Thursday, March 31, 2011

Six hours sleep for five minutes is equal to the method ( night owl must see )

 Stay up all night is normal, but often stay up late on the body will have a bad effect when I saw this article, reproduced over, perhaps often stays up late counterparts will help. -
- sleep tips -
According to medical and my experiences, observations, people really feel up to only two hours sleep, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow to dream, and no people do not dream. As he did not wake up that dream, it is because he forgot. -
two hours sleep a person is usually enough, why do people have to sleep seven or eight hours? that is what you stay in bed resting on the pillow lying habits, not so long that we need to sleep, in particular, people who do know martial arts meditation, eyes closed, really fell asleep at noon as long as three minutes, equivalent to two hours sleep, but be of good noon time. Will have to fall asleep at night is midnight, five minutes is equal to six hours. -
- for this time of learning but also big, with the laws of the universe, the Earth principle, the I Ching Yin and Yang of the reason a relationship, and you will feel, literally the heart following the existence of a power down, and pubic region (kidney on) the power of fusion, the so-called -
insomnia or so people who really want to stay up late at night, the time is midnight, even twenty minutes is also necessary to sleep, sleep must train yourself to sleep. -
After about half past twelve after being midnight, you will not sleepy, it is very bad. More seriously, to the dawn, four, five o'clock, five, six, when Mao Shi, You're sleepy sleepy sleep time if a day will faint head. -
so people who work want to work late at night, being midnight, even if things have to put down the big sleep it half an hour, to the Mao Shi want to sleep do not sleep enough the spirit of that day. -
But people have to survive the twelve insomnia, tossing and turning in bed, the results fell asleep almost dawn, to feel dizzy the next day afternoon, so you will feel insomnia, lack of sleep, in fact you have no experience.
- Sleep and Health -
a sleep rules -
the Warring States Period to the king of Qi Zhi Wen doctors, said: Dabu, who do not sleep a night, one hundred days is difficult to recover their losses.
late 21 to 5:00 for the effective sleep time. People are animals, and plants belong to the same organisms, during the day (5 am to 21 pm) activities to produce energy at night (21 pm to 5 am) to begin cell division, put energy into new cells, the body cells recuperate , get rid of the time, but also people with the Earth's rotation to the back side of the sun. Yinzhu Jing, is one of the auspicious day of sleep, this time to rest, will have good physical and mental state. This baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, and playful children feel the same reason dysplasia. -
sleep is a major function of health, care is to use a large number of healthy cells to replace the corruption of the cells, such as the night can not sleep on the exchange of new cells. If a million cells die during the day, one night just make it up half a million cells, then there will be deficit your body a long time, people on the chaff, like a radish-like chaff. Why are there centenarians? Because they are at 21 o'clock every night to sleep on time. -
- Plants absorb energy from the sun, night the growth of crops in the countryside at night so the ground could hear the sound of jointing. Belong to the same human and plant biology, cell division, about the same time period, missed the auspicious day to sleep at night, the newborn cells die far not keep up, people will prematurely aging or illness, people should go with the flow, it should follow the sun , that day I wake up wake up, day sleep I sleep. Were as small as dust before the sun, This is the objective truth. -
real life, many people have difficulty falling asleep, sleep problems is not high quality. Poor sleep is a comprehensive problem, such as excessive anger, sleep alert; excess stomach fire, restless sleep; liver and lack of sleep tired. -

