two years to update the computer updating, because the market for.
resources around the world mm grain, oil in the international market, procurement, economic integration in the international market before the allocation of resources by the world, is the war. Now the competition for resources less and less since the war, why? because there is a market there. Although the market is also defective, but it can eliminate war.
before World War II, he said, compared with, Japan is still not have the resources, but rely on the international market, it re-developed. our country now, as oil iron ore, many of which are imported. the international market has given us great help, we want to preserve the international market. If the war can only be destroyed and re-distribution.
site interaction
of Governmental support to help market
Q: Switching to conditions, such as Yunnan Ethnic Minority regions do not have the conditions of exchange, how to get rich?
A: In the ethnic minority regions can have a market to do is to remove barriers to the exchange. first of all, do not hit the market, such as urban management and the management methods and ideas to be improved, Norway places; dirty, let him clean up is to go out to the city, to a large place, a place to have business opportunities.
Q: Now the country's wealth increases, some people are better off, with many acts show off their wealth, how do you view ?
A: I think the consumer is the most stupid show off the consumer, as it is for others consumption, not for themselves. enjoying life is for their own consumption. If it is to help others and consumption, it also Well, people can show off their wealth generated is called jealousy, and no good, useless to others.
best quotation
to enhance the value by trading, not by labor.
people more money for me not only benefits disadvantages.
not very equal distribution of wealth, which is the market's problems.

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