Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Competition on TV game hacking job

 Of Hangzhou people, and network-related events this week, Daohai lot. One is the West Lake swordfight.
Speaking Competition on the West Lake, the specific interpretation should : China's Internet economy of high-level leaders summit. It also has several years of the theme is year after year, although this year's theme swordfight, who discussed real problem is: how to make money. to the people is unusual, in addition to Ma, Baidu CEO Robin Li, Softbank president Masayoshi Son, TOM Group CEO Wang Lei Lei Internet business, Ctrip CEO Liang Jianzhang, Tencent CEO Ma, eBay president and Shao also waves, all of them are Dangdang ring, ringing mm I mean their net worth hh Ma said, why ask these people miles because unique areas, and good profitability, they represent the theme of this forum in China next wave of l r before November 3, you big brothers in the West Lake side done first time a small swordfight, declined all media interviews, during which estimated that some topics should not be made public. good at summing up the media exception is that in the official summit, an important information extraction : Asia's richest man, said Masayoshi Son, the Chinese Internet broadband to the next profit opportunity! to the next surge of money that can be are rushing to see you will make will not make a mm I'm sorry, I said this sentence is .
second network-related, is a movie, yes, that is, 5 January hacker III.11 10 pm, while the world premiere of the three hackers, Hangzhou, people love to roll fun, this is no exception No. .6 in the cinema next door to this day I snack shop to buy food, listening to two very melancholy tone of the clerk, said: nice. there is a survey on, said the hackers probably Qicheng three friends over the previous two This movie is a network for people who do not understand, there is a certain difficulty to understand, and can see that is special effects, scenes and Mourinho the big guys. even understand the network, the film also has its own understanding different, at least I see a different understanding of the Internet postings, but also very exciting. In general, how the peaceful coexistence of the human brain and computer, presumably in the future become a major problem. Now we look forward to the next wave, perhaps so one day we will be stunned or even beat this wave can be really hard to say. I think people can not rely too heavily on computers with Internet friends, but as hackers says, this is your choice mm it is really a philosophical piece !
Speaking of choices, each person will be faced with the choice to do after work or after school Diansha. more and more people are choosing online games, because the game can escape, although the game is now more and more like the real world , plug-in, Men, money makes leveling hh Today I went to the door a small bookstore to buy miracle cards, do not buy the point card, the boss asked me: plug-in cards or not? tut tut hh
stopped, and said back Last week, the one with the game is Nov. 6 news release of the Sony PSP handheld video game design model, is said to have quite a lot of people look forward to this game console. about the only game in July, said in the news , this model Sony and Nintendo intends to , capacity is also large .3, sound is good, also supports the MP3.4, wireless networks, online games can be .5, and may add phone functionality, mobile phone games combined. such a conclusion, I have a crush on them I do not know how much it sold? want to come will not be cheap.
Sony regard to the game with Nintendo Roubo, do not know because they feel other pressures, it intends to expand its sphere of influence .11 4 February, TCL French Thomson Group and the well-known multinational company (Thomson) announced that it would jointly build a global TV industry giant mm )

1 comment:

  1. The game is played, interestingly enough, from management’s perspective. The objective is to cut operating costs by finding redundancy in job functions and reducing your workforce accordingly.Game Hacking Forum