- Second, sleep and disease -
- the habits and lifestyle of modern people's brought a lot of negative impact on the body to form the There is a feature of liver: lying is back to the blood, sitting outside the blood supply. -
midnight (23:00-1:00), in fact, 23:00 is the beginning of a new day, not the 0:00 start, which we made the wrong identification. Hepatobiliary phase table, each other one, 23 points gall bladder was opened, if it does not sleep, sap courage, the guts are based upon the eleven organs also, courage of a true, down the body organs function, metabolism, immune system have decreased , greatly reduce the human body, courage to support the central nervous system susceptible to a variety of injuries courage mental illness, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, agitation, psychosis. Midnight to replace the bile bile, gallbladder are rising who is not lying, bile adverse change, too thick and the crystallization of stone, a long time that have gallstones, if the gall to pick, and a pick on the timid, the body's immune system declined by 50% or more, we can not pick and use it the great potential of the system to dissipate it. -
Chou Shi liver most popular, Chou Shi (1:00-3:00), insomnia, toxic liver can not lift the thing off, resulting in fresh blood, the blood due to the adverse possession, leaving it blue, a long time susceptible to various types of liver disease, now Some human liver is not very good, particularly in Europe there is an average of 4 three positive or three positive person, mostly because of violation of the laws of nature do not sleep after a midnight caused. Better treatment of hepatitis, hepatitis B is very difficult to treat. Hepatitis B virus carriers often do not sleep because of night, are too weak, that order is too messy, the virus has reached the cells. That hepatitis B virus has reached the cell inside, but now it can not afford to cause hepatitis, when the body is most vulnerable when in the form as hepatitis, hepatitis B means that the future 40% - 60% of the cirrhosis. A wise man should know heaven, earth, human relationships between people are not smart people who should be eliminated. -
junk sleep bring much harm to the liver? -
- Liver dispersion, over midnight did not sleep, can cause adverse liver catharsis, liver qi stagnation, showing irritability, headache, dizziness, red eyes, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, Sternocostal pain, women irregular menstruation, constipation and may also cause less liver Sheng-fa, who will head tired Shenpi, waist and knees, dizziness, insomnia, palpitation, trance, weight will be collapsed in the street, unconscious. -
liver has possession of the blood, regulate the function of blood, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, also cause vomiting, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, gum bleeding, retinal bleeding, ear bleeding, like bleeding card. -
liver opens into the eyes, over midnight did not sleep, can lead to liver deficiency, the blurred vision, old flowers, night blindness, photophobia, Yingfengliulei, and other symptoms, but also the formation of glaucoma, cataract, retinal arteriosclerosis, retinal diseases and other eye diseases. -
liver Zhu Jin, the Chinese in the claw, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, appeared tendon pain, numbness, difficulty in flexion and extension, convulsions convulsions, could easily lead to nail fungus, calcium deficiency, chondromalacia patella, epilepsy, osteoporosis embolism. -
- liver and heart, over midnight did not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, the main one of the heart blood, liver has the function of blood storage and regulation, will result in insufficient blood supply to the heart, causing palpitation, and other symptoms Xinchan , a serious form of heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. -
liver and spleen, after midnight did not sleep, can cause disharmony of liver and, spleen and stomach to help digest the liver, spleen and stomach to help the liver can not digest Void, makes a bad stomach digestive function, manifested as tongue thick, long time will cause the gas collapse. -
liver and lung, do not sleep through midnight, unable to Yin and Yang, liver and loss, anger caused by excessive burning lungs, dry cough, or cough, expectoration of blood and other evidence of wood burning at the stake like gold, easily lead to psoriasis and other skin diseases. -
liver and kidney, do not sleep through midnight, liver deficiency lead to kidney deficiency, due to liver and kidney origin, likely to cause reproductive system diseases, infertility, bone disease, dental, hair loss, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases. -
- Third, the approach of sleep -
- traffic rules - you do not understand, easy to accidents. For example, 23 pm to 3 am to Zaichou, the bile the liver by the most active, liver and gallbladder to return to the blood, If you lie down every night around 22 o'clock, do not speak too quietly, to 23 o'clock, it fell asleep. Hepatobiliary started back to the blood, the blood filter out the toxic, resulting in fresh blood, to be a hundred and no gallstones, no hepatitis, a type of cystic disease. If you stay up until 1 am every day, the liver can not return blood, impossible to remove toxic blood, fresh blood if it can not, gallbladder and bile can not be changed, so these people prone to gallstones, cysts, three positive, three positive a variety of diseases. -
in Europe, an average of four people there is a hepatitis virus, which is called do not understand the rules. Best not to talk for half an hour before going to bed, sleep not to speak, like a talk, lung move, and then they move through the heart, (because the focus on heart and lung total) who are likely to enter the excited state, it is difficult to sleep. -
21:00-23:00 as Haishi. Haishi three Jiaojing Wang, triple burner through Lotus. Haishi sleep, Lotus Ru Yang Chieh-te, it was common characteristics of centenarians is 21:00 (Haishi) before sleep. To maintain the appearance of women Jiao long so it should be done early to bed early. -
bed to close the window, not the fans, not air conditioning, a lot of people are related to this illness, because people in sleep, blood circulation is slow, the temperature drops, the body will be formed on the surface layer of a yang, This makes it yang layer called Air conditioning, the fans, not the case, open the window, the window is taking the wind, the wind into the bar, if air conditioning, but also the wind, the wind into the bar, cold Such is Life, the morning, yellow body, face, hair yellow, stiff neck, the back piece of tendon, joint pain, and some even began to fever, which is the wind and the cold penetrated to the tendons and bones of the reason, which is gas hurt. If the window does not sleep at night, no air conditioning, not the fans, even the doors are closed, the best, if hot, the door opened, close the window, the effect is not quite right, but He must have the next day morning whole body fatigue, back stiffness. -
the living room air conditioner was opened, and the bedroom door open, and direct the air conditioning to sleep is about the same, open the air after the cold air into the bone, so the cold heart, heart in which heart In the brain, the brain is sea of ​​marrow, bone marrow, there are cold, cold heart to it certainly, and how to do, kidney yang, fill in the air, when the complement to the heart is not cold, and burning on the back, the cold and went out. -
- go to bed to try to go to bed early, sleep late, hurt Shaoyang of the gas, must be tired the next day unable to shut the window, no air conditioning, fans, protection yang. -
Hepatobiliary the next focus, if the stomach problems, he appears to sleep disturbed sleep, one is cold stomach, Stomach Yang if the person already in short supply too much to drink green tea, there will be Wei Han, Wei Han When people sleep well, or eating things with too much sediment, stomach faint for the cold, definitely sleep; -
then one is stomach heat, heat is going up, panting mouth are hot, like this situation could not sleep well; another one is the stomach, dry, dry mouth, stomach feel dry; -
the stomach and the other is thick, the smell of the taste, stomach thick, this case is thick and greasy food the taste of this, some people eat seafood, fish, eat chicken, tastes delicious, eat more, delicious not much use, these things in it to dilute it, do not dilute it, taste it in there too thick, so this is also not sleep well; -
Another abdominal distention, abdominal swelling was up, could not sleep, could not sleep over and over again; another one is Stomach Void, cold sweats, which also sleep well, these reasons are likely to form the stomach restless , stomach restless sleep well. -
warm sleeping limbs when the limbs to warm, as is the sun of the limbs, this we all know, limbs not warm, certainly kidney is less, should cover their hands and feet before going to bed to warm hands and feet and navel, behind The Gate of Life to be covered. -
- sleep method vary, here are three kinds of practices: -
1, a simple stretching before going to sleep, and then sit cross-legged on the bed natural, both hands placed on the legs overlap, natural breathing, feeling the body with the breathing pores of one of a, if tears yawn best, to want to sleep they fall asleep. -
2, supine, natural breathing, feeling like breathing spring, the first melting of the big toe, then the other toes, then feet, legs, thighs melted. If not yet awake, and then back to square one. -
3, fall asleep faster may right side, palm care right ear. Right palm for the fire, the ear is water, fire and water that is formed between the two economies, the formation of the kidneys in the body intersect. A long time, Yang Xin ney. -
sleep must get up early, even in winter, nor more than 6 get up, spring and summer before the fall as much as possible to get up at 5 o'clock, because the people in the yin shi (3 -5 points) when the lung get busy, enabling the lung anger to stretch to conform to the long yang Shu, to complete the metabolism, reduce aggregate of Su, the lung clearance, which helps Yangfeihuoxue and go with the sun rising trend of days the body yang, yang day, enough people Otherwise, if the engine, and have a good time this is difficult to mobilize the human body yang, yang deposition in the human lower body can not be started up by the Gate of rising air will form prostitution, serious damage to human health. -
- 5:00 to 7:00 is the human large intestine by the most busy time, the body metabolism of cloud properties need to be excreted at this time if you do not get up, the large intestine are not fully active, not very good to complete row of cloud function, so that things stay to form cloud toxins harmful to human blood and organs Bai Hai. 7:00 to 9:00 most popular human stomach, 9 am to 11 most popular human spleen, when the transportation of human digestion and absorption capacity of the best, if not then get up, a serious erosion of human gastric acid , the human body to absorb nutrients at the best time to get nutrition, long suffering from stomach diseases, resulting in malnutrition, in the gas collapse. So do not stay in bed, stay in bed can cause dizziness, tired feeling of lack of sleep, and when you should get up, history, many men are three or four o'clock in the habit of getting up, like Washington, Napoleon, Emperor Kangxi, Tseng Kuo-fan and so on. Another early can increase the effectiveness of the work, saying: -
Modern medicine has proved less stress on harmony were not susceptible to mental illness. Do not go out too early morning exercise, because the morning before the sun rises, the underpass of the Zhangzhou gas, sewage is going up (especially cities), the gas on the human body is a very serious injury. -
three major self-cultivation, a sleep, two facilities, three restaurants, the rest of living, clothing etc are secondary. -
three things in sleep first. However, no appetite, and those disturbed nights sleep, it is convenient to pass the second. No section of the diet, hunger and eat over who will be injured in the stomach, and nutrition diminishing. Sleep to soothe the nerves mainly based peace of mind of God to be with age, middle-aged up to seven to eight hours, sleep the expansion of intellectual envy faint dizziness, limb weakness, childhood will get enough sleep eight hours, or over nine hours not to hinder , the old or the patient up to six hours is enough. -
- sleep disorders can not be ignored warnings -
should be noted: -
- (a) sleep better sooner, not more than ten, the elderly in eight is positive, do not have nine. Where to pay eleven o'clock, when the sun, is a kidney, then insomnia, loss of renal water will, heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo-wang, the most easy to La Tortura. Do not sleep with sleeping pills to help. -
(b) calculation of the pillow should not think about future events, sleeping all the time should not think, breath and mix thoroughly, listen to their own gas, from thick and thin, the thin and fine and interest rates. See this body as nothing, or such as sugar into the water, come to naught, natural sleep. -
(c) If thought was not safe, do not Zhuance minds of the pillow, the most exhausting, can sit up a time to sleep. -
(d) If, at noon, to the point that eleven o'clock, when the shade, is a heart, at this time if they can not sleep, can sit for a quarter of an hour, eyes closed, the heart qi strong. Where heart disease Qieyi attention, daily attention to this two o'clock, the strength at high, no diarrhea or urinary frequency heart rate of the disease. -
(e) should be back from summer, winter should be starting late. Habitat should be cold northern air, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, to get up early in the disease anti-malaria Sam Rainsy. Do not sleep on his back after eating, get up early as three to five points in the yin shi, then avoid Yu Nu, the lung injury will damage the liver, Wan Wang attention. -

Web site designers will go to the Top Ten Chinese

 Design Online (news is definitely the industry's most timely )

2, Visual Chinese (new representative of the new web site designers , and some miscellaneous , speed is not fast)

3, cutting-edge design ( industrial design fellow will go to )

4, designer homes ( architecture and interior design Teachers must-see )

5, CI Asia Network ( the site itself not very good, but forum is very good, experts gathered )

6, V6DP ( Forum , the young designer's world )

7, ( gathered so many masters and their navigation )

8, Arting365 ( a private information and some good work )

9, the Taiwan Design Center ( understanding of Taiwan will go to the site design )

10, Yong (**** Academy teacher site, some information is worth reading )

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 See your name in ancient times in what capacity ?
to his name such as: If only the word , begins with If the three words , they start with
hyphenated name in the name of the 2nd take .

code below and remember to write the answer Oh, share your happiness Oh!

name :

a: Wei b: Wu c: Shu d: Tufan e: Qin f: Daikin g: Daming h: Clan j: Late : k Zhou l: Zhao m: Big Liao n: Tangut o: Great Song p: Zhongshan, q: Eastern r: Qiang s: out the country t: Qi w: Dali x: Ran Wei y: Southern Tang z: in the words of Mongolia

A: sinister b: extremely c: wretched d: e. wealthy idiot f: genius g: dog feces h: Invincible j: heroic : k a head l: Warriors m: eater n: abnormal o: dark p: Haemophilus q: Masterpieces r: pustules s: bloody hands t: ydw: Violence x: bad ghosts y: Rugged z: Happy

Results words :

a: priest b: Monk c: rich d: Butcher e: groom f: concubines g: soldier h: Swordsman j: Guardian : k farmer l: General m: coach n: scholar o: beggars p: Emperor q: Prime Minister r: dogleg s : Lady t: bandits w: pimp x: Poet y: courtesan z: Celebrity

What is your character in ancient times ?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Turn first the eight characteristics of a woman

 First, the quality of a large woman, a small woman big woman feeling
intelligent and decisive, competent and, little woman sweet, cute, innocent girl. There was a large woman of hidden potential, not her inability, but man is too good to excellent overwhelmed her, willing to do behind the wife. But once a man can not stand when a woman came forward when needed, and occasionally a manifested themselves, it will Chushoubufan until the men recover, she would give a man hiding behind the stage.

Second, the event clearly confused
tolerate the small man's small problems, a relaxed home for men, is never short of temper cooking salty, not dating angry a few minutes late, will not take a bath without feet, men do not go to bed really angry. Acutely aware of being a man of the behavior of career and family, and quietly to the nipped in the bud. Grocery shopping without a dime to the bargaining takes half an hour for one hour, but in such a generous buy a car on the decision making is always right.

Third, self-reliance
whether her husband how much money should they have settle down a woman's career, a separate source of income, self-confidence of female talent, self-confidence can really beautiful.

IV Things to gentle, but also as strong as steel
woman's tenderness is the man the best tonic of masculinity, tenderness of thousands of women are lofty man the match. But the blind would be too soft, gentle, in the face of difficulties, in the face of opponents to become an iron and steel, it can become a winner.

five children
like a woman who does not like children very difficult to have a tolerant compassionate mind. Children are the future, nurturing aspects of women in education the primary responsibility and be a good mother requires great patience, love is not enough, for lack of patience.

six, on the very hall, into the kitchen
thoughtful attention to access to be material, diplomatic etiquette decent, reasonable manner, courteous. Family dining in good order, the whole family living there diet quality and quantity.

seven, beauty, beauty
slovenly woman would be too rough, not too far from exquisite beauty of women, are hardly Lianxiangxiyu. Beautiful woman in the world of a landscape, so that my attitude to life is a feast for the eyes and an ability.

eight, has a romantic
not well versed in poetry and painting, at least to appreciate. Poetic in the hearts of women will never be uttered foul language of a bitch, it will not be unkempt Huanglian Po. Understand the artistic life, we would know the art of living. Marry such a woman does not want to being immune.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cool blog, gold gold knife -line knife _ _ chic gold blog

 To send flowers online bulletin
life is trade, there are homes have too, so sometimes need to cool the knife, decided fate choice. 
Do not repeat the add. thank you.
gold yesterday disk
recent visitors to continue to maintain a high and volatile due to geopolitical situation in the deterioration of crude oil soared a record high, gold Yang Xian affected but did not pull out another record high. yesterday, the highest price of gold hit 1,440.5, the lowest dropping 1,424.5 U.S. dollars / ounce, closing at 1,438.39, $ 16 day volatility. looks like gold has been looking strong in the face of crude oil, But prices did not get the support of trading volume, traders are not interested in high positions. I still insist on the original point of view, not blindly chasing the high, the current record high price of gold is in the vicinity of the embarrassing situation, subject to change disk diving. Today, the resistance of gold above the 1444 support the operation of 14,281,420 recommendations: more than a single approach around 1428, stop 1424, target 1440; 1440 top | Comments (0) |
launched yesterday the high volatility of gold a day to close out Yangxian Cross Star Yesterday crude oil and collective non-US currencies rose, the fundamentals is also good news for the upper hand, but that did not make a substantial move up the gold, but a form built on top of orientation, depth of the dip is probably this coming. Although the fundamentals the positive support the gold price, but to believe that the market is always leading the way, the market will digest all the fundamentals are irrelevant in the price shown. graphic form in front of you, you just based on your trading system to execute your trades without having to listen to some so-called experts to scare your shit. today support 14,151,402 above the pressure of the gold operation of the proposed 1435: 1430 top of the layout of the space, stop 1435, the goal of 1415, look under Powei 1402; | Comments (0) |
1424 opened yesterday, gold, high, opening to go, the greater the pressure above the maximum reach 1434, late show restraint, to close at 1427. at closing out of line with long lower shadow of the small Yang Xian, technically covering the tendency of the gap opened higher yesterday. fundamentals of multinational forces launched air strikes on Libya, continue to support gold prices, today's volatility may be amplified to high and volatile. gold has been since last Wednesday in a strong increase in the fundamentals so that all the way up to gold, but investors need to note that the rising price of gold has not been recognized by the public, trading volume is shrinking, this pattern is likely to rise in the last crazy, so real-time gold trader Powei must not blindly chasing up more than 1440 if today's price of gold on the top, perhaps the establishment of an excellent single test double top middle space the machine | Comments (0) |
ups and downs last week, described the price of gold, entered Monday show a weak order on Tuesday by the Japanese nuclear power plant accident in the global capital markets, the impact caused by panic, opening the rapid drop, the minimum fell to $ 1,380 / ounce, the highest 10 weeks biggest one-day drop since. After a strong rebound in gold prices began to and the successful stand on the five-week moving average above the line in the closing weeks of a long lower shadow with a bald head Yinxian. short-term price of gold will continue to be affected by the situation in East and North Africa, Japan nuclear leak crisis and post-disaster reconstruction and other issues of hard to further the callback, and the price of gold above 1430 A lot of resistance, the market is not new focus is difficult before the advent of a new high, gold may continue to occur this week, and then choose the direction of severe shock. today support 14,211,416 above the 1432 resistance 1438 | Comments (0) |
opened yesterday, gold fell to 1385, the shock rise, the highest hit 1,404.90, closing out the day with a long line under the shadow of small entities Yang Xian. yesterday I have already mentioned, is not blind to see empty , rebound imminent. long after the opening bell today, the rapid counterattack gold, up to 1411. The market is so when the market may not come to give you any preparation. jiacang ETF yesterday, today, the collective intervention in currency markets G7, all will bring the price of gold to be supported. but not so short to hand over the fruits of victory, technology into the surface of average system is still short order, today's bloody inevitable trend shocks mainly buy low, sell high throw. today support 14,001,393 above the resistance of gold 14,181,424 operating recommendations: more than a single approach around 1400, stop 1396, target 1418; | Comments (0) |

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Competition on TV game hacking job

 Of Hangzhou people, and network-related events this week, Daohai lot. One is the West Lake swordfight.
Speaking Competition on the West Lake, the specific interpretation should : China's Internet economy of high-level leaders summit. It also has several years of the theme is year after year, although this year's theme swordfight, who discussed real problem is: how to make money. to the people is unusual, in addition to Ma, Baidu CEO Robin Li, Softbank president Masayoshi Son, TOM Group CEO Wang Lei Lei Internet business, Ctrip CEO Liang Jianzhang, Tencent CEO Ma, eBay president and Shao also waves, all of them are Dangdang ring, ringing mm I mean their net worth hh Ma said, why ask these people miles because unique areas, and good profitability, they represent the theme of this forum in China next wave of l r before November 3, you big brothers in the West Lake side done first time a small swordfight, declined all media interviews, during which estimated that some topics should not be made public. good at summing up the media exception is that in the official summit, an important information extraction : Asia's richest man, said Masayoshi Son, the Chinese Internet broadband to the next profit opportunity! to the next surge of money that can be are rushing to see you will make will not make a mm I'm sorry, I said this sentence is .
second network-related, is a movie, yes, that is, 5 January hacker III.11 10 pm, while the world premiere of the three hackers, Hangzhou, people love to roll fun, this is no exception No. .6 in the cinema next door to this day I snack shop to buy food, listening to two very melancholy tone of the clerk, said: nice. there is a survey on, said the hackers probably Qicheng three friends over the previous two This movie is a network for people who do not understand, there is a certain difficulty to understand, and can see that is special effects, scenes and Mourinho the big guys. even understand the network, the film also has its own understanding different, at least I see a different understanding of the Internet postings, but also very exciting. In general, how the peaceful coexistence of the human brain and computer, presumably in the future become a major problem. Now we look forward to the next wave, perhaps so one day we will be stunned or even beat this wave can be really hard to say. I think people can not rely too heavily on computers with Internet friends, but as hackers says, this is your choice mm it is really a philosophical piece !
Speaking of choices, each person will be faced with the choice to do after work or after school Diansha. more and more people are choosing online games, because the game can escape, although the game is now more and more like the real world , plug-in, Men, money makes leveling hh Today I went to the door a small bookstore to buy miracle cards, do not buy the point card, the boss asked me: plug-in cards or not? tut tut hh
stopped, and said back Last week, the one with the game is Nov. 6 news release of the Sony PSP handheld video game design model, is said to have quite a lot of people look forward to this game console. about the only game in July, said in the news , this model Sony and Nintendo intends to , capacity is also large .3, sound is good, also supports the MP3.4, wireless networks, online games can be .5, and may add phone functionality, mobile phone games combined. such a conclusion, I have a crush on them I do not know how much it sold? want to come will not be cheap.
Sony regard to the game with Nintendo Roubo, do not know because they feel other pressures, it intends to expand its sphere of influence .11 4 February, TCL French Thomson Group and the well-known multinational company (Thomson) announced that it would jointly build a global TV industry giant mm )

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy not only wealth but also increase

Happy not only wealth but also increase the
have written: Zhou Dingbing
how to make the community prosper, Mr. Mao Yushi, in fact, the problem is not that complicated, in a word is: make the best use, best use.
How wealth is created? talent What are the conditions? August 4, this to Province Enterprise Federation / Entrepreneurs Association of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Publishing Group, Yunnan Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Association of Private and co-exclusive title Hongta Group, Yunnan Information Daily, Yunnan Province, Entrepreneurs Association of Professional Managers Association host, invited China first-class economists and entrepreneurs Gordon Tan talks to the forefront of China's economic wisdom delivered to Yunnan, to promote economic and social development of Yunnan. At present, Zhou Qi Ren, Sheng Hong, Dang Guoying, gold and other famous rock Economics home, as well as a famous entrepreneur Wang boarded the platform.
outside Kunming, Yunnan Province to make the economic circles of the city also received the opportunity to share the wisdom of the Chinese frontier, the forum at the appropriate time to go to the relevant City of Yunnan Tour say. s Seven speaking tour is the first time speaking, Dali Committee Propaganda Department of the lectures given special support.
all the money I was rich
Mao Yushi said, some people see other people money to come to air his , a hostile attitude towards the rich, this is a bad phenomenon. He believes that a society want to get rich, only one or two people rich is not possible to rely on rich people. He hoped that people will generally recognized that: people more money, and I am sure that good simple or the most complex work, such as in a restaurant Duan Panzi, such labor in the United States could get $ 1,500, or about RMB 1 million, also a one thousand yuan in Beijing, a difference of ten times, and even taking into account the purchasing power of the factors , less than ten times worse quality of life, about 3,4 times. Similarly, complicated labor, too, in China, a doctor, lawyer Ye Hao, holding less than the United States.
This is strange, why live to get the same return is the difference? The reason is simple, why the U.S. restaurant dishwasher to take more money, because people who eat more money in the United States, Therefore, he thought
how successful the whole community to get rich, Mr. Mao Yushi, in fact, the problem is not that complex, called the best use of a word, the best use. a society is able to rich, that is, these two points.
reform and opening up before Mao Yushi also went to the countryside for is not. When the engineer for three decades, of course, my engineer is not poor, there are many contributions, but 50 years old, I switched to the economy, the change goes bad? well, I'm an economist. you're good at doing. Second, to understand what society needs. because we work in the choice of the individual, society also choose our individual, this is a two-way choice, the only way to make the best use. He believes that successful people are to meet the social needs, and many unique talent of young people buried by the market, this can be regarded as the market problems, because society does not need a lot of valuable things, such as scientific research, social need, no one to give you money. This requires by the government to do these things.
the lowest asking price to sell to the highest bidder the right to make the best use
As for, the use of a lot of things, some waste, some make the best use, how to make it the best use of , do not waste it? Mao Yushi believes that the market economy is the best use of, what means the market to make the best use? he believes to be auctioned, for example, have a picture to sell, the reserve price 10,000, we bid, and finally sold the highest. In fact, all the goods are moving every day, all in the auction, but this auction is very special, both directions, The. to see it used in any place, enhance the value by the sale, not by labor. this relationship is too big, exchange and create wealth. a low-value commodity into a high-value, is the wealth creation process.
labor productivity products Mao Yushi said the exchange to create wealth
10 years ago, he went to Shanxi, to see so many coal in Shanxi, but local is still so poor. He gave local leaders had an idea: less production of coal, reducing yields. ? Do you dig too much, not worthless. We are not the produce, but to the production of money. such as food, we do not have to produce food, but to produce the money, what money to produce. the market economy The core of the most important here for profit and production companies mm. Of course business is to serve society, but it is by making money for social services, because companies do not know what social services can not know what society needs, it Where can only see where the money went to do. does not make money do not do, is there any exception? I think without exception, you must earn money in order to serve the community. that wealth is something that, for businessmen, people think they do not create wealth. In fact we are taking this path is clear proof that: create products of labor, exchange the creation of wealth.
market transactions need to equality and autonomy
Mao Yushi, August 4 at the day before the forum went to Sacred Temple and hawkers selling clothes also had value, he put this experience into the forum, he said the outcry stall 35, but not to sell The price of it, may 30,25 are sold, he must have a bottom limit. my people who buy things bottom limit to that 20 it. If he lower the cost of line, my high bid cost him, and that the business would make the. sale made, the vendors money to enter into the GDP statistics. He said that assumes that is the GDP. Who made the money? is two people doing business creation. equality and autonomy of the person, not under the control of people. Exchange Why create wealth? because both parties benefit, unlike gambling, roulette is not the money together to increase because of gambling.
he thought all these years Chinese people better off, but there are a lot of inequality, there is economic inequality, but more important is social inequality. between the community, there are many inequalities in status. We promote a harmonious society is right. more money is not the expense of others. happy to increase his own fortune to help others make a fortune, their own happiness to help others to be happy, enjoy life but also their own to help others enjoy life, I think this is the biggest goal of the whole society, not just the wealth of society increases, and increased happiness. significantly better off, the rich world is caused by 200 years, 200 years ago, around the world are poor, not industrialization. now prompted the exchange of advanced technology, scientific progress. Now over two years to update the computer updating, because the market for.
resources around the world mm grain, oil in the international market, procurement, economic integration in the international market before the allocation of resources by the world, is the war. Now the competition for resources less and less since the war, why? because there is a market there. Although the market is also defective, but it can eliminate war.
before World War II, he said, compared with, Japan is still not have the resources, but rely on the international market, it re-developed. our country now, as oil iron ore, many of which are imported. the international market has given us great help, we want to preserve the international market. If the war can only be destroyed and re-distribution.
site interaction
of Governmental support to help market
Q: Switching to conditions, such as Yunnan Ethnic Minority regions do not have the conditions of exchange, how to get rich?
A: In the ethnic minority regions can have a market to do is to remove barriers to the exchange. first of all, do not hit the market, such as urban management and the management methods and ideas to be improved, Norway places; dirty, let him clean up is to go out to the city, to a large place, a place to have business opportunities.
Q: Now the country's wealth increases, some people are better off, with many acts show off their wealth, how do you view ?
A: I think the consumer is the most stupid show off the consumer, as it is for others consumption, not for themselves. enjoying life is for their own consumption. If it is to help others and consumption, it also Well, people can show off their wealth generated is called jealousy, and no good, useless to others.
best quotation
to enhance the value by trading, not by labor.
people more money for me not only benefits disadvantages.
not very equal distribution of wealth, which is the market's problems.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Application of international tyrannical king who is a paper tiger

 Google has an accident, the last 4 months, an average of once a month when things .1 at the end of the accident, I wrote a prophetic article, shows a series of questions, The company began to introduce the cultural pride loopholes
Ebay has long been an accident. Now, the fight no longer and Taobao. The key is now also rare, and it Taobao fight.'re mad, do not you?
game I was hurt. In fact, the race I was in China Basically, not much sound, not out of things, not many people know.
AOL out of a thing, the last I heard was back in China, but made news on and no one breath. Is China's mountain retreat to practice?
There are many other.
Therefore, the Chinese people are proud of the Internet, they all took their positions, so that those outside of the Internet has become tyrannical paper tiger to defend its own The tactical flexibility, simple management and sea tactics to the local tyrants, the way sub-fields, the application gives the user a simple, convenient, cheap, enough so that users receive the benefits. This is the essence of the Battle of the Internet !
technological determinism that could have died! on the battlefield, advanced technology is the key, but in the community, advanced technology is how to get the people. Therefore, the U.S. can easily lay in Iraq, but Iraq can not be managed .
business is not always the size of the advanced technology, but rather the technology popularization and application of the largest audiences and the use of things like starting things. This reaction on the Internet the most clear, direct, more brutal.
the Internet, the most democratic thing, too, to support democracy in China's Internet companies!
the Internet who created these typical cases, it is worth to operators, IT and all Chinese enterprises to learn!
China Internet people, so that the interpretation of Chinese culture and experience a new perspective!
(text: Fang Li Yong)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Running out of Minsheng Bank

 2004 bank so confusing, Minsheng Bank H-share listed first start the process, due to be explosive, Shareholders re-assembly. rapid growth of the Minsheng Bank, the history can leave with a non-listed overseas, the interests of rights disputes, and embarked on standardized and mature development of the road.
9 22 morning, the Beijing cemetery, a dense mass The memory of people along the corridors of silence before the yard line, before the mourning hall, four in a row, accompanied by funeral music, order entry, bowed to the portrait goes on thin, genteel face goodbye.
8 days ago portrait of the old man, 91-year-old Jing Shuping, chairman of Minsheng Bank's first death.
mixed joy and sorrow. after a decade of planning Minsheng Bank, the second start of the H share offering plan by China Banking Regulatory Commission approval, and in August 18 submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange listing application.
2009 years, the Minsheng Bank, the destined to be a troubled .3 months, the largest shareholder, New Hope Group chairman Liu Yonghao after a lapse of three years back on board; August, two directors jointly launch an attack, questioning the Asia Standard mid-year report, Department of relevance without making loans to explain the problem; September, listed in Hong Kong re-start the occasion, ten years ago, a founding shareholder of Minsheng Bank sued again assembly; and after the death of the old, but also brought back a lot of people past hh
dusty hearts of many events, the impact of overseas listings is undoubtedly the most far-reaching. accomplishing a hundred years old hope, it was sadly lamented, it was cold contempt.
This initiated by the National Federation of Industry, China's first to invest in non-public enterprises as the mainstay, there are many well-known private enterprises Gangster infested private banks, was established more than ten years, never no lack of eye-catching story talks owned. In the rapid development of the industry-leading process, the shareholders game, property disputes, related loans, high-level infighting, when the time is now hidden.
market situation since the eve of a
the industry do not seem to Like the listing process so complicated and confusing .2004 Minsheng Bank, China Minsheng Bank H-share listed first start the process, due to be explosive, ; for the third quarter with the announcement, originally scheduled 22 public hearings in Hong Kong Minsheng Bank, or to postpone the hearing to 29 on Friday, initially expected in November can be listed in Hong Kong. , the Minsheng Bank also approved another press statement, phone call: Hong Kong Stock Exchange listing application the day before, Aug. 17, two directors, and Zhang Hongwei, Chen Minsheng Bank in the mid-year report 2009, voting, and cast a negative vote on the ground that Asia Standard holding the To verify clear Fook Holdings, Orient Home 7 companies or individuals. in which the association Asia Standard holding loans amounting to 1.056 billion yuan, accounting for all related party loans Minsheng Bank to 53%. The consolidation of this loan is associated with previous Grand Beijing German high property and property Beijing Ruihua 6.57 billion and 399 million two loans. connected transaction of the main changes, in the mid-year report does not explain, causing shareholders questioned.
for historical reasons, the Minsheng Bank has been there are important shareholders and related parties associated with loans. In 2003 and 2004, China Minsheng Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission has been strict requirements for rectification, Asia Standard system requires repaying loans associated .2006 nearly 3.0 billion, the fourth in Minsheng Bank Governor Wang Tong Ren Ren has been the world's first annual report, the main shareholder in Minsheng Bank in 2006 reached 4.238 billion yuan associated with loans. Among them, Asia Standard Holdings and its affiliates in 2006, the association Minsheng Bank loans up to 3.386 billion yuan, accounting for the proportion of loans related to 79.9%, accounting for Minsheng Bank 19.57% of net capital (end of 2006, Minsheng Bank net capital of about 17.3 billion). and in accordance with the relevant provisions of China Banking Regulatory Commission, this ratio should be strictly controlled in below 10%.
in the loans, the best quality Asia Standard are effective asset as collateral. legal system. having these thoughts is not surprising: I invested in the bank is my somewhat related loans, how can not. Then, slowly everyone is mature, aware that banks want to be industry to operate, we must regulate, to know how the industry the rules. self-evident, shareholder loans are also convenient.
for the shareholder loans, Minsheng Bank president Cai Lulun second set of the principle of rights, in addition, no other rights in the interest.
Minsheng Bank, Feng Lun, the attitude of the former shareholders is simple: do not care association is not associated with, and care about compliance irregularities.
his view, the association Minsheng Bank The reason why loans arouses concern is Dong Wenbiao interview has been contact, but was repeatedly delayed, the reasons given by public relations from the ;.
Dong Wenbiao dodge, as three years ago, the last re-election in the treatment of Minsheng Bank board of directors, Shuping from the board of directors want to retire because of illness. New Hope, Eastern Group, the Asia Standard Group, as well as between the three systems and the management of three Department of the balance of power between the face is broken. Yonghao in this game become the biggest losers.
fourth in the July 2006 board election, the rumors of the chairman of the board, as the largest shareholder of the Board Liu did not last not even go in, replacing Lu Zhiqiang Liu Asia Standard Group as vice chairman of Minsheng Bank.
accidental loss of board seats of Mr Liu Some strenuously .2007, by Minsheng Bank's private placement, Mr Liu rely on a solid financial resources to its nearly 10.5% of the total share capital. Lo Chi-keung of Asia Standard line subscription only 1.2 million shares, and Zhang Hongwei, Department of the East gave up due to financial constraints the allotment Option.
Asia Standard Group was also in November 2007 to January 2008 Minsheng Bank has sold a total of approximately 288 million shares, representing about 2% of the company's total shares, 4.5 billion cash. As of June 30, 2008, Asia Standard Group holds a stake of only 3.09% of Minsheng Bank, the tenth largest shareholders.
again served as vice chairman.
overtaken by events, Minsheng Bank directors, executive vice president of New Hope King Air in an interview with magazine, do not want to mention the years the competition has provoked much discussion control of things. In his view, shareholders come now, give each other a sense of security is very important, should not some of the things brought out before then, the otherwise embroiled in endless internal friction. he did that, Minsheng Bank shareholders have both the idea of another Power Therefore, the shareholders and the board of directors and corporate governance within the reach a certain equilibrium. He even praised the people's livelihood, thus the bank board, said he had experienced the most powerful board of directors.
Feng Lun is said: would like to drive fast, to comply with traffic rules to OK. the private interests of the shareholders out of power, and actively compete for the right to speak nothing wrong. in the program within the game is a good thing. time.
Past grievances
source at the press pursued the course of Minsheng Bank, called parent. to the National Federation, led to some positive in the initial preparation of the Minsheng Bank any to a very unpleasant female voice: . but its members are quite well known, Liu, Lo Chi-keung, Shi Yuzhu, etc., are all members of the organization. Taishan is not widely known to the outside world, it is important because of its not recorded, speak their minds, what to say. Group Federation Vice-President Hu Deping, also attended the meeting. Corey for president earlier in his hometown of Nanchang Zheng Yuewen have had the three credit unions, is in the trade, was entrusted to organize all this.
28 December the same year, Zheng organized and completed the establishment of a private bank to declare the relevant documents, the contents of special emphasis on authorities, then the material forwarded by Hu Deping Jing Shuping. is the end of the year, the National Federation of the newly elected President of Jing Shuping.
the story behind the well-known: In early 1994 the State Council Chinese New Year Gathering at the meeting, Jing Shuping the file submitted to the Vice Premier, Zhu Rongji, China's central bank governor, who personally instructed > two words. The original All-China Federation of Industry and Deputy Secretary-General, former first vice president of Minsheng Bank's Xieqiu Han recalled that the National Federation of ever thought of setting up a finance company, but the general end of 1993, just after President Federation by Shuping that called them home, give clear that to strive for the establishment of a joint-stock bank.
1994 年 1 12, the National Federation of Bamboo Garden Hotel in Beijing, Minsheng Bank held the formation meeting, set up a . Taishan will be responsible for raising 8 stock funds, health extension, Stone, Beijing, Shanghai, Kehai, accessible, giant, through P, Corey 8 members are the 8 shares subscribed capital; the National Federation of 4 members responsible for raising funds shares . It Xieqiu Han recalled, the actual start-up capital in place is 250 million, 10 companies subscribe.
the dateline for the July 1994 ; preparation of the Minsheng Bank, led by the Federation of Industry and co-sponsored by 10 private enterprises established the first private joint-stock banks in China. clearly, this member of the Mount investment company plans to build a 1 billion investment in China Minsheng Bank, the proportion of its 5% stake.
Special Building, May 6 In 1995, the State Council issued the letter (1995), No. 32, officially approved the establishment of Minsheng Bank. Secretary Chen Jing Zheng Yuewen deputy head of the new replacement. Chen Jing was appointed the new chief supervisor of Minsheng Bank. magazine interviewed every person familiar with both the year after founder, said in Minsheng Bank to seek to do so from the preparatory process, Zheng Yuewen first particularly active. However, when the He can control his affirmation, but later approved by the State Council, led by the Federation, he may feel that the administrative means too strong. When quite lost Zhengyue Wen choose to give up. Later, Zheng Hua Xia Bank shares had.
It Xieqiu Han speaking, to get set up approval, the Federation had convened on the second floor auditorium of the founder of Minsheng Bank will promote the mobilization, the current Dong Wenbiao, chairman of first appearance. attended the meeting, the Board formally joined the group in the preparation, Scitech Tower.
preparatory period, Scitech Tower received a lot of investors who come here. Xieqiu Han clear I remember the Mu Qizhong NEG materials are also holding a basket visited, said the value of their own piece of land in Manchuria and so many million. provides eligible shares is to have 3 years of enterprise profits, as well as foreign investment shall not exceed the sum of the net assets of the enterprise 50%.
Wantong Building a door, second floor. give money to him, and he sub-over shares. So he joined the 74.06 million yuan, there is a fraction. registration of the establishment of Minsheng Bank, the registered capital of 13.80 billion yuan. The total share capital of 138 million shares of 1 each. 59 founding shareholders, equity is extremely fragmented. According to the 1994 People's Bank of China issued Interim Provisions screening provisions, opening the door, there can be no preferential type of business. 8 preparatory funds to pay members of Tarzan, only Hangzhou General Electric Company and Asia Standard & Poor Group (former Mastery Group) end up in the name of the shareholder of Minsheng Bank, the list of 59 sponsors.
promoters in Taishan Qin, one of the leather seems that Tai Shan will be the When Kang said he had intended to subscribe for 1,000 shares of Billiton, but the higher authorities 502 private enterprises in leading investment funds that did not guarantee safety, did not approve the investment plan. In this regard, he has not already regret.
central bank preparation of approval issued forth, Minsheng Bank's president and vice president to be appointed by the Central Bank, chairman of the board appointed by the Federation. Taishan members, general manager Chen Qingzhen Kehai accept the dissatisfaction: We take the money, you have to decide, we have opinions. Later, when injected, many people (Taishan members) do not subscribe, and Corey, Lenovo, Kehai belong to this. Liu's interpretation of the correspondents did not specifically mention the reasons for this level, he just say: Source building suffered financial chain crisis, Shi Yuzhu also in trouble due to build giant buildings, but also gave up shares. in an exclusive interview, the history frankly, when he was actively involved in founding, but shares in the final funding needed, the giant building crisis broke out. However, in 2002, Feng Lun Shi Yuzhu from the hands of the transferee of the Minsheng Bank shares, Seems like, as Minsheng Bank's shareholders and directors.
According to Chen Qingzhen say, a few years later, Minsheng Bank to advance funds to organize 25 million investment However, no shares of the company and later returned the money to organize fees.
until the establishment of Minsheng Bank, the first president, have no doubt that the head fell Jing Shuping. In the captain's leadership, the people's livelihood Bank of the boat set sail. on board the ship were in fact under the mind Face.
who did not get tickets, not without regret. The people who got tickets in the future 13 years, is also not can have the last laugh all the way.
top game
the bottom of most of China in the market, kinds of system genes. hybrid system, the various collisions, conflicts occur more.
addition to those opportunities, but to give up shares of the entrepreneurs, the more people a stake in a private bank in droves. Ultimately, a founding shareholder of Minsheng Bank, the total number up to 59 the number of directors up to 19 people (including directors holding 12 people), and 8 people (including holding supervisors 7) as a supervisor. to say that commercial banks for the dispersed ownership that should be a good thing: the hands can prevent big shareholders get voting rights associated with improper loans, even as the bank decision-making efficiency. as the the annual general meeting voting delegate to the Federation of 30% (this particular policy was abolished on the eve of Minsheng Bank listed), on behalf of the exercise by the Jing Shuping. This orchestrated governance structure, to be Dong Wenbiao brilliantly summarized as follows: government of the people , state, party control. Today, the Board is the chairman and party secretary, who is also.
Minsheng Bank is defined ourselves that some genes, precisely this gene, resulting in the following years in the management of Minsheng Bank layer and higher level institutions, shareholders, and management between the Board and management had emerged within the complex interests and power game. Shuping always trying to compete in these deep-rooted in the balance, but also to maintain himself, absolute veto authority.
indisputable chairman, can pick out the many shareholders in a vice, is difficult. the Central United Front Work Department recommended candidates are Mr Liu. Liu was just where the thirteenth Hope Group major shareholders, the shareholders more money than he cast some. shareholders Seven eight languages, is not convinced. then United Front Work Department of the leaders of the directors said the word, nothing to fight, this is the private entrepreneurs, became the first member of the CPPCC National Committee, and in the same year was elected Vice-China Federation of Industry, politically reliable, enterprise-run was also good. Mr Liu was elected first vice chairman then do so.
Cai Lulun Mr Liu's assessment of the two words: sub.
not say that Mr Liu, the chairman of the board is not good even when Jing Shuping. Minsheng Bank, the largest concentration of early prominent internal contradictions, manifested in the loss and the chairman and president. IV 3 years for any president. have different views, is normal, but this is not a matter of principle. The key question is, who is in charge. Tong Zengyin, the Department of the People's Bank of China deputy governor from the position of transfer, only a year; second president of the People's Bank of China Cai Lulun from the position of president of Hunan Branch transfer, since July 28, 1997 to April 29, 2000 for a term of 2 years and 9 months. they were not next term of three years. Only the third president of Dong Wenbiao term of 6 years and was promoted to chairman of the board since 2006.
again Minsheng Bank to see the first management team, in addition to child Zengyin president, the vice president of the initial ranking is: Weisheng Hong (from the People's Bank of China), Dong Wenbiao (from Hai Tong Securities), Xieqiu Han (from the National Federation of ), Zhou Shaohua (from the State Commission). However, a few months later, Weisheng Hong Dong Wenbiao quietly with the reversed order. A person familiar with evasive manner, br> Informed sources have said that in the business issues, child and by a sense of differences, the departure of Beijing because of his livelihood in the establishment of property and livelihood safe and Shanghai Minsheng coins and other companies without timely notification to the board, and not to investment in Minsheng Bank shareholders equity during the preparations for the interest income generated 26.75 million yuan returned to shareholders. But Children also seem to these questions do not constitute a big threat.
In fact, shareholders, directors and management in Minsheng Bank was founded at the beginning of the year, largely at peace. not very concerned about, care is also no channel. is not open what will be, what to send a briefing. . directors found that disclosure of Minsheng Bank Annual Report 1996, only a little bit of profit (after tax net profit of 7.82 million yuan). year treasury bonds, earn a lot of buying and selling. But I do not know at the time to do Daoxing account for what the leadership thought, do not go the whole. the main reason?
reporter in the multi-interview that the real reason for leaving child was Minsheng Bank is an insider report anonymously, said that his interests and Minsheng Bank was 500 million in 1996 to pay less tax, there are violations. the person gave each of directors, supervisors distribute the relevant materials. Cai Lulun second term governor candidate; and instructions for the whistleblower who was Board of Supervisors made a public briefing.
was privately commented, He also wanted to stay on point Minsheng Bank funds for development. But the most important thing is not able to control the management to live. 30, secretly visited Beijing Tong Zengyin old leadership, would like to know he was about to walk into the bank, powerful, and they (the directors) of the things you have, basically did not say good, everyone should prick. But behind the scenes say that this old man can. out, had never seen such a posture. but I thought well, we must establish the concept of the Board, establish the concept of shareholders, which is, I have a painful process. beyond the operational level, which say which of the. Let Cai headache or body issues.
mix of organic, must be experts, politicians, entrepreneurs, bankers. a beginning, not the entire management of the core to form a governor-led. .
Cai Lulun come from the People's Bank of 1992,1993 of the losses caused by the financial turmoil, leaving the troubles fresh. After careful consideration, made shortly after taking office Cai that for you. The mechanism, they must build their own. that we were engaged in private banks that, like the internal constraints will automatically generate and encourage these things. but there system is not the same mechanism, I had this impression is too deep. ;
According to Cai recalls 80s of last century, he presided over the financial work in Hunan, when many people set up credit cooperatives, in fact, the embryonic form of private banks. , credit unions really refreshing way of doing business, such as they are proposed, from eight in the morning to the evening at eight, eight pairs of eight-business. gains and losses. This system should be very good, but not a few good urban credit cooperatives. It's problem is not to establish the appropriate mechanisms, in particular, do not establish a binding mechanism. urban credit cooperatives, I feel the organizers of the first world one. money, got a few to the world, but I want to give it to make a foundation, this foundation is the mechanism. told him,
He also led his unit to the China Merchants Bank, Shenyang Branch of the study. came back, put forward in the mechanism of the construction of four systems: First, the incentive of profit-centered system; Second, asset quality and safety for the Center internal control system; third, market-focused business organization system; four to customer-centered service system. Cai believes that now the greatest achievements of Minsheng Bank is the first system, the second system is also improved. Cailu Lun as Minsheng Bank to lay the foundation really is obvious.
introduced to the profit incentive system for the center is formed at the time, the core is > However, the Minsheng Bank's costs have been high, the primacy in the same industry. to reduce costs not only of concern to Tsai, and Dong Wenbiao partner or even fourth term of office, Governor Wang Tong world's most persistent pursuit of the goal. < br> 1999 year-end, total assets of Minsheng Bank 36.39 billion yuan, Tsai took office more than 7 at the end of 1997 and an additional 240 billion yuan, up 194%, while growth in deposits and loans were 353% and profit up 445% year 1999 an increase of 47%. However, Minsheng Bank gradually in stable and mature development path, the CAI was out. the surface because there are several single-Minsheng Bank billion investment on the Board is not informed in time.
Cai Lulun and his predecessor, not immune to the personnel disputes.
Since 1998, he said, shareholders have high expectations of the market, but not the same as Tsai's view, he thought mainly to improve the livelihood of the people listed banks quality, must work to create the conditions not be so anxious. not to declare the. Tsai was 60 years old, the 80-year-old Cai felt between the two mm International Finance Corporation (IFC), Cai This is the Minsheng Bank to set something before, the old original is also very positive. until the IFC sent a large delegation came when, after throwing the old one was Doutou cold water. Later, IFC bought from the hands of the people's livelihood options Zhang Hongwei, this is what happened after the listing.
many differences and so forth. ... to their relationship completely

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finance and investment, but also good fake to things

 Recalling the recent financial market developments, we are pleased to see that as people of wealth accumulation and understanding of financial concepts, and a variety of financial planners introduction of certification system, financial management has become an integral part of daily life of ordinary people a important part.
current investors a scientific and rational financial planning to achieve the family's financial freedom, an effective bulwark against the erosion of inflation on wealth. You can also say that financial management has become the most popular in this century and the most popular fashion One of the topics. While China's financial market is still some discord, but good news is that after several years of development, in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities there have been constant as the development of financial management and a number of excellent third-party finance companies.
financial management is a more scientific, systematic, professional and practical subjects, in real life, there is a minority investor in a very busy work and life circumstances, the avid hold on finance and investment with great enthusiasm is not recognized and appreciated. Why do you say? technology of the Internet information age, more and more detailed division of labor and specialization, coupled with the limited energy of every individual of each individual to master all the professional knowledge is no different from idiot to dream. As the saying goes: even if the whole body is an iron, but also can play a few nails? In fact, thousands of years ago in the Tang Dynasty writer, philosopher, Han Yu has a brilliant exposition on this industry specializing in case only, ;? I think the main aspects to do the following work:
First, use the a lot of good experience, like Buffett, investment guru George Soros and other successful investment philosophy and thought is was their after years of success and failure come to winning formula. the world is not a shortcut to success, success is only favored Those efforts to explore, the courage to delve into people, only good at studying the investment experience and investment skills of our ancestors, will be able to digest most of the knowledge, and transform them for their wealth, when we learn from the successful experience of the master, while reflecting on their own path through the ups and downs, just like standing on the shoulders of giants, we will succeed more confidence! do not read the classic, hard to National Cheng Kung wisdom. Buffett's courage, Graham's thinking, is aggressive Soros we need to learn and grasp of ordinary investors. They obviously allows us to take many detours less investment; of course is that we first need to professional third-party financial institutions. With the quickening pace of modern life, urban crowd busy, no time to financial management, a more realistic and feasible way is to investors to be , accurately, and a professional team, backed up channels to spread individual risks. through professional financial institutions to third-party rational allocation of assets, in the case of controllable risk to maximize earnings.
The third is to take the initiative. ; under the guise of collection of expert financial advantage of financial investment instruments, is nothing short of lack of investment skills and no time to take care of their own assets fantasy, indifferent, when the walk away treasurer, is our itself also needs timely attention to changes in the financial markets, fiscal adjustment targets, timing, and irregular financial planner with professional expertise, for their own investment activities and concerns of the moderate adjustment.
All in all, financial market investment , is a highly intellectual game of the competition, which covered a dangerous whirlpool and reefs, where many investors are difficult to touch a real doorway. good flexibility, accumulation, or the accumulation of personal experience, etc., will benefit you.
show constant financial Liu Kuili